Track 1



1.前振り  せ~のっ いらっしゃ~い  私たちの部屋にようこそ  今日は何しに・・・ウフフ  ううん、ちゃんと解ってるわ  気持ちよくなりに来たのよね?  私たちと気持ちいい事をしに来たのよね?  私たちに任せて・・・たっぷり気持ちよくしてあげるから  2人で気持ちよくしてあげるから  それじゃあ、準備をしましょ  これから私たちが左右からあなたに話し掛けるから、言うとおりにしてね  たとえば・・・[私がこんなふうに、あなたに語り掛けているとき]  [私も一緒にあなたに話し掛けることがあるの]  [二つの事をいっぺんに聴けないと思ったら、片方だけの言葉を聴けばいいの]  [あなたが片方に意識を向けている時、もう片方は無意識が聞いていてくれるから]  [無理してイメージしたり、考えを合わせなくてもいいからね]  [集中しようとか気負ったりしないで、楽に聴いてね]  [でも、できるだけ言う事をきいてほしいの]  [無理は禁物だから・・・リラックスして聴いてね?]  左右から話し掛けられるって気持ちいいのよ?  両手に花って気分を味わえるかも? 2.導入  あなたの楽な姿勢で  ベットやソファー、布団なんかに横になって聴いてね  準備はOK?  じゃあ・・・  まず、目を閉じましょうか  目を瞑って・・・リラッ~クス  あなたはどんな気持ちよさがお好みかしら?  まるでスーっと落ちるような気持ちよさを感じるのもいいわよね  ゆっくり沈むような気持ちよさを味わってみるのもいいわね  くつろげる状態になって、リラックッスして、緊張が解けて、力が抜けて、深い深呼吸をイメージして、筋肉を休ませ、楽な姿勢になって  そんな時に、心の中のの願望を膨らませて、気持ちよかった事を思い出して、頭を休ませて、心をリラックス、悩みをほど;解けて、深く気持ちいい呼吸に心を任せて、ストレスを忘れて  あなたはそんな気持ちよさを思い浮かべたり、思い出したりしてもいいと思うわ  また、深い陶酔の中に沈む気持ちよさ  うっとりした深い深いリラックスの海へ心を漂わせて  恍惚とした幸福感に包まれて  体の心からゾクゾクとする気持ちよさが溢れてくるような  深い幸せ  深い快感  気持ちいい  そんな心が飛んじゃうような気持ちよさに浸かって、深い深い幸福感に頭の中を浸して  ただボーっと私たちの声を聴いている  どう?そんな気持ちになりたい?  うん、なりたいよね?  なにも考えなくてもいいし  気持ちのいい事を考えてもいいから  深く深くリラックスに浸って、気持ちよくなりましょう  それじゃあ、その気持ちのまま深呼吸  吸う時は鼻から吸って  吐く時は口からね  腹式呼吸で、息を吸う時にお腹に空気が流れ込むイメージだと楽に出来るよ  私がリードしてあげるから、ついてきてね  いくよ  すって~    お腹で受け止めて  はいて~   お腹から吐き出す  すって~ [はいて~]   [はきながら力を抜いて]  すって~ [はいて~]   [リラッ~クス]  すって~ [はいて~]   [体の部分部分を]  すって~ [はいて~]   [意識して]  すって~ [はいて~]   [力を抜くと]  すって~ [はいて~]   [きっと効果的]  すって~ [はいて~]   [たとえば]  すって~ [はいて~]   [両腕からすっと]  すって~ [はいて~]   [そして両肩へ]  すって~ [はいて~]   [両足と腰]  すって~ [はいて~]   [背中やおなか]  すって~ [はいて~]   [首筋からずーっと]  すって~ [はいて~ 」   [頭へ、顔へ]  すって~ [はいて~]   [目と瞼や]  すって~ [はいて~]   [ほっぺたや顎]  すって~ [はいて~]   [そんなふうに力が]  すって~ [はいて~]   [抜けていくと]  すって~ [はいて~]   [まぶたもゆっくり]  すって~ [はいて~]   [閉じていくかも]  すって~ [はいて~]   [閉じたくなったら]  すって~ [はいて~]   [何時閉じても]  すって~ [はいて~]   [いいのよ?]  すって~ [はいて~]   [だからあなたの]  すって~ [はいて~]   [気持ちいいように]  すって~ [はいて~]   [まぶたを閉じて]  すって~ [はいて~]   [あなたのいいように]  すって~ [はいて~]   [あなたのペースで]  すって~ [はいて~]   [ゆっくりとリラックス]  すって~ [はいて~]   [深くリラックス]  すって~ [はいて~]   [気持ちよ~く]  すって~ [はいて~]   [リラッ~クス]  すって~ [はいて~]   [私たちの声を]  すって~ [はいて~]   [聴きながら]  すって~ [はいて~]   [心を落ち着けて]  すって~ [はいて~]   [リラックスする]  すって~ [はいて~]   [ちょっとした幸せ]  すって~ [はいて~]   [なんだか気持いい]  すって~ はいて~  それじゃあ、そのまま  自分のペースに合わせて呼吸を続けてね  充分リラックスできたよね?  じゃあ、自分の楽なペースに呼吸を合わせてね 3.深化  そのまま呼吸をしながら聴いていてね  あれ?ちょっとボーっとしちゃった?  じゃあ、一回仕切り直ししましょうか  これから私が3から0までカウントするからそれに合わせて目を開けてね  2、3回繰り返せばまた意識がはっきりすると思うの  いくよ?  3 2 1 0   はい、目を開けて  どう?しっかり目は覚めた?  数が小さくなると目が覚めるの  じゃあ今度は1から3まで数えるから  3で目を閉じてね  目を閉じると同時に、また深くリラックスできるよ  じゃあ、いくよ  1 2 3   はい、目が閉じる  す~っと力が抜ける感覚  気持いい  気持いいよね?  じゃあね、また目を覚ましましょう  また3から0まで数えるよ  はい  3 2 1 0  はい、目が開く  どうかな?しっかり目は覚めた?それとも瞼が開いてるだけかな?  数が小さくなると目が覚めるのを意識してね  また1から3まで数えるから  自然に目を閉じてね  目が閉じると、さっきよりずっと深くリラックスできるよ  深く、深く、入って行く事ができるよ  1 2 3  はい、目が閉じる  深く深く気持いい  回りの音がすーっと遠ざかる感じ    じゃあもう一回、目をさまそう  0になったら目を開けてね  数字が小さくなると目が覚めるよ  深く眠くなるのは数字が大きくなる時  じゃあ数えるよ  3 456789~50  [落ちる 深い 深い所に落ちる 落ちていく 止まらない どんどん落ちる 深い、深~い 気持ちいい]  [どんどん引っ張られる 気持ちいい 気持ちいい どんどん・・・どんどん・・・ 止まらない、止まりたくない]  [吸い込まれる もう解らない 深い所 ぐんぐん、ぐんぐん・・・引き込まれる 深く 深く そう、深く]   [深く 落ちる 早く 止まらない 引っ張られる 気持ちい どんどん 吸い込まれる 深い所に 吸い込まれる]  深い 深~い 気持ちいいところに・・・  思い出す   何を?  気持ちいい   何が?  引っ張られる   何処へ?  そう、ここは一番気持ちい所・・・あなたは・・・深く・・・落ちた・・・  あなたは―  私たちの言葉を受け入れれば受け入れるほど・・・  私たちの言葉に心を開けば開くほど  気持ちよくなれる  幸せになれる  気持ちよくなりたいでしょ?  幸せになりたいでしょ?  あなたの心が素直になればなるほど  私たちの言葉が心と身体に染み込んで  内側からあなたを[気持ちよくなるの]          [気持ちよくするの]  あなたが受け入れれば受け入れるほど   さあ、どんどん心を開いて  あなたは私たちに心を開く事が出来る  心を開けば開くほど  どんどん気持ちよくなる  私たちの声が言葉が染み込んで  どんどんあなたを変えていく  変わる事は気持いい  ただ声を受け入れればいい  あなたが言葉を受け入れれば  数字を数えるだけでも気持ちよくなれる  カウントを聴くだけで快感に震える  [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]  [ほら、心を開いて、私たちを受け入れて]  背筋にゾクゾクっとする刺激が走る  腰がズキズキと気持ちよく疼く  全身が火照って、いやらしい気分になっていく  ゾクゾクした感覚が体中に広がる  全身がズキズキ疼いて、どんな刺激も気持いい  私たちの声も、他の音も全部気持いい  心を開けばもっと  受け入れただけずっと  あなたは気持ちよくなれる  深く、深~く気持ちよくなれる  心を開いて   そう、全てを受け入れる事ができる  気持ちよくなればなるほど  あなたは私たちに心を開ける  私たちに心を開けば開くほど気持ちよくなれる  深く、深~く気持ちよくなれる  幸せになれる  あなたの周りを、幸せと気持ちよさが回っている   回れば回るほど、深く・・・深く・・・  逝きたかったら、何時でも逝っていいのよ?  