Track 5

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腰全体がとけちゃうね 疼きがどんどん強くなる 快感でとろけていく 快感が強くなる 体も心も快感でとろけていく 疼きが広がっていくよ 前立腺まで快感に侵されていく 前立腺がジンジン疼いて気持ちいい 会陰の奥、腰の中心で疼きが膨らんでいく キスをされる度に快感が膨らむ、大きくなる どんどん高まっていく 快感が高まっていく もう限界が来るよ 来ちゃうよ いっちゃうよ でもまだ我慢しなさい 10数えるからゼロでイキなさい… 数字が減る度に絶頂に近づくから 快感は強く大きくなるわ 数字が一つ減るたびに快感は強く大きくなる ゼロで頭まっしろにしてイッちゃいなさい いくわよ 10987654321ゼロ ほら、イキなさい! 気持ちよくいっちゃったね でもまだ終わりじゃないよ 身体中に広がった私たちのエッチなエネルギーがまた疼き出す 身体中がムズムズゾクゾクしてくる エッチな気分が高まっちゃう あそこもまた疼き出しちゃうね もうキスされなくても気持ちよくてたまらない 私たちのエネルギーが内側から体を愛撫する あなたはそれを感じて気持ちよくなるの ゾクゾクして気持ちいい 身体中を快感がはい回る ムズムズ疼いて気持ちいい 体のあちこちが気持ちいい 耳も 首筋も 腕も 胸も 足も 腰も おちんちんも 全部が気持ちがいい 気持ちいい すごく気持ちいい 気持ちよくなるといっちゃうわよね? それじゃまたいかせてあげる あなたの1番感じるところに快感を全部集めてあげる 10数えると快感が1番気持ちいい場所にあつまるよ そうすると今よりも遥かに気持ちよくなる だからきっといきっぱなしになっちゃうわ 終わりの合図はしてあげるから たくさんいきまくりなさい 10987654321! 疼きが集まる。快感が一気に高まる。 もういっちゃいそう。いっちゃう。いっちゃう いっていいわよ ゼロ! イキなさい! でも気持ちいいのは終わらないわよ あなたの一番敏感な場所を内側から気持ちよくしちゃうの 快感があふれてくる また絶頂がきちゃう カウントなんて無くてもゼロだけでイッちゃうよ。 ほらイッちゃう イッていいよ。ゼロ! イキなさい! 気持ちいいね 凄く気持ちいい 頭が白くなる 意識が飛んでしまいそう またイッちゃうよ。ゼロ! イキなさい! 気持ちよすぎて苦しい? でもまだまだいけるよね もっと高く昇っていくよ。ゼロ! イキなさい! またイカされちゃうよ。ゼロ! イキなさい! もう限界? でももっと高く昇る もっと激しくイク。イッちゃう。ゼロ! イキなさい! イキなさい! イキなさい! 快感でおかしくなりそう? じゃあ次が最後よ 溜まってるのが一気に弾けるの 頭真っ白になってイッちゃうよ 10987654321!(勢いよく 絶頂に向かって昇っていく!限界を越えて昇っていく! ほらイク、イク、思い切りイッちゃう!イキなさい! ゼロ! 快感が一気に弾ける! 高く高く昇っていく! イキなさい! [イキなさい!]

Dry Orgasm

Your entire waist has melted. The throbbing gradually gets stronger. Melting with pleasure. Pleasure gets stronger. Even your heart is melting with pleasure. The throbbing spreads. Intruding into your prostate. A very deep and pleasant throbbing in your prostate. The center of your waist, the perineum is swelling up. Every time we kiss it, the pleasure spreads on a grand scale. Gradually rising. The pleasure grows. You're at your limit already. It's coming. You're going to come. But please have some patience. We're going to count from 10 to 0, and then you will come. With every number, the climax draws nearer. The pleasure growing stronger to gigantic scale. With every number, the pleasure will grow ever stronger. On 0, your head will get completely white and you will come. Let's go. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Here, come now! That felt very good, right? But it's not over yet. Your body running and throbbing with our lustful energy. Making your body shiver and aching. Your lewd mood increases. That place is throbbing again. Kissing it even more would be irresistible. Our energy lovingly caresses you body inside. This sensation makes you feel very good. A thrilling, pleasant feeling. Pleasure creeping all over your body. Throbbing, itching, feeling good. That place also feels so good. And you ears Your neck Your arms Your chest Your legs Your hip And your penis. All of it, feeling good. So good. Incredibly good. Feeling so good makes you come, right? So there, let's come again. Gather all your pleasure inside that very best spot. From 10 to 1, you will gather all the nice feelings inside that place. Once you do, it will feel leagues better than before. So make sure not to stop coming. We'll signal you when it's over. Please, go ahead and come lots and lots. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1! The tingling's gathering. All the pleasure's concentrating. Coming again. Coming. Come. Please say it. Zero! COME! But there's no end to this pleasure. Your best spot inside you keeps feeling better. Full to the brim with pleasure. Onto another climax. No need to count anymore, just cum at 0. Listen and come! Just go ahead and come. Zero! COME NOW! Feels to good. So incredibly good. Your head's all white. Your consciousness has flown away. Come again. Zero! COME! Feels so good that it hurts? But we still have a long way to go. Ascend ever higher to the top. Zero! COME! You're worn out already. Zero! COME! No more? But it's rising again. Come again, as hard as you can. Coming. Zero! COME! COME! COME! Is the pleasure driving you crazy? Okay, next one will be the last. Collect it all, and let it burst out all at once. Come until your head goes completely white. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (Fast) Extend to the climax! Cross over your very limits! Cum now, cum, come with all you have! COME! Zero! Bursting with al pleasure at once! Ever ever higher! Come! [PLEASE CUM!]

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