Track 0



勇者よ この天空のつるぎと天空の盾をそなたに授ける そして悪の大魔王を打ち倒すのじゃ 勇者は王様から伝説の武具を受け取り冒険に旅立った 勇者は町の酒場で冒険の仲間を探した 勇者の前にグラマラスな女魔法使いが姿をみせた 女魔法使いをパーティに誘いますか? はい ふーん 魔王を倒す旅? 貴方が魔王を倒すの?ふふ 無理でしょ 私 自分の命が惜しいから ごめんね 他を当たって あ、そうそう それとは別に こんなサービスどう? 女魔法使いサリサの「オナニー鑑賞プレイ」 ふふ ごめんね いきなりオナニーなんて単語使って ほら 冒険中ってどうしても禁欲的になるから ストレス溜まるでしょ? サリサがね1回50Gでオナニー見てあげる 50Gなんてその辺の雑魚モンスター倒すだけでもあっという間に貯まるでしょ? むしろその辺のお店でバイトするだけでも余裕よね ふふふ ね サリサの身体 エロいでしょ? 魔法使いの魔術って 相手の精神力が弱ってる時の方が成功しやすいの まあ モンスターにはサリサのエロい身体は効果ないけど、君みたいな若い男の子には効果てきめん?かも はい 一番初歩的な魅了魔法 プチチャーム えい♪ サリサ様の魅力に お ち な さ い♪ ふふふ やった 魅了成功♪ 目がハートマークで涎たらーんって垂れて ふふ チンチン勃起♪ プチチャームだけでこんなに深い魅了になっちゃうなんて 君なんて冒険に出ても誘惑魔法に長けてるお姉さんサキュバスに出会ったらあっという間に完全魅了されてぜーんぶ武器も防具もお金も奪われて、多分命令されて 自分でシコシコオナニーしまくってそれでゲームオーバーだね♪だってね 魔法使いとしてのレベルがそこまで高くないサリサの一番手抜きの魅了魔法で おちんちん勃起するレベルの魅了状態になっちゃうなんて、もしかして、サキュバスならプチチャームの呪文だけで射精させられるかも♪ふふふ さ どうする? オナニー鑑賞プレイ お願いしちゃう? もうそんなに勃起して我慢汁も少し出てる状態じゃ苦しいでしょ? ね?お金 王様から幾らか預かってるでしょ? 冒険の景気づけにパーッと使っちゃおう? 女魔法使いサリサにオナニー鑑賞してもらう為に50ゴールド払いますか?所持ゴールド100 はい はーい有難うございます この酒場ね 打ちとけるために2人きりで話し合える個室があるの そこ行きましょう 勇者はサリサの後ろをついて歩く サリサの身体のラインを強調したピチピチの服装に勇者の陰茎は勃起する 勇者は歩いてるだけで陰茎が衣服に擦れて感じてる  サリサの歩く後ろ姿に我慢できずに歩きながら手で陰茎を刺激しますか? はい ふふふ 坊や ここ酒場よ 場所をわきまえなさい それとも サリサの後ろ姿そんなに魅力的だった? 我慢できずに歩きながらチンポ触っちゃう位魅力的? お猿さんねえ ふふふ まだ 逝っちゃ ダメ だよ? ふふふ 我慢できるかな? この階段上ればすぐ個室だからね 頑張って 個室につくまでお射精我慢しようね? 歩きながらお手手でイジイジしてお漏らしなんて 勿体ないよ? 個室でサリサが体を見せつけてじーっと君が扱いて逝くところ見ててあげるから ふふふ それとも我慢できずに階段上りながらお漏らし射精しちゃうかな? きっと坊やはそうなっちゃうかもね? むしろ 漏らしなさい 歩きながら 階段の途中で 衣服の中で 精液を 誰にも見て貰えず さっき出会ったお姉さんのセクシーすぎる後ろ姿を見つめながら も ら せ  坊やマゾでしょ?  うふふふふ いいえ 坊やはマゾ マゾ マゾ マゾ マゾ あと5回私がマゾと言ったら坊やはマゾチンチンからマゾ精子を マゾらしく情けない声を出しながら漏らしちゃう マゾ マゾ マゾ マゾ ふふふ あと1回は お預け 階段上り切って個室の扉を開ける瞬間に 言ってあげる さ 階段上りましょう 勇者はなんとか射精を我慢してサリサの後をついて階段を上り切った サリサが個室の扉をあけようとする ふふふ さ もうすぐ個室 オナニー見て貰える個室 でもね ふふふ はい ラストの1回 この マ ゾ ♪ はい逝っちゃった♪ 残念♪ ささ 個室にどうぞ 勇者とサリサは個室に入った 勇者はサリサに50G渡した その50Gは王様から頂いた資金だった 勇者は衣服を脱いで陰茎をさらけ出した 勇者の陰茎は既に精液にまみれてる 勇者はさっき射精したばかりだがすぐに勃起してまた擦り始めた サリサ様のどこを見ながらオナニーしますか? 脚 ふーん 私の脚ばかり見てるのね? ねえ? 私の脚少し太くない? っていうか、自分で太いと思うの ほら 魔法使いとはいえ 冒険してると一杯歩いたり走るから どうしても下半身は逞しくなっちゃうのよね え? それくらい適度に筋肉質な脚の方がエロいです って? ふふふ ありがと~ お礼に はい プチチャームの重ねがけ♪ それ 私にもっとメロメロになって♪ 勇者はサリサ様から2回目のプチチャームをかけられた その瞬間勇者は猛烈にシコシコするのをやめられなくなり あっという間に2回目の射精に至りそうになった サリサ様の何処を見ながら射精しますか? 脚 あー ふふふ 私の少し太い筋肉質な脚を見ながら逝っちゃったね? どう? 気持ち良かった? ねえ この脚で踏まれたい? ふふふ 分かる? 踏まれたいなら 分かる? 分かるよね? それくらい分からないとね いくら雑魚な冒険者でも  ふふふ そう お か ね♪ 追加で50ゴールド頂きます 勇者はサリサ様に50ゴールドを支払う 勇者の所持金は0になった サリサ様が獲物を狩る肉食動物の目つきで勇者の持ってる天空のつるぎと天空の盾を見ている 勇者はその視線に全く気付いていない サリサ様がその逞しいおみ足を勇者の陰茎に乗せ 体重をかけはじめる 勇者の陰茎は大きすぎる快楽に全く太刀打ちできず あっという間に射精の感覚が込み上げてきた サリサ様のおみ足にすがりつきますか? はい あは♪可愛い子♪チンポ踏まれながら私の脚にすがりついてる♪弱い男の子なんだね♪ それそれ もっとこの冒険で鍛えた適度に筋肉質な美脚でチンポ踏まれて射精しちゃえ♪マゾ冒険者♪ サリサ様のおみ足を舐めますか? はい あん♪くすぐったい♪足 美味しい? 美味しいよね? サリサの足凄く美味しいでしょ? もっと舐めて? ね? ねえ ねえ ねえ 君魔王を自分で倒せると思う? ごくごく平均的な魔力の女魔法使いに出会って数分でここまで屈服してる君が 世界を支配しようとする魔王を倒せるかな?無理だよね?分かるよね?分かるでしょ?チンポ女に踏まれて射精しちゃう子が魔王を倒すなんて無理よね  いい条件があるの 君が持ってるその高そうな剣と盾 それ 頂戴? それくれたら 私のオナニー見学プレイと踏みつけプレイ いつでも何回でもタダで してあげる ね? いい条件でしょ? ダメ かな? ふふふふ はい 商談成立 ちょっと待ってて この剣と盾貰うね? 下に顔なじみの商人さんがいるの ちょっと彼女の所に行ってくるね これ 置いておくから好きに使って?  