Track 5

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貴方がペットの人? ふぅん、じゃあ早速で悪いけど遊ばせてもらっていいかなぁ? 貴方で憂さ晴らししたいの 何?その顔 そのちんぽもう貴方の物じゃないよね? それはあの人の物 そして私はあの人からそのちんぽ借りたの 分かる? つまり、そのちんぽは今から私が好きなようにいたぶっていいってこと 貴方は黙って私にちんぽ差し出せばいいの あんまりイライラさせないで ただでさえ今日は機嫌が悪いから 何よ、反抗的ね ああ、むかつくなぁ そういうの 一度痛い目見させて従わせた方がいいか ねぇ、別にいいよね? まぁ、私はあの人みたいに綺麗に関節決めるのは苦手だから、打撃で動けなくなるまで痛めつけるけど ああ、従っちゃうんだ そう 残念 まぁいいか じゃあ、服を部脱いで 当たり前 貴方はペットなんだから というより、今はみんなの肉便器かな どっちにしても、服着る権利なんか有るわけないよね? ほら、全部脱いで、早く 何恥ずかしがってるの? ちんぽ、みせて 手で隠すなって言ってるの あは、中々いいじゃない いじめがいが有りそう このちんぽ、今日は思いっきりいたぶってあげるから 貴方が泣いてもお構いなしに容赦なくね だって、それ私が借りてるんだから どうしようが私の勝手 違うかなぁ? 違わないよね? じゃあ、貴方が抵抗できないように手、拘束するね 手錠で両手を拘束して、この縄に手錠を通して・・・と これを天井の梁に引っ掛けて どう? 両手が上に引っ張られるよね 丁度万歳してるみたいにさ このままその体勢で動けなくするから ほら、縄の端をくくりつけて・・・はい、完了 もう貴方はその体勢のまま拘束された 両手を無防備に挙げて、大切な部分が丸出し これで抵抗、できなよね? 今からどんなことされるか分かる? 最初に言ったけど、私は貴方で憂さ晴らしがしたいの 貴方をいじめていじめていじめ尽くして楽しみたい たっぷり虐待して泣かせるから覚悟して まず、ちんぽ勃起させようか? ローションを手につけて・・・と ほら、私の手ぬるぬるになったね? この手で貴方のちんぽもみしだいて立たせるから じゃあ、握るよ ほら 何?その声? 感じてるの? ローションのぬるぬるが気持ちいいんだ? へぇ、そうなんだ でも、貴方が気持ち良くなっても私はちっとも楽しくないの これはあくまでちんぽをたたせるためにやってるだけ 貴方を地獄に落とす為の前準備 ほら、ぐちゅぐちゅ乱暴に揉んであげるから早く立たせてよ 手でちんぽ握ったりこねくり回したり あは、聞いて この下品な音 これ、貴方がいじめられてる音だよ ほら腰を引くな 動かないで 今度お尻が後ろに下がったら叩くから そう、それでいいの 大人しく私に勃起させられてよ 声が大きくなってきた これがいいんだぁ? さすが変態ちんぽ 無理やり勃起させられるのがたまらないの? なら、強くかき乱して弄んであげるわ ほらほらほら あ、単純ちんぽがもう勃起してきた 女に無理やりちんぽいじられて即勃起なんて恥ずかしくないの? あは、楽で助かるけど さて、これくらい大きくなればいいか じゃあ、いまから憂さ晴らしのちんぽ拷問を始めるから これを使ってね これはね、私が特注したオナホール 見たとおり透明になってるの ちんぽを挿入して使うと中身が丸見え ちんぽがひだにいたぶられるところが観察できる代物なの 私はこれが好きなの 射精の瞬間もじっくりと見られてすごく楽しいの あ、このホールの内部も説明しておくね ほら、外からでも分かるくらいの激しいひだがびっしり 勿論、柔らかい材質だよ? それにも関らず、ちんぽを容赦なく責めたてる凶悪な凹凸 ひとこすりするたびにこのひだが執拗にちんぽに追いすがるの 強烈な快楽を与えながらね ほら、中身を開いてみせてあげる これを見ながら想像してみて ちんぽ入れるときはこのひだを掻き分けていくの それで、抜くときはこのひだの流れに逆らうから逆さ弁になったひだに責められるの 刺激が強すぎるから、こんな作りのオナホールはなかなか存在しない だから、これは拷問用 加えてこのホールにはもう1つの秘密があるの 穴の一番奥を見て これ何だと思う? 表面がジョリジョリになってるイボの密集ゾーン こんなとこに敏感な亀頭を挿入したらどうなるのかなぁ? それはお楽しみに なに呆けた顔してるの? これ、貴方に使うから 泣いてもやめないし、懇願されても無視するよ でも、期待してるみたいだね ちんぽバキバキに勃起してるよ それに先走りの汁が糸引いて床に垂れ落ちてる これで拷問されたいってことかなぁ? いいよ でも、そうしていられるのも今のうちだけ 1度射精したくらいから本気で許して欲しくなるから その時たっぷり後悔して じゃあ、拷問オナホールにローション入れるね はい ほら、中身見て ぐぽぉって音立てながらひだとひだの間でいやらしく糸ひいてるよ 一度食らいついたら決絶対逃がさない魔性の拷問道具ね 貴方、こんな得体も知れない穴にちんぽねじ込まないといけないの ねぇ、覚悟はもうできてるよね? 5・4・3・2・1・0でちんぽ挿入するから いい? 5・4・3・2はい、ぐぽぉおお 挿入完了 どう? だまされた気分は? あは、それどころじゃないよね ホールの中間くらいまでちんぽつっこまれちゃったんだから 入るときひだが歓迎してくれた? じゅるるるって それならよかった じゃあ、引き抜くね はい ひだがペニスをいやらしくひっかきながら、出てきたね あはは、当然 ひだの流れに逆らって無理やり引き抜いててるんだから ぞぞぞぞってやすられてる感じがすごいよね? いい? これを何度も繰り返して強制的に射精させるから ねぇ、もっと反応してよ よだれたらして口パクパクしてるだけじゃつまらないから じゃあ、もっと面白い反応するまで責めたててあげる あは、いつ情けない醜態をさらすのか楽しみ ピストン開始 あは、じゅぽぉおお、ぐぽぉおお、じゅぽぉおお、ぐぽぉおお どうかなぁ? ひだひだ地獄は? 下品な音立てながらちんぽがホールに犯されてるよ? それに、ほら中身丸見え こうやってちんぽがいじめられてるんだねぇ よく観察できる あ、ここのひだの動き ひだがそり返る瞬間 これはエグイね カリ首のとこなんかもうすごいことになってる 敏感で感じる場所なのにひだの肉壁がお構いなしに凌辱してる 繰り返し繰り返し あはは、ちんぽがこんな目にあわされてるんだよ? 