Works with sailor uniform

Uniforms that are historically used by sailors. Use this tag when the uniform in the picture is not associated with schools (since many school uniforms in Japan are inspired by sailor uniforms) as in Sailor Moon, and/or is being used by known sailors like Murasa Minamitsu.

RJ Code Title English Title Circle CV Tags SFW


【耳かき・吐息】ねこぐらし。異世界転生篇〜播磨(はりま)ゆい〜【CV:東山奈央】 N/A CANDY VOICE 東山奈央 breathing, ear cleaning, healing, moe, monster girl, sailor uniform Yes


幼馴染と真夏の恋。 N/A みくる本舗 N/A bathing, binaural audio, broken link, childhood friend, ear licking, kissing, lovey-dovey, pure love, sailor uniform, verbal abuse Yes


おとなしい妹の膝枕耳かきASMR N/A usaNote / usaNote N/A ear cleaning, imouto, sailor uniform, twin tail, vtuber Yes


【37時間の癒しASMR】癒し部 コンプリートパック N/A RaRo 中上育実, 五十嵐夕夏, 千代絢子, 楠ろあ, 橘あさひ, 永井真衣, 藍原ことみ, 藤井アユ美, 遠矢るい, 青木瑠璃子, 馬渕恭子 ear cleaning, healing, moe, sailor uniform, school, uniform Yes


君の声をもう一度 N/A 癒しの森の家 Korisu, こりす ear cleaning, emotional, junior and senior students, lovey-dovey, sailor uniform Yes


『君と一緒なら…』-環境ヒーリング音声- 癒し 安眠 波音 バイノーラル CV秋野かえで N/A RAIMULIGHT(ライムライト) Akino Kaede, 涼花みなせ, 秋野かえで bokukko, ear cleaning, healing, sailor uniform, wholesome Yes


ハッピーバレンタイン!鶏子からのチョコいる?【バイノーラル】 N/A trkdy 鶏子 heartwarming, outdoor, sailor uniform Yes


ふわふわな妹に耳と心を癒してもらう夏休み 全年齢向けver Fluffy Younger Sister Heals Your Ears and Heart During Summer Break - All Ages Ver. 甘とろ屋 Kulumu Flan, 来夢ふらん ear cleaning, healing, imouto, knee socks, sailor uniform Yes


い・い・な・り Compliance HELLCircus / HELLCircus Hoshibana Mizuki, 星花美月 abuse, blindfold, candy licking, kissing, long hair, sailor uniform, school, seduction, student, tsundere Yes


水兵さんに癒されませんか? ~いやし部隊がご奉仕します~ Will not you be healed by the sailor? ~ The healing unit will serve ~ 彼岸花と無口少女。 / Amaryllis girl Aitsuki Nakuru, Yume, Yuzuki Momoka, 柚木桃香, 柚萌, 藍月なくる ear blowing, ear cleaning, healing, heartwarming, lovey-dovey, moe, sailor uniform, uniform Yes


二人きりの駅で GirlSide Alone Together at the Train Station HELLCircus / HELLCircus TRUMP(トランプ) childhood friend, ear cleaning, healing, sailor uniform Yes


【耳かき・癒やし】後輩と秘密の放課後 -萌え音声-【ハイレゾ96Hz・24bit】 [Ear Cleaning] [Healing] Secret Afternoon With Kouhai -Moe Voice- 雷夢 / lime Yuki Usagi, 結姫うさぎ ear cleaning, healing, kouhai, moe, rain noise, sailor uniform, sleeping sounds Yes


ようこそ!咀嚼音同好会へ Welcome! To Chew Society もふもふ王国 N/A healing, junior and senior students, ponytail, sailor uniform Yes


ミミカノ vol4 寧々バイノーラル美少女耳かき添い寝シリーズ・スタジオ収録】 Mimikano Vol.4 Nene ristorante Saibara Arisu, 西原ありす ear cleaning, healing, imouto, lovey-dovey, moe, sailor uniform Yes


睡眠妨害幽霊美咲ちゃん The Sleep Disrupting Spirit of Misaki-chan 三歩下がって歩く日々 / Walking Backward Daily Uzuki Anna, 卯月杏奈 brunette hair, ghost, long hair, moe, sailor uniform Yes
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