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 ユキリヴァ。  ユキリヴァ。  ユ~キ~リ~……ヴァ❤  ご主人様の名前でしっかり勃つようになったな。よしよし。  お前はユキリヴァ様のドーテー。お前のちんぽはユキリヴァ様の所有物。アンダスタン?  ちんぽサイズ5、SP10、持久力8、素早さ25、器用さ67……器用さが一番高いねぇ。  器用さはねぇ、高ければ高いほど女の子の性的魅力を敏感に感じ取れるんだぞ。  お前ちんぽしょっぼいくせに女の子のカラダ大好きなんだな❤  エロブタ❤  そこに座れ。足で充分だ。  これってさぁ~、ホントにちんぽなの?  ブタの尻尾じゃないよね?  くふっ……w  精一杯ちんぽ勃てよーね?  伸ばした分だけ脚上げてもらえるよ。  ビンビンに勃てたら見えるかもね?  パンチュ❤  そうかそんなに見たいかw  お~、直立。  しょうがないな~。ほら、パンチラだぞ。  ドーテー好みの白パン❤  くふうっw  射精したのかw パンチラでw  いいぞw お前のちんぽは実にいいw  ホワイトポーションでお前のSPを回復した。  腐るほどあるぞ。好きなだけ射精しろ❤  今日は育成日和だ。金玉の収容力を鍛えてやろう。  お前の金玉、ホントに酷いからね? せめてブドウの粒サイズは上回ろうね? くふ。  パンツばっかり見てる~。白パン好きなの?  ふとももとパンツが好きなのか。ホントにお前はドーテー根性丸出しだなぁ?  スカートひらひらさせながら足でちんぽシコって欲しーのかー?  お前言葉喋れないくせにエロいオネダリするの上手だな~?  ちんぽ気持ちい~い?  また出したか❤ いいぞブタ。どんどん出せ。  このホワイトポーションの回復量は30だ。  分かるか? お前の金玉はぁ……  ポーションの回復量未満❤  ポーション一回分の量すら蓄えられないクソザコちんぽ❤  くくくっ。ブタのように射精の快感を貪っているな。  ちんぽから白いおちっこピュってするの、クセになっちゃいまちたか~?  金玉の中の精液はこのポーションでいくらでも補充してあげられるけどぉ、射精中毒のちんぽにつける薬はありまちぇんよ~?  そんなに何度もピュッピュしていいの~? 射精しっぱなしのバカちんぽになっちゃうよぉ~?  目の前のパンチラで射精することしか考えられないんだ?  ユキリヴァ様のふとももパンチュが気持ちよすぎるのぉ~?  ふ~ん。  お前は鼻が利くのか?  どこの匂いを嗅いでいる?  おいコラ。変態スケベちんぽドーテー❤  スカートの中の匂いが好物なのぉ?  そんなにふとももパンツ好きぃ?  スカートの中にお顔入れてふとももスリスリしたい~?  え~、無理~。  お股にドーテーくっつけるとか無理~怖い~。  匂い嗅がせてあげるからそれで精液搾り出して?  うわー、パンツに向ける眼差しチョーしんけ~ん。  クロッチがちんぽに効くの~?  クロッチにブタちんぽ擦りつけたい~?  無理~怖い~。  ドーテーの性欲えげつい~。こ~わ~い~❤  テイムしてなかったら今頃レイプされてたかも~。  くふっ、そんな度胸あったらドーテーやってないか~。  くくくっ。  SP15になったよ? よかったね~。金玉の容量一気に1.5ば~い。  それでもまだEランクの底辺だけど。  もしお前が女の子とエッチしてもさぁ、そのSPだったらぁ、ちょっと擦って先走りチョロ~で終わりだよね~w  そうなったらどうすんの? ホワイトポーションがぶ飲みしながら腰振るの?  くふっ……くふふふふっ。  感謝しろ? そうならないようにこうやってちんぽ踏んで金玉鍛えてやってんだぞ?  鍛えたところで一生ドーテーなのは変わらないと思うけど。くふっ。  でも金玉おっきい方がオナニー気持ちいいからぁ、得だよね?  そしたら女の子のパンチラもずーっと見てられるよぉ?  パンチラオカズにちんぽシコったら我慢汁出まくるからぁ、SP15じゃ数分でカラッカラだもんね~?  ほら見てみ。食い込みパンツ❤  うわ~❤ きったねぇ射精❤  お前のちんぽは弄り甲斐満点のダメちんぽだなぁ。  ふともも触りたい? お尻パンツモミモミしたい?  じゃあパンツに精液ぶっかけられたら触らしてあげよっかな~。  無理かな~? お前の精液、パンツに届く前に蒸発しちゃうかもな~?  くふっ。  ちんぽ張り切ってんな。ホント分かりやすいドーテー。  残念でした~❤  もっと射精我慢してちんぽパンパンにしないと勢い出ないかもね?  亀頭擦ったら精液いっぱい昇ってくるんだぞ?  お前の亀頭はどこだ? この辺りまでか?  包茎ちんぽは不便だな~。亀頭探り当てるのに一苦労だもんな~w  切な~。  ちんぽの皮剥いていい?  ……剥くの怖いの?  ちんぽの皮w 剥くのw 怖いんだw  くふっ、くふふふふっ。  頑張って剥いたらもっとザーメン飛ぶかもしれないぞ~?  まぁいい。今回は大目に見てやろう。  剥いたら絶対クサいだろ、お前のちんぽ❤  まだ精液漏らしちゃダメだよ?  金玉の精液を全部ちんぽに移してから射精するんだぞ?  足の指でちんぽ挟んで下から上に擦ってやろうね。  ちゃんと尿道に精液行き渡らせろよ~?  シ~コ、シ~コ、シ~コ、シ~コ。  射精の準備しろよ~? いくぞ~?  はいっ、ぴゅっぴゅ~。  うわ~……。  精一杯がんばってこの高さなの?  ねぇ、今度おしっこ出すとこ見せて?  あ~楽しみだな~。おしっこもチョロって出て終わりなのかな~。  多分そうだろーなー。  だってこのブタちんぽからおしっこが凄い勢いで出たらぁ……射精より気持ちよくなっちゃうもんね~❤  射精が気持ち良さでおしっこに負けるなんてこと、あるわけないよね~❤  ねぇそうでしょ?  またパンティ見てる~。パンティのシワめっちゃオカズにしてる~。  ここまで精液飛ばせたらパンツ触らせてあげるつもりだったのにな~。  ふとももとお尻触らせまくっていっぱい精液搾り取るつもりだったのにな~。  パンツにお顔くっつけてスーハーしたい?  ふとももに抱きついてスカートの中でスーハーしたい?  別にやらせてあげてもいいんだけどな~……でもやっぱ甘やかしちゃダメだよね~。  ドーテーの為にならないしぃ。  は~、ドーテーの育成はツラいわ。ツラみ爆発。  あ~、脚触ろうとしたな~? 言うこと聞かないならもうオナニー見てやんないぞ~?  