貴方がちんぽの所有権を人に渡した結果がこれだよ? あえぎ声だしてないで後悔してほしいかな まぁ、いいよ 最初はたっぷり気持ち良くなっても でも忘れないで 私は貴方をいじめたいってこと 後でわかるよ ほら、しこしこ、しこしこ オナホールでしこしこ、しこしこ ひだをこすりつけるように あは、ちんぽがぴくぴくし始めたね これ、射精するの? こんな人工まんこでいっちゃうの? 男を射精させることだけを目的に作られた穴で いいよ でも、いくときはホールの一番奥のお部屋でね そうイボイボだらけ拷問部屋 行く瞬間に思いっきり突っ込んで終わらせてあげる あは、きっと刺激でおかしくなれるよ じゃあもう我慢も限界だろうし、いっていいよ おもちゃで犯されて射精して ほら、ほら オナホールの一番奥に精液注ぎ込んで ほら、いって せーのっ じゅっぽぉおおお あはは、イボイボにこすられながら射精してる とぷとぷぅ、とぷとぷぅ 鈴口から精液止まらないね オナホールを妊娠させたいの? 変態 あ、涙目 どうだった? いく瞬間に亀頭が強烈にこすられたんだよ? ほらここのいぼ、ここに擦られながら一番奥にちんぽ届いたのよ すごかったでしょ? あは、答えられないくらいいいんだねぇ 敏感な亀頭を乱暴にこすられる苦しみとひだひだの快楽が合わさってもう天国だよね ん、射精も終わったみたいだし ピストン再開するね ひだひだの部分でごしごし あは、なにその声 あえぎ声っていうより、悲鳴? うん、射精の直後はすごく敏感なんだよね でも、そのちんぽ、貴方の物じゃないでしょ 私の好きにさせてもらうね あは、これが拷問ってこと 分かった? 連続射精拷問 回数を重ねるごとに苦しくなる拷問なの 最初は気持ちいいだけなのが、どんどん快楽が強くなって狂っていくの これが楽しい 貴方が快楽に苦しむほど私はスカッとする ストレスを解消できる だから、はけ口になってね ほら見て、貴方の精液でホールの中が白くなってるよ 自分の精液をちんぽに塗りたくってするオナホールプレイは気持ちいい? いいに決まってるね よだれ、さっきからとまらないんだから あ、ねぇ これ、何? 腰が引けてる ホールから逃げようとしてる 私、次にお尻を下げたらどうするかいったよね? うん、じゃあいくね あは、お尻をビンタした拍子に腰が前に出て奥まで入っちゃったね? 自分から入れちゃうなんて、イボイボそんなによかった? 変態だね ただでさえ敏感な亀頭、しかもいったばっかりで敏感すぎる亀頭なのに あは、いいこと思いついた 私、ここでオナホール支えてるから、貴方自分で腰振ってちんぽいじめて? そう、自分でホール使ってちんぽいたぶるの あは、最低のオナニーだね あ、その顔 その絶望した顔がいいの あは、ほらさっさと腰をへこへこ振って ピストンしろって言ってんのよ ほら、早く あは、始めた始めた 自虐オナニー 自分で敏感ちんぽをホールで責めてる あはは、面白い見世物 でも、もっと腰早く振れるよね ねぇ? できるよね? 嫌なら私が無理やり地獄見せてあげるけど? 貴方の足に私がからみついて、腰を固定しながら慈悲のない高速ピストン 私はそっちでもいいよ? あは、ピストン早くなった 嫌なんだね 女に無理やり犯されるの あは、じゃあそれは今度にしてあげるわ お行儀よく自虐オナニーを味わうことね ほらほら、あれだけ期待してたホールだよ? もっと楽しんでじゅぽじゅぽしていいんだよ? 説明聞きながら勃起してたよね? なのに、どうして半泣き? 嬉しいはずなんだよねぇ? あは ねぇ、ひだひだの部分はもういいんじゃない? そろそろもっと奥までピストンしよ? 自分からは無理かなぁ 一度味わったらその刺激に立ち向かえないかぁ じゃあ、手伝うね ピストンするたびに、お尻叩いてあげるわ その反動でいぼいぼゾーンまでちんぽ挿入させるの ぱん、ぐちゅう、ぱん、ぐちゅうって前も後ろも犯されるの あは、最高 拷問のついでに調教もできるのね 貴方、ビンタでリズム取られてちんぽおかしくなるまでいたぶられるの 泣いてもやめない そういったよね あは、始めるね ほら ほら ほら いい感じよ 叩かれて奥まで挿入、ちんぽ抜いて叩かれてまた奥まで挿入 貴方、おもちゃ扱いされてるって気づいてる? あは、いやいやなんてして そろそろ許しを乞いだす? いいよ 聞いてあげる 『ちんぽきついからもう許してください』? へぇ、じゃあお尻ももっと強くビンタしないとね ほら だってきついのはちんぽだよね? お尻はまだまだ追いつめられるってことだもんね 赤くはれ上がるくらい強くしてやるわ あはは、『許して』しか言わなくなった もう頭もおかしくなり始めたの? おかしくなってもやめないけど こうやって弱い者いじめするのってたまらないの 追いつめて追いつめて突き落とすの 男をいじめるにはちんぽを狙えばいい ちんぽ、こんなことされたらおかしくなるに決まってるから あ、甘い声が聞こえ出した また射精するの? でもいったらもっときつくなるのは確定的よ? いいの? あは、嫌って言ってもビンタはやめないけど おもちゃはおもちゃらしく弄ばれたらいいの ほら、またホールの奥に汚い精液注ぎこんで 最後に思いっきりビンタしてあげるから、ホールを突き破るくらい腰を押し込め これで、と・ど・め えい あは、いぼいぼにちんぽがめり込んで精液出てる えぐい光景ね 精液がまた拷問オナホールの餌食になってるね このままじゃ玉の中身全部これに吸いつくされるよ? 今もほら、一番奥で精液を捧げてるの丸わかり あはは、面白い ん?まだ満足してないよ? ここからが楽しいんだよ? ここでやめるなんてもったいない 本当はあと何時間でも続けて廃人にしてやりたいんだけど 壊すなって言われてるから 次で最後にする でも、安心しちゃダメ 最後は腰を固定しての高速オナホールピストン さっき言ってた拷問ね 今までの比じゃない速度でちんぽをじゅぽじゅぽ、じゅぽじゅぽ 肉壁のひだでちんぽ全体を磨きながら亀頭はいぼいぼで攻撃 ひだの刺激も強くなるから油断しないでね じゃあ、早速貴方の体を拘束するわ 足に絡みついて、腰をしっかり左手で固定 あは、これで動けない 余った右手は当然オナホールへ ん、何? 『助けて』って? 