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パターン5: 叱咤

あは、来た来た 射精管理されてるってわかってるのによく来れるよね? 普通じゃ考えられないよ? あんたって相当なマゾだね 自覚してるよね? 何もじもじしてるの? ああ、早くペニスしごきたくてたまらない? いいよ 鍵、外してあげる <鍵を開ける音> じゃ、射精できない寸止めオナニー、始めよっか? しごいていいよ? ううん、しごいて 命令 ほら、射精寸前まで自分で追い込んでよ 何回でも何回でも あんたの限界なんて聞いてないから 自分をひたすらいじめるかわいそうなオナニーで頭おかしくなってよ あははは、射精を禁じられて意味なんてないのにシコシコシコシコ そういうのがいいんだよね? 女の子にいじめられるのがさ あんたってホントにマゾだよね 恥ずかしくないの? 女の子の命令に従わされてペニスこすってさ プライドとかないの? 呆れるね あは、何ペニスびくつかせてるの? 叱られて感じてるんだ へぇー じゃ、今日はいっぱい叱ってあげるよ 女の子に言葉できつく責められて寸止めオナニー サイテーの快楽 味わうといいよ ねぇ、もっとシコシコ早くしなよ 一気に射精まで追いやって 当たり前だけど射精はダメだからね 射影寸前でストップ それでおさまったら、即シコシコ再開 ほらもっと寸止め見せてよ? そうじゃないとつまらないから 寸止めの間隔短くしてもっとよがりなよ あんたはそうやって私を楽しませるしか能がないんだからさ ほら、はやくはやくはやく もっとす・ん・ど・め あんたは私に飼われてる家畜なんだから できそこないなら捨てちゃうよ? 捨てられていいの? 良くないよね? だったらご主人様を楽しませてよ 馬鹿みたいにペニス激しくいたぶって ほらもっと激しく 我慢汁まき散らして 家畜はいうこと聞いてればいいの 何苦しそうにしてるの? そんなに早く寸止めしてたらおかしくなっちゃう? それ、私にカンケーあるの? ねぇ?あるのかな? あんたがどうなろうが私の知ったことじゃない そうだよね? 自分の立場理解しなよ あんた、家畜でしょ? 人間扱いされるわけないじゃない ねぇ、手のスピード落ちてないよね? 言いつけも守れないの? はぁ、本気でしかりつけないと学習しないの? 寸止めループでペニスおかしくしろっていってるの 手加減したらおかしくできないでしょ? ほら、シコシコシコシコ あははは、カウパーでぐちゃぐちゃ音してる あんたにお似合いの下品でサイテーな音だね そのまま何度も寸止めの快楽でペニスおかしくして 壊れても私別に困らないからさ ねぇ、聞いていい? まさか、ずっと寸止めループしてたら私が満足するなんて思ってないよね? そんなのすぐ飽きちゃうってことくらいわかるよね? 何すればいいか、わかる? はぁ、役立たず あんた、いちいち命令されないと何もできないの? 頭悪いんだね? 仕方ないから教えてあげる 喘ぎ声出せってこと それも女の子みたいな甘い声 「あん、あん」ってか弱くてかわいい声出して楽しませて ほら、始めて ぷ、あははははははは 何?その声 かわいいとか思ってるの? 家畜にお似合いの下品な声だよ? 私はかわいい声って言ったの 聞いてなかったの? はぁ、あんたには無理か 期待した私が馬鹿だった もうそれでいいよ 私は優しいからその耳障りな喘ぎ声で我慢してあげる 精々のその声で鳴き続けてよ 暇つぶしくらいにはなるから その間も手はシコシコ 絶対に手抜かないで あんた、もしかしてもう限界とかないよね? ホントに射精しそうになってる、とか 馬鹿じゃないの? やれって言ったのは、寸止めループ ホントに射精するまでしごいていいって命令した? してないよね? いきそうになったらペニスの根元に力入れて精液金玉に押し戻しなよ おもらしとか絶対に許さないから あんた、子供でもないのにおもらしとか恥ずかしすぎるよ? 分かってる? でも出すのはダメだけど出るぎりぎりまで追いつめるのは続行 ホントに出るギリギリじゃないと私楽しめないから これ、ご主人様の命令だから あんたは従うしかない、そうだよね? もっとこの地獄の快楽で狂わせるから ねぇ、もうダメとか思ってる? 図々しいよね 自分で寸止めオナニーをお願いしといて、苦しくなったらすぐに「もうだめー」って 恥ずかしくないの? あんたが望んだことだから この程度で終わらせるわけないじゃない あー、なんか腹立ってきたな 使えない家畜はお仕置きだね ほら、お仕置きを発表するから手を止めて聞いてて 今からカウントダウンで地獄につれてってあげる 10から0まで私がカウントするから、数が小さくなるにつれて射精に追い込むの 後、0で射精、ストップでシコシコ中止だから いい? 分かったら、返事くらいしなよ ほら 最初からそうしてなよ いらいらするから 10 ほら、カウントが始まったよ 今は10だから射精は遠い 9 少し近づいたね このまま射精にどんどん追い込むから そう、一気にね 87654321 ほらほら、今は射精寸前 ねぇ?ホントにそれ射精寸前? もっと追い込めるでしょ? 知ってるんだよ 命令、1、1、1 その状態でキープ あははははは 見世物みたいによがって笑わせてよ あ、このままだと出ちゃう? しょうがないな 許可してあげるよ 中断のね ストップ あははは、よかったね あのままじゃおもらししてたよ? 私のおかげでしょ? 「ありがとうございます」は? 寸止めしてもらえてお礼を言うのは家畜として当然 じゃ、もう一回射精まで突き落としてあげる 次で最後だよ 射精の許可が下りても下りなくても今日は最後 いくよ 10 9 8 まだ余裕でしょ? これぐらいじゃおもらしなんてしない でもね 7 6 5 4 これくらいになると厳しいでしょ? あははは、ペニス大惨事 ビクビクビクビク痙攣してるみたい もっと追い込むね 3 後3歩、後3歩 まだ出しちゃダメ 私まだ許可しないから 苦しいよね? うふふふ、じゃあこの状態でお話しよっか? あんたは3でキープしたままだよ? ねぇ、あんたって射精したいの? それとも射精管理されたいの? どっちなのかな? 私がこうやって管理してる感じから見ると 射精管理のされたい5割、射精したい5割って感じに見えるな 射精を餌にするちょうどいい割合 だから好きなように遊べて大助かり しかも、日を追うごとに辛くなるからー ねぇ? いつまでこの話続くんだろーって思ってる? ペニス限界の3歩手前でキープされたまま このまま、ずっと終わらなかったりして あはははははは ストップ 何マジな顔してるの? 