Track 3


第3話 私がち○ちんいじってあげようか?

フフッ…ごめんね、怒った? でも、君のあの顔… ねぇ、そんなに見たかったの? 私のあそこ… ふーん…そうなんだ あのねぇ、あんまり変わってないよ? 昔と? うん 一緒にお風呂入ってた頃と そんなに… 覚えてない? あの頃の私のあそこ… うん 縦に…そう 一直線に… うん そうだよ 今もそんな感じ でも、君のチンチンはあの頃から随分変わったね こんなにビンビンだもん フフッ…そうなんだ 仕方ないんだ うん さっきの約束、守ってくれてるんだよね 私がオーナーにしてる間 ジンチン知らなかったもんね え? 約束守ったら君の価値なんてかけ 下覚えないけど フフッ…それで必死に我慢してたんだ あれはかけじゃなくて ただの願いだよ フッ…フフッ… じゃあいいよ 一つ言うこと聞いてあげる どうする? 私がチンチンいじってあげようか あれ…嫌だった? じゃあ…アイスおごりとかどう? どうしたの? うつむいて ん? なんか言った? うん チンチンよ フフッ… やっぱりいじって欲しかったんだ いいよ そんなに照れなくて そっちのほうがお金もかからないから 私も嬉しいし うん 昨日君がやってたみたいに チンチンを握って上下に仕事けばいいんでしょ チンチン出てるし 昨日みたいに立ってるから もう準備万端だね それじゃあ よいしょっと いい? チンチン握るよ うう… 暑い… チンチンってこんなに暑いんだ うん それに… 太いね 思ってたより太くてちょっとびっくり 焼きもみたい うん 表面は少し柔らかい感じもするけど 真の部分はガチガチと言うか なんか 変な感触だね これって骨入ってるんだっけ そっか そしたら小さくなんないね なんか ドキドキするね 自分の部屋で お皿なしみの男の子の 固くなったチンチン握ってるって なんか 変なの? うん だね それじゃあ 仕事でいい? うん 大丈夫だよ 任せて ねえ ん? 自分の手 以下いて こんな風に してもらうの じゃあ 私が 初めて だね 出る もう 出そう ん? ん? 休憩 どうしたの? もう少し出そうだったのに って顔してる 見て チンチンからゆげ立ってる すごいね 早く 触ってほしい ね 早く続き してほしい どうしようかな 嘘だよ するよ あ そうだ ね またかける? カウントセロで ぴったり出せるかどうか うん じゃあ私はまた 出せない方にかけるよ いくよ 10 9 7 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 出た出た すっごい飛んでる そして また変な顔 うん 終わった 全部出たんだ そっか よかったね でもおかげで 私の部屋がすごいことになっちゃった ほら 君の座面 床や壁に あ 天井にも付いてる いいよ 謝んなくて にしてもすごいね こんなに飛ぶんだ あ ほら 私の太ももにも付いてる ほら 見て見て ん? どうしたの? まだ顔若いよ ん? あ そっか うん そうだね 今 私 履いてないよ あはは

Episode 3 Do you want me to play with your dick?

Hehe... I'm sorry. Are you mad? But that face of yours... Hey, did you really want to see it that badly? I'm over there... Hmm... I see. Hey, you haven't changed much, have you? In the past? Yeah. Yeah. It was the same as when we were bathing together. That's so... Don't you remember? That place where I was back then... Yeah. Yeah. Vertically... Yes. Straight ahead... Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. I still feel that way. But your dick has changed a lot since then. It's so hard. Hehe... I see. It can't be helped. Yeah. Yeah. You're keeping your promise, aren't you? While I was the owner Jinchin didn't know, did he? Huh? If I keep my promise, I'll put your value on it. I don't remember the bottom. Heh heh... So that's why I was trying so hard to endure it. That wasn't a call. It's just a wish. Heh... Heh heh... Then it's fine. I'll listen to one thing you say. What should we do? Why don't I play with your dick? Huh? You didn't like it? Then... how about treating me to ice cream? What's wrong with you? Hang your head. Hm? Did you say something? Yeah. Yeah. It's a dick. Heh heh... She really did want me to mess with her. It's okay. It's okay. You don't have to be so shy. It won't cost much money that way. I'm happy, too. Yeah. Yeah. Just like you did yesterday. All you have to do is hold your dick and work up and down, right? Your dick's sticking out. You're standing there like you did yesterday. You're all set. Okay, then. Here we go. Okay? I'll hold your dick. Ugh... It's hot... I didn't know dicks could be this hot. Yeah. Yeah. And... It's so thick. It's thicker than I thought, and it's a little surprising. It's like roasting. Yeah. Yeah. The surface feels a little soft, though. I guess you could say the real part is stiff. For some reason... What a strange sensation. Isn't this bone in it? I see. Then it won't get smaller. For some reason... My heart's pounding. In my own room. The plateless boy's. He said he's holding your hardened dick. For some reason... Is it weird? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Okay, then. Is it okay for me to work? Yeah. Yeah. It's okay. It's okay. Leave it to me. Hey. Hey. Hm? My own hand. Stay with me. Like this. I'm going to have him. Okay, then. I'll take care of it. For the first time Yeah, you're right. I'm leaving. I've had enough. Let's get it out. Hm? Hm? Break What's wrong with you? I was about to cum a little more. That's what he looks like. Look. He's standing up from his dick. Wow, that's amazing. Hurry up. I want you to touch me. Okay? Continue quickly. I want you to do it. What should I do? It's a lie. I'll do it. Ah. That's right. Okay? Should I call you again? On the count cello. I don't know if I can do it right. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'll see you later. I'll call you if you can't get it out. Let's go. 10. Nine. 7 Five. 4 Three. 2 One. One. One. There it is. There it is. It's flying like crazy. And then... Another weird face. Yeah. Yeah. It's over. It's all out. I see. That's great, huh? But thanks to that My room's become amazing. Come on. Your seat. On the floor and walls. Ah. It's on the ceiling, too. It's okay. It's okay. You don't have to apologize. Still, it's amazing. I didn't know you could fly so fast. Ah. Come on. It's on my thigh, too. Come on. Look, look. Hm? What's wrong with you? Your face is still young. Hm? Ah. I see. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Right now. I'm... I'm not wearing any. Ahaha
