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寸止めパート ノーマル

じゃあ、しこしこはじめようね? お兄ちゃんは耐えられるかなー? にひひひ、耐えられないくらいすごいのしてあげるからね? ほら、寸止めオナニーの始まりだよ?変態さん(ささやき声) 10 9 8 ほらほら、カウントが始まったよ? しこしこ頑張ってね? お待ちかねのオナニーだよ? 思う存分味わっていいよ 7 6 5 あーあー、どんどん射精に向かっちゃうね でも、それは当たり前 だってカウントがどんどん0に近づいていってるんだから 4 3 2 出る出る? でも、わかってるんだよね? 1 このあとどうなるのか、にひひひひ おあずけ にひひ、お兄ちゃん、ちゃんと言いつけを守ってるね その調子だよ? このまま、ユリが飽きるまでカウント責め にひひひ 飽きたら、もうお兄ちゃんと遊んであげないよー? それがいやなら頑張ってみっともない姿見せてね? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 おあずけ にひひ、なにー?その顔 いきたいの? そうなんだ ユリの命令に逆らって射精したい? 寸止めお願いしたの、お兄ちゃんだよね?あまえないで はい、ちょっと早めにいくね 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (早め) ストップ ねぇ、お兄ちゃん、おちんちんびくびくしてるよ? ちょっと早くしただけでおもらししそうになったりしてないよね? ま・さ・か、お漏らしとかしないよね? 命令無視してお漏らししそうになっちゃってる、なんてことないよね? 年下の女の子にここまで言われて射精したらサイテーだよ? わかってる? はい、カウントいくよ じっくり焦らしながらね 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (ゆっくり) やーめ ねっとりカウントされると切なくてキュンキュンする? いいよ?好きなだけして 見てて面白いし、にひひ おちんちん、どんな状態? カウパーでぐじゅぐじゅ? ねぇねぇ?にひひ、おもしろーい じゃあ、もっとぐじゅぐじゅになるまで遊ばせてね? じゃあ、またカウント 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 にひひ、もう一回 3 2 1 まだ、あ・そ・ば・せ・て? 3 2 1 (ゆっくり) 三回も射精寸前に近づいけて幸せだねー? このまま射精したい? だぁめ ストップ ねぇ、お兄ちゃん、そのおちんちん、できそこないなのー? だって、おちんちんって精子出すものなんだよね? なのに全然でないんだもん にひひひ、やーい出来損ないー 女の子にだめって言われると射精できない残念おちんちん 使い道なんてどうせないんだよね? でも、ユリのおもちゃになれてよかったね? 10 9 8  しーこ しーこ 7 6 5  しこ しこ しこ 4 3 2  しこしこしこしこしこしこ 1 お・あ・ず・け 寸止めオナニー、楽しんでる? おちんちん何度も射精ギリギリまで追い詰めて残酷なおあずけー どうかなー? カウントダウン、癖になっちゃうかなー? にひひひひ、これがないと生きていけなくなるまで調教してあげるからね もしそうなったらユリが飼ってあげるから 安心してね? おもちゃとしてだけど にひひひひ、男の人としては見てあげないよ? 当たり前だよね? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(ねっとり) ストップ にっひ、もうおちんちん、大変なことになってるね 寸止め地獄で涙ぽろぽろ 精子出ない代わりに涙流して許してくださいってお願いしてる お兄ちゃんは泣かされるの大好きなんだー? (ここからボソッと) ホントにマゾって情けないよね?ねぇ、こんなのが楽しいの?バカみたい ほら、カウントしてあげるから マゾの快楽をむさぼっていいよ? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 何?出るの? 出させてあげるわけないよね? やめ (ここまで) シコシコの勢い落ちてないよね? おちんちんが寸止めでいきやすくなってるからって手加減はだめ 本気でオナニーしてよ お兄ちゃん、オナニー大好きだよね? ユリがお兄ちゃんの大好きなオナニーしていいよ?って言ってるんだよ? なら、しないと でしょ? はい、いくよ? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 おあずけ にひひひ、お兄ちゃんオナニー上手だよねー シコシコ、シコシコって自分の弱いところいじめちゃってるんだもん すごいなー ユリ、憧れちゃうなー でも、それってなんの役に立つの? そうやってオナニーばかりやってるんだから、勿論何かのためにやってるんだよね? そうじゃなきゃ、こんな無駄なことしないよね? 射精したいならセックスすればいいだもんね (ここから半笑い) ねぇ、どうして?ねぇねぇ、ユリ分かんないから教えて、にひひひひ 答えられないんだー いいよ?最初から答えなんて期待して無かったから 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 ほらほら、今は3の状態だよー? にひひ、この数字で止められるのきもちいいよねー? このままにしてあげよっか? にひひ、こんなの絶対おもらししちゃうよねー? 3 3 3 にひひ 2 1 あー出ちゃう?出ちゃう? じゃあ、おあずけ (ここまで) どうしたのー? そろそろお漏らし近いの? ユリ、そんなの認めないから (ここから少し怒りながら) ユリがダメって言ったらダメに決まってるよね? お兄ちゃんのおちんちんがどうなろうがユリには関係ないから 黙ってダメ汁ぐつぐつにして我慢して どうせそのお汁使い道ないんだよね? それをユリがお遊びに使ってあげるって言ってるんだから感謝してよ わかったら、ほらシコシコ ユリにありがとうございますって感謝しながら カウント開始 10 9 8 7 6 5 怒られながらしこしこいいんだー? 4 女の子に叱られるの好き? バカみたいだよ? もっとせめてあげよっか? 3 2 1 手を止めなさい (ここまで) にひひひ、そうそう そうやって命令に従っていい子にしてたらいいんだから オナニーできるのはユリのおかげ 寸止めで頭おかしくなってるのもユリのおかげ 全部ユリのおかげ ほら、ユリ様ありがとうございますって言ってみようね? ユリ様ありがとうございます ほら にひひひひひひ、感謝されちゃった ユリが何してるのか忘れちゃったのかなー? 寸止めオナニーの強制だよー? それでありがとうございますなんて恥ずかしいこと言っちゃうんだ あーあ、恥ずかしい恥ずかしい でも、感謝されたんだし もっと寸止めで地獄見せてあげるね? ホントはもう射精させてあげるつもりだったんだけどなー 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ・・・出しちゃだめ、ストップ ほらほら、お兄ちゃんが望んだ寸止めだよー? もっと嬉しそうにしないと にひひひ、まだまだしてあげるから 寸止め、寸止め、まだ寸止め 射精を徹底的に禁止してお兄ちゃんのこと壊してあげる 嬉しいよね? 嬉しいでしょ? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 あー、なんかお兄ちゃん苦しそうだね 射精しそうで危ないのー? にひ、ユリ知ってる でも、もっとやばくできるのも知ってる お兄ちゃんが限界って言ってもまだいけるんだよね? だいたい、危ないって思っていられるうちはまだやばくないの もっとお兄ちゃんのこと仕込んであげる 1 1 1 にひひ 1 お待ちかねの、ストップ にひひひひ、地獄だねー たっぷりユリにいじめられてね?お兄ちゃん 射精しか考えられないバカになるまでユリが手伝ってあげるからねー? そんな惨めな姿になりたいでしょー? そうしたら、ユリもっと遊んであげる よかったねー 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(だんだんとゆっくり) おあずけ ねっとり、数をゆっくりにされるのたまらないよねー? 射精寸前までじわじわ締め上げるの ゆっくりにしてあげてるんだから、だめだめ汁おもらしとかありえないよね? もしそれを何度も繰り返されても、ね? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(だんだんともっとゆっくりに) おあずけ 焦らされるのいいよね? これたくさん繰り返してあげる 容赦なく、ね? 言っとくけど、まだまだ寸止めオナニーは終わらせないから まだ始まったばっかりだよ? そう、始まったばっかり 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(だんだんともっともっとゆっくり) お・あ・ず・け (ここから棒読み) にひひひひ、寸止めオナニーすごいねー? おちんちんもう何度も何度も射精に向かわされて苦しいねー? 無意味に射精寸前まで連れてかれるの危ないねー? (ここまで) でぇも、これから先もずっと続けられちゃうんだよー? 暴発しないように頑張って? 10 9 8 7 6 5 ねぇ、もう射精したい? 金玉もうぱんぱん 何度も射精が近づいて暴発しちゃいそう? ふーん、じゃあお願いしてみればー? 4 3 2 ユリ様、射精させてくださいって ほぉら にっひ、かっこわるーい あっという間に降参なんて恥ずかしいことなんだよ? そんな恥知らずのお兄ちゃんにはお仕置きが必要だねー 1 射精寸前地獄続行決定 にひひひひ、これだからマゾをからかうとおもしろいの バカみたいに食いついてくるから、にひひ ほらほら、お仕置きなんだから1で我慢 ユリのお仕置き、喜んで受けられるよね? 