Track 1


01 玉を握り潰してもらう音声

(局部を差し出すリスナーを見て) うわ…。(小声 / 気持ち悪そうに) ねえ…ほんとにいいの?(困惑) いや、まぁ…貰うもの貰ったから私は別にいいんだけど…。(ため息交じり) じゃあ…いくよ…?(玉を撫でながら、語尾に僅かに力を込めて) (5割の力で何度も握りながら) 痛い? 痛いの? それとも 気持ちいいの? 痛いのが 気持ちいいの? 私にはちょっと わかんないなあ 正直 気持ち悪いよ 鏡で見た方が いいよ なんか こうしてると サドの気持ちが ちょっと分かる (8割の力で何度も握りながら、少し楽しげに) なーっ! ふふふ 痛い? 痛い? ねえ 痛い? ふふふふ 気持ち悪いよ? この マゾ マゾ! ふふ ほんと 気持ち悪い 死ねばいいのに ねえ 死んでよ 死んで? ほら 死ね(以下徐々に力を強めていく) 死ね 死ね 死ね 死ね 死ね 死ね 死ね 死ねっ… 死ねぇ!!(10割の力で) (潰れた玉を何度も握りながら、楽しげに、少し早口めで) あはははは!潰れたー!ねえねえ、ちんぽから中身出てるよ!気持ち悪いよ。気持ち悪すぎ。 死ねばいいのに。ほら死ねよ。さっさと全部ぶちまけて死ね!死ね!死ねぇ!! (落ち着いて) はぁーあ。気持ち悪い。気絶した顔まで気持ち悪い。 (携帯のカメラで撮る / 上機嫌) ふふ。気持ち悪い。じゃあね。

01: A ball buster voice work

Uwaah... (Whisper, disgust) Hey... can I really do this? (Puzzled) We, well... it's not like I care whether I can do it... (Sigh) Oh well... here we go... (While stroking, puts emphasis on every last word) (While grasping it at 50 percent) Does it hurt? Say, does it? Or rather... Does it feel good? Pain or pleasure? As for me I'm not really sure To be honest It feels disgusting. On the other hand. It's nice. Somehow Doing this I understand The feeling of sadism just a bit (While grasping at 80%, she starts to enjoy it) Heey! Fufufu Does it hurt? Does it? Say Does it hurt? Fufufu Does it feel good? You Maso Maso! Fufu Really You make me so sick. You can just die. Say... Just die Are you dying? There Die (Grabs harder with every word) Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die...! DIE!! (100%) (While crushing the balls she happily enjoys it with fast talking) Ahahaha! They're crushed! Hey look, the insides are coming out from your dick! So disgusting. I could puke. You can die for all I care. Go ahead and die. Just let it all out and die! Die! DIEE!! (calms down) Hahhh. Disgusting. Everything's disgusting, right up to your fainted face. (Takes a mobile picture / in good mood) Fufu. You creep. Bye then.