面白いな あ、そうだ さっき、次で最後って言ったよね 気分が変わったからもう一回 あんたは従うだけ 私の気まぐれな命令にね 惨めで情けなくてかわいそう あんたのことだよ? じゃ、ラストいこっか 10 9 ほら、射精に向かいなよ 命令 8 7 どんどん金玉が煮えたぎってくる ぐつぐつ、ぐつぐつ 熱い、熱い あははははは 6、5 射精の時はいけって命令してあげる キツイ言い方でね? しかりつけるみたいに 4 3 だって、あんたはそれがいいんでしょ マゾなのバレバレだから 2 ほら、もうすぐ射精だよ? もっとペニス強くこすって 命令 命令には従うだけ 1 ほーら、家畜 もう射精だね 思いっきり強く命令してあげる いくよ すぅぅぅぅ(息を吸う) 【分岐1】 0 いけ いけって命令してるんだからいけよ家畜 ほら0 0 0 もっと精液ぶちまけて あは、もっと射精中のペニスしごきなよ め・い・れ・いだから 最後の一滴まで金玉が空になるまでひり出すの あははははは、すっごいね 寸止め地獄から射精天国まで一直線 もう終わった? あはは、ぐったりしてるね でもその分気持ちよかったでしょ? これ病みつきになったらホントに私の家畜に成り下がるよ? まぁ、飼ってあげてもいいけど 何?期待してるの? 本気で? あはははは、人間やめちゃうんだ? ・・・いいよ、何回も射精管理してあんたを家畜にしてあげる 射精管理を受けにもう一度会いに来てよ じゃあ、今日はここまで またね、家畜君

Pattern 5: Scolding

Ah, you're here, you're here. You came over even though I've put you under orgasm control. This isn't normal thinking anymore. You are quite a befitting masochist. I hope you know that. What are you fidgeting around? Ah, you can't wait to play with your dick? Alright. Let's unlock it. [Unlocking sound] Now, start the edging masturbation where you can't cum. You can fap now. Yeah, stroke it. That's an order. You know, stroke yourself right to the verge or orgasm. Over any over again. I don't want to hear anything about limits. I want nothing but earnest, pathetic fapping from you until you go crazy. Ahahahah, with the orgasm ban, there's no point to all the fapfapfapfap. But that's just well. At least you get bullied by a girl. You're a true maso, aren't you? Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Rubbing your dick to a girl's orders? Where's your pride? I'm shocked. Ahah, what's your dick twitching about? Does scolding turn it on? Hee~ Okay, then I'll give you plenty of scolding today. Denial fapping, with tight verbal abuse by a girl. The worst pleasure in the world. Have a good taste of it. Hey, fap even faster, will you? Do it right until you cum. But of course, you cannot cum. You have to stop right at the verge. And when it's retracted, resume fapping. Yeah, let me see how you edge. Or else it would be boring. And make the edging pauses ever smaller. Because other than amusing me with that, you're good for nothing else. Yeah, faster faster faster. More de-ni-als. You're like my own livestock. If you're useless, I'll cast you away. Do you want to be cast away? You don't, right? Therefor, amuse your master. Torment your own dick like an idiot. Do it even harder. Let your precum scatter around. As a livestock, you better do what I say. You seem in pain, why? Does edging yourself so fast make you crazy? You know, why should I CARE? Hey? Tell me why. I really don't care what happens to you. That's it. You better understand your standpoint. You are an animal. You don't deserve humane treatment. Hey, don't slow down now. You have to obey anything I say. Haah, I guess you'll never learn, unless I give you a solid scolding. Maybe the denial loop made you stupid or something. But you can't go stupid when I go easy on you. There, shikoshikoshiko. Ahahah, your