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第9話 雪夜さんと秋

夏も終わり秋、落ち葉で焼き芋中 雪夜 「主……もう芋はよい頃合でしょうか……もう少しですか」 雪夜 「夏が終わり……涼しくなって参りましたね……こうしてまともに外へ出歩けるようになりよかったです」 主人公「ほんとそうだねー」 雪夜 「ふふ……主は水着姿の私が見られなくなり残念なのではないですか?」 主人公「冗談言うなんて変わったね雪夜さん」 雪夜 「はい、冗談です(笑顔)……くす、変わりました?そうですね。主のおかげで以前より笑うことが多くなりました……主と一緒にいると心がいつも温かい……この落ち葉を集めた焚き火や囲炉裏のように……主、もうよいですか?」 主人公「いいかな」 雪夜 「はい……どれどれ……おぉ、よく焼けておりますね主……食べてよいですか?……はい、それではいただきます……はぁ、甘くほくほくして美味しいですね……(しばし食べる)」 主人公「雪夜さんは食欲の秋なのかな」 雪夜 「はむ……食欲の秋ですか……ほう、秋は何か目標を持って望むことが流儀なのですか……しかし主、私はいつでも食欲は旺盛です!……ごはんならいくらでも食べられますので違うものがよいかと……もう一つよいですか?……ありがとうございます……はむ」 雪夜 「(食べながら)……小さい(ボソ)……ふーむ、どうせならば主のお役に立つようなものがよいですね……え、私のやってみたかったことでよいのですか……極めてみたいことでもよろしいでしょうか……あ……もうなくなってしまいました」 雪夜 「もう一つよいのですか……嬉しいです……大きい(嬉しそう)……はむはむ……はい、兼ねてから技を磨いてみたいと思ったものがあります……はい、床技です……あれは存外に奥深く、主にもお喜びいただけます……ふむ、良い案ですね」 雪夜 「主、何を焦っておられるのですか?……あ、もう芋が……全て食べてしまいました……主の分がありません……申し訳ありません……つい」 雪夜 「かくなるうえは今宵主をご満足させ挽回致します……ふふ、主には性欲の秋ですね」?

Scene 9 Yukiya-san and Autumn

NOTE: This was ran through google translate first and then manually edited. Will not be 100% grammatically correct. Hopefully, you can get the rough story through this. - Dante Summer is over, it's autumn. Whilst the leaves are falling, you are roasting sweet potatoes Yukiya "My lord... Are the sweet potatoes cooked properly yet... Just a little while more?" Yukiya "Summer is over ... It’s been getting cooler ... It’s good that I am able to go outside again" The protagonist "It really is so" Yukiya "Fuh ... Isn't it a pity that you can’t see me in the bathing suit again?" The protagonist "Yukiya-san making a joke like this is quite different " Yukiya "Yes, I'm joking (smiles) ... Hehe, I’ve changed? Yes. Thanks to my lord, I laugh more often than before... My heart is always warm when I am with my lord ... Much like these fallen leaves gathered around the bonfire and the hearth ... my lord, Are they done? " The protagonist "Seems good" Yukiya "Yes ... which one ... Wow, they have cooked... my lord ... Is it okay to eat it? ... yes, then thanks for the food ... hum, it is warm and soft, it is delicious ... (she eats for a while ) The protagonist "Yukiya-san have you heard that autumn is the best season for eating" Yukiya "Ham ........ autumn is the best season for eating? ... Is the style of Autumn to want a goal? ...... But my lord, I always had a good appetite! ...I always eat as much as I like so why is it different? ... I can have another one? ... thank you ... hum, " Yukiya "(while eating) ...... this one’s small (murmurs) ... Hmm, if I had to find something to do, I’d want to assist my lord ... eh, is it something I want to do? ...... Is it for something I really want? ...... Ah ... I already finished it. " Yukiya "Is it okay to have another one? ... I'm glad ... it’s big (she looks happy) ... Hum ... Yes, I think I have some things that I wanted to try to improve my skills from previously... Yes, my skills in bed ... ... it is deeply profound and it seems to please my lord... Hmm, this is a good idea. " Yukiya: "my lord, what are you in a fluster? ... Oh, I've already eaten everything... There is no portion left for my lord ... I'm very sorry, I didn’t notice." Yukiya "Since it has come to this, I must return this favour by making my lord very satisfied... Fufu, I guess it will be an Autumn of sexual desires for my lord.”

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