嫌よ そのちんぽいたぶって楽しむんだから ああ、泣きだした 涙が止まらないみたいね かわいそう でも、始めるね はい拘束ピストン開始 あはは、涙撒き散らして喘いでる これすごいよね 思いっきり上下に動かしてるのよ? この音、聞いてたらどれくらい速く動かしてるか分かるよね えげつない音が響き渡ってる 私も軍人だからね、力には自信があるの その私が全力でちんぽ出し入れしてるんだよ? そう、力任せに強制的に あはは、女に密着されてしごいてもらえるなんて幸せだね ああ、これレイプともいうらしいけど 同じよね? 射精させることに変わりはないし あ、逃げようとしても無駄 がっちり固めてるからもがいても抜け出せない それよりちんぽに意識集中しようね ひだ一枚一枚が擦れていくのを感じて ほら、入るときと出るとき、ひだがいちいち返しになっててきついよね 亀頭からカリ首、裏筋や根元まで全部いじめてるんだよ? ピストンするたびに繰り返し何度もね じゅぷぅううう、ぞぞぞぞぞぞって刺激が何度も何度も 凶悪な肉壁がおもてなし あは、意識するともっときつくなるね でも、それが丸見えになってるのよ? 貴方もいじめられてるの見て? ほら、イボの突起が亀頭をぶつかってるのも分かる? 奥の奥までピストンされてイボイボのお部屋に亀頭を迎え入れまくってるよ? ここ、とっても危ないとこなのにねぇ ちんぽおかしくするお部屋なのにねぇ あは、ピストンするたびに亀頭が焼けそうになるね どっちもすごい快楽、ちんぽだけじゃなくて頭までおかしくできる その証拠に、貴方もう人間の言葉、話せないもんね? 喘いで、うめいて、叫んで 人間以下って言葉が相応しいね ほらほら ちんぽ震えだしたよ このまま高速ピストンで犯されて射精するのね? いいよ 道具でちんぽ狂わされて白いお汁を恥ずかしげもなく注ぎ込むの あは、気分いいわ これが最高なの 変態男を屈服させてみじめに射精させるのって本当に最高 ほら、これで最後 私に犯されて射精しろ この変態が あは、出た出た 3回目でもまだ出るのね 射精の様子も余さず観察しないとね あ、でも量は少ないかなぁ とろとろぉて鈴口から染み出すだけね 情けない射精 恥ずかしいのよ? こんな射精 ねぇ聞いてる? ああ、目がうつろになってるね もう本当に限界かな まぁ、もっと遊べるように調教していけばいいか あはは、すっきりした 貴方、なかなかいい肉便器だったわよ また使って憂さ晴らししてあげる ん?何かいった? 『頑張ったから頭なでてほしい』? 意識が朦朧として何を言い出すかと思えば 何甘えてるの? へぇ、まだ言うの じゃあ、代わりにこれをあげるわね ほら はい、ほっぺに私の手形をマーキング あはははははは じゃあ、またね

Let an onahole addict soldier blow off steam on you

So, you're a human pet? Hmmn, then pardon me for playing with you for a bit, okay? I need to distract myself. What? What's that face? This dick isn't yours anymore, right? It belongs to her. And I borrowed it from her. Get it? In short, right now I can do whatever I want with this dick. So you just be quiet and present it to me. Don't get on my nerves. Cause I'm in a pretty bad mood today. What, you're fighting back? Ah, now don't make me angry. Or else, Maybe I have to hurt you a bit so you'll behave. Hey, what's the matter? I'm not as skilled with locking arms like her, but I can knock the air out of you until you can't move anymore. Ah, so you will behave. That so? Too bad. Oh well. So, take off your clothes. Of course. Because you're a pet. More than that, you're now everyone's sex object. In any case, you have no rights to wear clothes, right? Go on, take them all off, hurry up. What are you getting shy about? Show me your dick. I said don't hide it with your hands. Ahah, not too shabby. Looks good enough to bully. Cause I'm going to tease this dick all I can today. Even if you cry, I won't give you any care or mercy. Because I borrowed it. It's up to me what happens. Right? Or am I wrong? Now, let's tie up those hands of yours, so you can't resist me anymore. Tying your hands, with this rope and handcuffs... And through the beam hanging from the ceiling. How is it? Your arms are being dragged upwards. It's just like a "banzai!!"