Track 4

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04.【ダウナー】乳首責め中出しセックス(進捗100%) ダウナー系JK【ゆづき】 はぁっ、はぁっ……今日も、アレ……やるんでしょ? 別に……いいよ、ほら……触りなよ♡ んっ、んむうっ……はぁっ、ちゅうっ、ちゅっ、ちゅむむっ……♡ んむうっ、んっ、んんっ……はぁっ、れるれるうっ、ちゅぷっ、ちゅうっ、ちゅっ♡ はぁっ……はぁっ、ねえ、今日乳首……いじらないの? べ、別にいじってほしいわけじゃ……。……っ、ふぅっ、ふうっ……♡ あっ、あっ……!ああっ、おまんこ舐めるの、だめっ……!あ、ああっ! あんっ、はぁっ、ああっ……!あっ、ああっ……! んああっ、はぁっ、あんっ、あっ、ああっ!あんっ、あっ、ああっ……! はぁっ、はぁっ♡ あ、ああっ……あんっ、ん~っ、あっ、ああっ!あんっ、、はぁっ…♡ ふーっ、ふーっ……あっ、ああっ!あんっ、あっ、ああっ……! あっあっ、ああっ……!あんっ、はぁっ、あああっ!あんっ、ああっ! はぁっ、はぁっ、ね、ねえ……あの……いつものは、しないの? いつものっていうのは、えーと……っ、その…… ……わ、わかるでしょ?その……あれだよ…… あ……いつもの、する……?んっ……!? あ、はぁっ……♡あ、ああっ!うん、ああっ……! あっ、あああっ!はぁっ、指、指きもちいっ……♡あ、ああっ、あんっ! はぁっはぁっ、あっ、ああっ……!あんっ、ああっ、ああ~っ…! 指も、きもちいいっ、けどぉ……っ!あっ、ああっ、あんっ♡ふうっ、ああっ♡ そうじゃなく、ってぇ……っ♡ あああ、あああっ!あんっ、ああっ! ん~~っ♡ふああっ、あっあああっ! あんっ!ああっ!だめっ、だめえっ! あんっ、あああっ!あっあっ、ああっ!あんっ、ふああっ!ああっ!! あああっ、ねえっ、ねえっ♡あれっ♡し、しないのっ……?ふああっ、ああっ♡ な、なにっ……って、わかるくせにっ♡はぁっ、なんで、言わせようとすんのっ……♡ マジ、さいあくっ……♡だるすぎ、お前っ♡あ、ああっ♡さいてー彼氏っ♡ はぁっはぁっ、そう、だよぉっ!乳首、気持ちよくっ……なってんのっ♡ 私の乳首っ、お前にっ♡開発……されたんっ、だよっ♡このっ、ばかっ♡あほっ♡ はぁっ、はぁっ……♡責任取って、乳首……ちゃんといじってよ♡ あッ……!!あああああッッ!!!♡♡ はぁっ、乳首っ♡あんっ、ああああっ!乳首っ♡乳首きたあっ♡ これっ、これがほしかったのっ♡ あっ、あ゛あああっ♡んあああっ!あっ、ああっ! だめぇっ♡乳首っ♡乳首きもちよすぎぃっ♡♡ んあああああッ!あっ、ふあああああッ!あ゛ッ!あ゛ああああッ!♡♡ んああっ!あ!ああっ!ああっ、ああっ!あんっ、ん~~ッッ!ふああっ、あああっ! だめっ、だめっ♡乳首っ♡しゅきッ♡♡ あ、ああっ……!はぁっ、はぁっ……あ、え……? このまま、セックスするの? はぁっ、うん、いいよ♡はぁっ、セックスしよ♡ はぁっ……♡乳首いじりながら、おまんこたくさん突いてぇ♡ っああああああああッ♡♡♡ おちんぽきたあああっ♡あ、あああっ! んあっ、はぁっ、ああっ!あああっ! 乳首ッ♡乳首もおまんこもぉッ♡き、きもちいいっ♡ きもちッ♡ぎもちいいいっ♡あ゛ッ! あ゛あああっ♡んおおっ♡ほおっ、おっ、おおおおっ♡ あ゛ッあ゛ッ!ああああ~~~ッッ♡ほおっ、お゛ッ♡んおおおおッ♡ 乳首ぎゅってッ♡ぎゅってされるのだめえええええあああああ~~~ッッ♡♡ はぁっはぁっ、しゅきいっ!乳首しゅきっ♡ 乳首ぎゅってされるのぉ……ッ♡♡痛くてッ♡きもちい……ッッ♡♡ んほぉぉお~~~っっ♡♡♡んおおおっ!お゛ッ! おおおおッ♡♡んほおおっ♡お゛ッ!んお゛ッ……!! ほおっ♡お゛ッ!おおおおおッ!んおおおっ♡ お゛ッお゛ッ!んほお゛~~~ッッ♡♡♡ 乳首ッッ♡もっとぎゅってしてええっ♡ 両方の乳首ぎゅってしながらぁぁっ♡♡ おまんこたくさん突いてっ♡♡おちんぽで一番奥叩いてぇっ♡ それしゅきっ♡だいしゅきだからあああっ♡きもちいいのっ♡きもちいからぁっ♡ あああっ、んああっ!あっ、あああああっ!あっ、ああああっ!だめえっ! きもちいいいっ♡きもちよすぎてしぬっ♡ あ゛っ、あああッ!ちくびこわれるっ♡きもちよすぎてえっ♡ ちくびっ、ちくびこわれちゃうううううッ!!!ああああああッ! イくっ!イくうううっっ! 一番奥に出してっ♡中だししてぇっ!私の一番奥でっ♡乳首ぎゅうううってしながらぁっ♡ 一緒にイこおっ♡イこっ♡イこっ♡お゛っ、お゛っ、お゛っ…………!!! んほお゛ぉ~~~~~~~~ッッッ♡♡♡っおおお゛ッ……!お゛ッ、お゛……ッッ!! はぁっ、はぁっ……はぁ、はぁっ……はあっ、はあっ…… 乳首、いじられながらイっちゃ…った……♡ わたし、完全に変態…じゃん……♡ お前のせいだから……ふふ、責任、とってね…?♡

