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1-1 『ご飯はちゃんと食べなきゃダメ!』

 おーっす、おかえりー♪  今日も、遅くまでお仕事頑張ったねー。お疲れさまー。  そんじゃ……ほい♪ 疲れただろーし、おかえりのハグ、しよっか♪  ふふん。遠慮なんてしない♪ お姉ちゃんとキミの仲でしょ♪ ほら、早く早く♪  はい、ぎゅーーーーーーーーーーー……っ♪  うんうん♪ お姉ちゃんの胸の中にも帰ってきたねー♪ おかえりなさい♪  あー、ほら、もっとぎゅーってして。そそ。別に気にしないから、もっと、おっぱいに顔を埋めちゃいなって♪ きもちいーよ♪  ぎゅっ、ぎゅっ、ぎゅーーーっ、っと♪  しかし、キミ、ホントに毎日疲れた顔してるねぇ。お仕事、そんなに忙しいの?  そっかぁ。大変だねぇ……。ちゃんと休まなきゃダメだよ?  うんうん。何事もほどほどにね。  それじゃ、ご飯食べよっか。美味しい手料理を用意してあるぜー♪  いーっぱい味わって食べてねー♪  ……え? なに?  ……“いらない”? どうして?  ……あんまりお腹が減ってないから?  どこかで食べてきたの? ……そういうわけじゃなくて、ただ減ってないだけ?  はーー。  ……えーいっ。  キミがどーして不健康そうなのか、ちょっと分かってきた気がするよ。  ご飯、ちゃんと食べてないんでしょ。「疲れたから」ってのを言い訳にして、帰ってきたら食事しないで、ベッドにバタンって倒れ込むだけだったんでしょ。  そんなの……めっ、だよ!  生活の基本は衣食住! それを一つでも疎(おろそ)かにしたら、健康的な生活なんて程遠いよ!  食欲がないのに無理して食べろー、なんて言わないけどさ? でも、ちゃんと食べないと、どんどん不健康になっちゃうぞ!  それにね。キミは“お腹が減ってない”って言うけど、体は絶対に栄養を欲しがってるはずだよ。だけど、普段、しっかり食事を摂る習慣がないから、頭が、食欲をごまかしちゃってるだけ。  食べようと思ったら、きっとお腹が空いてくると思うよ?  よく食べて、よく寝て、よく遊ぶ! これが、人が健康に生きていくための秘訣だぞー。ちゃんと覚えておきなさい!  そんなわけで、今から強制的に食事にするからね。ちゃんと手を洗って、うがいをしてから、テーブルにつきなさい? 分かった?  ……うん。素直な子は、お姉ちゃん、好きだよ♪ * * *  はい、どうぞ、召し上がれ。  元々、キミの胃腸が弱ってるだろうなーって思ってたし、今日は消化にいい料理を中心に作ってみましたー。  卵がゆとか、大根の煮物とか、焼き魚として鯵(あじ)とか。  卵がゆはどうかなーって思ったけど、でも、キミの様子を見ると、正解だったみたいだね。これならスルスルって入るでしょ。  大根は、アミラーゼ、だったっけ? なんか消化を助けるやつがいっぱい入ってるんだよね。だから、胃腸が弱ってるときはお勧めの野菜だよー。  あとは、年頃のオトコノコなんだから、たんぱく質がないとね、ってことで、鯵(あじ)。脂身の少ない白身魚も消化にいいんだって。  そんな感じで、一応、キミのことを考えてメニューを組んでみました。どお?  ……って、ほらほら。話はいいから早く食べて。冷めちゃうから。  ……それとも、それはひょっとしてアレですか? お姉ちゃんに食べさせて欲しくて、待ってるってことですか?  ふふふ。そうなら最初から言ってくれればいいのにー♪  それじゃあ……ほい♪ あーーーん♪  ほらほら♪ 遠慮しない♪ 今更恥ずかしがるような仲でもないっしょー♪ 別に、誰も見てないんだし♪  はい♪ あーーーん♪  ……うん♪ よくできましたー♪  どう? おいし?  ……ふふっ♪ そっか♪ 嬉しい♪  じゃあ、どんどんいくぜー♪  あーーーん♪  ……うん♪ いい食べっぷり♪  そらもう一丁♪ あーーーん♪  ……ふふふ。その調子♪  ねー? お姉ちゃんの言った通りでしょ? やっぱり、体は栄養を欲しがってたんだよー。だから、食べ始めると、どんどんお腹が空いてくるでしょ?  こーいうのは、一度感覚を思い出させちゃえば、こっちのもんなのさ♪  ほらほら、いくよー♪ あーーーん♪  あ、でも、無理して食べる必要はないからね? お腹いっぱいってときは、ちゃんとストップしてねー。残ったやつは、後でお姉ちゃんが全部食べるからさー。  そんなわけで、次はキミの番ね。さ、お姉ちゃんに、“あーん”ってして?  えー? なんでー? 食事、っていうのは、二人の共同作業でしょー? お姉ちゃんがいっぱい“あーん”ってしてあげたんだから、当然、キミの番だよね?  ほらほら、早く早く♪  うん♪ “あーーん”……♪  ん……もぐ……もぐもぐ……ごくんっ。  んー♪ 久しぶりに食べると、卵がゆも結構美味しいね♪  じゃ、お返しに、お姉ちゃんも♪ はい、あーーーん♪ ふふっ♪  ……そうそう。やっぱりさ、食事は、いっぱい食べることも、毎日食べることも重要だけど……  一番いいのは、楽しく食べること、だよね♪  だからさ、これからは毎日、お姉ちゃんと、楽しくご飯を食べようねー♪  ほら、どんどんいくよ♪ 次はキミの番♪  また、お姉ちゃんに、“あーーん”、ってしてね♪