私のさっきまで履いてたソックス♪ サリサ様は天空のつるぎと天空の盾を持って顔なじみの女商人の元を訪れた 女商人は凄く驚いている 女商人はサリサ様に5000万ゴールドを提示した サリサ様は快く天空のつるぎと天空の盾を売却した サリサ様が個室に戻ってきた 勇者はサリサ様の履いてたソックスを陰茎に被せて扱いてる 勇者はサリサ様を惚けた顔で見つめている サリサ様は笑顔で勇者を見つめる とても素敵な笑顔 あっけなく大金が手に入った事がもたらす満面の笑み その満面の笑みが勇者をとても気持ちいい射精に何発も何発も何発も導く サリサ様から溢れる幸せなオーラと誰もが見惚れる完璧な笑み そして魅力的な身体  ただそこにサリサ様が立っているだけで勇者はシコシコがいつまでも辞められなかった サリサ様はずっとずっとずっとニコニコ微笑みながら優雅に立っている そして勇者は何発何発射精しても自慰行為が辞められず 酒場の個室に勇者の精液の匂いが充満する サリサ様の魅了魔法の効果はとっくに切れているが 勇者は魔術など関係なしに サリサ様に深く深く魅了されている サリサ様はにっこり微笑みながら勇者の自慰行為を見つめているが 頭の中ではあっけなく手に入った莫大なお金の使い道をあれこれ考えている もう危険な冒険パーティに加わる必要もない もうはした金で男の自慰行為をみる必要もない さしあたり高級住宅街の売りに出されてる一軒家でもポンと買って 優秀な警備員を雇って 高価な家具を揃えて ふふふ そうだこのマゾも私のペットとして一緒に暮らそうか 見た目も悪く無いし人畜無害なマゾだし などと考えていた 女は幾らでも表情を騙せる 笑顔なんてたやすく作れる 精神的にタフで図太い女は 笑顔なんてタダ でもタダの笑顔で相手を操れる という事を知ってる だから完璧に素敵な笑顔を たやすく作れるし 男はそれに騙される サリサ様の満面な笑みを見ながら自慰行為する快楽に勇者は完璧に捕らわれている 勇者の冒険は 半日と経たず終わった  ごくごく普通の魔力とかなり魅力的なスタイルを持った、若いサリサという、それなりの人生経験を重ねて来た女魔法使いによって、いとも簡単に終わりを迎えた 尚その後天空のつるぎと天空の盾は富裕層が集まる街でオークションにかけられ数億ゴールドで大富豪に落札された 女商人はサリサに気持ちとして追加で1億ゴールドを渡し、それによってサリサは更に幸福感に包まれて 素敵な魅力的な けど 心からは笑ってない笑顔で 勇者を何発も自慰射精に導いた  女の笑顔 魅力的な身体 男はそれにたやすく騙される 堕ちる そして自慰行為をさせられる 女は 魅力的な女は 男の自慰行為なんて簡単に操れる 弄べる 女の優位性 男のもろさ 乱れやすさ 堕落しやすさ スタイルがいい女は スタイルが良くてそこそこ美形な女は ニコッと微笑んで 今日も男を簡単に操る 男はそうやって弄ばれる事が幸せな生き物 男はダメな生き物 男は女から産まれて女に弄ばれて女の為に動いて 女の為に人生を消費して女で扱いて射精する 男は女がいないと何もできない生き物 男はね 女で射精してればいいの 男はね 女に踏みにじられてればいいの 男はね 女を見上げて崇拝してればいいの 男はね 男はね 男はね チンチンだけ握って上下運動させておきなさい 男はね ビュッビュッって白いミルクをお漏らしする 快楽に囚われてなさい 男はね 男はね 女のおもちゃでいなさい 男はね 私の声だけ聴いてなさい 私の声に耳を傾けて シコシコシコシコシコ はい シコシコシコシコシコシコ 男はバカですね 男はマヌケですね 男はどうしようもないへんたいばかりですね 男は可愛いですね 男は哀れですね 男は 扱いやすくていいですね 男を操るのは簡単ですね 男である貴方も操ってあげましょうか? ねえ? ダメ? 何がダメなの? ふふふ あんまり 男という性を小ばかにされると シコシコが止まらなくて射精しちゃいそうなの? ふふふ なんですかそれ? 男という性を 女である私に コケにされて 小ばかにされると シコシコが止められなくなると…? なんて不思議なんでしょう そんな風にシコシコしてたら私は男という性を男という種族を もっと小ばかにするしか ないじゃないですか 男は哀れですねー 男はみじめですねー 男は女のおもちゃですねー 男はシコシコシコシコシコシコチンポ握ってる時が一番幸せそうですねー? やっぱり男って 馬鹿 なんじゃないですか? あらあら嫌ですね チンポ透明な我慢汁がトロトロって溢れてますよ? 頭悪いんでしょうねきっと 小ばかにされてご自分でシコシコして我慢汁漏らすなんてどこまで女に弱みをさらけ出せば気がすむんですか?女が全部受け入れてくれると思いますか? 気持ちいい射精までサポートしてくれると思いですか? そうですか このままお射精まで一緒にサポートしてくれると信じてるんですね? いいですよ サポートしてあげます だってここはボイスドラマの世界 男の欲望 理想 妄想 なんでも叶う世界 叶えてあげますね 貴方はチンポ握ってシコシコしてれば いいですよ というかそれしかできないですよね?お猿さん♪ はいおチンポ握りしめてシコシコシコシコシコシコシコ おチンポ上下にシコシコシコシコシコシコ 気持ちいい? 感じちゃう? 蕩けちゃう? うふふふふ お姉さんが うふふふふふって耳元で囁いて シコシコシコシコシコって命令すると もうヤバい位気持ち良くて チンポ汁があふれ出るの我慢できない? お姉さま逝っちゃいます~って喘ぎながらその情けない雄の象徴のチンチンから精液ミルク真っ白いチンポミルク臭い負け犬ミルク 女に負けちゃった証明の敗北ミルク女の言葉の快楽に我慢できなかった証の雄汁ミルク 出しちゃう? 出ちゃう? ドビュドビュ我慢できないかな?できる?我慢できる? 無理なら逝ってもいいよ?君なんて弱い弱い弱い弱すぎる男の子だから我慢できるはずないって分かってるから大丈夫だよ?強い子ならこんな言葉責めなんて屁でもない、 余裕で我慢できるしそんな風に情けなくシコシコシコシコってお猿さんみたいにマゾチンチンシコシコ擦ってマヌケ顔しながらハアハア喘がないけど、君は弱い弱い男の子だから お姉さんが喋れば喋るほどチンチン握って上下運動がやめられなくなっちゃうんだよね仕方ないよ仕方ないよ何にも悪くないただ君という人間が弱くておちんちんも弱くて マゾな快楽に全く太刀打ちできない 女の子に搾取されるためだけの 底辺を彷徨う意思薄弱なマゾおとこなんだって事だけだから あーあ、こんな風にお姉さんが的確に君を表現してあげるだけで君はチンチン擦って逝っちゃうの我慢できないんだね もうおちんちん我慢汁で酷い事になってる情けない事になってる そんなに我慢汁一杯出てるとそれがローション代わりになって扱くと凄くと気持ちいいでしょ?くちゅくちゅ音が響いて凄くエッチな感じするよ?