Track 4

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じゃあ、兄様のお望み通りペニス容赦なくいじめてあげるね? 射精を禁止された惨めなペニスで出せもしないオナニー、開始 [シコシコ3] こうやってしごきたかったんだよね? ペニスに甘美な刺激が行き渡る気持ちいいリズム ほら、射精までどんどん追い込んで ペニス、きゅんきゅん んひひ、喜んでる これだからマゾは扱いやすい みっちり調教しなくても、焦らしてからちょっとえさ与えるだけで即落ち 鬼のように責め立てて屈服させてあげたかったのに つまんない、ペニスよわすぎ(ささやくように) んひ、でもすぐに使って遊べるから楽でいいかも 快楽で即落ちする淫乱な兄様は使い勝手がいいの ん?どうしたの兄様 すごく気持ちよさそうだけど、まだ射精なんかしないよね? 兄様が射精できないかわいそうなオナニーをおねだりしたんだよ? 私の断りもなく射精なんてするはずない そうだよね? だから、もっとシコシコ力強くして リズムは私が支配してるけど、握る強さは兄様が自由に調整できる 後先考えないで一気に射精まで向かって んひ、もちろん射精寸前になっちゃっても私は知らないけど でも、兄様は私のいいなり おもらしだめなのにおもらしを強制されるの 恥ずかしいおもらし、見られたくないんだよね? 兄様よりもずっと年下の女の子がじーって見てるよ? あー、このペニスおもらししそうになってるんだーって、冷たい目でずっと見てる 他人事みたいにあーあ、バカみたいって顔してるの 惨めだね? じゃあ、一度ストップ 兄様、いきそうになっちゃった? 私、それでもっともっと遊ぶ気満々だよ? あっという間に射精してふにゃふにゃになったペニスなんかいらないから 焦らして焦らして蓄積された快楽を睾丸からバカみたいに溢れさせるところがみたいの 徹底的にペニス、痛めつけるから はい、再開 [シコシコ3] 手加減して一度止めてあげたんだから、勢いよくしごいて それとね、射精しそうになったら、女の子みたいみたいに喘いで 私を退屈させないようにね 私、ずっと無表情だけど、楽しんでるの ペニスが快楽でぴくってするたびに少し目を細めて広角を僅かにあげてる だから、喘いで惨めなところもっと見たい 兄さんがいよいよホントに我慢の限界が近づいて、あ、あ、だめだめってうわごとみたいに声が漏れるとこ、早く見たい でも、ホントに白いおしっこ出すのは許さない 私、そんなに難しいこと言ってない 死ぬ気で射精に追い立てて死ぬ気で射精を我慢する たったそれだけ 自分の股間についてるペニスも満足にコントロールできない役立たずじゃないよね? んひひ、そうに決まってるからシコシコはまだ続行 その顔、何? マゾの兄様に快楽の餌やりしてるんだよ? もっと喜んだら? ありがとうございます、だね ほら、自分の手でペニスを容赦なく追い込んで シコシコがんばれ 内心、頭おかしいんじゃないって馬鹿にしながら見ててあげるから んひ、ばーか 限界が近づいてきてる? お願いして? 止めてくださいって どんな言い方でもいいんだよ 私は優しいから助けてあげる (ここから特に淡々と) ちんぽ、女の子に遊ばれて情けなく射精しそうですって言え ちんぽ、女の子に遊ばれて情けなく射精しそうです ちんぽ、女の子に遊ばれて情けなく射精しそうです ちんぽ、女の子に遊ばれて情けなく射精しそうです (ここまで) ほら、言って? わざわざそんな恥ずかしい言葉でお願いするんだ? 兄様、サイテーの変態だね?馬鹿なんじゃないの?(小声) んひ、仕方ないね、ストップ 助かったと思った? でもね?んひひ 再開 [シコシコ3] ん?何?その顔 ちゃんと止めてあげたよね? でも、どれだけ止めててあげるか言ってなかったから そうだよね? 不満なんだ、へぇー もう絶対に優しくしてあげないから、いじめ潰す(小声) 私を悪者扱いした罰 後で覚えておいて、兄様を本気で泣かせるから じゃあ、その瞬間まではそのペニス、生かしておいてあげる ストップ んひひ、お楽しみはこれから どんどんシコシコも責めもヤバくなってくから気をつけてね?