1 1 1 1 1 にひひひひひ、ホントに出しちゃうかも じゃあ、やめ お兄ちゃんがもっと寸止めでひどい目にあわされるように今回はしこしこやめさせてあげたんだよ? にひひひ、逃げられないね? はい、また寸止め再開 10 おちんちんしこしこ 9 金玉きゅんきゅん 8 つま先ぴーん 7 おめめうるうる 6 吐息ハァハァ 5 にひひ、そこからの急降下 4 3 2 1(はやめ) ストップ もう完全にユリのおもちゃだね? お兄ちゃんはユリのいいなり だって、それユリのおもちゃだもん 好き勝手に使ってもいいんだよね? いいに決まってる そうでしょ? じゃあ、新しい遊び方しよっかなー (ここからささやき声、カウントは耳舐めしながら) にひひ、こうやってお兄ちゃんのすぐ近くで・・・ ふぅうう にひひ 耳、責めながら追い込んであげる (耳舐め10秒) 10 9 8 (耳舐め8秒) これされるとお兄ちゃんは興奮する だって、これで勃起させられたんだから 7 6 5 (耳舐め6秒) 思い出して? 惨めにおちんちん支えながら、ユリに勃起させられたこと あれ、情けなかったよねー? 4 3 2  (耳舐め5秒) ユリ、全部見てたんだよ? おちんちんがむくむくおっきくなってお汁が溢れてきてたの 1 (耳舐め3秒) はい、そこまで にひひひ、これ危ないでしょ? 快楽にヨワヨワなお兄ちゃんは耳元でこんな音鳴らされるともう限界 じゃあ、今度は反対側 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(カウントの間に耳舐めを3秒ずつ) ストップ にひひ、交互に責めてあげるからね? あ、せっかくだし連続でいってみよっか? 休憩を取る暇もなく何度も耳舐めカウント きっと脳みそまでとろとろになっちゃうと思うけど ユリには関係ないよね? じゃあ、地獄のノンストップでいくからねー? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(カウントの間に耳舐めを3秒ずつ) ストップ はい、反対側 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(カウントの間に耳舐めを3秒ずつ) ストップ まだやめない 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(カウントの間に耳舐めを5秒ずつ) ストップ にひひ、バカのトロトロ、まだかなー? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(カウントの間に耳舐めを5秒ずつ) ストップ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(カウントの間に耳舐めを7秒ずつ) ストップ だんだん、カウントとカウントの間が長くなってく 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(カウントの間に耳舐めを7秒ずつ) ストップ しごく時間が増えて限界がせり上がってくる 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(カウントの間に耳舐めを10秒ずつ) ストップ にひひひひ、危ないねー?危ないねー? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(カウントの間に耳舐めを10秒ずつ) ストップ (ここまで) あーあ、もうとろとろになちゃった なぶるみたいなカウントで仕上がっちゃったね? 水音だけでこんなになるまでされて恥ずかしい にひひ、お兄ちゃん、おちんちんはどうなってる? 射精したくて大変なことになってる? もう限界だよね? これだけ寸止めされてるんだもん これ以上寸止めしちゃうとホントに精子溢れちゃうかも ダメって言われてるのに勝手に射精しちゃう もうお許し欲しいよね? どう?射精したい? ねぇ?どっち? へぇ、そうなんだ、でぇも (ここからボソっと少し冷たく) だめって言ってるよね? それなのに、射精のお願い? バカじゃないの? まだ、続けるよ? オナニー もちろん射精は禁止 そのおちんちん限界だけど、ユリになんの関係があるの? ユリがダメって言ったらだめ お兄ちゃんが我慢できるかどうかなんて知らない お構いなしに寸止め流し込む それだけ そうでしょ? ねぇ?違う? ユリ間違ったこと言ってるかな? ねぇ?言ってるかな? ユリ様が正しいです 限界でも寸止めしてください ほら、いいなさい そう、でもお兄ちゃんにお願いされなくてもするつもりだったから ほら、いくよ? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 おあずけ ほら、休んでる暇ないよ? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(ほんの少しだけ早く) おあずけ 淡々と冷たくカウントされるのも好きなんでしょ? 知ってるから 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(少しだけ早く) おあずけ 連続カウントで限界おちんちんいたぶってあげる しこしこ、本気でしなさい 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(やや早く) おあずけ だんだん早くなるからね 女の子に冷たくされながらいくとすごく恥ずかしいよ? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(早く) おあずけ いつ終わるんだろって思ってる? まだに決まってるよ? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(わりと早く) おあずけ おあずけ、つらい? うん、もっと辛くしてあげる 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(かなり早く) おあずけ (ここまで) (ここから半笑い) にひひひ あーあー、みっともない こんなのでおちんちんぴくぴくさせてる ねぇねぇ、冷たくされて連続カウントされるのよかった? にひひひひ、お兄ちゃんはユリにだったらどんな風に責められても気持ちよくなっちゃうんだよねー? マゾって残念なの? そうやってもっとユリを楽しませてよ にひひひ なんなのかなー?そのおちんちん、ぐじゅぐじゅ いいよ?好きなだけぐじゅぐじゅにして よかったね? 透明なお汁は出し放題だよ? はぁい、もっと面白いおちんちんに仕上げちゃおうね? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 にひひ 3 2 1 ほらほら、また折り返しちゃったよ? もう一度 3 2 1 射精寸前が何度も何度も にひひひひ 3 2 1 こんな短時間で寸止め、危ない? おもしろーい 3 2 1 もう五回も寸止め でぇも、まだまだいくね? 目指せ10回、だね? 3 2 1 にひひ 年下の女の子に半笑いで寸止めされるのいいねー? マゾで変態なお兄ちゃん 3 2 1 精子が金玉と竿を何往復も行ったり来たり、行ったり来たり ほら、今はまだ1だよ? カウントにしっかり従わないとね? 3 ほら、3になった少し射精から遠ざかった よかったねー? でも 2 また射精が迫ってくる 怖い怖い、にひひひ怖い怖い 1 あー、また寸前 絶対お許しなんてでないってわかってるのにおちんちんは1の状態を強制されてる にひひひひ 3 3でもきついんだよね? でも2よりましでしょー? まぁ、すぐに追い込むんだけどね 2 精子おちんちんの中、ぐるぐる ユリに精液の動き操られてる 1 あー出る 出ちゃう あー、あー、あーー 出る出る 3 にひひひ お兄ちゃんずっとシゴキっぱなしだねー? おあずけすらしてもらえなくなっちゃってるよ? でもお兄ちゃんおあずけ苦しいんだったよね? 2 おあずけしないユリに感謝しなさい 1 もうでる? もう、しょうがないなー じゃあ、許してあげる 今で10回目だもんね? 念願のお許しだよ? よかったねー じゃあ、せぇの ・・・おあずけ (ここまで) (ここから爆笑) にひひひひひひ よかったねー お許しもらえたねー? おあずけのお許し にひひ、まさかだけど射精のお許しだと思った? そんなことあるわけないでしょー? にひひひひひひひひ (ここまで) あー、面白かった あれー?お兄ちゃんどうしたの? おかしいなー ユリがおもちゃで遊ぶたびにお兄ちゃんが壊れていっちゃってる なんでだろー?にひひひひ じゃあ、そろそろ終わりにしよっか? 寸止めオナニー ユリも飽きてきちゃったりして・・・にひひひ いくよ 10 ほら、もうお許しが出ちゃうよ? 思い切りしこしこして射精まで一直線 9 これまで我慢した分、射精はすごくきもちいい 当たり前 8 お兄ちゃんが苦しめられてきたこのカウントで最高の快楽 練上がった精液がおちんちんから溢れ出す 7 射精した時に頭、狂っちゃたらごめんね? でも、それでもいいよね? 6 ユリの寸止めオナニーの終わりがもう近い もう逃げられる 5 射精の時はユリ様、ありがとうございますって言うんだよ? だってその精液熟成させて上げたのユリだから 4 尿道を精液が擦り上げるのを想像して? ぴゅーーー、どくどく、ぴゅっぴゅっぴゅーーー 3 もう限界なんかとっくに超えてるおちんちんから精子出してあそぼーね? きっとすごく楽しいよ? 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 あれー? 10に戻っちゃった なんでだろー? もう一度数えなおすね? 