ああ、今この子自分で自分のちんちんを イジメてるんだって お姉さんのボイスをオカズに自分のマゾチンチンを自分の利き手で苛め倒してるんだって そうやっていつもいつも自分のお手手で精液ずっと搾ってきたんだよね? お姉さん君のようなタイプの子はよく分かるのよ 君のような子を一杯苛めて苛めて苛めて苛め抜いてきたからね この言葉だけで声だけでボイスだけで だから私の声だけで君がシコって逝っちゃっても全然驚かない全く驚かない ただね 「あ、今日も1人Мな男の子逝かせちゃった♪声だけで ふふふ」って少しだけ勝ち誇った気分に なるの。そ 君が私の声で射精するとね 勝ち誇った気分にちょっとだけなれるの 私がね。小さな敗北 小さな勝利 でもね小さな敗北も 小さな勝利もそれがずっと積み重なると 圧倒的な敗北 完璧なまでの勝利 になるの 分かるよね? 悔しい感情が少しでも芽生えたら頑張ってシコシコシコシコするの辞めてみようか?ね?悔しい? え?悔しくないの?そっか♪もうそのレベルの負け犬マゾなんだね♪じゃあシコシコシコシコシコシコシコってマゾチンチン擦り倒して敗北お射精しちゃいましょうか? ダメダメおチンポでちゅね~?負け犬マゾマゾチンポでちゅね~?悔しさを感じる事も忘れた最低な負け犬チンポは自分のお手手でずっと握りしめてシコシコしてあげないと すぐにマゾ精子が貯まって苦しくなっちゃうんでちゅよね?いるんでちゅよね~君みたいな哀れなマゾ男子って♪最近本当特に多いの 困っちゃう ね?ど・う・て・い・君? ふふふ 童貞でしょ? 童貞童貞童貞? 童貞じゃない? 嘘ばっかり どっちでもいいけど、お姉さんの前では君は童貞ね さ 童貞チンチン一杯シコシコして敗北射精してね?は い ぼ く しゃ せ い 早くしろ♪ ド変態マゾ男♪ ミジメ惨めみじめ♪ (君って惨め と30回繰り返してください) あはははは それイケ♪ ミジメな精液全部出せ! は い ぼ く しゃ せ い 準備完了♪ どれほど惨めな敗北射精見せてくれるのかな?とっても た の し み♪ あはははははははははははははははは! くさい負け犬ミルク早く出してろ!ごみ野郎♪マゾマゾマゾ♪


The brave hero was granted the heavenly sword and the heavenly shield. With these, he's going to defeat the evil demon king. He began his adventure after receiving a legendary armor from the good king. In the town's inn, he was looking for a team to follow him on his adventure. A glamorous sorceress appeared before him. Are you inviting me to join your party? YES. Hmmn, a journey to defeat the demon king? You're the one to defeat the demon king? Fufu, that's impossible. I'm terribly sorry, but I value my own life. Try someone else instead. Ah, however, how about I give you another service? The "Masturbation Show Play" by the sorceress Sarisa. Fufu, I'm sorry for saying "masutrbation" all of a sudden. But I mean, on your adventure you'll become abstemious no matter what, so you're going to build up lots of stress. For only 50 Gold, you can let me watch you masturbate. 50 gold is pocket money, which you'll save up in no time by grinding on a few small fry monsters, right? Or maybe you'd rather earn it from a part-time job from the nearby stores. Fufufu. Hey, isn't my body erotic?  A sorceress' magic works the best when the enemy's mental power is at a weak point. Well, I guess my erotic body won't have much of an effect on monsters, but to a young lad like you its effect is imminent. I think. Okay, here's my most fundamental seduction spell. "Petit Charm", eii! ♪ Please fall for Sarisa-sama's charme~ Fufufu, yaay, successfully charmed ♪ You're having heart-shaped eyes and you're drooling from your mouth. Fufu, your dick is getting hard ♪ Who knew that you'd fall so low from such a low-level spell like Petit Charm. If you go out on your adventure like that, you'll sooner or later encounter a powerful onee-san succubus who excels at seduction spells. You'll be under her spell in no time and have all your weapon and armor stolen, or even become her slave. She'll make you masturbate for days, and then it's game over for you ♪ Like said, my mage level isn't that high to begin with, and that was my most crucial seduction spell. If this level is enough to get your dick hard, a real succubus might even make you cum with Petit Charm alone♪ Fufufu. So, what will you do?  