Shameful Teasing

Now, shall I fulfill niisama's wish and mercilessly torment this penis? The miserable fapping under ejaculation ban starts now. [Shikoshiko 3] This is how you wanted to do it, right? A nice rhythm that spreads sweet pleasure all over the penis. Here, the orgasm is desperately getting closer. The penis is throbbing. Nhihi, it's delighted. This is why masos are so easy to handle. With no harsh training and just a little teasing, you're succumbing to the bait already. Even though I wanted to give you an devil-like torture and make you completely yield to me. This penis is so weak, it's boring (as whisper) Nhi, but getting to play with it so easily could be pretty fun too. A user-friendly, lecherous niisama that slips into pleasure is fine by me. Hmm? What is it, niisama? I know it feels very good, but you're not cumming right away, are you? Is that poor penis that can't cum begging for it? There's no way you'll cum without my strict warning. Right? So there, fap even stronger. I control your rhythm, but you still freely control your strength. Don't think about the consequences, just do it right before you cum. Nhi, of course I don't care what happens when you're right on the brink of cumming. But niisama is my yes-man. Though you don't want to leak, I'm forcing you to leak. But you don't want to be seen peeing, that's embarrassing, right? Especially if a much younger girl stares at you. Haa, I think I'm gonna leak, and yet she's gazing at it with such cold eyes. Someone's seeing my private business, oh noo, I'm making a face like an idiot. That's sad, right? Okay, stop here. Niisama, you were about to come? As for me, I'm getting more and more in the playful mood here. So, I just don't want a penis that comes on its own and goes floppy just like that. I want to tease and tease your balls more with pleasure, until they look so stupid they're about to burst. And this penis, we will give a good shaking. Now, resume. [Shikoshiko 3] I was going easy on you and let you take a quick break. Now shake it good. Oh and while you're at it, when you feel like cumming, I want you to moan like a girl. You don't want me to get bored here, right? I might be pretty emotionless, but I'm really having fun. Every time your penis jumps with pleasure, the corners of my narrow eyes twitch just a little bit. So I want to see you moan miserably. "Niisan is slowly and truly reaching his limit, ah, ah! no good no good!" mumble like that and get louder. hurry up and show me. But I really won't allow you to leak out your white pee. I can't say something that difficult. You'll feel like cumming, and hold off cumming as if you're dying. That is all. If not even that thing between your legs is under full control, then you're just a dumb blockhead, right? Nhihi, nthat we've settled this, let's continue fapping. Now what, that face? Did maso oniichan take the pleasure bait? Did that please you even more? Then say thank you very much. Look how mercilessly you're driving this penis on with your own hands. Good luck rubbing it. I can see your mind, your head feels crazy and stuipd. Nhi, baka Are you approaching your limit? Will you say please? Can you say "stop" You can say it any way you want. I'll be so friendly to help you even. (Especially unconcerned from here) When a girl makes me play with my weewee, I'm gonna cum like a loser. Say it. When a girl makes me play with my weewee, I'm gonna cum like a loser. When a girl makes me play with my weewee, I'm gonna cum like a loser. When a girl makes me play with my weewee, I'm gonna cum like a loser. (Until here) There, did you say it? You went so far to beg me with such shameful words. Niisama, you're the worst of the perverts. What kind of idiot are you anyway? (Whisper) Nhi, can't be helped then. Stop. You think you're safe now? Think again. Nhihi. Commence. [Shikoshiko 3] Hmm? What? That face you make? I gave you a break like you wanted. But you didn't say for how long. Am I right? So, you're not pleased with that, hmm? I'm not going to play that nice again, I'll crush you with bullying. Bad people deserve a punishment. Remember that for later, or else I'll make niisama really cry. So until that moment, let's make the best of this penis. Stop. Nhihi, this is where the fun starts. Be careful though, because more and more dangerous shikoshiko is on the way.

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