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パターン3: 妄想

来たんだ? 歓迎してあげるよ? マゾの変態さん?あはははは じゃあ鍵、外そうか? <鍵を開ける音> よかったね? これで楽しい射精管理を味わえるね? ほら、シコシコし始めて? 念願のオナニー、気持ちいいでしょ? だって、私の声を聴いてないときはペニスしごけないんだもんね? エッチなお汁でぐちゅぐちゅにしながら待ってたんだよね? でもそれはあんたが望んだこと そうだよね? 自業自得でしょ? もし精液出させてもらえないとしてもさ 今日だって射精のお許しが出るかどうかなんて、あんたにはわからないんだから それは私が気まぐれで決めるの あんたがどうなっても私にはカンケーないから そうやってペニス馬鹿みたいにこすって無駄に射精まで追い込みなよ 何度も、何度も うふふふふ、何度も、何度も でもただしごかせるのもかわいそうだし 私が手伝ってあげる その方が射精寸止めいっぱいできるでしょ? よかったね? もっと苦しい目にあえるね? あはははは 今日するのはエッチな妄想 あんたが好きそうなこと、しゃべっててあげる そうだねー、ねぇあんたって足コキとか好き? あは、マゾだから好きに決まってるよね? 私の足でペニスいじめられるところ想像しなよ あんたは全裸で動けないようにベッドに縛り付けられてる 勃起しきったペニスがいじめてほしそうにピクピクピクピク だから足で沢山絞ってあげるの もちろん素足でね? 1日中歩き回って汗でムレムレの足 あんたのために洗わなかったんだよ? この足で輪っか作ってペニス挟み込みながらしごいてあげる でもその前に 私の足、味わわせてあげる 無理やりあんたの口に足を突っ込んで舐めさせるの 指の間まで丁寧にね 汗が染みついてすごいことになってると思うよ? 匂いも、味もね でもきれいに舐めきるまでやめてあげない 舐め方が雑だったりしたら足の指で舌を摘まんでお仕置き あはははは、あんた、お仕置きされるの好きだもんね? 思いっきり舌を引っ張って泣かせてあげる 私が満足したら足で輪っか作ってペニス挟み込むの 両方の足の裏でぎちぎちに挟み込んで乱暴にピストンピストン カリ首や裏筋も容赦なく巻き込んでぐっぽぐっぽ あんたの唾液と我慢汁でぬめってちょうどいい感じ 足の裏のしわが段になってペニスをはい回るの 女の子に足蹴にされる快感教え込んで、馬鹿になるまでしつけてあげる 時々カリ首を集中して挟み込んこねくり回したり、根元まで勢いつけてたたきつけるくらい激しくピストンしたり その間じゅぽじゅぽじゅぽじゅぽいやらしい音が響くの あんたはあまりの快楽に喘ぎ声がダダ漏れ それ聞いて笑ってあげる 何?足でシコシコされて女の子みたいな声でるの? 馬鹿じゃないの? あははははははは ってね 変態なあんたは私に馬鹿にされるだけで射精しそうになる だから この早漏 何勝手にいこうとしてるの? って叱ってあげる 射精しそうになったらスピードを緩めてしーこ、しーこ 私がもっと楽しめるようにコントロール 私が飽きるまで射精なんてさせてあげない 泣いても許してあげないし、懇願しても無視 そういう扱いでいたぶってあげる 何十分も何時間も 足の裏で凌辱するの あんたの目から光が消えて壊れそうになったら、にやにや笑いながら・・・壊すの ここで追い込んだらあんた壊れるの確定だから楽しみで仕方ないの 片方の足の裏で亀頭をすりつぶすみたいにぐりぐりぐりぐりぃぃぃぃぃ あんたは悲鳴も絶叫もあげられずに体を痙攣させる 射精できないくらいの強烈過ぎる刺激 だからもう片方の足の指でペニスをゴミみたいに摘まんでしこしこ、しこしこ このまま射精させられるんだよ? こんな拷問みたいな責めでね? そしてあんたはいよいよこの刺激の中で射精する カウントダウン 0で射精 でもね、射精できるのは妄想の中のあんた 今シコシコオナニーしてるあんたは射精できない わかるよね? 妄想の中で射精しなよ 5 4 3 ペニスを足で弄ばれて射精する 2 足蹴にされるのが気持ちいい もっと雑に扱ってほしい 1 さんざん我慢され続けた精液がペニスを上ってくる 私は亀頭を思いっきり踏みつける ぎゅうううううううううううう 0 びゅっるるるるるるるる びゅーびゅー、ぴゅっぴゅっ どくどく、どくどく あははははははは、足でいかされた 一方的に無理やり どう? うらやましい? 妄想の中みたいに射精させられたい? あははははは、いや なんで私があんたのペニスを足でいじめてあげないといけないの? いい気にならないでくれる? 汚いから あはははははは ねぇ、妄想の中で射精できた自分に嫉妬した? 気持ちよさそうだったよ?妄想の中のあんた あははは じゃあ、私の命令であんたを射精させてあげる これは妄想じゃなくて命令 今いるあんたを射精させてあげるの 一度手を止めて私の声を聴いて 今から私はカウントダウンするの 10から0まで 数が小さくなると射精に近づいて行って0は精液びゅるびゅるOKのサイン 数字に合わせて射精まで近づいて 今日は射精させてあげるから でもね、ストップって言ったらシコシコ中断だから、いい? あ、そうだ、妄想の中の足で挟み込んで責めてる私になりきって射精させてあげる それに合わせてあんたはシコシコ、わかった? 10 どう? 私の足気持ちいいんでしょ? 9 ほらほら、私の足ぐちゃぐちゃでこんなになってるよ? ああ、やらしー 8 ほら、足のスピードあげてあげる 7 6 5 思いっきり足の裏で挟まれて射精が近くなるね どんどん、どんどん あははははははは 4 3 2 射精しそう? ストップ まだだめ いっぱいじらしていじめるんだから 足で射精をコントロールされるって気持ちいいでしょ? たとえそれが妄想だとしても、ね? ほらまた私の足がペニスに襲い掛かる 10 9 8 スピードは緩めないよ 当たり前 あんたをこんどこそ射精させるんだから 7 6 5 私の足ホールにもう夢中だね? 足じゃなきゃ射精できないように調教してるんだから当然だよね? 4 3 2 ねぇ? 足のおまんこ気持ちいい? 私の足にレイプされてるんだよ? 気持ち良すぎて腰がくがくしちゃうよね? 1 足に犯されての射精 味わいたい? うふふふ・・・ダメ ストップ もっと我慢させたほうが楽しいに決まってるでしょ? あはははは、ホントに犯されちゃってるよ?あんた 惨めだね 妄想でいいように操られてさ でもこれで終わりにするから 今度はストップなし 精液吐き出して? 10 最後だし、じっくり責めてあげる 9 ねっとりじっくり私の足がペニスをはい回る 8 シーコシーコ、シーコシーコ あはははは。シーコシーコ、シーコシーコ 7 縛られて動けないのに足で弄ばれていかされる 6 抵抗もできずに犯されるだけ 5 ああ、射精しそうになってきてるね? ば・れ・ば・れ 4 お待ちかね 亀頭すりつぶしタイム 足の裏で乱暴にぐりぐりぐりいいいいいい 苦しい?ねぇ苦しい? 3 もう片方の足でペニス摘ままれてしこしこしこしこ 苦しみの中で射精感がぐつぐつ、ぐつぐつ せりあがってきて止められない 2 ほらほら、もういっちゃいそうでしょ? いいよ? 