1-1 You need to eat!

Hey, welcome back♪ You stayed late at work today too, didn't you. Thanks for all the hard work. Well then... Hoi♪ You must be tired. Let me give you a welcome back hug♪ Fufun. Don't hold back now♪ You and oneechan are close, aren't we? Come on, quickly now♪ Yes, huuuuuuuuuuug♪ Yes♪ You've returned to oneechan's chest♪ Welcome back♪ Ah-, hora, more hugging. Uh-huh. Don't worry about anything else. Just bury your face more in my breasts♪ Feels good, right♪ Hug, hug, huuuuuuuuug♪ You come back looking worn-out everyday, don't you? Is work really that busy? I see... That's must be tough... You really need to rest properly, you know? Uh-huh. Don't overdo it now. Well then, dinner is ready. I've prepared a delicious home cooked meal for you♪ Please savor it♪ What? ..."It's not necessary"? Why? ...Is it because you're not hungry enough? Did you eat somewhere else? ...that's not the reason. You're just not hungry? Ha---. ...Ehhhh. I think I understand a little better why you're this unhealthy. You're not eating meals properly at all, aren't you? You use "I'm tired" as an excuse. After you return home, all you do is collapse on your bed without cooking a meal. That's a no no. Food, clothing, and shelter are fundamental for living! You're far off from living a healthy life if you neglect even one of these things! Even if you have no appetite, I wouldn't force you to eat it, you know. But, if you don't eat properly, you'll get sick! Besides, even though you say "I'm not hungry," your body definitely wants nutrition. However, since you don't have a habit of eating, your mind produces a false sense of appetite. If you think about eating, surely you'll feel hungry, won't you? Eat well, sleep well, and play well! These are the secrets of living a healthy life. Make sure to remember it! Therefore, starting from today, I'm forcing you to eat. Wash your hands, rinse your mouth, and take a seat at the table please. Understood? ... good. Oneechan likes an obedient child, you know♪ * * * Here you go, time to eat. Since I thought you had a weak digestive system, I wanted to mainly make dishes that were good for digestion. Foods like egg porridge, stewed daikon, or grilled fish such as mackerel. I thought about egg porridge, but after seeing the condition you were in, it seems like it was the right choice. You should be able to eat it smoothly. Daikon contains amylase right? It should really help with your digestion. It's the recommended vegetable for those with a weak digestive system. Afterwards, it's mackerel. For a boy of your age, you'll need a good source of protein. It isn't too fatty and white fish is good for digestion. Those were my considerations when I created this menu for you. What do you think? ...horahora. Talking is fine, but please hurry up and eat before it gets cold. ...or, maybe it's this? You're waiting because you want oneechan to feed you? Fufufu. You should have just said that from the start♪ Here...hoi♪ Ah---n♪ Horahora♪ Don't hold back♪ This isn't something to be embarrassed by♪ No one else will see♪ ...yeah♪ Good job♪ Well? Is it good? ...fufu♪ I see♪ I'm happy♪ Then, here's some more♪ Ah---n♪ ...yeah♪ Eat plenty♪ One more time♪ Ah---n♪ ...fufufu. This state♪ Well? Was it just like what oneechan said? Like I thought, your body wanted nutrition. As a result, after you started eating, you started to feel hungry right? Once you regain your appetite, then you'll always have it♪ Horahora, here you go♪ Ah---n♪ Ah, but you don't need to be forced to eat, don't you? Once you're full, you can stop. Oneechan will eat all of the leftovers. That's why it's your turn next. Hmm, oneechan should say "Ah---n"? Eeeh? "Why" you ask? Well, isn't eating something we should both be enjoying? Oneechan has already fed you a lot, so it should be your turn now? Oneechan should say "Ah---n" too? Horahora, quickly, quickly♪ Un♪ "Ah---n"...♪ Mm...chew....chewchew....swallow. Mmm-♪ Even egg porridge tastes delicious after not having it for a long time♪ Well then, oneechan will return the favor♪ Yeah, say "Ah---n"♪ Fufu♪ Well then... Like I thought, it's important to eat a lot every day... Eating enjoyably really is the best♪ So starting from now, please enjoy eating with oneechan every day♪ Hora, let's continue♪ Next is your turn♪ Say "Ah---n" for oneechan again♪

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