何回でも逝っていいのよ?  気持ちよさが加速する  快感に引っ張られる  引っ張られて深く、深くなる  深くなることは気持いい  全身がゾクゾク  全身がズキズキ  心が気持ちいい  心が幸せ  心が開放される  開放されたらもっと気持ちよくなる  [気持ちよくなったんだから仕方ないよね]  [気持ちよくされちゃったんだから仕方ないね]  快楽に落ちましょう  もっと深い所に落ちましょう  数字を数えるだけでも気持ちよくなれる  カウントを聞くだけで快感に震える  ほら    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  波が来る 気持のいい波が来る  気持のいい波はあなたの手足を浸し  身体を背筋を駆け上る  あなたの頭を愛撫して  脳みその中を犯していく  ザザザザザっと打ち寄せて・・・  ザザザザザっと引き込むの・・・  気持のいい海の底へ  深い深い快楽という海の底へ   ほら、波が来る  ザザザザザっと打ち寄せて気持いい・・・  ザザザザザっと引き込む深い所へ・・・  気持ちよくなればなるほど  あなたは私たちに心を開ける  私たちに心を開けば開くほど気持ちよくなれる  深く、深~く気持ちよくなれる  幸せになれる  幸せになっちゃってもいいのよ?  しばらく、三人で気持のいい世界に浸っていましょう  こうやって静かに余韻を楽しんでいると・・・  さらに深く、  深く、深く、深く、深く、  心の深い所へ降りていく事ができるの  もっともっと・・・ね? 4.快感暗示  [これは夢]  [これは現実]  [私の声に集中して]  [私の声に集中しちゃダメ]  [体から力を抜いて]  [体から力を抜かないで]  [ほら、意識しただけで力が抜ける]  [意識しちゃダメ、力を抜かないで]  [あなたが意識したところから力が抜ける、すっと抜ける]  [体のどこも意識しないで、意識を遠くへ持っていくの]  [そう、集中して、私の声を聴いて]  [ほら、集中しないで、私の声を聴いちゃダメ]  [私の声に集中すると、回りの雑音がどんどん遠くなっていく]  [回りの物音や声を聴いて、そうそっちに集中して]  [全身の力を抜いて、私の声に集中]  [全身の感覚がぼんやり、私の声も届かない]  [これから私が数字を10から数えるから]  [じゃあこれから数字を1から数え上げるね]  [0を合図にさらに深い所へ落ちていける]  [10になったら感覚も私の声も届かなくなる]  [0でずーんと気持いい、深い所へ落ちていける]  [10で何もかもがぼんやり、どうでもよくなる]  [何も解らなくなる深い深い所へ・・・]  [どうでもいい、ただどうでもいい・・・]  [じゃあ、いくよ]  [ただぼんやり聞き流して]  [10 9 8 7 6]  [さあ 1 2 3 4]  5  [6 7 8 9 10]  [4 3 2 1 0]  [頭の中が真っ白になる]  [深い、深い所に吸い込まれる]  [どうでもいい、ただもうどうでもいい]  [私の声に集中して、声で気持ちよくなって]  [何もかもがどうでもいい]  [深く、深く、深く]  [ただぼんやり]  [深い所へ]  [私の声も遠くからぼんやり響いてくるだけ]  [私の声にしがみ付くように没頭して]  [あなたはそれを聞き流す]  [あなたの頭に直接ひびく]  [ただ、聞き流す]  [しっかり集中]  [もうどうでもいい]  [私の声以外]  [何も気にならない]  [ただ真っ白に]  [落ちていく]  [からっぽに]  [消えていく]  深く  深く  深く  真っ白なまま、聴いてね  深い深いところまで、落ちる事ができたあなたは  直接快感を頭で感じる事ができるの  空っぽになった心は  注ぎこまれる快感で全てを満たす事ができるの  幸せでしょ?  嬉しいでしょ?  その思いすらも快感  身体が感じるだけでなく  頭が感じるだけじゃなく  心でも感じる事ができる  深く、深く、気持ちよくなるために  心で感じる事が大事なの  身体と頭と  そして心で感じる事ができれば  今までの何倍も気持ちよくなれる  本当のオーガズムを感じる事ができる  だから・・・  心も快感で染め上げてあげる  本当の絶頂に導くために  あなたの心を喜びと  幸福感と恋愛感情に染め上げるの  だから  ちょっとの間だけ  今だけは私たちを好きになってね  あなたは空っぽになっているから  自分自身で言葉に織り上げるときっと効果的  ほら、口に出して呟いてみて  「スキ」って  ほら、恥ずかしがらないで   恥ずかしいって気持も快感だけどね  ゆっくりでいいから、呟いてみて  初めは言われるままに  でも段々自分から口にするの  口に出しても、催眠は浅くなったりしないんだよ  だから、「スキ」って言ってみて  あなたが好き  私が好き  その感情が木霊のように返ってくる  口に出せば出すほど気持が高まる    スキ  スキよ  スキです  ダイスキ  スキ スキ スキ  愛してます  スキになる事は気持いい  愛している事は快感  スキ、スキ、ダイスキ  ほら、どんどん高まる  言えば言うほど気持が加速する  スキよ  スキなの  だ~いスキ  スキ スキ  もう止まらない  気持が止まらない  言葉が止まらない  言葉が快感  愛の囁きが気持いい  幸せ~  スキと言うのも  言われるのも幸せ  あなたの口からどんどん言葉があふれ出る  あなたの口からどんどん気持があふれ出る  スキ スキ スキ スキ スキ スキ スキ スキ スキ  気持いい 気持いい 気持いい 気持いい 気持いい 気持いい   私の言葉に身体を愛撫されて  私の言葉で頭を愛撫されて  自分の言葉で心を愛撫されているの  私の言葉がゾクゾクとあなたの全身を撫でまわすわ  私の言葉はズキズキとあなたの内側に疼きを送るの  そしてあなたの言葉は・・・心を蕩かすの  幸せで、気持ちよくて、好きで好きでたまらない  私を好きで  自分自身がいとお;愛しい  愛の告白をして  愛の告白を受けて  幸福感に包まれる  幸福感は快感  嬉しさが膨らんで、気持ちよさに変わるの  じゃあ、今度は「気持いい」って言ってみて  「スキ」と混ぜてもいいね  好きだから気持いい  あなたが好き  自分が好き  好きになって  好きでいて  あい;愛し  愛され  深くなる  愛が深く  気持が深く  心が深く  快感が深く  「好き」って言って  「気持いい」って言って  「深くなる」も素敵ね  だからほら、言ってみて  [「深く」「もっと深く」「どんどん深く」「深く落ちます」「深く落ちて気持いい」「深い所に吸い込まれていく」「とても気持いい」]  [そう、気持いい ずっとずっと気持いい もっと言って 声を出す事も快感]  言葉にするともっと気持いい  好き 愛してる 大好き いと;愛しい 離れたくない  気持い 感じる 切ない 興奮する 逝きそう  ゾクゾク、ゾクゾク、快感が走る  ズキズキ、ズキズキ、身体が疼く  どう? 気持いいでしょう?  どう? 堪らないでしょう?    私の  私たちの  指が  あなたの身体を  優しくなぞる  そんな感じがするの  いいえ、それは現実  額 耳 顎 胸 乳首 脇腹 お腹 太腿  頬 唇 首筋 肩 背筋 腕 指先 お尻  そして、あなたの一番感じるところへ  行くよ?    ほら!  何かが来る  どんどん込み上げる  ゾクゾクする  ズキズキする  頭はからっぽ  何も考えない  考えるのは性器だけ  性器だけで感じて  気持いい  震えるほど・・・ね  ただそれだけ  さらに乳首に電気が走る快感  電気が弾ける 快感が弾ける  弾けた電気があそこを  そして全身を繋いで痺れる  ビリビリ流れる  私たちの言葉がまるで電撃  あなたは私たちの言葉に感電して  どんどん気持ち良くなれる  ほぅらっ  込み上げる  大きなうねりが  とても気持いいうねりが  奥のほうから押し寄せる  稲妻が頭のてっぺんから足の爪先まで、走り抜けるみたい  ほら!もうそこまで来ている  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1   [どんどん湧き上がる 気持いいの止まらない ぐるぐる回る ズキズキ疼く ゾクゾク走る ほら来る! ほら逝く!]  [嬉しい 幸せ 込み上がる 幸福感 気持いい 幸せ~ 目の前チカチカ 欲しい 逝きたい]   ゼ~ロッ! ゼロ  ・・・コレで終わりじゃないよ?  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1   [また来る 波が来る 気持いい 快感 ズキズキ ゾクゾク また逝きそう また欲しくなる]  [快感に引き込まれる 深い所へ吸い込まれる 深い、深い快感にのまれる 逝きそう 逝きたい 逝っちゃう]  ゼ~ロッ! ゼロ  ・・・ウフフ・・・まだ、逝けるよね?  