Track 5

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なんでしょうか? 私は忙しいのですが 助けて、ですか その搾精マシーンが辛いのですか? でも、自業自得です 満足にお汁を出せなくなった貴方はそれで処分されるのです ふ、毎日いろいろなお汁を絞られてはダメになっても仕方ないですが 沢山注文がありましたからね 私にも事情があります 貴方の事情は私には関係ありません 黙ってお汁を出せばいいのです 器具に繋がれたペニス、すごいことになっていますね このまま最後の一滴まで、精液が作れなくなるまでこうしていてください ダメな家畜の再利用です 本当にダメになったら、ぽい、ですが あ、また射精しまたね 女の子が目の前にいると射精の効率もあがりますね その分ペニスは辛くなりますが ずっと射精直後責めです まだ大丈夫です 逆に言うとまだ壊れられません では、私は仕事がありますから そのマシーンに壊されたらまたきます もっとも貴方は私を認識できないでしょうが それでは… ん?「死んじゃうから助けて」ですか? ふふふ、じゃあ、死ねば? さよなら


What is it now? I'm busy. "Help"? This milking machine is too much? But you reap what you sow. When you can't come enough juices for our demands, we have to dispose you like this. Hm, it can't be helped when we milk a variety of juices from you every day. Because we got a huge list of orders. This is also difficult for me. But your problems are of no concerns to me. Just be quiet and give your juice. Your penis tied to the machine has gotten incredible, right? You're going to stay like this until the very last drop, when you can't make any more semen. This is how we recycle bad livestock. And when you go truly bad, then *poi*, that's it. Ah, you came again. Having a girl on front of you is an efficient way to ejaculate. Although your penis is suffering so much. Always teasing it right after orgasm. But you're still fine. No matter what I say, you can't break yet. Now, there's work waiting for me. I'll come back when this machine breaks you. By then, you probably won't recognize me anymore. Well then... Hmm? "Help me, I'm dying" Fufufu, you're dying. So what? Goodbye.

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