Track 9

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09 さぁて、じゃあフィナーレ やっと射精の許可が出るわよ? ここまで頑張った貴方にご褒美 最高に気持ちいい射精、させてあげるわ 左右から、もう2人のお姉様がお耳を舐めてくれるそうよ? (左右から 私はこっちにします 私はこっちをいじめたげるね) ほら、おもちゃに落としてあげる [シコシコすべての種類を混ぜる] シコシコと同時に耳舐めが始まったわね あははは、脳みそごとレイプされちゃってるわね 耳は貴方の弱点 だって、これで勃起させられたんだもの 強烈な快楽を流し込まれながらのオナニー でも、射精はまだよ? 射精は私の合図に合わせて 私に完全支配されてるんだから当たり前 さぁて、いつ射精させてあげようかしら? 質問 まだ早いわよね? ふふふ、やっぱりそうなの? でも、こんなに射精を我慢させられてまだ我慢できる? あははは、無理でも我慢しなさい ここでお漏らししちゃったら全部無駄になっちゃうんだもの 私が許可していないのに精液ぴゅっぴゅー 私の声に合わせて射精できない ここまで溜め込んだザーメン無駄打ち 今までの射精禁止オナニーが全くの無意味 いやでしょう? だから、我慢 しばらく耳を犯されていなさい ふふふふう、ねぇ、し・つ・も・ん まだ早いわよね? そう? 私にはそのおちんちんもう限界に見えるんだけど 耳を犯されてずっとシコシコ、今にも出しちゃうんじゃないかしら? でも、まだ早いのよね 喜んでお預けしてあげる はぁい、質問 まだ早いわよね? あっは、いいわよ、もっと待っていてあげるもの じっくりお姉様に可愛がってもらいなさい 質問の仕方が悪いのかしら? いつまでたってもまだ射精は早い、なんて、ふふふふ こうきこうかしら? 質問 もう射精はしたい? そうなの?へぇー ダメよ? あははははははははは 質問しただけだもの、聞いてみたかっただけ 貴方が射精したいからってどうして私がそれに合わせて許可しないといけないのかしら? あははははは、何その顔、期待しちゃったかしら? そんなに射精したいの? 許可して欲しいの? ふふふ、じゃあ、射精の許可してもらえば? 左右のお姉様に でも、私は許可しないわ あはははは、私に許可がないと意味ないのにねぇ? 左右から射精を許可されながら、射精禁止責め、味わいなさい いいって言われてるのに出せない 射精したい、射精したい、射精したい 左右のお姉様は許してくれてるのに、一番意地悪なお姉様が許してくれない ふふふふ、変態マゾ たっぷり意地悪してあげるから覚悟しなさい 意地悪して、意地悪して、まだ意地悪する だめよ?オナニーのお手伝いなんて甘い話についていっちゃ こういう目にあわされるんだから、あはははは お・ば・か・さ・ん ふふ、じゃあ、そろそろ終わりの時間にしましょうか 最終工程、射精禁止責めしたおちんちんからなっさけない射精 お姉様にたっぷり濃くなるまで熟成してもらったザーメンのお披露目 貴方がどれだけ苦しいオナニーをさせられてきたか、精液で示しなさい きっと匂いたって黄ばんだドロドロ精液になってるから、楽しみ いく時の顔もたっぷり私たちに晒すのよ? 射精は射精禁止オナニーのフィナーレ 我慢してきた快楽が一斉におちんちんに襲いかかる その快楽で本当のおばかさんになっちゃう瞬間をたっぷり笑って馬鹿にしてあげるねぇ? 最後はカウントダウンでトドメ、さしてあげる 10からはじまって0で射精 シコシコボイスはなし、自分で調節しなさい 数が小さくなるに従って射精へ追い込みなさい ほら10 (左右から 本気でトドメ、刺しにかかってあげますね 最低のアクメ、決めてください 耳責め、一番えぐいのやったげる 壊れちゃってもしらないし) 9 両耳レイプで頭湧きそう おちんちんに全部の快楽が凝縮していくわ 8 射精を禁止されて作ったザーメン、やっと吐き出せるわよ? 惨めなオナニーやったかいがあったわね? 7 ねぇ、変態マゾ 餌は欲しいかしら? 馬鹿になるまで与えてあげるからねぇ? 6 おちんちんが射精へ向かっていく ほら、シコシコ、シコシコ 5 ぴゅるるるる、ぴゅーぴゅー、どろどろどろー、あはははは 男として情けない射精、どんどんきちゃうわね? 言っちゃったらもう戻れないのに 4 でも、射精ことしか考えられないわね? 射精できたらなんでもいい そんな存在に加工してくれたのはお姉様 3 ぜーんぶ お姉様のおかげ おちんちん辛いのも、おちんちん気持ちいいのも全部お姉様のおかげ 2 お姉様に支配してもらえてよかったわね ほらほら、もうすぐ射精よ? お姉様たちがたっぷり馬鹿にしてけなして、笑ってあげる 1 ほぉらとどめ、いくわよ? たっぷり笑わせなさい [差分でヘルモードにのみここにパートが挿入されます] あ、そういえば、思い出したわ 貴方、ヘルモードを選んだおばかさんだったのよね? じゃあ、カウントは1のままでキープしなさい 射精寸前、一番おちんちんがヤバイ状態 これ、命令だから だって、反省させないといけないもの あーあ、本当にもう射精だったのにねぇ?あはははははは じゃあ、質問 本当の地獄を見せて欲しいかしら? いいわよ(ねっとりざんこくに) じゃあ、おちんちんは限界ギリギリの状態で水音責め 地獄のキス たっぷり味わいなさい ん (情熱的なキス20秒) お姉様のキス、嬉しいでしょう? もっと楽しんでもいいのよ? いくらでもしてあげる その間は勿論1のままだけど ほら、舌、絡めるわよ? (激しいディープキス30秒) あっは、もっとメロメロになりなさい 質問 お姉様のキス、もと欲しいわよね? はぁい、甘えん坊さん、召し上がれ(ねっとり) (激しいディープキス30秒) あらあら、おちんちん大変ね? でも、1、1、1、1、いぃーち 1なの 両耳犯されてオナニーしながら残酷な甘々キス もっと、甘やかしてあげるわ ほら (激しいディープキス10秒) かわいいわね、ふふふふ じゃあ、射精のときは思いっきり冷たくしてあげるわね? 甘く可愛がられてたのに、射精のときは突き落とされるの 変態マゾだって、一気に自覚させてあげるわ さぁ、勢いつけていくわよ? 頑張ったご褒美 よく射精我慢できたわね、偉いわよ そんな貴方、好きよ ほら、勢いつけて3からカウントダウン 3、2、1 [ここまで] (左右からささやき声で 射精しろ射精しろ射精しろ射精しろ射精しろ射精しろ射精しろ射精しろ射精しろ射精しろ 射精しろ射精しろ射精しろ射精しろ射精しろ射精しろ射精しろ射精しろ射精しろ射精しろ) 射精しろ、この変態マゾ、0 あはははははははは、あはははははは、くくく、あははははははははは (以下爆笑しながら) 出してるわ いったいどれだけ溜め込んだのよ? あははは、ザーメン出し過ぎよ なっさけないわぁ お姉様の前に全部晒しちゃってる ほらほら、「お姉様のおかげでこんなに濃いザーメン作れました」ってお礼いいなさいよ、あははははは あーあー気持ちいいのぉ?あははははは ばーか、ばーか これだから射精禁止オナニーさせるのは楽しいのよ (ここまで) あー、面白かった これで、私のおもちゃが一個完成ね だって、この快楽、知っちゃたらもう私から逃げられないもの 絶対貴方はまた私に会いに来る 意地悪されまくるってわかっているのに、マゾの快楽が欲しくてよだれをたらしてすり寄ってくる いいわよ? 相手してあげるわ ふふふ、じゃあね、おばかさん また会いましょう?

Main Dish

