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パターン1: 管理

あんたが来るの待ってたよ はやく寸止めオナニーするところ見せて それで楽しませてよ あんたもそれがお望みなんでしょ? あははは、知ってるから だって今にもペニスしごきたそうにしてるから いいよ? さっそく鍵開けてあげる <鍵を開ける音> ほら、オナニーの時間だよ? 射精まで自分で責めて直前で寸止めする恥ずかしいオナニーの時間 は・じ・め あははははは、待ちに待ったオナニーはどう? 気持ちいいよね? それずっと終わらないから ううん、終わらせないから それが寸止めオナニーなの たっぷり堪能しなよ 私の声に煽られてシコシコシコシコ いいように弄ばれるのうれしいでしょ? あは、ペニスはうれしいって涙流してるよ? ペニスがてらてら光ってぐちゃぐちゃ いやらしいお汁がダダ漏れだね ねぇそれってさ 射精の準備のお汁なんだよ? 準備なんてしても射精ができるかわからないのにね そのお汁、全部無駄になるかもしれないんだよ? でも止められないんだ? ホントかわいそう でもね、マゾペニスにはお似合いだよ ほらもっと我慢汁、ペニス塗りたくりなよ びちょびちょのぐちょぐちょにさ カリ首の敏感なとこにも丁寧に塗り込むんだよ? ほらカリ首中心にシコシコ、シコシコ あはははは、そこ敏感なんでしょ? でもピカピカになるようにカリ首を集中攻撃してよ 体がピクピクってなってるの、見てて楽しいから あはははは、いつもと違うしごき方もいいでしょ? しかも私に指示されて 女の子の命令に従ってオナニーするの好きだもんね?あんた 人形みたいに操られて、自分の意思に関係なく手を動かされる 滑稽だね じゃあね、今度は亀頭を巻き込みながらしごこっか? ほら亀頭も握りこんでシコシコ開始 あははは、そこすごく敏感でしょ? そこはね、男の弱点 ここいじめると何でも思い通りにさせられるの 腰が引けていやいやってなっちゃう あんたも刺激が強すぎて逃げたくなるでしょ? でも、ダメ 絶対逃がさない 私が亀頭いじめろって言ってるんだから言う通りにしないとね もっと亀頭こすって自分をいたぶって涙目になってよ ペニス泣いてるんだし、あんたも泣きなよ うふふふ、その方が面白いから その内亀頭をいじめるのにはまっちゃうかもね? マゾの肉体にどんどん近づいて行っちゃうの 私に加工されてるの自覚してる? いいように作り変えられてさ 強い刺激で泣かされる寸前にならないと喜べない体 本気で加工してあげよっか? うふふふふふ、でもそれはまた今度 亀頭いじめやめて普通の寸止めに戻していいよ 今回は射精管理であんたを馬鹿にすることが目的だから 女の子に支配されて自由を奪われる快楽で脳みそ焼いてあげる 取り返しがつかなくなるまでね ねぇ?金玉の中、どれくらい精液貯めこんでるの? 今日だけでも寸止めオナニーで精液かなり作っちゃったよね? 金玉がもっとパンパンになるまでたっぷり貯めようね それで次の日に持ち越して、精液を寝かせてまた寸止めオナニーで精液作らせるの 古い精液と新しい精液が混ざり合って濃厚ドロドロのミルクになるよね? あはははははは、金玉、精液タンクにされてるね? 貯まったミルクは、無意味に吐き出されるの だってそれ何の役に立たないミルクだもん 誰かに飲まれるわけじゃないし、子宮に流し込まれることもない 不良品の残念ミルク でもね、1つだけ役立てるよ? 私のおもちゃ あははははは、よかったね だからたっぷり貯めこんで無意味にひり出すとこ見てもらおうね? ほらほら、オナニーは続けてる? 寸止め何回できた? ほら言って まだそれだけ? 全然足りなんだけど? その倍は寸止めしてよ すればするほどミルクがえぐい感じになるんだから うっすいザーメン出るとこなんて見ててもつまらないし やっぱり濃ゆくてねばねば、匂いが漂ってくるようなのじゃないとね だから、そうなるまでは絶対に射精は許さない 何日も何日もかけて熟成させないとね あんたは射精できない地獄みたいな苦しみを味わうと思うけど、射精の時は天国だよ? 粘着質なミルクが金玉から押し出されて尿道に流し込まれるの それでペニスの中身をこすりあげながらどんどん上って先っぽからあふれ出す 腰がとろけるくらいの快楽 しかも一瞬じゃないよ? 金玉の中にはたっぷりのミルク 全部出すには当然時間がかかるよね? 馬鹿になるくらいの快楽が長時間の射精が終わるまで絶え間なく襲いかかる あははははは、泣いちゃうかもね じゃそれ、味わってみよっか? 一回手を止めて 今からカウントダウンしてあげるからそれに合わせて射精に向かってよ 数字がどんどん小さくなるから、小さくなるにつれて射精へ追い込むの 0で射精していいよ? まぁ、もしかしたらストップがかかるかもしれないけど そうなったら、手を止めること だってこれ射精管理だから でも今日は気分がいいからミルク絞ってあげる 運がよかったね? ほら、いくよ 10 9 8 7 6 ちゃんとカウントに合わせてペニス追い込んでる? これで射精できるんだから、気合入れてシコシコしなよ? ほら 5 金玉持ち上がってきてる 射精の兆候だね? その調子でどんどんペニスいたぶって 4 貯まった精液出るとこ見せて? きっとすごいことになるからさ 3 もうすぐ射精 もうすぐ射精 そのことしか考えられなくなるね 2 限界近い? あはは、見ててわかるよ? 射精の期待で心臓ドキドキしてるんでしょ? だから、それ打ち砕いてあげる ストップ あはははははは、ストップって言ったの 手は止めてるよね? どうかな、だまされた気分は? あははは、これだからマゾをいじめるのは楽しいんだよね 馬鹿みたいに釣られて射精に向かっちゃうんだもん ほらもう一回行くよ? まただまされるかもって? でもホントに射精のお許しが出て困るのはあんた 私の合図と同時に射精できる快楽を味わえなくなる だから本気で射精へ向かってペニス責めたてる以外の選択肢はない そうだよね? 10 ほら、またカウントで犯される 9 これでホントにお許しが出るかわからない 8 でもそんなことはカンケーない 7 だって私の命令には従うしかない 6 言葉に犯されるのが好きなあんたはもう終わってるの 5 全部私の思うがまま 4 これが管理されるってこと 3 射精だけじゃなく心もいいように弄ばれる 2 どうする? またお預けだったらさ 1 どっちだろうね? 射精かお預け 答えは・・・ストップでした あははははは、また不発 これでミルクいい感じになってきてるんじゃない? あんたの体を使ったミルク作り 私の趣味にしてあげよっか? 飽きたら、ミルク貯めこんだまま放置になっちゃうかもしれないけど 金玉の中でミルク、腐らせてみよっか? いやなんだ? じゃあ、次で念願の射精 ホントだよ? たっぷり破滅的な射精の快楽を楽しませてあげる ほらほら、ペニスしごき再開 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 想像してみなよ 頭おかしくなるくらいの射精の快楽 びゅるびゅるびゅるーーーーって思いっきり吹きあげるの 何度も何度も 勢いよく出た後もとぷとぷって精液が尿道口からあふれ出す 沢山とぷとぷ、とぷとぷ 止まらない 2 管理してくれた私に涙を流して感謝すると思うよ? だって一度味わったら忘れられなくなるもん 当たり前、すっごくやばいんだよ? 射精の瞬間 1 これでもう最後 頭とろけて馬鹿になる準備はいい? 