Will you beg me for Masturbation Show Play?  Because you seem to be getting so painfully hard that you're even dripping with precum already. Hey? You just received a hand full of money from the king, right?  Let's spend it all for a grand adventure! DO YOU WANT TO PAY 50 GOLD FOR SORCERESS SARISA'S [MASTURBATION SHOW PLAY]? YOU OWN 100 GOLD. YES Yees, thank you very much. You know, this inn also has rooms where we can discuss things in private. Let's go over there. The brave hero follows Sarisa right behind. Sarisas lively garments that emphasised her body-line made the hero's member erect. He could feel it rubbing against his clothes just from walking.  Did walking behind me get the best of you that you had to touch yourself? YES Fufufu. My boy, this is an inn. Please know your place. Or did you find Sarisa's back figure that charming? Is it so fascinating that you can't stand walking and have to grab your dick?  You little monkey. Fufufu. Do not come yet, you hear me? Fufufu, you can't stand it anymore.  The private room is just up these stairs. Surely you can hold it in until we're there. I mean, what a waste would it be to just dribble into your hands while walking.  My room will be the place where I'll let you oogle my body while I'll watch you stroke and cum. Fufufu, or are you going to soil yourself while walking up the stairs?  You certainly seem that way, my boy. Then you should soil yourself, while walking up the stairs, right into your pants, while no one is watching, all while you stare at onee-san's back who you only met a moment ago. Leak-it-out. Are you a boy or a maso?   Fufufu, no you're a maso boy. Maso maso maso maso maso. I'll say maso five more times, then you'll cum your maso jizz. Leak it out while whimpering like a maso. Maso maso maso maso, fufufu, just one more time. I'll hold onto it for now, and say it the very moment we walk up the stairs, walk into the room and close the door. Now, let's go up then, shall we? Some way or another, the brave hero held in his sperm while following after Sarisa. Sarisa was about to open the door. Fufufu, we're almost there now. Almost in my room where I'll watch you masturbate. But... fufu, here's the last one: You ma-so. Yes, and you came ♪ What a pity ♪ Now, please step inside. The hero and Sarisa entered the room. The hero gives Sarisa 50 Gold. These 50 gold were funded by the good King. The hero takes off his clothes and exposes his penis. The hero's penis is already smeared with semen. The hero just ejaculated before but swiftly becomes hard and starts to rub himself. Which of Sarisa's parts do you want to masturbate to? LEGS Hmmn? You're only staring at my legs? Hey?  Aren't my legs a bit too thick?  ...because I think they are. After all, even as a magician one gets to walk a lot on adventures, so your lower body tends to get burly and strong. Eh?  