Track 1



あら、私に何か用? 悪いけど…急いでいるの。 …ん?吸血鬼? 私が…? 何を言っているのかしら。 言いがかりはやめて欲しいわね。 それとも、最近は女性に声をかける時、 そうやって近づくのが流行りなの? まぁともかく…私はそういうの、興味ないから。 それじゃあね。 …え?協会のヴァンパイアハンター…? お前が…? …ふぅん、そうなの。 なら悪かったわね? ほら、最近何かと物騒じゃない? だから…警戒しちゃって。 …あぁ。まぁ確かに、こんな夜中に女の子が一人なんて… 寧ろ、怪しいかしらね。 ふふふっ… なら、確かめてもいいわよ? 私が吸血鬼なのかどうか…ね。 …ほら。どうやって判断するの? …一緒に夜明けまで待つ…? え~?嫌よ。 私は急いでいると言ったでしょう? それに、協会のハンターさんはそんなに暇なのかしら? 夜明けまで…まだまだ時間はかかると思うけど。 …まぁ、そんな暇そうなお前に、いいことを教えてあげる。 私、吸血鬼の居場所を知ってるの。 意外と近いのよ?例えば… …あら。怖いわね、そんな物騒な物を構えて… もしかして、ようやく気付いたのかしら。 目の前の女が…吸血鬼だって。 ふふっ…でも、もう遅いわよ? 構えてはいるけど…体に力が入らないでしょう? …お前、搦手に対する警戒と対処が甘いわね。 私の目を見て…私の質問に答えて… お前はもう、私の術に嵌(はま)ったのよ。 直に全身から力が抜けて、立っていることもできなくなるわ。 そして段々と… 眠くなってきたでしょう…? ふふっ。 ほら、こんな近くにお探しの吸血鬼がいるわ。 早くお仕事をしたらどう? …ん。もう意識が遠くなってきたみたいね。 それじゃあ…おやすみなさい…

Until Dawn

Oh my, do you have some business with me? Sorry, but I'm in a hurry. ...Hmm? Vampire? Do you mean me...? Just what in the world are you talking about? You shouldn't accuse me of being one, okay? Or maybe it's now popular to hit on girls With that kind of line? Well, in any case, I have no interest in something like that. Goodbye. ...What? You're a vampire hunter from the Organization? Someone like you? ..Hmm, I see. Guess I was being rude to you, earlier. Lately, this place has gotten quite dangerous, after all. That's why I'm being cautious. ...Well, it's true that a lone girl walking around in the middle of the night is somewhat suspicious. Fufufu. Then, why don't you try and find out if I'm a vampire or not? Well, how are you going to prove it? You're going to wait until dawn with me? What? Why would I want to do that? I've said that I'm in a hurry, right? Besides, is mister hunter have so much free time on his hand? It's still a long while before dawn comes. Well, I've good news for you who have nothing to do. I know where those vampires dwell. It's surprisingly close by, you know? Like, maybe... My, you're scaring me if you draw out such a dangerous thing. Could it be, you've finally realized? That the woman in front of you is, in fact, a vampire. Fufu, sadly it's too late, you know? Even after you've drawn it out, you can't muster any strength, right? As a hunter your vigilance and the way you handle me is still pretty naive, huh? Look into my eyes and you shall answer everything I ask you. You're already under my spell, you know? Soon, your body will lose its strength and you won't even be able to stand. And you'll slowly... starts feeling more and more sleepy. Fufu. Look, the vampire you're looking for is right in front of you. Why don't you hurry up and do your job? ...My, looks like you're starting to lose consciousness. Well then, good night.