私の足、精液で妊娠させてみなよ 受け止めてあげるからさ 子宮じゃなくて、足の裏で、だけど あははははははは 1 精液、足の裏に出しなよ 出てきた精液も亀頭ごと踏みにじってあげるから ほら足蹴にされて射精しろ 【分岐1】 0 0 0 0 あはははは、射精してる 足の裏に精液うち当たってあっつい 何々?足を受精させようとしてるの? 本気で? あはははははは、頭、おかしいんじゃないの? でも、止まらないね とぷとぷとぷとぷ これだからマゾはからかうと面白いの ん?射精、終わった? どうだった? 妄想の私に犯された気分は? ねぇ?足でしごかれてるの気持ちよかった? ホントは自分の手でシコシコしてるだけなのにね? 私の足で犯されてるって信じ切ってるんだから笑える マゾなだけじゃなくて、頭おかしいんだね? たまりにたまった精液吐き出してぐったりしてるね そのままでいいから聞きなよ この快楽、もう一度味わいたいって思うならまた会いに来てよ 何度でも相手してあげるから あんたはどんどん取り返しがつかなくなるかもだけど じゃあ、そういうことだから またね 【分岐2】 あーあ、なんか飽きちゃったなぁ ストップしちゃおうかなー どうしよっかなー うーん、うふふふふふふ、ストップ あははははははは 何々? 射精する気まんまんだった? 足で犯されてるって妄想して? そういうの気持ち悪いよ わざわざなりきってあげてる私のことも考えてほしいんだけど? はい、今日は終わり だって飽きちゃったんだもん しかたないよね? ほら、パンツにそれ仕舞ってよ 未練たらしいよ? もう今日は射精できないって決まったんだから さっさと隠しちゃって はーい施錠 <鍵のしまる音> あは、これでもうオナニーできないね? かわいそう そのまま明日まで精液金玉にためておきなさいよ? これ命令だから、わかった? 次は射精、させてあげるから期待してなよ? でも気が変わっちゃったりして、あはははは じゃあね また明日

Pattern 3: Delusion

So, you came? Be welcomed then. You pervert maso. Ahahahaha. Now, let's open the lock. [Unlock sound] It's that wonderful? With this, you can enjoy the orgasm management. Come on, start fapping. You long sought masturbation feels really good, huh? I mean, without my voice, you can't play with your penis. You've waited while you got soaked with lewd juices, right? But that is what you wished for. Didn't you? You get your desert as you want it. Even if you can't cum. Whether or not I'll let you cum today, you don't really know. Because I make up my mind as I go. Whatever happens to you, I really don't care. Maybe you have to rubn your penis like an idiot and go towards orgasm for nothing. Again, and again. Ufufufufu, so many many times. But I feel sorry for you rubbing it normally. So, I'm helping you. That way, you can edge so many times. It's that wonderful? Show me more of those sad eyes. Ahahaha! Today, I'll give you some naughty ideas. I'll talk about your favorite things. Let's see... hey hey, do you like foot jobs? Aha, of course you do. You're a maso. Imagine how I bully your penis with my feet. You're lying naked on the bed, all tied up and can't move. Your penis wants to be bullied so much that it goes "twitchy twitch" Because I'll really milk you with my feet. Barefoot, of course. My sweaty stuffy feet I've walked around on all day. I didn't wash them just for your sake. With these feet I'm making a small ring, and put the penis between them. But first. I'll let you taste my feet. Lick them, as I forcibly thrust them in your mouth. Careful about between the toes. I think they're incredibly stained in sweat. Smell and taste them. But I won't let you stop until you made them squeaky clean. If you're sloppy with your tongue, I'll punish you by pinching it with my toes. Ahahahaha, you love being punished, huh? I'm pulling on your tongue all I can until you cry. And once I'm satisfied, I'm inserting your penis. Between both my squeaky foot soles, I'm giving you a rough piston piston! The glans and frenulum are swallowed up without mercy, glopglop. Feels like it's slippery enough from your spit and precum. My foot soles creeping about