くくっ。従順な奴。  皮の中で亀頭が膨らんでいるな。  ちんぽの具合はどうだ? そろそろおかしくなってきたか?  まだだ。SP30に達するまで続けるぞ。  包茎ちんぽの鈴口を足で撫で回してやろう。  金玉も弄って欲しいのか。贅沢なブタだな。  ほら。金玉・ちんぽ・鈴口の足コキフルコースだぞ❤  くふっ。そんなに好きか、女の子のパンティが。  パンツのスジが気になるのか?  ふ~ん。  器用さが自慢のちんぽだもんなぁ。  女の子のエロい味をかすめ取るのが上手いなぁ、お前は。  お前のちんぽにパンチラ射精の味を擦り込んでやろう。  更に射精の頻度を上げるぞ。  ちょっとだけハミ出てる亀頭がパンパンだよぉ❤  亀頭で気持ちよくなったのか? 包茎のくせに❤  意地汚い亀頭め❤ 足の指をかぶせてクリクリしてやる❤  ユキリヴァ様のパンチラでありがたく精液をぶちまけろ❤  いいぞ❤ 勃起ちんぽで射精しろ❤ 射精ブタ❤  白いパンティでドロッドロの精液を搾り出せ。  ドーテーの無駄撃ちザーメンをぶちまけろ。  金玉の容量が急成長しているぞ。  まだだ。ちんぽが壊れる寸前まで射精しろ。  精液を漏らし尽くせ。  くくっ。お前の射精は実に貧弱だな?  射精の圧を全く感じないぞ? このクリームを絞り出すような感触がお前の射精か?  くふふっ。いいちんぽだなぁ? お前のブタちんぽはなぁ?  喜べ。お前の金玉は見事ホワイトポーション一個分となった。  金玉とちんぽを踏んでやる。最後に一発濃いのを出せ❤  ほらイケ。イケ。イ~ケ❤  どっぴゅ~。ぴゅっぴゅっぴゅ。ぴゅ~っ、ぴゅっ。  気持ちいかぁ?  よかったな~。金玉おっきくなったぞぉ?  ブドウの粒並み……くふふ……。


Yukiriva. Yukiriva. Yu-ki-ri -... Va ❤ It came to be firmly erected in the name of the master. Good. You are Yukiriva-sama's daughter. Your dick is the property of Yukiriva. Andastan? Chinpo size 5, SP10, endurance 8, quickness 25, dexterity 67 …… The dexterity is the highest. Hey, the higher you are, the more sensitive you can feel the sexual appeal of a girl. I love the girl's body even though you're crazy ❤ Erotic pig ❤ Sit there. Feet are enough. This is really a dick? Isn't it the tail of a pig? Kufu …… w It ’s the best you can do, right? You can raise your legs by the amount you stretched. Maybe you can see it if you get up in Bing? Panchu ❤ Would you like to see so much? Oh, upright. It can't be helped ~. You see, it's a panchira. Dote's favorite white bread ❤ Kufuu w Did you ejaculate? W with panchira Good w Your dick is really good w Recovered your SP with a white potion. There is enough to rot. Ejaculate as much as you like ❤ Today is a good day for training. Let's train the capacity of the gold ball. Your gold ball is really terrible, is n’t it? At least the grape grain size would be larger, right? Kufu. I'm just looking at my pants ~. Do you like white bread? Do you like thighs and pants? You really are a daughter guts, right? Do you want your feet to flutter while fluttering your skirt? You can't speak your words, but you're good at erotic onedari ~? It feels like a dick? Did you put it out again ❤ Good pig. Get out more and more. The amount of recovery of this white potion is 30. Do you understand? Your gold ball is ... Less than the amount of potion recovered ❤ Fucking Zako Chinpo who can't even store the amount of one potion ❤ Kukuku. Don't be hungry for the pleasure of ejaculation like a pig. It ’s a white kid from the dick, is n’t it a habit? The semen in the gold ball can be replenished with this potion as much as you want, but there is no medicine to put on the ejaculation addicted dick ~? Is it okay to puppy so many times? It ’s