precum is making shlicking sounds. An incredibly vulgar sound, well befitting of one like you. And the pleasure of denials over and over again makes your dick stupid. And even if you break, I won't be bothered really. Hey, you hear me? You don't really think that a constant denial loop is enough to satisfy me? Because that will get really boring soon. So, do you know what we'll do? Haah, you dumbass. Can't you even follow one single order? Is there something wrong with your head? In that case, I have to tell you. Moaning. Sweet, girly moaning. Amuse me by making frail and cute little "ahn ahn~" moans. Go on, do it. Pu, Ahahahahahahaha What is that? This voice. You think that's cute? That's the vulgar cry of a livestock animal. I said "a cute voice". Can't you listen? Hah, you're just useless. And I was a fool to put my hopes in you. This will do it. Because I'm so gentle, I will endure those ear-shattering squeals. At least, keep up your squealing. It's good enough to kill some time. In the meantime, fap. Definitely don't release your hands. Don't tell me you're already at your limit. Or are you gonna cum already' You idiot. What did I tell you? It's a denial loop. I order you to stroke right before you really cum. Don't really cum. When you're about to cum, just squeeze the root of your shaft and force the cum back inside your balls. (note: don't do that, it's not good for your health) But I'll never allow you to leak. Hey, you're not a kid anymore, so wetting yourself is just too embarrassing. You know? However, even though you can't, continue to force yourself to the last microsecond. If you don't edge in rally closely, it's no fun for me. This is master's orders. You can't help but obey, isn't that right? Go insane in this hellish pleasure. Hey, you think this is impossible? How impudent. First you beg yourself to edge fap, and as soon as it gets too hard you say "I can't do it" Aren't you ashamed? This is what you wanted. There's no way we end it right now. Hahh, now you're starting to piss me off. A useless animal deserves a punishment. There, stop your hands and listen up as I proclaim your punishment. I will now lead you to hell with a countdown. I'll count from 10 to 0, and with every number you'll get closer to orgasm. Then, at 0 you may cum, but at stop, you must pause. Alright? If you understand, then reply. Go on. You should've say it yourself. You're getting on my nerves. 10 There, countdown starting. Orgasm at 10 is still far away. 9 A little bit closer. Keep edging closer like this. Yes, all at once. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Gogogo, here's the orgasm edge! Hey? Is this really the edge? Or can you get even closer? I know you can. That's an order. 