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1   [また始まる 快感が打ち寄せる 身体の中に打ち寄せる 気持いい 心の中に注ぎ込む 何度でも逝ける]  [何度だって逝きたい 神経に直接快感が注ぎ込まれる ほら逝く すぐ逝く また逝っちゃう]  ゼ~ロッ! ゼロ  終わらない  まだ終わらない  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1   [どんどん来る 快感が来る 身体の中を直接愛撫される 4本の腕が這い回る ここがいいの? ここはどう? 気持いでしょ?]  [ここが気持いいんでしょ? ほら ほら ほら ほら 電気が走る 全身が感電してる 全ては快感に変わる]  ゼ~ロッ! ゼロ  もう辛い?  もう苦しい? でも・・・止めてあげないよ♪  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1   [ほらほらほらほら ズキズキズキズキ ゾクゾクゾクゾク 行き過ぎた快感は 苦痛と同じかしら?]   [全身で弾ける 両手が真っ白 両足が真っ白 身体が空っぽ 頭の中空っぽ 心が真っ白・・・そう、空っぽ]  どんどん登りつめた快感が  今頂点に弾ける  ほぅら! 逝け!  逝きなさい!  ゼ~ロッ! ゼロ    全ては真っ白  もう空っぽ  快感の余韻があなたを溶かすの  全てが気だるくて、何も考えられない  この気持のいい声なら  どんな事でも受け入れられる  考えなくていい  与えてくれる物を受け入れましょ♪  それが幸せ  全てを委ねて  全てを受け入れる  なんて素敵! 5.解除暗示  さあ、そろそろ時間だから戻ってこないとね  何時までもこうして居たいけど・・・そろそろ時間  また気持ち良くなりたかったら  また聴いてくれればいいから  今日はもう終わりにしましょう  ね?  深く、深ーく気持ち良くなれたあなたは  私たちの言葉を素直に聴いて  次も、また次も、今日以上に気持ち良くなれるようになりました♪  深く入れる感覚を身体と心で覚え  簡単に身を任せる事ができるの  ほら  こうやって私たちの声を聴いているだけで・・・  また、深い、深ーい感覚が蘇る  体の力が抜けて  全身がリラッ~クス  頭の力も抜けて  柔軟に受け入れる  心の力も抜ければ  もう、そこにあるのは幸せだけ  気持いいだけ  その感覚のまま、私たちの言葉を聴いていてね  蕩けてあやふやになったあなたの心と身体が  ゆっくりと元の形に戻っていきます  身体の輪郭がはっきりして来て  全身の力が徐々に戻ってくるの  空っぽだった頭の中身が戻り  回りの感覚を感じる事ができるようになる  無意識に、眠るようだった呼吸が  あなたの意志で、早くも、遅くも調節できるように  まぶた越しに回りの明るさを感じ取れるようになって  外の雑音がはっきり聞き取れる  しっかり自分を取り戻して  はっきり自分をコントロールできる  (パンッ!)  はい、目が覚める  もう一度  (パンッ!)  はっきり目が覚める  目が開く  (パンッ!)  すっきりとした目覚め  う~んと伸びをしてみて  そうするともっとスッキリするよ  もう一回、う~んと伸びをしてみて  はい、完全に目が覚めた  どうだった?  気持ち良かったでしょう?  うんうん  気持ち良くなりたくなったらまた聴いてね  聴けば聴くほど・・・ウフフ  気持ちよさが強くなっていくから  あなたを開発しちゃうから  覚悟していらっしゃい  じゃあ  せ~のっ ばいば~い


1. Preface One-twoo, we welcome you... To our living room What are you going to do today?... Ufufu Never mind, we know perfectly well. Did you come here to feel good? Did you come for our thing that feels so good? Leave it all to us... and we'll make you feel very good. Let us two make you feel good. Well then, let's get ready. From now on, we're going to lie beside you and whisper from both sides, and you just do as we tell you. For example, ... [When I do it like this, I'm going to speak directly to you] [And from my side, I will also speak to you simultaneously] [If you think you can't listen to both of us at once, just listen to one of us] [Once you concentrate to one of our sides, your subconscious will automatically pick up the other side] [If you imagine "that's impossible", it's fine not to think too hard about it] [Don't try too hard with focusing, just enjoy it and listen] [But please, do try to listen to our instructions as much as you can] ['That's impossible' is now forbidden... just relax and listen] Listening to both of us sure feels nice, doesn't it? Relish in the feeling of being blessed by two pretty girls. 2. Introduction For a most comfortable position... It's best if you listen to us on a bed, a sofa or something like a futon. Are you ready? Then... First of all, let's close your eyes. Shut your eyes and... relaaax~ We wonder, what is your most favorite pleasure? We think it's something like falling aaaall the way down into a very nice feeling. We think of something like gently dropping down and relishing in pleasure. Taking on a loose state, and relaxing, losing all tension, getting rid of all strength, imagining deep breathing, all muscles rested, all in a comfortable position. At such times, your heart's desire begins to swell, you remember some nice things, rest your head, relax your mind, all your worries wash away, entrusting your heart to deep and nice breathing, forgetting all about stress. If such a pleasure or something similar sounds familiar to you, please try to recall it. Again, try to sink deep into such a nice euphoria. Just sink into your own world, let your heart drift into the deep, profound sea of relaxation. Wrapped inside an