going to be a stupid dick that keeps ejaculating ~? Can you only think of ejaculating with the panchira in front of you? Yukiriva-sama's thigh panchu is too comfortable ~? Hmm. Do you have a good nose? Where are you smelling? Hey Photoshop. Hentai lewd dick daughter ❤ Do you like the smell in the skirt? Do you like thigh pants so much? Would you like to put your face in your skirt and slurp your thighs ~? Eh, it's impossible. It was impossible to attach a daughter to the crotch ~ scary ~. I'll let you smell it, so squeeze the semen? Wow, look at the pants. Crotch works for dicks ~? Want to rub a pig dick on a crotch ~? Impossible ~ scary ~. Daughter's sexual desire is strong ~. This is ❤ If it hadn't been tamed, it might have been raped by this time ~. Kufu 、 If you have such courage, why don't you do a daughter? Kukuku. It became SP15? It was good ~. The capacity of the gold ball is 1.5 at a stretch. It's still at the bottom of the E rank. If you had sex with a girl, if it was that SP, rub it a little and it would end with Choro ~ w What would you do if that happened? Do you shake your hips while drinking white potion? Kufu …… Kufufufufu. Thank you? To prevent that from happening, did you step on the dick and train the gold ball? I don't think it will change for the rest of my life after training. Kufu. But the big gold ball feels good to masturbate, isn't it? Then you can see the girl's panchira all the time? If the panchira side dish was fluffy, the patience juice would come out, so with SP15 it would be empty in a few minutes ~? Look at it. Biting pants ❤ Wow ~ ❤ Ejaculation ❤ Your dick is a bad dick that is worth playing with. Do you want to touch your thighs? Do you want to fir your butt pants? Then, if semen is splashed on the pants, I should touch it ~. Is it impossible? Your semen may evaporate before it reaches your pants ~? Kufu. The dick is enthusiastic. Really easy-to-understand daughter. It was a pity ~ ❤ If you don't put up with ejaculation more and make it a dick, it may not gain momentum? If you rub the glans, a lot of semen will rise, right? Where is your glans? Is it up to this area? Uncut dick is inconvenient ~. It's hard to find the glans ~ w It's painful. Can I peel the dick? ‥ …… Are you scared of peeling? Chinpo skin w peeling w scary w Kufu, Kufufufufu. If you do your best and peel it off, more semen may fly ~? It ’s okay. Let's overlook this time. If you peel it off, it would be awkward, your dick ❤ You can't leak semen yet, right? Ejaculate after transferring all the semen of the gold ball to the dick? Let's pinch the dick with your toes and rub it from bottom to top. Let the semen spread to the urethra properly ~? Shi-ko, Shi-ko, Shi-ko, Shi-ko. Get