最後のカウント、するよ? ほーら 【分岐1】 0 0 0 ゼーロ 頭をおかしくする快楽があんたの全身を犯しつくす 精液が止まらない 止まらない 金玉が無慈悲に精液を押し出すポンプになる あはははははは 馬鹿になる? 馬鹿になっちゃう? いいよ?馬鹿になりなよ 私に支配されて全部出しなよ 金玉の中身全部 うふふふふ、終わったかな? これが射精管理最後の快楽 たっぷり楽しめた? あはは、私も見てて面白かったよ これ、また味わいたいとか思ってる? いいよ 何度でもやって骨抜きの馬鹿に落としてあげるから じゃあ、また一日目からやりなおそ? あはははははは 楽しみだね? 今日は休んでいいから じゃあ、また 【分岐2】 ストップ あははははは、どう頭おかしくなる快楽は? お預けの快楽 たまらないでしょ? マゾなあんたにはさ ある意味射精より気持ちいいんじゃない? 女の子に無理やり止められて心とペニスをえぐられる感覚 癖になるまでは射精なんてさせないから あ、これはホントにホントのこと あはは、よかったね? これが病みつきになるまでお許しは出ないんだよ? 幸せだね? じゃ、鍵かけるからパンツ穿いてよ もう今日はおしまい 分かってるんでしょ? この命令が絶対なこと ほら、そのかわいそうなペニスをパンツの中に 穿いたね? じゃあ、鍵するね <鍵のしまる音> 残念そうにしてるけどホントはお預けの残酷な快楽でぞくぞくしてるんじゃない? これも癖にしようね 鍵をかけられるイコール快楽 刷り込んであげる じゃあ、また明日、続きも楽しもうね? あははははははははは

Pattern 1: Control

I've been waiting for you. Hurry up and show me how you denial masturbate. And let's enjoy it. That is also what you wish for, right? Ahahaha, I know you are. Because it seems you wanna fap at any time. Alright. Let me unlock it right now. [Unlocking sound] Here, it's masturbation time. Time for your embarrassing masturbation, where you tease and edge yourself to orgasm. Be-gin. Ahahaha, how's your long awaited fapping? Feels good, right? This isn't going to stop for a good while. Nope, I won't let you stop. Because this is denial fapping. Make sure to do your best. Fap fap fap, as my voice agitates you. Doesn't it make you happy to play as you're told to? Aha, your penis also sheds tears of happiness. Your penis is shining and sparkling. It's leaking a lewd fluid. Hey could this be... The juice that prepares your ejaculation? Despite preparing, you don't even know if you can ejaculate. This juice might be completely useless. But it's not stopping. You really are pathetic. But you know, it suits your maso penis. There, smear more of your pre-ejaculate on your penis. Slurp slurp, gush gush. It's just right to smear over your sensitive glans. There, stroke and fap over your center glans. Ahahaha, you're sensitive there, right? But you're making a concentrated attack on your glans, polishing them sparkly clean. Watching your body as it twitches is so fun. Ahahaha, this is different from how you usually fap, right? More than that, it's my instruction. You love fapping to the orders of a girl, right? Manipulating you like a puppet, moving your hands without own intention. It's very funny. Now, let's roll down your skin and stroke your corona. There, grip your glans and start fapping. Ahahaha, there you're incredibly sensitive- That there is a male weak spot. Teasing you there anything can happen. Your hips might draw back like "no no" The stimulus might be so strong that you wanna run away? No, you can't. You'll never escape. When I say you tease your corona, then you do as I tell you. Tease your own glans even more until you get tears in your eyes. Your penis will cry and you will cry. Ufufufu, cause that way is very interesting. You might get addicted to glans teasing? We're gradually making a maso body out of you. Are you aware how I'm processing you? I'm changing you really nicely. Bringing your body to the verge of tears and delight with strong stimulus. Am I seriously processing you? Ufufufufufu, but it's still too early. You can stop teasing