Track 8

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うふふ、顔、だらしないよ? ん?射精したいの? そう、じゃあ、する? 射精 もういっぱい我慢したし、出したかったら出せば? もちろん許可はしないけど ほら、許可はもらえないんだよ? じゃあ、もう気持ちよくおもらししてもいいんじゃない? 私は許さないけど 今から10からカウントダウンしてあげる 数が小さくなるほど射精に追い込んで頂戴 10はまだまだちんぽしごける 5で精液が金玉からせり上がってきそうになる 3で涙目、もう射精しか考えられない馬鹿になる 1で射精直前、もう止まらない 0で・・・どうなるんだろうね 射精は禁止だから・・・手を止めないといけないよね? でも、0って言われて射精できたら絶対気持ちいいよ? お兄さんは、耐えられる? 地獄の始まりね ここからは、自分のペースでしごいて シコシコは言わないから ほら、はじめ 10 10はまだまだしごける まだ余裕だよね? もっと早く激しくしても大丈夫 9 だんだん射精が近づいてくる ほら、もっと追い込んで、ちんぽいじめて 見てて楽しいから 8 お兄さん、こうやってカウントダウンで責められるのも好きなんだ 数字言われて興奮してる じゃあ、こういうのはどう? 7、6、5 一気に5まで数え下ろしたよ? 5は精液がせり上がってきちゃうんだよね? 金玉の中、もうぐつぐつに熟成できた? それ、出そうね? 4 ほら、どんどん射精が近づく シコシコ、シコシコ うふふ、お兄さん馬鹿になる? 馬鹿にしてあげる 3 3は、射精しか考えられない馬鹿になる ほら、お兄さん、馬鹿になってね 3、3、3 うふふ、まだ、追い込めるよね?(ねっとり) だってまだ数字は3つも残ってるんだから 後三段階射精に追い込めるよね? 2 もうすぐ射精♪ もうすぐ射精♪ 女の子に射精、させられちゃう♪ それがいいんだよね?変態さんは(怖く) うふふふ、私は優しいから射精寸前の数字の前に確認してあげる お兄さんは1の次の数字って何か知ってる? 馬鹿になってもそれくらいわかるでしょ? その数字でいっちゃだめ 射精できない 1になったら私はたっぷりお兄さんを射精へ誘惑してあげる でも、お兄さんは1の次の数字で手を止める 1の次の数字で手を止める、いい? じゃあ、お兄さん、がんばってね 1 ほらほら、もう射精寸前 止まらない 射精したら絶対きもちいい あの数字を言われて出したら、頭壊れるくらいきもちいい ザーメン出したい、ザーメン出したい うふふ、精液情けなく出るところ私に観察されて馬鹿にされたいんだ? もし、ここで射精しても最後の一滴がひり出されるまでちんぽ観察しててあげる それで、本気で馬鹿にするの 安心して、射精へ向かっていいよ たっぷり笑って、数字頭おかしくなるまで連呼してあげるから 耳を私の声で犯されながらの射精、射精中も私の言葉が絶え間なく貴方をなぶり尽くす じゃあ、いくね 女の子に負けちゃえ 0 ・・・・・・・・うふふふ、まさか、こんな誘惑に負けて本当に射精した馬鹿なお兄さんはいないよね? お兄さんを笑ってあげる?数字を連呼する?そんなのうそだよ?(とぼけるように) もし、出しちゃったんならすぐに音声を聞くのをやめて 手は止まってて、ちんぽは射精寸前状態、そのはずでしょ? 簡単に女の子に負けちゃうマゾの変態は、私いりませんから うふ、我慢できたってことね もし我慢できなかったら、私の声がしない無音の中、一人でびゅーーーー、びゅーーーーってとってもむなしい射精、するところだったね あーあ、虚しい射精させたかったのに射精した瞬間に私の声が止んで、せっかく溜め込んだザーメンを中途半端に吐き出すところ 本当に見たかったのに どうして射精してくれなかったの? ねぇ、どうして? ど・う・し・て? うふふふ、お兄さんって本当にいじめがいがあるね


Ufufu, you face has gotten slutty? Hmm? You want to cum? So, are you really going to? Ejaculate? You endured it for so long, so if it's coming out, then it's coming out. Even tho you still don't have my permission. Listen, did I give you my permission? Yu just wanna feel good and pee out your stuff? Because I won't allow it. I'll count down from 10 to 0 now. With every number, you'll edge in closer to ejaculation. On 10, you're simply rubbing your dick. On 5, your balls are preparing to shoot out the semen. On 3 you get teary eyed and can't think of nothing but cumming, like an idiot. On 1, you're right before orgasm. Semen isn't stopping. On 0... I wonder what's gonna happen. Ejaculation is forbidden, but don't stop your hands. But it will feel so incredibly good once I say 0. Niisan, can you bear with it? This is the beginning of hell. From here on, you can rub it at your own pace. There's no more shikoshiko voice. Here we go. Ten 10 you're just going at it. Still plenty of surplus. It's okay to go even faster. Nine Gradually, orgasm is approaching. Come on, do it more, torment your dick. Watching you is so fun. Eight Niisan, you love how I torment you with my countdown. Every single number is making you excited. Well, how about this then? Seven, Six, Five All of a sudden, we dropped down to 5. 5 is making your semen ready, right? Your balls should've ripened it good and well now. This will come out right? Four Come on, orgasm is edging closer. Shikoshiko, Shikoshiko Ufufu, niisama has become stupid. So let's make fun of you. Three On 3, the idiot is thinking of nothing but cumming. Come on niisan, get stupid! Three, Three, Three Ufufu, I'm still driving you on? (Soggy) Because there's only 3 more numbers left. After three more steps, you'll rush to orgasm. Two Orgasm is close ♪ Orgasm is close ♪ A girl is making you ejaculate ♪ That's what you like? Mr. Hentai (scary) Ufufufu, since I'm so gentle, I'll just check if the numbers before to keep you at the edge. Niisan, you do understand that 1 is the next number? Even tho you're an idiot now, you do understand this. So do not cum at that number. Do not cum. Once you're at 1, I'll amply make sure to lure you into ejaculation. But niisan, at 1 you can't stop your hands. 1 is the next number, so don't stop your hands. Allright? Well then, niisan. Good luck. One Here heere, at the brink of orgasm. Don't stop. The orgasm will feel soo good. Once I go down another number, the orgasm will feel so good that your head explodes. The semen wants out, the semen wants out. Ufufu, your semen is in such a miserable state, and I'm here to make fun of it. Of course, I'm here to observe that every last drop escapes from your dick. And then I'll really make fun of you. Have some relief, and to towards orgasm. I'll laugh at you a lot, saying the number over and over again until your head gets tupid. Ejaculating while I'm raping your ears, incessantly calling out to you until you're completely exhausted. So, here we go. And you'll be defeated by a girl. Zero ........ Ufufufu, no way. Niisan can't be that stupid to give in the temptation and lose to a girl, right? Laughing at niisan? Repeating that number? I only messed around with you. (playing dumb) If you came right now, you'd immediately stop my voice. With hands stopped and your dick at orgasm verge, that's how it must be, right? You're not such a simple pervert to be defeated to a girl, not to me at least. Ufu, you've endured it pretty well. If you couldn't you'd just lie down in silence without my voice, going pyu, pyu Haahaah, cumming in pure vain, stopping my voice at the moment of orgasm. simply vomiting out your semen halfway, after going to such lengths of saving it up. Do you really want to see that? Why should I let you cum? Tell me, why? Whyyyy? Ufufufu, niisan is really a punching bag.

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