You think that moderately muscled legs are even more erotic? Fufufu, why thank you~ As a reward, let's stack up the Petit Charm♪ With this you'll fall even deeper in love with me. Sarisa-sama casts a 2nd Petit Charm on the hero. At this very moment, the hero starts furiously rubbing himself without stop, and is about to ejaculate for a 2nd time any second. Where do you want to stare at while ejaculating? LEGS Aah, fufufu. So you came while staring at my slightly muscular legs, hm?  Well?  Did that feel good? Say, do you want me to get stepped on by those legs?  Fufufu, you know?  If so, you know what.  Got it?  Even a small fry adventurer like you should understand this, right?  Fufufu, that's right. C-a-s-h. ♪ It'll cost you an additional 50 Gold. The hero pays 50 Gold to Sarisa-sama. The hero has 0 Gold left. Like a carnivore hunting its prey, Sarisa's eyes land on the hero's heavenly sword and shield. The hero does not mind her gaze at all. Sarisa-sama takes her burly leg and places it with full weight on the hero's penis. The hero's penis feels overwhelming, irresistible pleasure and is taken by the sensation of orgasm in a flash. Do you want to cling to Sarisa-sama's other leg? YES. Ahaa ♪ You're adorable ♪ So you want to cling to my leg while I step on your dick? ♪ What a frail boy you are.♪ That's it, let those moderately muscular legs forged by adventure step on your dick and cum♪ You maso adventurer ♪ Do you want to lick Sarisa-sama's foot? YES Ahn ♪ That tickles ♪ Is my foot tasty?  It's delicious, right?  Sarisa-sama's foot is incredibly tasty.  Lick it more. Hey?  Hey hey heey, do you really think you can defeat the demon king?  Look how much you're succumbing to just an average sorceress you only met a few minutes ago. Can you really defeat the demon king who wants to rule over the whole world? Impossible, right? You know that. Surely you know. A little kid who cums from getting stepped on by a woman can't possibly defeat a demon king.  But you've got something good. That sword and shield of yours look expensive. Can I have them?  If you give them to me, I'll watch you masturbate and step on you as much as you want and whenever you want. Can I have them?  Isn't that a good deal?  Or maybe not?  Fufufu, okay, that ends our negotiations. Wait just a moment while I get this sword and shield.  I saw my mechant friend in the bar below, let me bring them to her real quick. I'll leave this here to do whatever you want with.  Those're my socks I just wore a until now ♪ Sarisa-sama takes the heavenly sword and the heavenly shield to her merchant friend. The merchant is incredibly surprised and offers Sarisa-sama 50 Million Gold. Sarisa-sama cheerfully sells the heavenly sword and the heavenly shield. Sarisa-sama returns to the room. The hero is stroking his penis while wearing Sarisa-sama's sock. The hero dumbfoundedly stares at Sarisa-sama. Sarisa-sama stares back at the hero with a grin. An absolutely wonderful grin. A huge smile that only a stupidly large amount of money can give you. With this smile on her whole face, she will guide the hero to absolutely wonderful orgasms over and over and over. Sarisa-sama is gleaming with absolute happiness, a flawless smile that would charm anyone, and lastly her fascinating body.  