Track 3

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あ……!目が、覚めたの? え?今の……?何のこと?何も……してないよ。 じっと……見てただけ。 たべたいなぁって……おいしそうだなぁって……。 でも、食べてはいけないから我慢していたの。 ほんとだよ。何もしてないよ。(少し焦ったように) ……何か聞こえた? どんな言葉? ……んー……それは多分、私の心の声……かな。 さっきから貴方のおいしそうな匂いでくらくらしてたの。 そしたら気持ちがすぅっ…・・・って吸い込まれるみたいになって…… ぼぉってして……心の中で何度も何度も繰り返したかも。 食べたいなぁって……。 あんまりに思いが強すぎて、意識がリンクしちゃったのかなぁ…? よくわからないけど。 大丈夫。食べないよ。 ……でもね、悪魔に食べられるのって、そんなに痛くないんだよ? 寧ろ、気持ちいいくらい。 病みつきになっちゃう人間だっているらしいよ? ……あ、信じてないよね、その顔。 なんなら、試してみる? ほら、小指だけとか……。 ぁう、だ、だめだよねぇ……。えへへ。交渉失敗。 はぅ……でもおなか、すいちゃったよぅ……。 だって、ニンゲンで言えば……うん、お水しか飲んでない状態だよ? 生きられるけど、おなかはぺこぺこ……。 なんでもいいから食べたいよぅ……。 だめなら、また血でがまんするけど……。 え?もう血もきつい?また明日ならいいの? そんなぁ……。 うぅ~……りょ、りょうかいだよぅ……。 ん……そだ、じゃあさっきみたいに指、舐めさせて? それならいいでしょ? うん♪ありがとう。 じゃ、舐めるね。 んっ……ちゅ……(指を舐める/2分程度) ぷはぁ……。ぁう……足りないよぅ……。 でも、もう指ふよふよだね。舐めすぎちゃった……。 他の指も……いい? えへ♪ありがとう♪ んっ……くちゅ……(全部の指を舐める/5分~7分程度) うん、少しはマシになったかも……。 ……ごちそうさまでした。 ごめんなさい、こんな夜遅く。人間は夜って苦手なんだよね。知ってる。 私の食事に付き合ってくれてありがとう。 じゃあ、もう一回寝るね。 それじゃ、おやすみなさい。 ……えへへ。ほんとに、ありがとう。 (寝息)

The cute succubus

Ah……! You're awake? Eh? What did I...? Do just now? No... nothing at all. I just.. stared, that's all. Tho I wanted to eat youu, you look so tastyyy... But I endured it, because I can't eat you. It's the truth. I really didn't do anything. (A bit impatient) ...... you heard something? Someone speaking? ... Hmm ... that must probably be the voice from my heart, y'know. I've been all giddy since then, because of your mouth-watering smell. And so I wanted to suuuuuck... all those feelings inside me... And with a dizzy head... I repeated those words over and over again in my heart. I want to eaaat... Mabye my thoughts were too strong for our consciousness linking together or something... I don't really get it either. But it's allright. I won't eat you. ...... still, being eaten by a demon doesn't really hurt that much, y'know? Actually, it feels really good. Apparently there are some humans who get addicted to it. ...... ah, what's with that face? You don't believe me? Well, why don't you give it a try then? You know, juust your little pinky... Ahah, nah, we can't do that... Ehehe. My negotiation failed. Hau ... but I really could take a bite now. In human terms... I guess it's like if you drank nothing but water. You can live off it, but your tummy is all growling... You just want something to eat... But if it's no good, just some blood will be fine... ...Eh? You can't give more blood? Not until tomorrow? Oh... Uhh~... I, I understand. N ...... well, but can I lick your finger, like before? Will that be fine? Okay♪ Thank you. Let's lick then. N'...... Ju ...... (Licking finger, about 2 minutes) Phuaah. Uhh,... that's still not enough... But, your winger's all soaked. ...... I've licked it too much. Can I lick the other fingers then...? Eheh♪ Thank you♪ N'...... Kuchu ...... (Licking all fingers, about 5-7 minutes) Yeah, ... now I feel a little better... ……Thank you for the meal. I'm sorry it has to be late at night. Humans don't do well at night. I know that. Thank you for treating me. I'll go to sleep again. Well then, good night. ...... Ehehe. I mean it, thank you very much. (Sleep breathing)

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