Track 4

4/Some Sleeping Together

#4 thank you for today. somehow, was i spinning my wheels? that's because, i was the present. and every time I'm with you it's special. just so i can meet with you, and be your present, so spending time with you is special, and i wonder if i can spend even more special days with you. somehow, it was lewd? fella, i was phasing out in the middle so i thought i didn't do it well or.. did i feel good? you didn't remember it from being dazed out? i'm glad we match. while doing ecchi, i though congratulations, it's strange isn't it, you always make me happy so i want to thank your body. now, for your birthday. happy birthday. thank you for being born. thank you for always being with me. i'm happy. more, i want to make you happy. more, i want to be beside you more. ah, no, even though it should be a celebration, i'm about to cry. no, somehow, it overflowed. because i love you. i love you. again, next year i'll give you a special of specials. see you again tomorrow. good night. "Credit goes to VoiceTrans from pastebin for the raw translations, with some edits by me." - Hayate