The hero could stroke forever just by looking at Sarisa-sama standing there. Sarisa-sama is elegantly standing there with her cheerful, gorgeous smile. Since the hero cannot stop masturbating and ejaculating, the private bar room soon starts to be teeming with the smell of the hero's semen. Although the effect of Sarisa-sama's charm-spell has long worn off, the hero is deeply, deeply fascinated by her, unrelated to any sorcery. Sarisa-sama sweetly watches him masturbate, although the only thing on her mind right now are the things she's going to buy with the stupendous amount of money she has just obtained. She has no need anymore to join a risky adventurer parties. No need to earn pocket money from watching men masturbate. At last, she can buy a mansion in a high-class residential area in cash, as if it was nothing. She can employ excellent guards, expensive furniture, and... fufufu, yes, she could keep this maso here as a pet. He's not too bad looking and he couldn't even hurt a fly. Those thoughts come to her mind. A woman's face is one of a thousand tricks. Smiles are easy to make. A mentally tough and bold woman, a smile is ordinary. But she knows that with such an ordinary smile, she can manipulate her opponents. So a perfectly wonderful smile is so easy to make and to trick men with, which is why the hero is seized with pleasure from Sarisa-sama's flawless smile as she watches him masturbate. After a mere half a day, the hero's journey was over.  He had met his end so easily, done in by a sorceress with lots of human experience. The young Sarisa, who held nothing but an incredibly simple magic spell and quite a fascinating style. After this, the heavenly sword and shield was auctioned off to wealthy people on the street. The bid went to the stinking richest multi-billionaire. The merchant felt so happy that she granted Sarisa another 100 million Gold, which made Sarisa overflow with more happiness than ever before. She looked wonderfully charming, but the smile came from the bottom of her heart. She let the hero ejaculate by himself countless of times.  A woman's smile, and her fascinating body, who can easily deceive any man, succumb, and lastly make them masturbate. Such a woman is a woman of charms. A woman who can easily make a man masturbate, pull his strings, toy with him, assert her dominance, make him frail-hearted, confused, depraved. A woman with good style, and fairly well-shaped beauty. Even today, just a little smile is enough to easily turn a man to wax, and turn into a happy creature from being played with. Men are useless creatures. Men should be played with and act for the women that have birthed them. They expend their lives for women and ejaculate to their wills. Without women, men