Works by 音ノ葉クリエイト

RJ Code Title English Title CV Tags SFW


Love Flirt 〜キミと最初のイヴの夜〜 Love Flirt ~My first Christmas Eve with you~ Numata Tomomi, 沼田有未 binaural audio, broken link, christmas, ear cleaning, healing, lovers, pure love No


癒し処音姫庵~静かな海の夢の中で~ N/A くさのまい binaural audio, ear cleaning, fireworks, healing, heartbeat, hypnosis, lotion, massage, mp3 only, oil massage, reading aloud, sleep aid, sleeping sounds, water sounds Yes


ASMRだよ♪全員しゅーごー!!~カノンのお料理編~ N/A N/A binaural audio, ear cleaning Yes


癒し処音姫庵 〜静かな森の夢の中で〜 N/A くさのまい binaural audio, ear cleaning, healing, hypnosis, insect noises, lovey-dovey, mp3 only, sleep aid, sleeping sounds, water sounds Yes


甘々だぶるお姉さん!~私たちが教えてあげる~ Sweet double onee-san! ~ We will tell you ~ Numata Tomomi, 沼田有未 binaural audio, ear cleaning, harem, healing, lovey-dovey, mp3 only, oneesan, short hair Yes


しちゅこれ!~音ノ葉バリューパックvol.1~ N/A Hinata Yuzumi, Minase Machi, Numata Tomomi, 日向柚蜜, 水瀬真知, 沼田有未 anthology, childhood friend, ear cleaning, healing, imouto, mp3 only, senpai No


恋するひとつ軒の下「見習いエクソシスト純夏編」 N/A Minase Machi, 水瀬真知 ear cleaning, healing, heartwarming, lovers, lovey-dovey Yes


恋するひとつ軒の下「魔法少女プリシラ編」 Love Under The Roof "Magical Girl Priscilla" Hinata Yuzumi, 日向柚蜜 bokukko, ear cleaning, healing, imouto, lovers, lovey-dovey, magical girl, moe Yes


ムギュっと咲樂子さん!恋するひとつ軒の下 N/A Numata Tomomi, 沼田有未 ear cleaning, ghost, lovey-dovey Yes


恋するひとつ軒の下「幽霊お姉さん咲樂子編」 N/A Numata Tomomi, 沼田有未 binaural audio, ear cleaning, ghost, healing, lovers, lovey-dovey, reading aloud, sleep aid, youkai Yes
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