your ready penis. I'll train this fool until he feels pleasure from being kicked by a girl. Sometimes I'm concentrating and kneading on the glans, then I'm violently slapping them down to the base with pistoning. And inbetween, lewd, slurpy, juicy sounds can be heard. You feel enough pleasure to moan and drool. Let me hear and I'll laugh at you. What? With a footjob, you sound like a girl. Are you stupid? Ahahahahahaha Is what i'd say. Becsue a perv like you can only cum when being made fun of. So... This premature ejaculation. You're trying to cu without permission? how I'll scold you. When you're about to cum, I'll go slower and shiiiko shiiiko. A much more enjoyable control for me. Until I get bored, I will not let you cum. Even if you cry, I won't forgive you. Begging is useless. My treatment is that harsh. For many minutes and hours. Rape by the footsoles. And when the light inside your eyes seems to vanish, I'll sneer and laugh at you... and you break. Until you definitely break though, I can't help but enjoy this. From one side, I'm pulverizing your glans with my foot sole, grigrigriiii You body twitches like a seizure, as you shriek and scream. This stimulation is too intense, so you can't cum. And with the other foot, I'm pinching your penis like trash and stroke stroke. And like this, I'll let you cum. With this torture-like teasing. As the stimulus gets faster, you can finally cum. Countdown. Cum at 0. But you know, you'll only cum in your imagination. You can't cum as you fap right now. Understood? Only imagine to cum. 5 4 3 Cum inside my foot soles. 2 Being kicked feels good. Let's stroke even cruder. 1 The terribly patient semen is rising. I step on your glans with all my strength. Squeeeeze! 0 Pyuuuurururu Pyupyuuu, pyuupyuu Gush gush Ahahahahahahaha, you came by my feet. Unilaterally, by force. Well? Makes you envy, huh? Should I make you cum, just like in your imagination? Ahahahaha, no. Why should I let you cum with foot teasing? Don't get cocky now. It's filthy. Ahahahahaha Hey, were you jealous of yourself in your imagination? Seems like it felt good. Your imagined self. Hahaha. Well, I'll order you to cum then. This isn't an idea, it's an order. You will come as you are now. Stop your hand for now and listen up. I'll count down now. From 10 to 0 The smaller the number, the closer you'll get to orgasm. 0 is the OK-sign for you to pyupyu your semen. Clones in to orgasm as I count down. Because I'll let you cum today. But you must interrupt when I say stop. Oh yeah, imagine that I let you come while sandwiching you with my feet. And you will fap to that, alright? 10 How is it? Do my feet feel good? 9 Here, my feet already got soaked. Ahh, so lewd. 8 Here, let's speed up the feet. 7 6 5 My foot soles do the best they can to bring you to orgasm. Slowly, steadily. Ahahahahahaha 4, 3, 2 Gonna cum? Stop. Not yet. I want to tease you even more. Controlling your orgasm with my feet feels nice, hm? Even though it's all just a delusion. There, swooping down on your penis again. 