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3まで戻ってこれたね おかえりなさい、お兄ちゃん じゃあ、2 ぴゅーぴゅーもうすぐ ぴゅーぴゅーもうすぐ 精液ぴゅっぴゅ楽しみだなー 1 もう射精寸前のギリギリ あとひと押し にひひひひひ 2 3 あれれー? にひひひひひ 2 1 射精寸前 2 3 あれれー? 2 1 でるでるでる 2 3 にひひひひ 2 1 1の状態 にっひ、気づいちゃった? ユリが遊んでるの でもおもちゃってそういうものだよね? 何か間違ってる? 間違ってないでしょー? はい、おあずけ ねぇねぇ、こんなのひどい?ねぇひどい? うん、わざとしてるから 最初にいったよ? 快楽地獄に叩き落とすって にひひ、だからしてあげてるの にひひ、ユリ様、ありがとうございますでしょー? じゃあ、カウントダウン再開 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3(ねっとり) そういえば、お兄ちゃん、どのカウントが好きだった? ユリはねぇ、耳舐めとか面白かったよ? もう一回してあげよっか? もちろん、おちんちんは3の状態 手は止めないでね? め・い・れ・い (ここからささやき声) (耳舐め40秒) にひひ、いつまで3の状態でしこしこさせられるんだろー?って思ってるでしょー? はぁい、反対側ー だって片方だけじゃかわいそうでしょー? にひひ (耳舐め40秒) おちんちんは3の状態? いいこいいこ 偉いねー じゃあ、ご褒美 3の状態でもう一往復してあげる (耳舐め30秒) もう反対も (耳舐め30秒) 2 1 (耳舐め60秒) ・・・おあずけ (ここまで) にひひひひひ、徹底的にしつけられてるね? 今までこんなオナニーしたことある? ユリのおかげだよ? こんな頭おかしくなるオナニー、他にないもん あー、でもこのままだとお兄ちゃんホントにダメになっちゃうかも そうなるといけないし、もういこっか? いいよ 許してあげるから、射精しようね? もうカウントで意地悪なんてしないから 10 9 8 7 6 5 ダメになったら他のおもちゃ探さないといけなくなるねー? にひひ、今、すごいこと言われてるんだよ? お兄ちゃんの代わり、探そうかなって言われてるの? 捨てられちゃうかも知れないよ? 4 ユリが他の男の人にえっちなオナニーのお手伝い もし、お兄ちゃんみたいな変態マゾじゃなかったら、どうなるかなー? その人に襲われてエッチされちゃうかも でもユリはそれをうけいれて・・・ 3 お兄ちゃんが触ることも許されなかったユリの体、たっぷり弄ばれるの おまんこも容赦なく使われちゃうの? 想像して? きっと、こんな感じ (ここから喘ぎながら) あああああ、おまんこすごいよぉ ユリ、エッチなことされちゃってるよおお おちんちんが入っちゃってるのぉ んんん、あ、あ、あ、あ、あああ お兄ちゃんなんかよりずっとすごい 好きにつかっていいからぁあ お兄ちゃんに触らせなかったユリの全部、犯されてるのぉ んひぃいいいい、ああああ、ああ、あ、あ、あ、あ、あ はい、お兄ちゃんなんかと全然比べ物になりませんんんん だって、だって、お兄ちゃんはユリがおちんちん遊んであげるだけの人だったからぁ あんなのもういりませんからぁ もう、あ、あ、あ、あ、ああああ 貴方のものにしてくれるならぁ、んんんあ、ああ、あ、あ、あ、ああああ ごめんね?お兄ちゃん、ユリ、この人のものになっちゃうね? 子宮も全部捧げちゃね? いいよね? あ、あ、あ、あ、あああああああ いきます、いかせてください この子宮全部貴方のものですからぁあ 所有物にしてくださいいいいい あ、あ、あ、あ、あ、あ、あ、あ、あ、あ いくいくいくいくぅぅぅぅ、いいいいいいいいいい あ、ぎゅうううううううううううううううううううう (ここまで) にひひひひ、そうしてユリはその人の所有物に堕ちちゃうのでしたー でもそうなってもしょうがないよね? だってお兄ちゃんはそういうのでもいいんだもんね? その証拠にまだおちんちんしこしこしてるもん ユリが他の男の人に抱かれてるの聞かされて勃起しっぱないでオナニーしてるのがお似合いなんだから にひひひひ あ、そういえばカウント、いくつまで数えたっけ? ユリ忘れちゃった これは意地悪じゃなくて忘れちゃっただけだから 約束は守ってるよ? じゃあ、10 はい、はじめから にひひひ、お兄ちゃんは従うだけ ユリに反論なんて許さないよ? ユリのすることは全部正しいの そうでしょ? 9 もうユリのおもちゃ? それとも、それ以下の奴隷になっちゃった? 8 ユリはそれでもいいよ? きっちり飼い殺しにしてあげるから 7 ユリが気まぐれにおちんちんいじめて楽しむの いっぱいやりたいことあるしね 6 結局射精させないとか にひひひひ、絶対それ楽しい 5 あ、それ今しちゃう? このままおしまい ギンギンでぐじゅぐじゅのおちんちんパンツにしまっちゃうの 泣いても許さないの その時、ユリはね冷たく言うの おちんちん、しまいなさい(冷たく) それとも優しく言われた方がゾクゾクするかな? おちんちん、しまおうね(とっても優しく) にひひひ、どっちにしても嬉しいよね? どっちがいい? おちんちん5の状態で最悪の2択 ユリ、なんかその気になって来ちゃったなー このまま精子出さずに終わってみる? ねぇ?ねぇ?にひひ、ねぇ? 4 3 2 とかいいつつも射精には追い込んでみるの 嫌なら、ユリ様射精させてくださいって言って? ほら 聞こえないなー もっと大きな声で にひひひひ どうしよっかなー ユリ迷っちゃうなー 射精してるお兄ちゃんをバカにするのもいいし 射精を完全に取り上げて泣かせるもいいし ・・・にひひきーめた 1 今日は射精にしてあげる こんどこそ本当に射精 いくときにおもいっきり馬鹿にしてあげるね? お兄ちゃんはそうされても仕方ないことしてるんだもん だって、にひひ、寸止めオナニーって馬鹿のすることだよ? 知ってた? にひひひひひひ ほぉら、勢い付けて射精まで送ってあげる 3から一気に数え下ろすからね? 覚悟してね?お兄ちゃん 3 2 1 (ここからおもいっきりバカにした感じ) 射精しろ、ばーか 0 0 0 0 0 0 にひひひひひひ 貯まりきった精液がぴゅーーーー ほら、好きなだけ吐き出してよ ユリが射精してるの見せて言ってるんだから言うとおりにするの にひひ、情けなーい 女の子に寸止めオナニー手伝ってもらって 濃いの出してる 女の子の前だよー? そんなの晒していいのかなー? イキ顔も残念な精子も丸見え にひひ、お兄ちゃんサイテー (ここまで) あーあ、終わっちゃった あれ、お兄ちゃんぐったり 壊れてないよね? またこれで遊べるね? まぁ、ユリが遊ばせなさいって言ったら、お兄ちゃんは従うだけだから そうでしょ? じゃあ、お兄ちゃん、また寸止めオナニー、しようね? ユリ、楽しみにしてるからね? じゃあねー

Sundome Part (Normal)

Now, shall we start fapping? I wonder if oniichan can endure it. Nhihihi, I'll make you do something amazing you'll barely able to endure. Come on, let's start edging masturbation. Mr hentai (whisper) 10 9 8 Here we go, the countdown started. Good luck fapping. You've been waiting to fap, right? Relish in it, to your heart's content. 7 6 5 Uh oh, you're slowly moving towards ejaculation. But that's only natural. I mean, the countdown's slowly going down to 0. 4 3 2 Coming, coming... But you know, right? 1 You know what happens next, nhihihi. Stop. Nhihi, oniichan properly stopped as I told him to. That's the spirit. Yuri will keep teasing you like this until she gets bored. Nhihihi. When I get tired, I don't wanna play with oniichan anymore. If you don't want that to happen, do your best and show me your shameful shape. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Stop. Nhihi, whaat? That face. You wanna cum? Is that so? You wanna disobey Yuri and ejaculate? Didn't you want to edge, oniichan? Stop being so spoiled. Okay, let's go a little faster. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (fast) Stop. Hey oniichan, your dick is twitching. Going just a bit faster is not gonna make you leak, right? Or don't tell me, did you leak or something? Disobeying orders and nearly leaking is preposterous, right? If you came from what a younger girl told you until her,e you're the worst. You understand? Okay, let's count down. While I carefully bully you. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (slowly) Stooop. Such a slow countdown is making your heart suffer and throb, right? Allright. Do whatever you want And give me an interesting show, nhihi. How's your penis doing? Is it syrupy with cowper's fluid? Hey, is it? Nihihi, how interesting. Okay, let's play with you until it gets completely soaked. Here's the countdown. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Nihihi, one more time. 3 2 1 And again, shall-we-play? 3 2 1 (slow) A tripple ejaculation edge must be pure bliss, right? You wanna cum like this? You can't. Stop. Hey oniichan, this dick is about to come, right? I mean, a dick should be something to shoot sperm. But instead, nothing's coming out at all. Nhihihi, yaay, it can't come. What a deplorable penis, can't come because a girl told him not so. It's completely useless. Still, aren't you glad that Yuri made him his toy? 10 9 8  Shiko shiko 7 6 5  Shiko shiko shiko 4 3 2  Shikoshikoshikoshiko 1 And. s.t.o.p Are you enjoying the fap edging? Making your dick come so very close to ejaculation, and then cruelly stopping. How is iit? Are you getting used to the countdowns? Nhihihi, I'll keep training you until you can't live without this. And when it comes to that, Yuri'll make sure to raise you. Be rest assured. You might be a toy, but... you don't appear to me like a man. Obviously. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (vicious) Stop. Nhi, your dick is getting really serious now. It's crying big teardrops in edging hell. Instead of sperm, it's crying tears as if to beg for forgiveness. You think I love it when oniichan cries? (Angry here) You're really a masochist loser. Hey, you enjoying this? You look like an idiot. Here let's do the dountdown. Indulge in your pleasure for all I care. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 What? You coming? There's no way I'll let you come. Stop. (Until here) YOur fap force has come down. Don't hold back just because edging makes you come more easily. Masturbate like you mean it. Oniichan, you really love fapping, right? "Oniichan, it's okay if you love fapping", is what I'm saying. So, you must. Right? Okay, let's go. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Stop. Nhihihi, oniichan can fap really well. You're playing with your own weak spot like shikoshiko. It's terriffic. Yuri's admiring you. But, is that going to help you? If you're fapping just like this, surely there must be a purpose for it, right? If not, then what you're doing is completely pointless. If you wanna ejaculate, you should just have sex. (Half laughter) Hey, what is it? Hey hey, Yuri doen't understnad if you don't tell her, nihihi You can't answer... It's fine. If wasn't expecting any answer anyway. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Look, now we're at three. Nihihi, edging at this number feels good right? Should I leave you like this? Nhihi, but you'll defeinitely leak like this. 3 3 3 Nihihi. 2 1 Ahh, it's coming. It's coming. Okay, stop. (until here) How was thaat? Are you gonna leak soon? Because Yuri doesn't approve. (A little angry from here) When Yuri says no, she obviously says no. Yuri doesn't give a damn what happened to oniichan's dick. Just be quiet and let your juices patiently boil. Your juices have no use anyway, don't they? So you should be thankful that Yuri still uses to to play. If you understand, then let's fap. While you give your "thanks you very much" to Yuri Countdown starting 10 9 8 7 6 5 Fapping while I'm angry is nice, huh? 4 You love being scolded by a girl? Are you an idiot or what? I can do much more than that. 3 2 1 Stop your hands. (Laughter stops here) Nhihihi, that's right. You better be a good boy and obey my orders like this. You can jerk off thanks to Yuri. Your face is getting silly from edging, thanks to Yuri. It is all thanks to Yuri. Come on, how about a little thank you for Yuri-sama? "THank you very much, Yuri-sama" Go on. Nhihihi, you really thanked me. Did you forget what I'm doing to you? You're forced to edge fap. But you said something so embarassing like thanking me. Ahhh, so very embarassing. But since you thanked me already, I'll show you the even deeper edging hell. Actually I was really about to let you cum, but... 