are good for nothing creatures. Men should do nothing but cum to a woman. Men should do nothing but get trampled by weman. Men should do nothing but look up and worship his women. Men, men, men... only have to grab their dicks and stroke up and down. Men... spew spew and dribble their white milk. Become a prisoner of pleasure. Men, men, men are a woman's plaything. Men... only have to listen to my voice. Hear my voice... shikoshikoshikoshiko. Yes, shikoshikoshikoshiko. Men are so dumb. Men are blockheads. Men are all just useless perverts. Men are adorable. Men are so sad. So nice how easily men can can turn to wax. They can simply be manipulated. Won't you be manipulated as well? Hey?   No?  No what?  Fufufu, it's nothing. When you make a fool out of the male gender, they have to stroke and cum in no time, right?  Fufufu, why is that?  Why does the male gender let itself fooled around by a woman like me? If making a fool of you can't make you stop stroking...  Isn't it mysterious? If they have to stroke like this, I have no other choice but to make fun of the male gender, the male species. Men are so pathetic, right? Men are so miserable, right? Men are a woman's plaything, right? A man's greatest luck is to shikoshikoshiko stroke his dick, right? After all, men are just fools, right?  My, oh my, your dick is dripping with clear precum already.  I guess you must be a dumb fool, right? Sinceyou're dripping with precum as you're stroking and being made a fool of, I wonder how far you'll expose your weakness to a woman. Do you believe that women will fully accept them all? Do you believe they'll support you witha pleasurable orgasm?  Is that right, you believe they'll support you until you ejaculate? Alright. I will give you support. Because this is the world of voice dramas. The world where any man's desire, dreams and fantasies can come true. I will make them come true. If you grab your dick and stroke. That's good, because that's all you can do, right? Little monkey. ♪ Yes, grab your dick and shikoshikoshikoshikoshikoshiko, fapfapfapfapfap up and down. Feels nice, hm?  Do you feel it?  Are you melting?  Ufufufu, when onee-san whispers ufufufu in your ears, and orders you to shikoshikoshikoshikoshiko, it feels crazy good already, right? Can't you hold in your dick from overflowing?  "Pnee-sama, I'm gonna cuuum", you're crying, as your miserable symbol of masculinity ejaculates that while dick milk. That stinking loser milk. The failure-milk that proofs how you lost to a woman. Male juice milk that proofs how you can't resist the pleasure of words. Is it cumming?  Is it?  