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私は水瀬彩芽(あやめ)、どこにでもいる女の子よ どこにでもいるっ言っても、他の女の子と違うところがあるの それは恥ずかしいことが好きなところ 人には見せられないようなオナニーして、その羞恥心で身を震わせる えっちなおもちゃを使うとね? 変態な事してるって自覚できて最高なのよ 欲を言うなら、無機質な機械にむちゃくちゃにされて、恥も外聞もなく涙流しながら謝らされたい だけど、機械だからそんなこと聞き入れてくれないし、私も分かってる 無意味でも、「許してください」って言わないと頭がおかしくなりそう とっても変態で恥ずかしいことしてるのに、それが気持ちいいの これが私の願望 こんな私だけど、男性経験はないのよ? 別にもてない、とかそういうのじゃないけど ただ、恥ずかしいオナニーの魅力を知ったら普通のSEXになんか興味持てないの だから私の体は玩具で開発したといっても、ある意味では処女ってわけね それで、開発で思い出した 私、結構エグいプレイしてるの 例えば、2時間耐久拘束玩具責めとか 恥ずかしい格好でガチガチに体を拘束して、拘束具の鍵はクローゼットの上におくの 合わせて鍵と一緒にケータイのアラームをセットしておいておく 時間が来たらケータイがアラームのバイブで動いて鍵と一緒に落ちてくる それを回収して脱出ってこと うふふ、私って賢い? なかなか思いつかないんじゃない?こんなこと あのときは良かったよ? こんなオナニーしてるところ、誰かに見られたらって思うとおまんこの奥がキュンキュンしちゃうの 次はもっと恥ずかしさで頭がおかしくなるようなオナニーをしたい そんなことを考えていた私のもとに1通の手紙が届けられた それは、『夢の機械』と銘打たれた商品のテスターをしないか?という勧誘だった その手紙によれば、恥ずかしさを徹底的に感じさせる責めが味わえるマシーンを試させてもらえるらしい 商品の名前は『羞恥拷問椅子』 椅子に淫乱な格好で拘束され、拷問を味わうという趣旨のものだった 同封されていた商品の説明はこうだった (説明の赤字だけを編集で切り取った音声が流れる) 私にとってぴったりなマシーンだ 安全性も大丈夫みたいだし でも、音声にどこか違和感を感じた 何がおかしいかはよくわからないんだけど 私は怪しさを感じながらも胸の高まりを抑えることができず、テスターの申し出を受けるのだった


My name is Ayame Minase, an all around everyday girl. But even though I say this, I'm a bit different from other girls. I truly love being embarrassed. Such as letting other people seeing me masturbate, even if I don't want to. Something that makes my body shiver from embarrassment. Like with naughty toys and such, y'know? It's the best way of making me aware of my perverted nature. My desire, so to speak, is to be messed up by a robotic machine until I weep and sob for forgiveness, without any honor or grace left in me. But I'd also be aware that it's just a machine, which would not grant any forgiveness. Things like "please forgive me" would be absolutely meaningless to it, even if I went completely insane. And despite doing such perverted things would be highly embarrassing, it would feel so good. This is what I desire. So much about me, but I don't have any experience with men. I'm not saying that I wouldn't want to. However, once I figured out that shyness masturbation had such a fascinating charm on me, regular sex didn't interest me very much anymore. So even though I've developed my body with toys so much, in a sense I'm still a virgin. Which reminds me of my development. I've done some splendid hardcore play sessions already. For example, 2 hours of enduring bondage to a teasing toy, and other stuff. Such as tightly chaining my body in an overly embarrassing pose, after I hid the key on top of a closet. The key would be released to the timer of my phone. At the time the alarm goes off, the vibrating phone would drop down, together with the key. This was my only method of escape. Ufufu, aren't I the clever girl? Was it hard coming up with that idea? Not much. That session was pretty good. I was always thinking "What if someone sees me masturbate like this?". This made my pussy twitch inside. But next, I want to have an even more embarrassing masturbation session, something that drives me completely crazy. As soon as I thought about that, I received a letter. Inside, it asked if I would like to become a tester for a product line called "Dream Machine". It was an invitation, so to say. According to this letter, I would be able to test a machine that could give me such a taste of torment, to experience the thorough feeling of embarrassment. The name of this product was "Shyness Torture Chair". A restraining chair with a very lewd posture, and the intent of relishing in torture. A description of the product was also enclosed inside. (The following explanation is censored by heavy cuts) It is time to showcase: "The Shyness Torture Chair" This is a dream machine, meant to simulate a torture experience. The torture comes in form of a quiz. Depending on the answer, the machine's system will decide whether or not to perform torture. In other words, if one gives a wrong answer or waits too long, it will give you a penalty in form of torture. The torture is specifically meant to cause arousal from shyness. The chair is designed to put emphasis on a restrained posture, by spreading open and highlighting the genital area. We believe, this can be grasped by simply looking at it. With whatever sexual stimulation this machine will penalize the user, be it vaginal, clitoral or to the nipples, - it will make her face drool with pleasure. With the - machine - observing her - the complete sense of embarrassment would be so deeply ingrained into her brain to make her snap, right? Perhaps you might be thinking, "Isn't it very difficult for - the user to - stop?" We thought of exactly the same thing. In this case, be rest assured. Escape from this torture is completely - possible. There is no timer. The torture duration all depends on the remaining questions left, of - As soon as all questions are - answered, she'll be - free. This is the perfect machine for me. And it even looks safe to use. But somehow, the description gave me an ominous feeling. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something about it felt odd. But despite the ominous feeling, the anticipation in my chest got the better of me. And so, I accepted the testing proposal.

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