your glans now and go back to regular edging. The purpose of ejaculation control this time is to make fun of you. Let a girl completely dominate you and grill your brain with pleasure. Maybe beyond the point of no return. Hey? I wonder how much semen's stored up in your balls already. Today's edging should've made them quite full, right? Let's fill them up so much until they're about to burst. And when you go to sleep and carry that semen to the next day, we'll make even more semen with denial fapping. The old and new semen will mix and blend together nicely into a dense, syrupy milk. Ahahaha, your balls are turning into a semen tank. Your stored milk will be spit out for no purpose. I mean, what is this milk even good for? Nobody's going to drink it, and you can't shoot it in anybody's womb either. It's deplorable, inferior milk. But y'know, it has at least one purpose. As my toy. Ahahaha, isn't that nice? So, let's save it up a lot and show me how you spit it out with no meaning. Come on now, keep fapping. How many denials is this now? Come on, tell me. What, this few? That's definitely not enough yet. You can edge twice as many times. The more you do it, the stronger your milk will feel. Showing me how you come pale and thin semen is just boring. It must be thick, sticky and smell all the way here. Until that happens, I'll never allow you to cum. It has to ripen for days and days. You might think not coming might be a taste of hell and suffering, but the moment of ejaculation will be blissful heaven, right? Your balls squeezing the sticky, adhesive milk out, as it pours into your uthera. And when it reaches your inner penis, it'll pump and overflow from the tip. Hip-melting pleasure. But it's not just for a moment. Your balls are filled to the brim with milk. Naturally, it'll take time to completely let it all out. The pleasure will assault you without pause for such a long, until you finish ejaculating and have turned completely stupid. Ahahahaha, maybe you'll even cry. Well, shall I give you a taste? Stop for now. I'll begin counting down now, and you'll go towards orgasm with me. With every number getting smaller, you'll edge closer towards orgasm. At 0, you can cum. However, maybe I'll make you stop. Who knows? If I do so, stop your hands. After all, this is ejaculation control. But I'm in a good mood today, I'll milk you. Aren't you lucky? C'mon, let's go. 10 9 8 7 6 Properly match my counting and stroke your penis, okay? You'll be able to cum, so fap with yelling. Go on. 5 Your balls are rising. That's the ejaculation sign. That's the spirit, play with your penis like this. 4 Show me all your saved up semen. Surely it's gonna be amazing. 3 Almost there. Almost there. You can't think of anything but orgasm. 2 Near your limit? Ahaha, I can see that. Your heart's pounding in hope of ejaculation. But, let's smash that hope. Stop. Ahahaha, I said stop. You stopped your hand, right? Well, how does it feel being cheated? Ahaha, this is why bullying masos is so much fun. You took the bait of orgasm like an idiot and rushed right towards it. Come on, one more time. Am I gonna trick you again? But you're also worried that I might really allow you to cum. You might no longer be able to taste the pleasure of orgasm on my signal. So, you have no choice but to earnestly torment your penis and go towards orgasm. Isn't that right? 