Can't you hold in your pew pew? Well? Can you hold it in? If it's impossible, just cum. You are such a weak, weak, weaak little boy, so I perfectly know you don't have the patience. If you were a strong boy, my verbal teasing wouldn't faze you at all. With just a bit of resistance, you wouldn't pathetically fap like this, rub your dick like a monkey, and groan and gaps with that stupid face of yours. But you are such a weak, weak, weak boy after all. Then more I talk to you, the harder it gets to stop stroking your dick up and down. It really can't be helped. I'm not even doing anything bad. But you, the so called human, with your weak dick, absolutely cannot resist that masochistic pleasure. You're just a feeble minded maso boy wandering around on the bottom of society who needs to be exploited by girls. Oh dear, when onee-san accurately describes your place in life, you just can't help but stroke and cum, right? Your dick is already awfully smeared with pathetic precum. With so much precum you can use as substitute lotion, it must feel insanely good, right? The gllch-gllch sound it makes sounds really lewd, doesn't it? Oh dear, now this little boy is teasing his own dick. This boy is using onee-san's voice as fap material, while he bullies and defeats his own dick with his dominant hand. This is how you always squeeze out your semen with your hands, right? Onee-san knows many boys of your type. Boys like always come to me to be bullied, teased, tormented, harassed... Just by these words, this sound, this voice. That's why you fapping and cumming to my voice doesn't surprise me at all. Not in the least. That's why thinking "Ah, today I'm going to make one maso boy cum ♪ With just my voice, ufufu" give me a little sense of triumph. Yes, when you cum to my voice, I feel a little bit accomplished, you know. A small defeat, a small victory. But even small defeats and victories can accumulate over time and eventually lead to overwhelming defeat and flawless victories. You know that, right? When just a small feeling of regret begins to sprout, how about you stop stroking with endurance? Hey? Are you regretting? Eh? You're not? I see♪ So you're a maso loser on *that* kind of level already?♪ In that case shikoshikoshikoshikoshikoshikoshiko, stroke and defeat yourself with orgasm. Your shilly little dick ish cumming, right? Your loser maso maso dick ish cumming, mmh? You've already forgotten how regret feels, so you must grab your horrible loser dick with your hands and stroke so hard. Almost there, your maso semen has saved up so much that it hurts, right? There'sh shoo many~ So many sad maso boys lately, it's getting worrying. Hey? Are you a v-i-r-g-i-n.  Fufufu, you're a virgin, right?  Virgin-virign-virign?  You're not?  Oh, you little liar. But it doesn't really matter. For onee-san, you'll always be a virgin. Now, fap that virgin dick as hard as you can and cum like a loser. Hurry up and c-u-m-y-o-u-l-o-s-e-r.♪ You hyper-pervert maso boy♪ You pathetic miserable loser♪ (You little loser x 30 times) Ahahahah, now cum♪ Let out all your loser sperm! Everything's read for your l-o-s-e-r-o-r-g-a-s-m♪  How much longer will you show me your miserable loser cum? I'm really looking for-ward-to-it♪ Ahahahahahaha!  Hurry up and let out your stinking loser milk! You trash bastard♪ Maso Maso Maso♪
