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人間牧場にようこそ 私はここの飼育員で、主に家畜から体液を搾り取るのが仕事です ここにいる家畜は人間の男性です 人としての権利を全て失った哀れな生き物です さて、ご存知のとおり魔界が開かれ淫魔がこの世界を牛耳っています 家畜から絞った体液は、上位の存在であるサキュバスに捧げられます ここで飼われてる男性は全てサキュバスのためだけに毎日体液を私に絞られるのです ただそのためだけの存在 当牧場が扱う製品は3つです 1つ目は、カウパー液 これは、男性のペニスが射精へと近づくことで分泌されるお汁です カウパーの収集自体はとても簡単でペニスを刺激してやればバカみたいに溢れてきます 精液が混ざってはいけないので、延々とカウパーだけを回収します つまり、射精は絶対にさせないということです 家畜は「射精させてくれ」だの、「いかせてくれ」だのと騒ぎますが、全て無視します 私がそんなお願いを聞いてやる必要なんてないですから そうやってしばらく続けていると「射精させてください」とか、「お願いします」とか懇願をはじめます どれだけ抵抗した家畜でも、例外なく涙目になってとても滑稽です 人間の男性はとても弱いので弱いものいじめなってしまいますが、手心を加えてはいけません 容赦なく追い込みます 弱いペニスが悪のですから、私は悪くありません さっさと回収分のカウパーを黙って差し出せばいいのです 2つ目は、精液です サキュバスが一番好むので、出荷数が一番多いです そのため大量の精液を吐き出させることが大切です カウパーの回収のときもそうなのですが、家畜には媚薬をすり込んだ餌を与え続けているので、当牧場ではかなり効率がよい回収できます 家畜も最初の射精は大喜びです どろどろに濁った白濁液をペニスから噴出し、のたうち回るのです ぷりぷりで鮮度の良いものを出すように徹底的に刺激を与えます 気持ちよさで頭が馬鹿になる姿と射精の快楽に溺れる姿を観察できます まぁ、あくまでも最初だけですが 射精以降も延々とペニスをしごかれ続け執拗に精液をねだられ続けるのですから、ツライに決まっています 固定されて逃げられないとわかっているはずなのに、枷を外そうとジタバタ とても惨めです 「もう出せない」なんて言い出す家畜もいます でも精液出せないオスはいりませんし、出せないんなら処分します そう囁くと家畜を一時的に静かにできます 処分は精液搾りなんて比べ物にならない地獄なのですから 3つ目は、潮です 人間の男性の亀頭に過度の摩擦刺激を与えると潮を噴き出させることができます ペニスの中でも特に敏感な部位である亀頭をヤスリがけの要領で磨き回します このレベルの刺激だと射精すらできなくなるので、純粋な潮だけを回収できるのです ほとんど尿と同じ成分なのですが、サキュバスはその違いにブランド性を見出しているようですね 受注の数も多くはないので、家畜にはたまに痛い目に合うといった感じになるのでしょうか まぁ、潮を毎日噴出させていれば家畜が持ちませんが それほどに過酷ですから それとペニスは萎えないように強制勃起状態を保ちます 萎えると磨きにくいですし、オスはペニスを反り返らせていないとダメですから もちろん、これに耐えられなくなった場合も処分します 役立たずは私、嫌いですから 人間の男性なんて汁を売るための道具でしかないのですから、当然です ちなみに、処分は搾精マシーンの刑です 機械に拘束し、昼も夜もペニスをいたぶります 時々通りがかる私に「死んじゃうから助けて」っていう家畜もいますけど、私は決まってこういうのです 「じゃあ、死ねば?」って これは懲戒ではなく処分なのですから、助けるわけないですよね 品質第一で活動していますので、ぜひ一度その精液をお買い求めください 従業員も募集中です


Welcome to the human livestock farm. I am with the breeding staff here. Our main work is to exploit fluids from domestic animals. Our livestock here are male humans. Pitiful creatures who have lost all their rights as a person. Well, as you know, this world has fallen under the control of lewd devils from the demon world. We exploit their fluids, to sacrifice them to the succubuses in charge. The men who are kept here, have their fluids exploited by me daily, for the sake of the succubus. This is their sole existence here. This farm handles exactly three products. One is cowper's fluid. It's the secreted juice coming from a male penis which approaches ejaculation. Cowper's fluid gathers up all by itself, by stimulating a penis until it overflows like stupid. But because semen can't be mixed in, we need to collect endless cowper's fluid only. In other words, ejaculation is strictly forbidden. When the livestock makes a ruckus with "Make me cum" or "Let me orgasm", we will completely disregard all of it. Because there's no need for me to give into such pleas. Because once they keep it up, they'll start to beg with "Please let me cum, I beg you" and such But no matter how much resistance the livestock shows, there''s nothing funny about them other than their teary eyes. Should the male human react weak to teasing, we won't handle them with any other discretion. We'll drive them on without mercy. It's the weak penis which is bad here, not me. So they should be quiet and let the cowper quickly be collected. Second is semen. This is one is most beloved by succubus, so we ship it in great amounts. That's why it's very important to ejaculate lots of semen. This also happens during cowper's milking, but the efficient way to milk it out animals is by mixing aphrodisiac into their food. The first ejaculation is a great joy for our animals. They're writhing to expel their syrupy, muddled and cloudy semen at last. So we give them a thorough stimulation that makes them produce something of high freshness. You can observe their shape, how they seem to be drowning like mad in pleasure. Well, but it doesn't stop by the first one. Since we always keep relentlessly coaxing them after the first shot, it gets quite painful of course. But rest assured, they can't run away as they kick and bang in their shackles. It's quite miserable. Some livestock even start yelling "I can't cum anymore!" But if the male can't come like he's supposed to, we'll dispose of him. We just have to whisper this, and he'll be quiet. Because disposal is a hell that can't possibly compare to semen milking. The third one is squirting. By excessively rubbing a male's glands, it is possible to make them squirt. The main point is to grind on the sensitive part on the penis like a rasp. Since this level of stimulus doesn't make them ejaculate, it's possible to only milk pure squirt water. It's components are similar to urine, but the succubi seem to have found it out as a separate brand. Since it's orders aren't very high, the livestock have yet to receive this painful experience. Well, we don't even have any livestock to produce daily squirt. Because it is truly harsh. Also, we keep the penis under forced erection as to not let them go flaccid. It is hard to polish a flaccid penis, because the male is useless if it doesn't bend (?). Of course there are are cases of punishment if he can't stand it. Because I hate useless deadbeats. It's only natural, because human males are simply tools to sell juices from. By the way, disposal is done with a milking-machine. They will be chained to the machine and have their penis tormented day and night. When I visit them, they often yell "I'm dying! Help me!". But I always tell them this: "You're dying? So what?" After all, this is punishment without discipline, so there's no need for me to help. We always thrive for best quality, so please make sure to buy semen from us sometime. We are also hiring.

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