Track 5

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05 さぁて,、休憩はもういいかしら? 私の慈悲よ? 貴方が射精から遠のくように手加減してあげたの あはは、女の人に手加減されるの気持ちいいわね? 絶対に勝てないって自覚しましょうね? じゃあ、次はこの音で犯してあげる (口の中をくちゃくちゃさせる音6秒) ふふ、お口の音聞こえるかしら この音とシコシコボイスの同時攻撃 その惨めなおちんちんしゃぶってるふり、しててあげる 本当に咥える訳ないわよねぇ? そんなの触りたくもないもの ふふふ、いくわよ? あーーむ (フェラ20秒) [シコシコ1]と[シコシコ3][シコシコ4]を激しさにあわせて併用 (以下咥えながら、せりふは聞き取れるが加えている感じは強く出す) ふふ、どうかしら? この熟練したフェラは? おちんちんをとかす舌使い 唾液を執拗に塗りたくってじゅぼじゅぼ もっとくいくわよ? (フェラ25秒) あらぁ? シコシコが再開したらまた射精が迫ってきちゃうのかしら? あれだけ休ませてあげたのに やっぱりだめね 厳しく追い立てないと 今度はえっぐーいのあげるわ お姉様の本気に屈服しなさい (下品フェラ20秒) ふふ、このお下品なのはどうかしら? シコシコボイスも早くなって大変ね でも面白いからやめてあげないの ほら、もっとこのお口で追い詰められてちょうだい (下品フェラ20秒) あはぁ、フェラとシコシコがリンクしてやばいのかしら? まさか、私にしゃぶってもらってるところを想像してオナニーしてるかしら? 私は水音を流し込んでるだけ あくまで演技 それなのにご主人様を使ってオナニーなんて生意気 お仕置きね 一番激しくいたぶってあげる 当然シコシコもスピードアップ 死ぬ気で我慢しろ、変態マゾ (下品で激しいフェラ30秒) (ここまで) ぷ、ふぁああ、うふん お姉様のお口にもうメロメロ だらしないオス奴隷の出来上がり これをもっと責め抜いてみじめなおもちゃに加工 ふふふ、暇つぶしにもってこいね 最後の方はきつかったかしら? おちんちん射精しそうにひくついてるわ ふふふふ、だめよ?そんなのお姉様にみせちゃ ・・・もっと残酷な仕打ちしたくなるでしょ?あははははは

Pseudo Blowjob

05: Now then, how about a little break? Aren't I merciful? I am being easy on you, so your orgasm can withdraw. Ahaha, doesn't mercy from a woman feel good? You must realize, that we can never be defeated. And next, I will rape you with this sound: (6 seconds of slurpy blowjob sounds) Fufu, can you hear the sound of my mouth? This sound will strike you down, together with the shikoshiko voice. I'll only pretend to suck on your dick. There's no way I'd do it for real. I wouldn't even want to touch it. Hehehe, let's go. Ahmmm~ (20 seconds blowjob) It rapidly goes inbetween shikoshiko 1, 3 and 4. (Holds it inside the mouth, giving a strong impression with hard to hear words) Hehe, what's the matter? Is my blowjob skillful? Is my tongue technique making your penis melt? I'm tenaciously covering it with spit, like slurp-slurp. Let's so it some more. (25 seconds Blowjob) Oh myy? The shikoshiko started again, are you getting close I wonder? But I just gave you a break. You're really hopeless. Next I'm going all out. You'll receive my most severe. And you'll truly succumb to your onee-sama. (20 seconds Vulgar Blowjob) Huhu, I wonder if this is too vulgar for you. This shikoshiko voice is also getting dangerously fast. But it just got interesting, so we're not stopping. Here, let this mouth drive you truly desperate. (20 seconds Vulgar Blowjob) Ahaa, the shikoshiko and blowjob are forming a dangerous link I guess? Could it be that you imagined me sucking you off, all while you were jacking off? But I'm only making wet sounds. At the very end, it's all acting. And yet, how brazen of you to use your mistress as fapping material. You deserve a punishment. The harshest torment there is. We'll speed up the shikoshiko of course. And you will persist, even if it kills you, you pervert masochist. (30 seconds intense Vulgar Blowjob) (So ​​far) Pu, Faa'a, Ufun. You're already madly addicted to your mistresse's mouth. With this, you finally became my slutty man-slave. I want to tease you even more, and turn you into a miserable toy. Huhuhu, this is perfect to kill some time. Tell me, was the last part too intense? Your cock is twiching as if is was about to cum. Fufufufu, stop that! If onee-sama sees that. ...she wants to treat you even more cruelly. Ahahahaha

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