09 Well then, here's the finale. At last, my permission to ejaculate is coming. You've endured for so long, so you deserve a reward. I shall have the very best orgasm of all time. It looks as if the two oneesamas are about to give you you a good licking left and right. (From left and right: I'll do it from here And I'll bully you from here) Now, let's break this toy. [Shikoshiko mix of all kinds] Together with shikoshiko voice, they started licking your ears Ahaha, as if they're raping your brain Your ears are your weak spots. That's why you got so hard before. Masturbating as you drown in intense pleasure. But, you can't come yet. Not until I give you my signal Obviously, because you're under my complete control Now then, I wonder when I should let you come Question: It's still too soon, right? Hehehe, you really think so? But, can you still endure it? Ahahaha, it's impossible, but endure it anyway If you pee right here, then all this work will be gone to waste. I won't allow for the semen to go pyupuyu. Without my voice, you cannot cum. All the saved up semen would go to waste. All the masturbation ban until now would've been totally meaningless. You don't want that? In that case, endure it. In the meantime, let your ears get raped. Fufufufuu, hey... qu-es-tio-n. It's still too soon, right? Really? To me, it looks like this cock is at it's limit. With your ears getting raped and all the shikoshiko, it looks like you could come any second. But, if it's still to early: I'm keeping you in my care, with pleasure. Yees, question Is it still too early? Ahaha, that's just fine, we can wait for a bit longer then. In the meantime, the oneesamas will give you careful affection. I wonder if I'm asking the wrong questions. No matter how much time passes, it's still too early for you to cum. What's up with that? Fufufu Maybe let's try this. Question: Do you want to cum already? Is that so? Hee~ You can't. Ahahahahawahaha I only asked you because I wanted to hear what you'd say! Why would you wanna cum? I haven't even given you my permission yet. Ahahahaha, what's with that face? Did you expect something I wonder? Do you really want to cum that much? Would you like my permission? Hehehe, well then, what if you were allowed to cum? By the oneesamas left and right. But not from me. Ahahahaha, without my personal permission, it's totally meaningless right? Relish in the orgasm ban, with the permission to cum from left and right. (Oneesamas ad-iib: "Go ahead and cum. Cum already, do it") Isn't it nice what they say? You want to cum, you want to cum, you want to cum! Although the oneesamas on the sides pardon you, the most malicious oneesama that is me does not! Fufufufu, hentai maso. I am nothing but malicious to you, so give up already. So mean, malicious, and unkind! This is what happens when you take masturbation support too lightly. You'll be met by a painful experience, hahahaha! Mister i-di-o-t. Fufu, well, it's time we finish this off The last process of this no-cum penis bullying: A pitiful orgasm. Let's unveil the thick semen, perfectly ripened by your sisters. Exemplify how painfully I have made you fap, with semen please! Surely your semen must be so smelly and yellow by now, look forward to it. Once you come, do expose your whole face to us. This ejaculation shall be the finale to this orgasm ban. All the pent up pleasure will assault your penis at once. And the very moment this pleasure makes you honestly dumb, we'll make sure to laugh and make fun of you. Here is the final clincher, the last countdown. We start at 10, and on 0 you orgasm. No shikoshiko voice this time, adjust it by yourself. But as the numbers drop, make sure to edge closer to orgasm. Here: 10 (From left and right: For our true final clincher, we'll pierce your ears for good. This will determine your absolute worst orgasm. We'll give you the harshest ear abuse there is. And if you break, we won't care) 9 Ear rape is surging through your head. All the pleasure is condensating inside your penis 8 All the semen produced by orgasm ban, at last it will spit out Your wretched masturbation reaches its final hooray. 