ecstatic sense of happiness. As if your body, heart and soul was shivering with pleasant feelings. A profound happiness. A deep pleasure. A very good feeling. Soaking in such a comfort that makes your heart soar, letting the inside of your head be drenched into that deep, deep happiness. Until you merely hear our voices with a buzz in your head. How about it? Would you like to feel such a comfort? Yeah, that's what you want. Just think about nothing. Except the nice feelings. Immerse yourself into a deep, profound relaxation, and let it feel very good. But before you can feel good, let's do some deep breathing. On "inhale" you breathe into your nose. On "exhale", you breathe out from your mouth. For effortless abdominal breathing, imagine how your inhale all the air into your belly. I will take the lead, so please follow as I say. Here we go. Inhale~ Fill your belly. Exhale~ Empty your belly. Inhale~ [Exhale~] [As you exhale, your strength withers away] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Relaaax...] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [...your body, bit by bit] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Consciously...] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Letting go of all tension] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Is very effective] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [For example] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Everything, from your arms] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [To your shoulders] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Your legs and hips] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Your back, and your belly] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [From your neck, aaall of it] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [To your head, and your face] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Your eyes and your eyelids] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Your cheeks, and your chin] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Just like that] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [All the tension releases] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Your eyelids are slowly] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [beginning to close] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [And if you already closed them] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [No matter when] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [It felt nice, yes?] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [That's because] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [You can feel good] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [And close your eyelids] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Whenever you want] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [At your own pace] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Gently and relaxed] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Deeply relaxed] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [It feels so ni~ce] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Relaaax] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [While you listen] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [To our voice] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Calm your heart] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [To relax] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [A little happiness] Inhale~ [Exhale~] [Somehow, this feels nice] Inhale~ Exhale~ Good, that should do it for now. Just continue breathing at your own pace. Were you able to fully relax? In that case, just breathe at your own comfortable pace. 3. Deepening Now just listen to us while you breathe. Hmm? Are you in a bit of a daze already? Well, we