Track 6

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じゃあ、今度は変化をつけて遊ばせて頂戴 いくね (シコシコリズム4、しこ・・しこ・・) リズムをとってお遊戯みたいね お兄さん、とっても楽しそう 肝心のちんぽは我慢できるよね? もう射精したくてたまらない? でも、私まだ許可してないから かといって手を止めることも許さない 刺激を弱くすることしか出来ない オナニーって射精するためのものなのに お兄さんは射精しないようにオナニーしてる そういうのなんていうか知ってる? マゾのへんたい(ささやき声) 射精できないオナニーが大好き 女の子に射精を管理されるのが大好き それってマゾの変態でしょ? そうでしょ? そうなら、「はい」って言わないと ほら うふふ、認めた(ねっとり) じゃあ、マゾの変態にご褒美 早くしてあげる (シコシコ5速い) んー? どうしたの、?そんなにちんぽ激しくしごいて それだと射精しちゃうんじゃない? 必死に我慢しないと ガマン ガマン ほら、ガマン うふふふ、ストップ 辛そうだったね ご褒美なのに あれやばい?やばいの? あれすると射精しちゃう? へぇ、そうなの ねぇ、お兄さん、精液家畜って知ってる? 精液を弄ばれるためだけに飼われる可哀想な存在 ちんぽいたぶられて精液を絞られることだけがお仕事 女の人はそれを見て楽しむの お兄さん、その素質ありそう もっといじめて確かめてみるね うふふ、もう一回あのやばいのしちゃおうか? (シコシコ5) (ここから早口) ほらほら耐えないと 手が止まらない ちんぽをしごく手が手が止まらない 射精できない 射精できない 射精できない 射精したいけどお許しがでない ドロドロの精液ちんぽから出したい 臭くて濃ゆい汁をちんぽ脈打たせてたれながしたい 金玉から精液が上がってくる 尿道を精液が犯しながら登ってくる 射精したい 射精したい 射精のお許しが欲しい 土下座でもなんでもするから射精のお許しが欲しい あなた専用の精液家畜になるから射精させてください ちんぽも精液も全部おもちゃにしていいですからお願いします だから射精を許してください 許してください (ここまで) 許さないよ?(ねっとり) だって、まだまだお兄さんで遊びたいから 私専用の精液家畜? うん、いいよ してあげる でも許さない だって精液家畜ってちんぽいたぶられて精液絞られるのがお仕事だから 熟成されきってない精液なんてなんの価値もないの 溜めに溜めた精液が溢れるように吹き出すのがみたいの 金玉の中の精液、まだ熟成できるはず もっとどろどろ濃厚にできるよね? 精液家畜ならできるよね? (シコシコ5) がんばれー、精液家畜 いっぱいしごいて濃厚な精液作りなさいね もうちんぽ限界そう でも金玉の中はまだ熟成できそう・・・だから、ちんぽもっとシコシコしてね 自分で自分のちんぽいじめるの楽しいでしょ? シコシコシコシコって急かされて、操られて うふふ、お兄さん、年下の女の子に言いようにされてる 情けないね はい、ストップ こうやって何度も速いリズムで責められるとやばいでしょ?


Now, it's time we'll play a bit differently. Here we go. (shikoshiko rhythm 4) Now the rhythm is sports-like. Niisan, this sure is fun. The main thing is, can your penis endure it? Are you dying to cum already? You still don't have my permission though. Nevertheless, I'm not allowing you to stop your hands either. You can't help but build up the stimulus. After all, masturbation exists to orgasm. But you're masturbating without orgasm. I hope you haven't forgotten that. You masochist hentai (whisper) Masturbating without cumming, you love it so much. You truly love being orgasm dominated by a girl. This is what we call a pervert masochist. Right? If I'm right, do say "Yes" Go on. Ufufu, you admit it (soggy) Now then, let's give the maso hentai a reward. And go even faster. (shikoshiko 5 fast) Hmm? What's wrong? Why are you stroking your dick so fast? With this, you'll end up cumming in no time. But you're holing on to your dear life. Endure Endure Come on, endure it. Ufufufu, stop. That was tough, right? Ene though it was your reward. Was it risky? Very risk, right? Would you have come? Hee, is that so? Say, niisama. Do you know about semen cattle? Those pitiful creatures, who only exist to have their semen be taken away for breeding? Their like drones, having their penises are tormented and their semen wrung out by. Woman very much enjoy watching such a thing. Niisan, you might be just of that character. I'll have to tease you even more to ascert myself. Ufufu, wanna go for another risky round? (shikoshiko 5) (Fast talking from here) Here here, it's unbearable! Don't stop your hands. Don't stop the hands that rub your cock. But don't cum. But don't cum. But don't cum. You wanna cum, but you just can't. The muddy semen is reaching your cock. The smelly thick juice in your dock is pulsating, wanting to discharge. The semen in your balls is rising. Climbing up to penetrate your uthera. You wanna cum. You wanna cum. You want nothing but to cum! You'd throw yourself to the ground just for the wish to cum! "I've become your personal semen cattle, so please let me cum!" "I don't care if my whole cock and semen are your playthings. I beg you!" "So please, forgive me and let me cum!" "Please forgive me!" (Until here) I won't forgive you. (Soggy) I still want to play with niisama lots and lots more. My personal semen cattle? Okay, that's fine by me. I'll accept you. But I'm not forgiving you. I told you, semen cattle are drones to have their penises tormented and wrung out. Until your semen is fully ripened and qualified, I have no use for it. I want to see your semen spout out like from a overflowing, pestering cesspool. But your testicles still have to ripen in much more. Much more syrupy and thickness is needed. Semen cattle should be able to do that much. (shikoshiko 5) Good luck, semen cattle. Make sure to produce lots of thick and rich semen. Push your dick more to it's limits. But your balls can still ripen it much much more... so, let's stroke your dick a lot. Isn't it fun to torment yourself and your dick? I'm pulling your strings, urging you to shikoshikoshikoshiko. Ufufu, niisan, you let a younger girl talk to you that way? How miserable. Yes, stop. I'm teasing you with this fast rhythm over and over again. Tough, isn't it?

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