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01.プロポーズ『彼氏』 ん~、なに見てるの~? はい、お茶だよ♪ ……あ、旅行誌見てたの?   いいなぁ~ハワイかぁ♪ 私行ったこと無いのよね ふふ、君と一緒に旅行に行けたら楽しいかもね♪ でもさあ、もしも将来、結婚旅行…とか、 そういうところいくならさぁ 私は君と、ハワイに行けたらいいな~って思ったり… ……ねえねえ、君はぁ、私をハワイにつれてってくれる? ……なんて、あはは♪ 冗談だよ♡ …え? なぁに、そんな改まって「話がある」なんて… もしかして怒った? ごめんごめん、冗談だってば ん……違うの? じゃあなんだろう? 思いつかないや すっごい緊張しちゃってなぁい? え……今からするのって、そんなに重要な話? なら、私も真面目に聞くね ちょっと怖いけど…… こほん、えっと…どうぞ ……え……? け、っこんしてください……って、わ、私と? い、いいの? 嘘とか冗談、とかじゃなくって…? 断るわけないじゃない! すっごく嬉しいよ……! 君と…結婚できるなんて……! こちらこそ、これからもどうぞよろしくお願いします♪

01. Proposal Boyfriend

01. Proposal "Boyfriend" Hmmm, what are you looking at? Yes, it's tea... ♪ ...... Oh, you're looking at a travel magazine?   I love Hawaii... I've never been there. I've never been to Hawaii. But you know, if we're going to go on a wedding trip in the future... But if we're going to go on a wedding trip or something like that in the future. I wish I could go to Hawaii with you... ......Will you take me to Hawaii? ...... I'm just kidding, handsome. I'm just kidding ♡...what? What? You can't be so formal and say, "I need to talk to you..." Are you mad at me? Sorry, sorry, I was just kidding. You're not ......? What is it then? I can't think of anything. You must be really nervous. What ...... is it so important that I'm going to talk to you now? Then I'll take it seriously. I'm a little scared. ...... Here, um... go ahead. ......E-......? Please have sex with me...... with me? Can I? Are you kidding or something? How could I refuse? I'm so happy ......! I can't believe I'm going to marry you. ......! I'm looking forward to working with you too!

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