want you to refocus just one more time. I'm going to count from 3 to 0 now. Please open your eyes as I go. I'm going to repeat it a few times, so you can regain your consciousness and think clearly again. Here we go. 3 2 1 0 Yes, open your eyes. Well? Eyes open and wide awake? As the numbers drop, you wake up. Now, I'm going to count from 1 to 3. On 3, you close your eyes again. Once you do close your eyes, you will fall deeper into relaxation. Okay, here we go. 1 2 3 Yes, close your eyes. You sense that aaaall your strength withers away. It feels nice. Doesn't it feel nice? Okay, now let's wake you up again. Again, I'll count from 3 to 0. Okay. 3 2 1 0 Yes, open your eyes. How is it? Eyes open and wide awake? Or perhaps you just have your eyelids open? Be aware to wake up as the numbers drop. Again, I'll count from 1 to 3. Close your eyes smoothly. When you have them closed, you can fall into deeply relaxation again, like before. So you can sink ever deeper and deeper. 1 2 3 Yes, close your eyes. A deep, profound pleasure. You feel our voices next to you go faaaar away. And now, just one more time, let's wake you up. When I count to 0, you open your eyes. Just open your eyes bit by bit as I count each number. As each number gets bigger, you become ever more sleepy. I will count now. 3456789 to 50 [Falling, deeply, into a very deep place. falling ever deeper, without halt, falling slowly and gradually, deep... into a deeep nice feeling] [Slowly being pulled away. Feels good. Feels so nice. Steadily... Gradually... Without stop... You don't want to stop] [Sucked into a deep place... You don't know anymore. More... And more... It's pulling you in... Deeper... deeper... Yes... deep.] [Deeply... falling... Faster... Without stop... Feels good... Drawing you in... A deep place... Is drawing you in] Deeper... deeper... into a place that feels good. Remember. What? A nice feeling. What? Draws you in. Where to? Yes, here... into the place that feels good... you have... deeply... fallen. You are... ... the more you accept our words. The more you open your heart to our words... The feeling gets nicer. Be happy. You want to feel good, don't you? You want to be happy, don't you? The more meekly your heart becomes... The more our words can sink into your mind and body. From inside [You get comfortable] Once you accept it, the more you can accept it. Now, as you slowly open your heart. You can open your heart to us. The more you open your heart. The feeling slowly gets better. As our voices sink deep into you. You slowly begin to change. Changing feels nice. But only if you accept our voice. Once you accept our words. It gets better with each number we count. Just our countdown will make you shiver in pleasure. [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] [Here, open your heart, and accept us] A shivering pleasure runs along your spine. Your hips are aching with a pleasant throb. A lewd feeling is coming over you as hot flashes all over your body A tingling sensation is spreading all over your body. Your whole body is throbbing and aching, any stimulus would be nice. Even our voice or any other sound would feel nice. If you open your heart more And just accept us completely. You will get to feel very good. A deep, deep pleasant feeling. Open up your heart. Yes, then you can accept it all. And the better the feelings get. The more you will open your heart to us. The more you open your heart to us, the better it will feel. A deeper, ever deeper pleasant feeling. Be happy. All around you, happiness is comfortably spinning. And the more it spins, the deeper... and deeper... If you want it to come, you can do so anytime. You can make it come as often as you want. The nice feeling is getting faster. You're getting drawn into pleasure. Pulled deeper and ever deeper. The depth feels