Track 6

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06.【ボーイッシュ】…んいや、あんま胸感じないんだよね(進捗0%) ボーイッシュ系JK【あおい】 んっ、んっ……はぁっ、んっ……あ、あっ…… ん~っ……あっ、あっ……あん、はぁっ、んんっ、はぁっ んっ、んっ、んっ……はぁっ、んー…? はは、アタシの胸、好きなの?まあ大きさだけはあるからなー はぁっ、んっ……はぁ、んっ、んっ、んー……んいや、あんま胸感じないんだよね んっ、んっ……んん、ん~……?いや、揉まれても別に……って感じ まあ触られてるなーとは思うけどさ、ほんとそれだけなんだよなー 女子って本当にみんな胸で感じてんの? アタシにはちょっとわからない感覚だわー。 まあ、彼氏のあんた的には面白くないとは思うけど でも感じないもんはさー、しょうがなくね? あっはは、悪い悪い、ムードなかった? ほーら、むくれてないで続けろって♡ 胸は感じねーけど、こっちはちゃんと感じるからさー♡ あんっ、あんっ♡なーんて、ははっ んっ、はあっ……てかさ、正直胸とか……っ、邪魔でしかないんだよね アタシってほらー、ずっとスポーツやってたじゃん?んっ、はぁっ…… 走る時とかさー、すっごい邪魔。もう本当に邪魔。 胸でかくなりたい~って、はあっ、言ってる女マジでわかんねーわ あー、でもお前って……確か胸デカイ子が好きなんだったっけ? 前言ってたよな……あ、もしかしてぇ、アタシと告ってきたのって胸目当てだったりするわけ? うわー、サイテーやろーじゃん? はは、うそうそ。本気にすんなって まあ……んっ、胸はでかいけどー あんま感じない彼女でごめんなーって感じ? そんなに胸イジるの好きならいくらでもどーぞ まあ、感じないとは思うけど ん……っふ、乳首っ、あはは、マジでくすぐってぇー…… ん~ぶっちゃけたいして気持ちよくないかなー あ、気持ちよくないとか言ったらかわいそうか。でも本当になんも感じねーしなー んっ、んっ……っくふふ、あははっ、だめだわなんか笑えてくる あははっ、笑っちゃだめなんだろうけどさー、やっぱアタシ乳首の才能ないって~ んっ、ん……はぁっ、ん、ん……ふぅっ、 ふぅっ……あー、セックス、きもちー…… はぁっ……って、胸まだ触ってんの? 諦めないねー つーかどんだけお前おっぱい好きなんだよw うーん、やっぱ全然感じないなー、 なんかくすぐったいなー?とは思うけど、そんだけ そうやって触られてたらアタシでも感じるようになるんかな? ふぅーん……ま、頑張って開発?してみろって♡ 無理だとは思うけどー、おーえんしててやるからさぁ♡ んっ……っくふ、ふふっ、あー、だめだわ、やっぱくすぐったい! まあでも、まだまだこれから……ってやつっしょ? はは、おっぱい星人くん、アタシ乳首開発、がんばれー♡

part06 [Boyish]...nnNo, I don't really feel her breasts (0% progress)

part06 [Boyish]...nnNo, I don't really feel her breasts (0% progress) Boyish JK [Aoi]. Nnnn, nnnn......Haa, nnnn......Ah, ah...... Mmm, ah...... ah...... an, ah, ah! Nn, nn, nn...... ah, nn...? Ha-ha, you like my breasts? Well, it's only because of its size... Hah, hmm...... hah, hmm, hmm... ...... no, I don't really feel my breasts much. Hm, hmm...... nn, hmm~......? No, I don't feel anything ...... when I'm rubbed Well, I feel like I'm being touched, but that's really all I feel. Do all girls really feel it with their breasts? I don't know what it feels like to me. Well, I don't think it's interesting from your boyfriend's point of view. But if you don't feel it, well, it can't be helped, can it? Sorry, sorry, not in the mood? Come on, don't be a pussy and keep going, handsome. I can't feel your breasts, but I can feel yours. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh I'm not going to lie, my breasts and ...... are just in the way! I've been doing sports all my life, right? Hahah...... When I run, it's really disturbing. It really gets in the way. I really don't understand women who say they want to have bigger breasts. Ah, but you ...... like girls with big breasts, right? You said that before. ...... Oh, so you're telling me that you were only interested in my breasts? Wow, that's terrible, isn't it? Haha, no kidding. Don't take it seriously. Well, I have big boobs, but... I'm sorry she doesn't feel much? If you like teasing her breasts so much, you can do it as much as you want. Well, I don't think you'll feel it. I'm really ticklish... ...... Well, to be honest, I don't think it feels good. Oh, I'd feel bad if I said it didn't feel good. But I really don't feel anything! I can't help it, it's making me laugh! Hahaha, I probably shouldn't laugh, but I don't have nipple talent~! I know I'm not supposed to laugh, but I don't have any nipple talent! Oh, sex is soooooooooooooooooooooood ...... Hah ...... are you still touching my breasts? You never give up, do you? I mean, how much do you like tits? Well, I can't feel them at all, I think it tickles a little bit... I think so, but that's all. I wonder if I'll be able to feel it if you keep touching me like that? Hmmm... ...... Well, do your best to develop it? I think it's impossible, but... I don't think it's possible, but I'll keep an eye on you, handsome. I'll be your handsome friend! Well, but I'm still going to ......, aren't I? Haha, boob star-kun, I'm going to develop my nipples, go for it ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡!

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