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 not come, stop. Here oniichan, your desired edging. If this doesn't make you really happy, then... Nhihihi, we'll do it more and more. Edging, edging, and even more edging. A complete and thorough ejaculation ban that will break oniichan. That'll make you happy, right? I'm sure it will. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 Ahh, I think oniichan's suffering a bit. Are you dangerously close to orgasm? Nhi, I know that. But I also know that you can get even closer. I'll tell you when oniichan's at his limit. Basically, when you just think it's dangerous, it's still fine for a while. I still have much to teach you. 1 1 1 nhihihi 1 And your long awaited stop. Nhihi, that's hell. Yuri's totally bullying you, oniichan Because I'm helping you until you become a complete idiot with nothing but orgasm on your mind. You want to become such a miserable shape, right? If so, then Yuri will play even more with you. How nice for you. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (more and more slowly) Stop. I'm viciously counting numbers so slow, it's unbearable. I'm gradually grinding in the screw right before ejaculation. And because it's so slow, there's no way you won't almost leak your juice. What if we do this over and over again? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (even more and more slowly) Stop. Isn't it nice to be bullied? We'll do this lots and lots of times again. How merciless. Just for your information, edging masturbation still has a very long way to go. Maybe it's only just begun? Yep, this is just the beginning. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (slower and ever more slower) S.t.o.p. (Monotone from here) Nhihihi, edging masturbation is terriffic, right? Facing ejaculation time and time and time again sure is hard on your dick, right? Being lead to a meaningless ejaculation verge is risky, huh? (Until here) But, now we'll keep going even further than befooore. Do your best not to discharge. 10 9 8 7 6 5 Hey, you wanna cum already? Your balls are almost exploding. Nearly orgasming so many times will make them burst, right? Hmm, well if you insist. 4 3 2 "Yuri-sama, please let me cum!" Go ooon. Nhi, how uncoool. How shameful of you, to surrender so quickly. If you're so shameless, oniichan needs a punishment. 1 Definite continuous ejaculation edge hell. Nhihihi, this is why making making fun of masos is so interesting. You're biting your lip like a fool, nihi Come on now, this is punishment, do your best at 1. You're delightfully accepting Yuri's punishment. 1 1 1 1 1 Nhihihi, looks like you're really gonna cum. Okay then, stop. I only made you stop, so I can make oniichan suffer even more with edging. Nhihihi, there is no escape. Yes, edging restarting. 10 Fapping dick 9 Twitching balls 8 Your toes are tingling 7 Eyes getting watery. 6 Moaning loudly. 5 Nhihi, and now a nosedive. 4 3 2 1 (fast) Stop. You're completely Yuri's plaything already. You do exactly as I say. After all, this is my toy. It's made for whatever I want it. My rules. Isn't that right? Well then, let's play a new game. (Whispering and counting to ear licks) Nhihihi, when I do this, oniichan'll get close right away... Fuuuu Nihihi. Driving you on as I tease your ear. (Ear licking 10 seconds) 10 9 8 (Ear licking 10 seconds) This turns oniichan on. I mean, this already made you hard. 7 6 5 (Ear licking 6 seconds) You remember? Yuri made you hard as you supported your wretched dick. Huh, wasn't that deplorable. 4 3 2  (Ear licking 5 seconds) Yuri saw it all. Your swelling dick overflowing with juices. 1 (Ear licking 3 seconds) Okay, that's all. Nhihihi, now that was really close. Oniichan floating in pleasure with those sounds close to the ears is getting to his limit. Well then, now let's do the other side. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (3 seconds ear licking between each number) Stop Nhihi, teased on both sides. Ah, while we're at it, let's try it several times. Ear lick counting without a break or a breather. I think this will surely melt your brain, but... Yuri doesn't care about that. Now let's begin the nonstop hell. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (3 seconds ear licking between each number) Stop. Okay, other side. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (3 seconds ear licking between each number) Stop. Not stopping yet. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (5 seconds ear licking between each number) Stop. Nhihi, I wonder if you're meling like an idiot yet. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (5 seconds ear licking between each number) Stop. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (7 seconds ear licking between each number) Stop. The countdown gets longer and longer. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (7 seconds ear licking between each number) Stop. As the fap time increases, your limit is gradually rising. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (10 seconds ear licking between each number) Stop. Nhihihi, risky risky, huh? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (10 seconds ear licking between each number) Stop. (Until here) Oh dear, you're melting into a puddle. My sport-like countdowns really did a number on you, huh? So embarassing that I did this to you with just my sweet voice. Nhihi, oniichan, how's your dick? It want's to seriously ejaculate now, right? You're at your limit, hm? It has nothing but edged. If you do nothing but edging like this, you might honestly gonna overflow with semen. But I said no, so don't come at your own. You want me to forgive you already? Well? Do you want to come? Hey? Yes or no? hee, is that so? Buuut... (Dark and a bit cold) I said no, didn't I? And yet, you're begging me to come. Man, you're so dumb. We're still not done. Masturbating. Of course, ejaculation is banned. Your dick might be at your limit, but Yuri doesn't give a damn. When Yuri says no, she means no. I don't care if oniichan can't take it anymore. I'll pour you over with denials, without any care. That is all. Isn't that right? Hey? Am I wrong? If Yuri is wrong, can you tell her? Well? Can you? "Yuri-sama is correct." "Please deny me, even if it's my limit" Go on and say it. Yes, but that was my intention anyway, even if you didn't beg me. C'mon, let's go. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Stop. Come on, no break now. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (Just a bit faster) Stop. Do you like my cold and indifferent countdown? I know you do. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (A bit faster) Stop. I'm tormenting your dick to the limit with serial countdowns. Jerk off like you mean it. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (Slightly Faster) Stop. It's getting faster and faster. A girl acting so cold to you is so embarassing. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (Fast) Stop. You think this is overy already? Obviously, it's not. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (Relatively fast) Stop. Stopping is tough, hm? Yeah, let's make it even tougher. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (Quite fast) Stop. (Until here) (Half-laugh from here) Nhihihi Oh dear, this is shameful. I made your dick twitch so hard. Hey heey, weren't my icecold serial countdowns wonderful? Nhihihi, I guess any way Yuri bullies now feels good to you, huh? Aren't you a deplorable maso? In that case, Yuri''ll have even more fun. Nhihihi. What do I mean? This dick is overflowing. It's fine. Let it overflow as much as you like. It's that wonderful? Let your clear juices flow like water. Yeees, let's completely finish up this amusing dick. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Nihihi. 3 2 1 You see, we went back again? One more time. 3 2 1 At the verge of ejaculation, over and over again. Nhihihi. 3 2 1 Edging in such short times its dangerous, hm? So much fun. 3 2 1 Five times already. But we're still not done yet. I'm aiming for 10 times, y'know. 3 2 1 Nihihi. A younger girl sneering and eding you is so nice, rright? You maso pervert oniichan. 3 2 1 Your sperm makes a roundtrip from your balls to your dick, round and round again. Come on, we're still at 1. Firmly follow the countdown. 