Track 8

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トラック8 クールダウン

(凜子) はぁ……んふぅ……あんた、最高だったよ……❤ あぁ……まだ子宮が疼いてる…… 最後のアクメの快感を、ここが反芻してるよ…… (ななこ) ななこたちぃ、思いっきりイかされちゃったものねぇ❤ こんなに濃いセックスしたの、久しぶりだわぁ~…病みつきになっちゃう❤ (まどか) アンタのこと、アタシのお気に入りの相手役に加えておくわ んふっ、またシましょう♥ (ななこ) あぁん、ズルいわ、まどかちゃん そのときはななこも呼んでよね 凜子ちゃんも、来るわよね? (凜子) わ、私かい? そりゃあ……んふっ、もちろん、呼ばれたらいくに決まってるよ このチンポと、セックスできるんだったらね❤ (まどか) ところで…映像の出来はどうだったのかしら (ななこ) 取れ高ばっちりよね? いっぱい気持ちいいことしたしぃ、精液だって、いっぱい射精してもらったもの❤ (凜子) そうそう、とんでもないドスケベビデオが完成しちまうにきまってるよ (ななこ) 売上1位間違いなしね! うふふっ、完成が楽しみだわぁ❤ ……あら、まどかちゃんどうしたの? (まどか) アタシ……まだ物足りないのよね…… (凜子) おいおい、言うねぇ……♪ (ななこ) うふ♥ ななこも、物足りないと思っていたところなの……❤ ねえ……あなたは……? (凜子) もちろん、こたえは決まってるさ… (まどか) 今度はするときは……撮影なしで……する?

Track 8 Afterglow

(Rinko) Hah... nfuh.. you were amazing ❤ Ahh... my insides are still tingling... I can still feel the pleasure of my final orgasm... (Nanako.) He made us all cum so hard after all. I haven't had such intense sex in a long time... I could get addicted to this ❤ (Madoka) I'm adding you to my list of favorite partners. Nfuh, let's do it again sometime ❤ (Nanako) Ahh, that's not fair Madoka-chan! If you do it again, make sure to call me Rinko, you too right? (Rinko) Huh, me? Well, of course I'll come if you call me. Because that means I get to get fucked by this dick again ❤ (Madoka) By the way... I wonder if the filming went well? (Nanako) It must have been good right? We did a lot of pleasurable things, and he even pumped out loads of semen ❤ (Rinko) Yeah! It's a given that we end up with a sexy video. (Nanako) It will for sure top the sales! I can't wait for it to be finished ❤ ...Ara, Madoka-chan, what's wrong? (Madoka) I... haven't had enough yet... (Rinko) Hey, hey... well said ♪ (Nanako) Ufu ♥ I was also thinking that I haven't had enough yet, just now... ❤ Hey... are you...? (Rinko) Of course, we already know what you're going to say... (Madoka) When we do it again... let's do it without filming...?

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