10 9 8 Don't slow down. Of course. Because now you shall cum. 7 6 5 My foot-hole feels dreamy, right? Obviously, because I'm training you that you can't cum without my feet. 4 3 2 Hey? My foot-pussy feels good? But I'm raping you with my feet. It feels so good, you're shaking your hips around. 1 Orgasm by foot rape. You want to feel it? Ufufufu... nope. Stop. Of course it's much more fun when you hold back even more. Ahahahaha, you're really getting raped here, you. How pathetic. You're manipulated by your own delusion. But we're still not finished here. This time we're not stopping. Shoot out your semen. 10 This is the last one, so I'll bully you real good. 9 My feet are carefully and stickly creeping about your dick. 8 Shiiikoshiko, Shiiikoshiko Ahahaha. Shikoshiko, Shikoshiko. 7 You're at the mercy of my feet. 6 Being raped without resisting. 5 Ahh, looks like you're about to cum. I, know. 4 Here it come. Glans pulverizing time. Roughly grinding my foot soles, griigriii. Does it hurt? Hey, does it? 3 The other foot is still pinching and rubbing you down. As you're in pain, the feeling of orgasm is gurgling, boiling. It's rising and doesn't stop. 2 Yeah yeah, you're about to blow anytime. Alright. Make my feet pregnant. I'll take it all. Because it's just my feet, but not my womb. Ahahahahahaha 1 Let the semen hit my feet. As you cum, I'll trample your glans down. There, cum to my kicks! [Branch 1] 0 0 0 0 Ahahahaha, ejaculate! The semen against my foot soles is so hooot! Whatwhat? You're really trying to make my feet pregnant. Seriously? Ahahahahaha, say, is your head alright? But it's not stopping. Doppdoppdopp This is why making fun of masos is so interesting. Hmm? Are you finished? How was it? My delusional foot rape? Hey? Did my foot strokes feel foot? Even though you really just fapped with your own hand? You honestly believed that I raped you with my feet? That makes me laugh. You're not just a maso. You're also nuts. You're all exhausted from pumping out your semen reservoir. Fine, stay like that and listen up. If you ever want to feel this pleasure again, don't hesitate and visit me. I will be your partner anytime. Perhaps you're already past recovery. Well, that's how it goes. See ya. [Branch 2] Ho dear, this is getting a bit boring. I wonder if we should stop here. What to do~? Hmm. Ufufufu, STOP! Ahahahahahaha Whatwhat? You were really ready to cum? To my foot rape delusion? That makes me feel sick. Could you also think about me for a change? Yes, we're finished for today. Cause it's getting boring. So who can help it? There, put your dick back in your pants. No regrets now. I've already decided that you can't cum today. Put it away, now. Yees, and locking it. [Locking sound] Ahah, now you can't fap anymore. You poor thing. Keep the semen stored in your balls like this, until tomorrow. This is an order, understood? Now anticipate that I might let you cum the next time, Unless I chance my mind, ahahahah. Well then. See ya tomorrow.

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