3 There, at 3, orgasm fades back a bit. How nice for you. However... 2 Ejaculation looms again. Oh no, so scary, nhihihi, so scaaary. 1 Ahh, the edge again. You know I won't pardon you under any circumstances, so you're forced to stay at 1. Nihihihi 3 3 itself so very hard. But less so than 2. well, but that's where you'll go anyway. 2 Sperm is turning round and round inside your dick. Yuri's manipulating your semen. 1 Ahh, coming. It's coming. Ah, ahh, aaah! Cumcum. 3 Nhihihi. Oniichan's been nothing but fapping, right? I still won't grant you a stop? I thought stopping is so painful for you? 2 You should thank Yuri that she's not stopping you. 1 Gonna cum? It can't be helped anymore. Well then, I'll pardon you. This was the 10th time now. Your long sought pardon. How wonderful. Okay, heeere we go... ...stop. (Until here) (Laugh from here) Nhihihihi How wonderful. I pardoned you. I pardoned you with a stop. Nhihihi, don't tell me, you thought I'd let you cum? There's no way I'd do that! Nhihihihi (Until here) Ahh, that sure was interesting. Huuuh? Oniichan, what's the matter? That's weird. Every oniichan I play with ends up breaking. But whyyy? Nihihihi Well, I guess it's time to wrap this up. Edging masturbation. Yuri is starting to get bored... nhihi. Let's go. 10 Look, I'll pradon you. Fap now like you mean it right until you cum. 9 If you can endure it until then, ejaculating will feel sooo good. Naturally. 8 After oniichan's suffered so much, this countdown is the best pleasure of all. Carefully polished semen, overflowing from your dick. 7 Sorry if your face will go mad at the moment of orgasm. But that's all right, hm? 6 Yuri's edge masturbation is almost over. No escape anymore. 5 When you come, you must say "Thank you very much Yuri-sama!" After all, this semen was ripened only by Yuri. 4 Can you imagine the semen grinding up your uthera? Pyuuu, gush, pyupyupyuuu~ 3 At last, your dick that's crossed its limit long ago can shoot out its sperm. Make sure to really enjoy it. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Huuuh? We went back to 10? What, why? Let's count down again. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 So we came back to 3. Welcome back, oniichan. well, 2. Pyuupyuu, almost Pyuupyuu, almost Enjoy the semen pyupyu 1 At the absolute brink of ejaculation. Just one more push. Nhihihi 2 3 Whuwhaa? Nhihihi 2 1 Orgasm edge 2 3 Huuh? 2 1 Cumcumcum. 2 3 Nihihihi 2 1 The number is 1. Nhi, did you realize? Yuri's playing around with you. Because you're just a toy. Or am I wrong? I'm not, riight? Okay, stop. Hey heey, isn't this terrible? Hey, it's awful? Yeah, I did that on purpose. I told you from the start. I'll knock you down to pleasure hell. Nhihi, and that's what I'm doing. Nhihihi, "Thank you very much, Yuri-sama"? Now let's count again. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 (Vicious) By the way, oniichan. Which countdown did you like? I found my ear licking very interesting. Should we try that again? Of course while you keep at 3. Don't stop your hands. That's. an. order. (Whispering from here) (40 sec ear licking) Nhihihi, am I gonna keep you fapping at 3 forever? is what you think, huh? Okay, other side now. I mean, can't leave any side undone. Nihihi. (Ear licking 40 seconds) Your dick is at 3? Good boy, good boy. Very well done. Okay, here's your reward. Let's do one more complete round at 3. (Ear Licking 30 seconds) And the other side. (Ear Licking 30 seconds) 2 1 (Ear licking 60 seconds) ...and stop. (Until here) Nhihihi, you are completely and thoroughly trained. Have you ever masturbated like this before? It's all thanks to Yuri. Just masturbating like stupid and nothing more. Ahh, but we really can't leave oniichan like this, or else you'll break. Before that happens, shall we go ahead now? Allright. Let's ejaculate, cause I pardon you. Let's not count like a meany anymore. 