1,1, 1 Keep just right there. Ahahahaha Your freak show makes me laugh and satisfied. Ah, are you gonna cum like this? Well in that case. I'll forgive you. With a pause. Stop. Ahahahah, very good. You had almost peed there. But I saved you. Well? "Thank you very much"? It's only proper for a livestock animal to give gratitude. Now, let's push you towards orgasm one more time. This is the last one. This is the last day where I deny your permission to cum. Here we go. 10 9 8 Any longer? You won't leak from just this much, right? But, you know: 7 6 5 4 This is getting very strict now. Ahahah, your dick looks absolutely horrible. It's cramping and jumping up and down. Make it more desperate. 3 Just three more. Don't cum yet. You don't have my permission yet. Is this hard? Ufufufu, stay like this and I'll tell you a story. Keep yourself at 3. Hey, do you want to orgasm? Or do you want orgasm control? Which is it? I can see it turns you on when I control you like this. I can see you're split between 50% control and 50% orgasm. So I'll give you just the right ratio of orgasm bait. So I'm being a great help so you can play as you want. However, it gets tougher every day. Hey? Howe long do you think my story goes? While you keep your dick at the 3-step limit. We can keep doing this forever. Ahahahahaha Stop. Oh, what's with the "seriously?" face? How interesting. Ah, that's right. I told you this would be the last one. I just had a change of heart, so let's do one more. You just follow the rules. I make up my orders as I go. You poor, pathetic little thing. That is you. So, here's the finale. 10 9 There, towards orgasm. That's an order. 8 7 Your balls are about to overcook. Simmering, boiling. Hot, so hot. Ahahahaha 6 5 When you ejaculate, I'll order you to cum. In the most severe way. Like a harsh scolding. 4 3 But you're alright with that now. Your maso is showing. 2 Yeah, orgasm is almost there. Fap even stronger now. That's an order. You must follow my orders. 1 Heey, you animal. Here comes the orgasm. And here's my most powerful order. Let's go. (breathe in) [Branch 1] 0 Cum I order you to cum, you livestock animal! Yeah 0 0 0! Shoot it all out! Ahah, you're still fapping during cumming. Because that's an or-der. Wring yourself out until there's not a single drop left inside. Ahahahah, incredible. You went from denial hell to ejaculation heaven in one straight line. Are you finished? Ahahah, you're completely exhausted. But that felt good, didn't it? When you get addicted to this, you'll turn into my livestock for real. Well, maybe I could raise you. What is it? What are you hoping? You serious? Ahahahaha, you wanna stop being human? ...very well, I shall make you my animal and control your orgasm many many times. Come to me when you're ready to accept my control agian. But for now, I shall leave. See you soon, my little animal. [Branch 2] (Note: There is a stop part for this pattern as well, but it's missing from the JP script)

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