7 Say, hentai maso Do you want your treat? I'll give it to you once you become an idiot. 6 Your penis is going straight towards orgasm. Go on, shikoshiko Five Pyuuurururu, pyupyu, drool drool, ahahahaha A deplorable male orgasm it's slowly coming. Now that I've said it, there's no turning back anymore, right? 4 But, your head is full of nothing but orgasm anyway, right? As long as you can cum, anything is fine by you. The one who molded you into such a creature was I, your oneesama. 3 Aaaall of it. It was all thanks to your sister. It's thanks to your sister that your penis gets to feel pain and pleasure. 2 You are so lucky to be dominated by me, right? Yeah yeah, your orgasm's almost here? Your sisters will laugh and ridicule you plenty too. 1 Heere we go, the final clincher. Make us laugh a lot! [This part only appears in Hell Mode] Oh, come to think of it, I remembered something. You're the poor idiot who chose hell mode, isn't that right? In that case, we'll keep the countdown precicely at 1. The most dangerous point of orgasm denial. That's an order. After all, it won't do if you reflect a bit first. Aahaah, and you're sooo close to orgasm already. Ahahahaha Well then, question: Would you like to see True Hell? Very well (Sticky and Cruel) Then, let us abuse this penis at the knife's edge, with sweet, wet sounds. The Kiss of Hell. Please, relish in it. Hmmh... (Passionate kiss for 20 seconds) Kissing oneesama makes you so happy, right? Please enjoy it even longer. I'll kiss you as much as you want. Of course, we stay at 1 in the meantime. Here, let's mix our tongues together. (Intense deep kiss for 30 seconds) Ahha, fall in love with me, more, more. Question: Do you want me to kiss you even longer? Yees, my spoiled child, please dig in. (sticky) (Intense deep kiss for 30 seconds) Oh, oh myy, your terrible penis. But still, one, one, one, one, oooneee Just one. Jerking off to ear rape, during a cruel, sweet, sweet kiss. I can be even sweeter. Here: (Intense deep kiss for 10 seconds) You're so adorable, fufufu Now, when you come, I will be as ice cold as I can ever be. Even though I just gave you such sweet love, at the point of orgasm I will push you into the deepest depths below. And in one stroke you shall realize, what a hentai maso you are. Now, here it comes with full force. The reward for your patience. You persisted orgasm so very well, I must praise you. Someone like you... I love. Here, give it your all while I count down from 3! 3, 2, 1... [Hard Mode portion until here] (Whispering left and right cumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcum cumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcum) Cum now! You miserable pervert masochist! ZERO! Ahahahahahaha is Ahahahaha Kukuku, Ahahahahawahahawa (Roar of laughters) You finally came! How much did you save up in there? Ahahaha, it's a semen overload! How piiitiful! All of it exposed to your oneesamas. Go on and thank me. Say "It's all thanks to oneesama that I was able to save up this much!" Ahhahh, did that feel gooood? Ahahahaha Stupid, stuuupid. This is exactly why I enjoy orgasm ban masturbation so much! (Laughter stops here) Ahhh, that was very interesting. With this, my little toy is completely shattered to pieces. However, now that you know about this pleasure, there is no escape from me anymore. You will definitely come to visit me again. Even though you know how malicious I am, you will come and snuggle up to my side, drooling for maso pleasure. Alright. I shall keep you company. Huhuhu, bye bye then, Mr Idiot. Until we meet again.

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