-pose. You can't move in this pose. And now, giving a tight knot... and yes, all finished. Now you're all tied up. Your hands are raised and your most important part is exposed and defenseless. You can't resist like this, right? You know what's gonna happen now? I already said so, but I need you to get my mind off of things. I want to bully and tease you until I've had my full bag of fun. You're goin to cry, so prepare yourself for a lot of abuse. First, let's get this dick hard. Lubing up my hands... Here, my hands are all sticky now. And I'm gonna squeeze your dick and make it stand up. Let's grab it. Here. What? That voice. Are you feeling it? Does the smooth lotion feel good? Hee, is that so? But it's not fun for me at all when you get to feel good. I'm only doing this to get you hard, y'know. These are the preparations to drop you into hell. Look, with rude, squishy rubbing, it gets hard in no time. I'm squeezing and kneading it with my hands. Ahah, listen. Those vulgar sounds. This is the sound of bullying you. Hey, don't pull back your waist. Don't move. Or I'll snap your ass from behind. Yeah, that's good. Just behave and let me make you hard. You're moaning quite loud already. Is this nice? You're really a pervert dick. It's irresistible to be made hard by force, right? Then I'll play rough with you. Yeah yeah. Ah, this easy dick is already hard. Aren't you ashamed to have a dick that gets hard from girl teasing? Ahah, saved by the bell. Now, I guess this should be nice and big enough. And now let's start by distraction, your dick torture. With this. You know, this here is my very special onahole. As you can see it's transparent. When I put your dick inside, it will be fully visible. This is an article that lets me observe how the folds are teasing your dick. I love this. It's so much fun to carefully stare at the moment of ejaculation. Ah, but let me explain the insides of this hole. Look, you can even see from the outside how it's packed with intense folds. Of course this is a soft material. Nevertheless, it comes with a brutal roughness to bully your dick without mercy. With every stroke, those folds rub all over your hard dick. All while giving you intense pleasure. See, take a look inside. You can imagine just from seeing it. When I put your dick inside, it's going to wade it's way through. And when it goes out, all the folds with their upward position will tease against it. Since the stimulus is that just strong, this type of onahole shouldn't even exist. Because this is a torture device. Also, this thing packs one more secret. Look deep inside. What do you think that is? The surface there is a dense zone of super-rugged warts. What's gonna happen when your sensitive glans go in there, hmm? Look forward to it. What's with that stupid face? I'm gonna use this on you. I won't stop, no matter how you cry or beg. But it looks like you're being hopeful. Your dick is