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私は風早華鈴(かぜはやかりん)、どこにでもいる女の子だよ どもにでもいるって言っても、他の女の子と違うところがある それは、従わされることが好きなところ 冷たい命令されるとたまらないの おまんこが疼いてどうしようもなくなる 従わされてるって考えると、もう頭の中電気が流されてるみたいになって でも、こんなこと誰にも言えるわけがなくて 性処理はオナニーばっかり エロいおもちゃ使って、自分自身を責め立てるの 誰かに命令されてオナニー強制されてるとこ、想像して そうすると、私はもうまるで娼婦みたいに女の顔になっちゃう 無機質な機械の淡々とした責めに恥を捨てて喘ぎ狂う 責められすぎて苦しくなるまでずっと もう命令しないでって泣くまで、ずっとずっと 最低な奴隷みたいな扱いをされてイヤイヤって泣きながら従わされたい これが、私の願望 ああ、もうこんなお遊びみたいな妄想プレイじゃがまんできないんだよ 本当に脅されて淫乱なこと命令されたい 最低で救いのない、顔が青ざめちゃうくらい変態なことしろって言われて、私、怖くてできなくて それで命令に従えなかった出来の悪い奴隷にはお仕置きなんだ すごく残酷で涙が止まらないようなお仕置き 次は心から奴隷になれるようなオナニーがしたい そんなことを考えていた私のもとに1通の手紙が届けられた それは、『夢の機械』と銘打たれた商品のテスターをしないか?という勧誘だった その手紙によれば、奴隷としての喜びを徹底的に感じさせる責めが味わえるマシーンを試させてもらえるらしい 商品の名前は『奴隷娼婦衣装』 露出度の高い娼婦のような衣装を装着し、奴隷になりきるという趣旨のものだった 同封されていた商品の説明はこうだった (説明の赤字だけを編集で切り取った音声が流れる) 私にとってぴったりなマシーンだ コスプレってのいうプレイは考えていなくて、すごく斬新だった しかも娼婦の格好 これで命令される 私はこういうのを求めていたんだ でも、音声にどこか違和感を感じた 何がおかしいかはよくわからないんだよね 私は怪しさを感じながら奴隷になりたいという一心で、テスターの申し出を受けるのだった

Prologue (Kazehaya)

I am Karin Kazehaya, an all-around everyday girl. But despite saying this, I'm a bit different from other girls. That's because I truly love being submissive. I find cold hearted orders just irresistible. My pussy just aches for them. When I think of becoming submissive, it's like an electric shock flows through my head. However, I could never tell anybody about this. My sex life is purely masturbatory. I'm using erotic toys to torture myself. I just imagine that somebody orders me to masturbate. Whenever I do this, my face always looks like that of a whore. Madly moaning, casting away my shame, from the indifferent torment of a robotic machine. All the way, until the teasing becomes painful. Until I start crying for the orders to stop, more and more. I want to be made a subordinate, treated like a lowly slave while I scream and cry "No! No!". This is what I desire. Hahh, I can't hold back any longer, just imagining such a play session is tough. I want to follow orders that are truly lewd and threatening. I want to be made perverted things that turn my face pale, without the least of relief, that won't even allow me to be scared. And if I don't follow these orders, they'll do something to severely punish this sorry slave. An incredibly severe punishment that will make me break out in tears. The next time I masturbate, I want to become a slave, from the bottom of my heart. The moment I had this thought, I received a letter. Inside, it asked if I wanted to become a tester for the "Dream Machine" product line. It was an invitation, so to say. According to this letter, I would be able to test a machine that could give me a taste of torment, to enjoy the thorough feeling of being a slave. The name of this product was "Slavery Whore Suit" A highly skimpy costume, such as whores wear them, with the effect of truly becoming a whore. A description of the product was also enclosed inside. (Parts of the following explanation is censored by white noise) It is time to showcase: "The Slavery Whore Suit" This costume is a dream machine, that will give you the experience of being a whore slave. The suit will give orders to its wearer, and the wearer must act them out like a slave. In order to do that, the suit will take hostage of the user's clitoris. One part of the suit is a ring, which can give the clitoris a good brushing. This ring is equipped as a punishment mechanism, should the user ever disobey an order. It is exactly pinpointed to tease a sensitive clitoris. As mentioned, this suit specializes in degenerating the user into a whore. In order for her to act like a slave, she'll be forced to do most disgraceful things. That's why the suit's design gives off a debauched, whore-like appearance. And in this whore-like appearance, the user will be enslaved. That said, we're far from *BZZZZ* *BZZZZ* doesn't that sound like fun? This is the perfect machine for me. It didn't look like mere cosplay. It was very innovative. Altogether, it was a prostitute costume. One that could give out orders. This is exactly what I wanted. But somehow, the voice made me uncomfortable. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something about it felt weird. But because my desire to become a slave was stronger than my suspicions, I did away with my nagging doubts and accepted the testing proposal.

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