part04.[Downer] Nipple torture Nakadashi sex (100% progress)

part04.[Downer] Nipple torture Nakadashi sex (100% progress) Downer JK [Yuzuki]. Hah, hah, hah...... you're going to do that thing...... today, aren't you? It's ...... fine, come on, touch me handsome! Hm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm! Hah ...... hah, hey, aren't you going to tweak your nipples ...... today? I don't mean that I want you to tweak my nipples ....... Oh, ......, hmmm, hmmm... ......♡ Ah, ah, ah... ...... Oh, don't lick my pussy. ...... Ah, ah! Ah, ah, ah, ah... ...... Ah, ah, ah, ......! Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah! Ahh, ah, ah, ah. ...... Ahh, ah, handsome! Ah, ah, ah...... anh, ah, ah! Ahh, ah... ♡♡♡ Whoo-hoo-hoo ...... ah, ah...! Ahh, ah, ah...♡ ...... Ah, ah, ah, ah... ...... Ahh, ah, ah! Ahh, ah, ah! Ah, ah, ah, hey, hey ......, don't you always do that ...... thing? I mean, you know, the usual, uh, ......, you know, the ...... ......, you know what I mean? That's the ...... thing. ...... Oh ...... usual, do ......? Hmm ......! Oh, hah......♡Ah, ah! Yeah, ah......! Ah, ah ah! Hah, finger, finger feels so good......♡Ah, ah, ah, ah! Hah, ah, ah, ah~......! Ah, ah, ah, ah~...! Fingers feel good, too, though... ...... Ah, ah, ah, ah, handsome. No, I mean... ......♡ Ah, ah, ah...! Ah, ah, ah! Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah! Ahh! Ahh! No, no, no! Ahh... ah! Ah, ah, ah! ah... ah! Ahh! Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, don't you do it, don't you do it, don't you do it, don't you do it? Ah, ah, ah, handsome! What, what, ......, you know what I'm talking about♡ Haah, why do you make me say it, ......♡ Hahahaha, yes, that's right! Your nipples feel so good ......♡♡ My nipples were developed ...... by you, you ♡♡♡♡ idiot! Hah, hah,...... ♡ take responsibility and tweak my nipples,...... ♡♡♡! Ahh......! Aaahhhh! ♡♡♡♡ Hah, nipple♡Ah, ah ah ah! This is what I wanted ♡♡♡ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♡ ah ♡ nipple, nipple, nipple, nipple, nipple..! Ah, ah... ah... ah..! Aaahh! Ah, ah ah ah! Aaah! Aaahhh! ♡♡♡♡ Aaah! Aaah! Aaah! Aaah! Aaah! Ahh, nn~h! Ahh, ah... ah..! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Ah, ah, ah... ...... Ah, ah, ah ...... ah, eh ......? Are you going to have sex with me like this? Haaah, yes, it's okay♡♡Haah, let's have sex♡♡♡ Haaaa......♡Throw your pussy in my pussy a lot while tweaking my nipples♡♡! Ohhhhhh♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! Ahh, ah, ah, ah! Ahh! Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice! Haaahhh, sshhhh! Nipple squeezing♡♡♡ Oh oh oh oh! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ......! Oh oh oh oh! Oh oh oh♡♡♡ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Squeeze my nipples, squeeze my nipples, squeeze my nipples, squeeze my nipples. Squeeze both nipples together♡♡♡♡ That's so handsome, that's so handsome, that's so handsome, that's so handsome, that's so handsome, that's so handsome, that's so handsome, that's so handsome, that's so handsome, that's so handsome, that's so handsome. Aaah, nnnn aaah! Ah, ah, ah, ah! Aaah! Aaah! No! It's so good, it's so good, it's so good, it's so good, it's so good, it's so good, it's so good. Aaah! Oh, God, the stump's breaking, it's so good♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Oh, my dick, my dick is broken! Aaahhh! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Let me cum in the deepest part of you ♡Come inside me ♡ Come inside me ♡Come inside me ♡ Come inside me Come in the deepest part of me, while squeezing my nipples ♡♡♡♡♡♡! Oh, oh, oh, oh......! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha ...... I came while my nipples were being tweaked... ......♡♡ I'm a complete pervert...♡...... It's your fault......... ♡♡♡

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