10 Here, another countdown's raping you. 9 You don't know if I'll really let you cum this time. 8 But I really don't care. 7 You have no choice than to obey my order. 6 You love being raped by my words, you're already finished. 5 I'm completely on your mind. 4 This is what control means. 3 I'm not just playing with your orgasm, but with your heart as well. 2 How is it? Will I stop you again? 1 Which is it? Orgasm or stop? The answer is... stop! Ahahahaha, another misfire! I feel this is gonna be some good milk. Your body is a milk-maker. Can it suit my tastes? When I get bored, I might just leave the saved up milk as it is. Will the milk in your balls go sour? You don't want that? Well then, let's cum to your heart's content next. Really. You can bask in the pleasure of a destructive orgasm. Come on, start rubbing your penis. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Try to imagine. The stupefying pleasure of orgasm. Byuuu, byururuu. It spurts it with all might. Over and over. After a good force, it'll keep gushing forth from your pee hole. Gush, gush, so much. Without stop. 2 I believe you'll shed tears of gratitude to your controller. I mean, once you've tasted it, you'll never forget. Obviously, that's how terrific it is. The instant of ejaculation. 1 It's almost over. Your brain is preparing to melt like an idiot. Shall we do the last count? Veeery well. [Branch 1] 0 0 0 Zeeero! Crazy pleasure rapes your entire body! The cum doesn't stop Doesn't stop. Your balls turned into a ruthless semen pump! Ahahahahaha Are you going stupid? You're stupid already? Fine. Go stupid. Let it all out under my control. Your full balls. Ufufufu, are you finished now? This is the final pleasure of orgasm control. Did you enjoy it a lot? Ahahah, I found it very amusing myself. Wold you like to have a taste of this again? Very well. I shall make a spineless idiot out of you over and over again. Then, I shall meet you at day 1 again. Ahahahahaha This'll be fun. So get some rest today. Bye then. [Branch 2] Stop. Ahahahaha, how is the mind blowing pleasure? The pleasure of custody? It's intolerable, right? For the masochist that is you. Doesn't it feel even better than orgasm in some way? This feeling to get your penis and heart scooped out, by a girl forcibly stop you. Until you get addicted by it, I won't let you cum. Ah, it's absolutely for real this time. Hahah, isn't that nice? I won't forgive you until you're completely addicted. This is bliss, right? Well, put your pants on and let's lock it. It's over for today. But you know, right? This order is absolute. Come on, stuff your pathetic penis back in your pants. Done? Okay, let's lock it. [Sound of locking] It is really unfortunate. But really, you are shivering with the pleasure of custody, right? Get used to this as well. The sound of locking equals pleasure. Let it engrave. Now then, let's have lots of fun tomorrow again. Ahahahahahahaha.

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