rock hard and jumpy. And you're dripping lewd juice strings to the floor you know. Does that mean you wanna be tortured? Alright. Enjoy it while you can. Once you cum your first shot, you'll honestly wish for me to stop. When that happens, you'll definitely regret it. Now, let's lube up the torture onahole. Yes. Here, look inside. It's making lewd gushy sounds and pulling strings between the folds. It's a devilish torture device that never lets go after the first bite. Don't you know never to stick your dick into unknown holes? Hey, you better get ready now. At 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 I'll put your dick in. Alright? 5, 4, 3, 2 Yes, gchuuu~ Insertion complete. How is it? You got tricked, right? Ahah, no way. I only plunged you inside to the middle. And as you entered, the folds welcomed you inside. Juruuuu Isn't that nice. Now, let's pull it out. Yes. Taking it out as the folds lewdly scratch against it. Ahahah, of course. Because they're turned upwards, they're forcibly being pulled out. Feel incredible how it zzzzzts against it. Listen. When we do this over and over again, it will force you to cum. Hey, give me some response. It's boring if you just drool and flap your mouth. Let's tease you to give an even more interesting reaction. Ahah, I'm looking forward to see your shameful, miserable sight. Piston start. Aha, Jupoooo, Gupoooo, Jupoooo, Gupoooo. How is thaaat? The fold and pleads hell? Getting your dick raped as it makes such vulgar sounds. Now look inside. This is how your dick is getting teased. You can see it all too well. Ah, the folds move this way. And now they curve backwards. This is tough, right? This is turning your corona into a mess. The folds are carelessly abusing your sensitive spots. Over and over. Ahahah, this is quite an experience for your poor dick. This is what happens when you hand your dick into another person's possession. I wonder if you moan like that out of regret. Oh well. This first time feels really good after all. But don't forget... I want to bully you. Soon, you'll understand. Yeah, shikoshiko shikoshiko. Onahole shikoshiko shikoshiko. Rubbing against the folds. Aha, your dick started twitching. Hey, are you gonna cum? Gonna cum inside this artificial vagina? Inside this hole made just for the purpose to make a man cum. Alright. But, when you cum, you'll visit the deepest part. Yes, the torture chamber full of warts. Just when you cum, I'll thrust it down to the very end. Ahah, surely the stimulus will make you go nuts. Now, I'd say you're almost at your limit. Cum from toy-rape. Yeah yeah. Pump your semen inside the deepest part. Here we go. One twoo-- JUPPOHHH Ahahah, cumming as the warts scrub you. Dopyuu, dopyuu You cum doesn't