nice. Your whole body is shivering. Your whole body is aching. Once you let yourself loose, it will feel even better. [You can't help it if it felt good] [You can't help it if it's going to feel good] Drop down, into pleasure. Drop ever deeper into that place. The more numbers we count, the better it will feel. Tremble in pleasure as you listen to our countdown. Here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A wave is coming A wave of pleasant feelings. The pleasant waves wash over your limbs. Running up your body and spine. Lovingly caressing your head. As it penetrates your brain. Shhhhhh~, the wave breaks in... Shhhhhh~, the wave pulls back... Into the sea of pleasant feelings. Into the deep depths under the sea of pleasure. Here, the wave is coming. Shhhhhh~, the wave breaking in feels so good... Shhhhh~, and as the the wave pulls back, The feelings become even better. Open your heart to us. The more you open your heart to us, the better it will feel. Deeper and deeper, the better it will feel. Be happy. You want to be happy, don't you? Just for a while, let us three immerse ourselves in a world of comfort. And quietly enjoy the afterglow like this ... So that in a moment, you can descend deeper Deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper... Into the depths of your heart... More and more... right? 4. Pleasure Suggestion [This is a dream] [This is reality] [Focus on my voice] [Don't focus on my voice] [Release all tension from your body] [Don't release all tension from your body] [You know, just focus and release your strength] [Do not focus, keep your strength] [As you focus, release all your strength] [Don't focus anywhere on your body, your focus has gone far away] [Now, focus and listen to my voice] [You hear? You can't focus at all, don't listen to my voice] [As you focus on my voice, the noise around you slowly goes away] [Yes, focus over there, listen to the sounds and voices coming around you] [Disconnect all power from your body, focus on my voice] [Your whole body feels vague, my voice doesn't reach you] [I am going to count down from 10 now] [Then I'm going to count up from 1] [0 will be my signal to drop down into a deep place] [On 10, the sensation nor my voice won't reach you anymore] [On 0, dropping into the deep place will feel very nice] [On 10, everything will get faint, nothing will matter anymore] [You can't grasp anything as you fall deeper and deeper...] [Nothing matters, anything is fine...] [Here we go then] [Just ignore me] [10 9 8 7 6] [Come on then, 1 2 3 4] 5 [6 7 8 9 10] [4 3 2 1 0] [Your head's becoming blank] [Drawn deeper and deeper into that place] [Nothing matters, ignore everything] [Concentrate on my voice, as it feels better] [Everything's fine, nothing matters] [Deeper, deeper, deeper] [Everything goes blank] [Into that deep place] [My voice is only heard faintly from a distant place] [Stick to me and immerse yourself in my voice] [Just pretend you hear nothing] [It echoes directly in your head] [Just ignore me] [Firmly focused] [Nothing matters anymore] [Just on my voice] [You don't notice anything] [Just pure white] [Falling] [Into emptiness] [Fading] Deeper Deeper Deeper In pure whiteness, you listen. When you can drop into a deep, deep place The pleasure can reach directly into your head. Your heart has become empty. Now you can fill it pleasure and be completely satisfied. That makes you happy, right? That makes you glad, right? Even the thought is pleasant. Not only your body Not only your head But also your heart can feel it. Deeper and deeper, so you can feel good. It's very important to feel with the heart. Your body, your head And lastly your heart can feel it all now. From now on, the pleasure will become many-fold. So you can experience a true orgasm. That's why... We will dye your heart with pleasure. So