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【導入】 んふふ💛 いらっしゃい 私を指名してくれてどうもありがとう 今回は射精管理責めコースを選んじゃったのね クスクス♪ ねぇ、射精管理に興味があるの? …ふ~ん♪ そうなんだ~♪ で~も、もし、君が勘違いしてるといけないから 予め教えてあげるわね 私、今回の射精管理は、 1日や2日で終わらせる気なんてないわよ ん~そうね~最低でも一週間以上… 私の気分次第では2週間… 一カ月以上だってあり得るわ ンふふ💛 それでもいいの?耐えられるのかしら? 途中リタイアはさせないわよ? 君がどれだけ射精したいって私に懇願しても 私の足を舐めて泣きながらオネダリしても 私は君に「射精禁止」を言い続けるわよ? ふふ💛 君の頭がエッチなことでいっぱいになって… おちんちんの…射精の事しか考えられなくなるまで… ううん、むしろ射精の事しか考えられなくなってからが始まりよね クス♪ 本当にわかってる? 男の子の快感…普通の男性なら週に何回もしてる気持ちいい射精を 私に完全に取り上げられちゃうのよ? 自分の意志ではできなくなるのよ? 本当にいいの? 考え直すなら、今よ 調教が始まったら、私は君の事、私の奴隷…変態のマゾとして扱うからね? クスクス♪ 言っとくけど、私 マゾに自由な射精やオナニーなんてさせる気はないからね だからほら、 今のこの瞬間によく考えなさい 私に射精の権利を全て差し出すか その辺で勝手にぴゅっぴゅするか… 10秒だけ考える時間を上げる 私にご主人様に射精の権利を全て差し出す気があるのなら 私の声を聴き続けなさい クスクス あはは❤ そう♪ 私に射精の権利を差し出すんだ~♪ そんなに私に射精管理されたいの? んふふ💛 仕方ないわね~ い~い? 私、ちゃんと君に後戻りできるチャンスを与えてあげたからね 後で後悔しても知らないわよ♪ ふふ 今から私は、君を人間として扱わないわ 人間以下のマゾ、マゾ犬として扱うから ちゃ~んと私の命令に従うのよ? もし、従えなかったら… 射精は永遠に禁止ね… ふふ、 これからたっぷり時間をかけて 君の身体と心に私の存在を刷り込んであげる おちんちんが疼いたら調教の時以外でも私の事を思い出せるようにしてあげるわ んふふ💛 さぁ、私と一緒に とっても切なくて気持ちいい射精管理❤初めていこっか♪


[Introduction] Nfufu ❤ Please come in. Thank you for having me. This time you chose the orgasm control course, didn't you? Kihihi.♪ So, you take interest in orgasm control? ...hmhmmm ♪ I see~♪ That said~, in case you have misunderstood something, allow me to explain. You should know, I have no interest in ending today's orgasm control in only 1 or 2 days. Mmh, let's see... it could take at least a week... Or depending on my mood, two weeks... Up to no less than a whole month. Nfufu ♥ Is that alright with you? Can you take it? You won't give up on the way? No matter how much you want to cum, or how much you beg me, Even if you cry and sob while licking my feet, I will keep saying "Orgasm denied", you know? Fufu. ♥ Until your head is flooded with naughty thoughts... Until you can't think of anything but your dick and cumming... Hmmn, perhaps you're already thinking of nothing but cumming? *giggle* ♥ Really, do you understand? A boy's pleasure... an orgasm that for a normal guy would feel so very good after one week. I'm going to take it all away. You will be out of options, understood? Is this really okay? Now is the time to rethink it. As soon as the training begins, I will treat you like my slave... like a perverted masochist. Kihihi.♥ And just for your information, I don't feel like letting masochists cum and masutrbate on their own. And that's why you should carefully think about this moment. Whether you want me to take your orgasm privilege, or if you want to splurt it out on your own... I will give you 10 seconds, If you are then willing to present your orgasm to your mistress, just keep listening. Kihihi. Ahahahah ♥ That's right ♪ You have given me your orgasm privilege ♪ So that's how much you wanted me to put you under orgasm control? Nfufu ❤ Can't help it, hm? Listen up~. I just gave you the last chance to turn back. If you have any more regrets later, I don't wanna hear them ♪ Fufu. From now on I won't treat you like a human being anymore. I'll treat you like a sub-human masochist, a maso dog. So make sure to listen to all my orders. Because if you don't... Your orgasm will be denied forever... Fufu. We'll take our gentle time now. I will imprint my presence into your mind and body. I will make sure you remember me whenever your dick throbs, even outside of our training. Nfufu ❤ Now, you and me... Will have ourselves pleasantly painful orgasm control time ♥ Let us begin ♪

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