10 9 8 7 6 5 If oniichan breaks, I'll have to search for another toy again. Nhihi, I just said something terriffic, right? I said I'll look for a replacement for oniichan. Who knows if I'll throw you away. 4 Yuri will help another man with naughty masturbation. But, what if that guy isn't a maso pervert like oniichan? He might assault me and do naughty things to me. But Yuri will accept him... 3 He'll fiddle with Yuri's body, which oniichan isn't allowed to touch. He'll even use my pussy without mercy. Imagine it. Surely, it'll go like this. (Moaning from here) Ahhhh, my pussy feels so great! You're doing lewd things to Yuri Your penis is going inside Nhhh, ah, ah, ahh, aaah It's even more amazing than oniichan's Do whatever you want with mee! This body that I wouldn't let oniisan touch, rape it all! Nhiiiii, aaaah, aa, ah, ah, ah, ah! Yes, oniichan can't compare to this at aaalll! I mean, I mean, oniichan's only there so I can play with his dick! He's good for nothing eeeelse! I'm, ah, ah, ah, ahhh! If I'm going to fall for youu, nnhaa, aah, ah ah ah aaaahh! I'm sorry, oniichan! Yuri already belongs to this man. My uterus is complete devoted to him. ALlright? Ah ah ah ahhhhhh! I'm cumming, please make me cum! This uterus is all yours! It's your propertyyyyy! ah ah ah ah ah ah! Cummingcummincummmg, cuuuuuuuuuuuuu Ah, CUMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNG! (Until here) Nhihihi, and thus, Yuri has fallen into possession of this man. But who can help it if this happens? I mean, oniichan is fine with that, right? That you're still jerking off is full proof of that. You're still jerking off your rock hard penis, while I tell you how Yuri's embraced by another man. It quite suits you. Nhihihi. Oh, by the way, where did I leave off counting? I completely forgot. I'm not being mean, I just simply forgot. I'll keep my promise. Now then... 10 Okay, from the beginning. Nhihihi, and oniichan follows. If you go agains me, Yuri won't pardon you. Everything Yuri does is right and just. Yes, that's right. 9 You're really Yuri's plaything. Or have you become no less than her slave? 8 Yuri is fine by that. I'll make sure to keep you until you die. 7 Yuri enjoys playing with your dick however she feels like. There is plenty I want to try out. 6 For example, not letting you come after all. Nhihihi, that'll be so much fun. 5 Ah, maybe I'll do that right now. Call it quits. Pulling your pants over your completely drooling and pulsating dick. I won't forgive your cries. When you do, Yuri will tell you ice cold: Put your dick away, will you? (ice cold) Or maybe I'll tell you gently, so you'll feel shivers all over? Let's put your penis aside, shall we? (very gentle) Nhihihi, either way makes you happy, right? Which is it? The two worst choices as your dick stays at 5. Yuri's starting to get in that mood, y'know. Should we try and finish it off without cumming? Hey? Heey? Nhihi, well? 4 3 2 No matter what I'll say, let's see if we can drive you towards orgasm. If you don't want it, say "Please let me cum, Yuri-sama!" Go on. I can't hear you. Say it loud and clear! Nhihihi Now whatever should I do? I'm a bit lost... Making fun of oniichan as he orgasm would be nice. Making him cry by perfectly confiscating his orgasm would also be nice. ...nihihi, I've deciiided. 1 (Branching below) 3-1 Pattern 1 Today I'll let you orgasm. I'll really let you ejaculate this time. When you come, I'll make fun of you the best I can, okay? After all this, it can't be helped otherwise. I mean, something like edging masturbation needs to be made fun of. You understand? Nhihihi. Come oon, gather your strength and I'll send you towards orgasm. Because I'll count down from 3 all at once. Prepare yourself, oniichan. 3 2 1 (Here she does her best to make fun) Cum you idiot! 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nhihihi Pyuuu, all that saved up semen. Here, let it out as much as you like. Yuri says "show her how you cum", so do as I say. Nhihihi, how pathetic. A girl helped you with edge masturbation. It's so thick. Right in front of a girl. Is it okay to show that to me? Your cumming face and deplorable semen are fully visible. Nhihihi, oniichan is the worst. (Until here) Ahh, it's over now. Huh, oniichan's dead tired. You're not broken, are you? WE can still play again, right? Well, if Yuri tells him to come play again, oniichan will follow anyway. Isn't that right? Well then oniichan, let's do edge fapping again sometime. Yuri's looking forward to it. Bye then~

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