we can lead you to a true climax. So let us please your heart And dye it with happiness and passionate love. So... Just for the time sake, you will fall in love with us now. Because you have become so empty. Surely, weaving the words yourself will be quite effective. Listen, open your mouth and whisper. Say "Love" Come on, no need to be shy. Although, shyness can also be pleasant itself. Just whisper nice and slowly. First you merely say it. But gradually, you mean it. Even aloud, no superficial hypnotism about it. So there, try to say "Love" I love you. You love me. This emotion turns around like an echo. The louder you say it, the better it will feel. Love. I love you. It's love. I really love you. I love love love you. I am in love with you. Falling in love feels good. Love is pleasant. Love, love, so much love. You hear? It's swelling up. The more we say it, the faster it gets. I love you. You're my love. I love you so much. Love, love. It doesn't stop anymore. The feeling doesn't stop. The words don't stop. The words are pleasure. Whisper words of love feel good. So happy~ Saying "Love" And being told "love" makes you so happy. Your mouth is gradually overflowing with words. Your mouth is rapidly overflowing with feelings. Love love love love love love love love love. Feels good, feels good, feels good, feels good, feels good, My words caress your body. My words caress your head. Your own words caress your heart. My words brush over your whole body, making it shiver. My words are making you ache and throb inside. And lastly, your own words... make your heart melt. You're so happy, it feels so nice, you can't help but love! To love me. You are my own, dearest darling. We confess our love. We accept our love. Happiness engulfs us. The pleasure of happiness. The joy is swelling, and changes into pleasure. Now, this time try to say "It feels good", together with "Love" It feels good because we love. I love you. You love me. Falling in love. And giving love. Affection, adoration. Loved. Deepening. Deep love. Deep feelings. Deep heart. Deep pleasure. Saying "love", Saying "It feels good", And saying "Deep" is wonderful, right? So there, try saying it. [ "Deep", "Deeper", "Slowly deeper," "Falling ever deeper," "Deeper into pleasure," "A deep place takes you in," "So very good feelings."] [Yes, it feels good, better and better, say it more, vocalize the pleasure] Saying those words feels good. Love, I love you, I truly love you, you are my one and only, I never want to leave you Feelings, sensations, heartrending, arousing, orgasm. Shiver, shiver pleasure runs over you. Your body aches, like your heart's about to break. How it it? It feels good, right? How is it? It's unbearable, right? My Our Fingers Gently trace Your body. Is this imagination? No, it's reality. Forehead, Ear, Chin, Chest, Nipples, Armpits, Stomach, Thighs Cheeks, Lips, Neck, Shoulders, Spine, Arms, Fingertips, Ass And lastly, your most sensitive place... Shall we go? There! Something's coming. Welling up fastly. Shivering. Throbbing. Your head goes blank. No thoughts. Only about your sex. Just feel your sex. A good feeling. As if it's quaking... right? That is all. Also, an electrifying pleasure runs through your nipples. Bursting with flashes, bursting with pleasure. The burst of electricity was right there. It makes your whole body numb and paralyzed. A stream of voltage. Our words are like an electric shock. You are the conductor to our electric words. It's rapidly feeling even better. Heeeere, have it well up inside you.. A giant wave, rolling over you like gigantic pleasure. Surging outwards from the fire within you. As if lightning was running from the top of your head to down to your toes. Here! Let it come all the way. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 [Slowly breaking out, the pleasure doesn't stop, it's turning and spinning, throbbing and aching, running with shivers, here! it's coming! here comes!] [Joy Happy Full Happiness Feels so good Such joy~ Your eyes are flickering You want it You need it] Zeeero! Zero ...we're not done here yet, okay? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 [It's coming again The wave returns Feels so good Pleasure Throbbing Aching Coming all over you What you wanted] [Drawn into pleasure Sinking deeper Drinking deep pleasure Here comes You want it Coming!] Zeeero! Zero ...ufufu... is it coming again? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 [It started again The breaking pleasure wave Washing inside your body Feels good It's pouring inside your heart Coming so many times] [Coming as often as you want Pleasure spilling directly in your nerves Here comes Almost there It's coming again!] Zeeero! Zero It doesn't end. It's not over yet. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 [Rapidly coming The pleasure's coming Immediately loving your body Crawling over you for the 4th time Is it good there? How about here? Does this feel good?] [It feels good here, right? Here, here, here, come on, running electricity, your whole body's being shocked, everything changes into pleasure!] Come on come on come on! Zero! Zero Getting painful? Getting difficult? But... we're not finished yet♪ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 [Herehereherehere, lovelovelovelove, shivershivershiver, this is too extreme, this pleasure's almost agony?] [Body's bursting open, pure white hands, pure white legs, whole body's empty, head inside's empty, pure white heart is... yes, empty] The pleasure's rapidly rising. Bursting at your apex. Heeeere! Cum! Please cum! ZEEERO! Zero Everything's pure white. And completely empty. You are melting in the afterglow of pleasure. Everything is languid, your thoughts are empty. If this voice feels so good. You accept it all. Don't think. Accept everything we give you♪ This is happiness. Devote it all. And accept it all. How wonderful! 5. Release Suggestion Now, it's about time to come back now. Even if you would like to stay here forever... it is time now. But if you ever want to feel good again. Please listen to us again. But let us end it for today. Hey? You, who have felt a deep, deep pleasure. Just meekly listen to our words. Next time, maybe next time, you will feel even better than today♪? Remember these sensations deep inside your body and heart. So you can easily surrender to them. You see, if you listen to our words like this... You can revisit those deep, deep feelings again Releasing all tension. Relaaxing you whole body. Releasing all strength in your head. Accepting softness. Releasing tension in your heart. Just to make that place more happy. Just nice feelings. If you want to relive this experience, just listen to our voice. Your heart and body have melted into vagueness. Let them gently take on their former self. The outlines of your body are becoming clear again. Your body's strength is slowly returning. Your empty head fills up again. You can sense your surroundings again. Your unconscious sleep-like breathing Is quickly returning into your control. You can feel brightness from your eyelids again. Outside noise is clearly audible again. Firmly recover. You sharply regain control over yourself. (Clap!) Yes, wake up. One more time. (Clap!) Wake up wide. Open your eyes. (Clap!) Refreshed and awake. Stretch out with a nice sigh. Doing that will make you more refreshed. One more time, stretch and sigh. Yes, you're wide awake now. How was it? It felt good, right? Yep, yep If you want to feel it again, just listen to us. The more you will listen... ufufu The stronger the feeling will get. For further developments We'll welcome you anytime. Well then... One, two! Bye bye~