ready for ejaculation ~? Let's go ~? Hey, Pyu Pyu ~. Wow ... Do you try your best to reach this height? Hey, show me where you're going to pee next time? Ah ~ I'm looking forward to it ~. I wonder if the pee is also cholo and it's over. Probably so. Because if the pee comes out from this pig dick with great momentum ... it will be more comfortable than ejaculation ~ ❤ There is no such thing as ejaculation being pleasant and losing to pee ~ ❤ Hey, right? I'm watching panties again ~. The wrinkles of the panties are really side dishes. If I could fly semen so far, I was going to touch my pants ~. I was going to squeeze a lot of semen by touching my thighs and buttocks ~. Do you want to stick your face to your pants and sue? Do you want to hug your thighs and sue in your skirt? It's okay to let me do it separately ~ …… But you can't spoil it ~. It's not good for the daughter. Hmm, the training of daughters is very difficult. Tsurami explosion. Ah, did you try to touch your legs? If you don't hear what you say, you won't see masturbation anymore ~? Kuku. Obedient guy. The glans is bulging in the skin. How is the dick? Is it getting strange soon? Still. I will continue until I reach SP30. Let's stroke the bell mouth of the phimosis dick with your foot. Do you want me to play with the gold ball? It's a luxurious pig. See. It's a footjob full course of gold balls, dicks, and Suzuguchi ❤ Kufu. Do you like it so much, girl's panties. Are you worried about the streaks on your pants? Hmm. It's a dick that boasts dexterity. You are good at grabbing the erotic taste of girls. Let's rub the taste of panchira ejaculation into your dick. The frequency of ejaculation will be increased further. The glans penis that is slightly out of the way is bread bread ❤ Did the glans make you feel better? Despite the phimosis ❤ Nasty glans ❤ I'll cover it with my toes ❤ Yukiriva-sama's panchira, thankfully sprinkle semen ❤ Good ❤ Ejaculate with an erection dick ❤ Ejaculation pig ❤ Squeeze the semen of Dorodro with white panties. Dote's useless shooting semen should be thrown away. The capacity of gold balls is growing rapidly. Still. Ejaculate until the dick is about to break. Leak out semen. Kuku. Is your ejaculation really poor? You don't feel the pressure of ejaculation at all? Is the feeling of squeezing out this cream your ejaculation? Kufufu. Isn't it? What is your pig dick? Rejoice. Your gold ball is a splendid white potion. I will step on the gold ball and the dick. Finally, put out a dark one ❤ Look, cool. Cool. I-ke ❤ Doppyu ~. Pyu Pyu Pyu. Pyu, Pyu. How do you feel? It was good ~. The gold ball has become big? Grape grain level …… Kufufu …….

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