stop spewing. Do you wanna make the hole pregnant? You pervert. Ah, you're getting teary eyed. How was it? Getting your glans rubbed just as you came is intense, right? Look these warts here, you entered the deepest parts as they rubbed you. That was incredible, right? Ahah, you don't have to answer that. The mix of pain and pleasure by the violent glans rubbing felt like heaven, right? Hm, looks like you're done cumming. Let's resume the piston. Scrubbing against the foldy part. Aha, what is that voice? This isn't moaning, that's a scream. Yeah, you're pretty sensitive just after orgasming. But, this dick belongs to me. I get to do whatever I want. Ahah, I told you, this is torture. Got it? Serial orgasm torture. Torture that becomes more painful with every time you cum. First it only felt nice, but soon the pleasure will get so intense to drive you mad. This is fun. Making you suffer with pleasure is exhilarating to me. This is my stress relief. And you're my valve. Hey look, the cum made the hole all white inside. Does it feel good to get your dick smeared with your own cum? I'd say it does. You're drooling even more than before. Ah, hey. What is that? Pulling back your hip? Trying to escape the hole? You know what I'm going to do about this lowered ass? Yup, let's do that. Ahah, as I slap your ass, you're rhythmically putting your hip inside. If you go inside by yourself, do you like the warts so much? You perv. Your glans aren't just sensitive, they're overly sensitive that it hurts. Ahah, I just had a good idea. I'll just hold the onahole like this, and you can tease yourself by swinging your hip. Yeah, you'll torture yourself with the hole. Ahah, this is some fucked up masturbation. Ah, that face. That's the face of despair. Ahah, swing your hips harder. Shake it. I'm telling you to piston. Yeah, faster. Ahah, there we go. Masochistic masturbation. You're teasing your own sensitive dick. Ahahah, what an amusing show. But you can swing your hips even faster. Say? You can, right? If you don't, I'll have to forcibly show you hell. I'll coil around your legs, and give your fixated hip a ruthless high-speed piston. I wouldn't mind. And you? Ahah, you got faster. So you don't want that. Being force-raped by a girl. Ahah, then I'll do this for now. Taste the well behaved maso masturbation. Yeah yeah, this is the hole you wanted to much. Plunge harder inside and enjoy it. You got hard while I explained it to you, right? And still, why are you half-crying? You should be so happy. Ahah. Hey, don't you have enough from the folds? Isn't it about time to piston deep inside? It might be impossible by yourself. When you've had your first taste, you can't bear the stimulus anymore. Okay, then I'll help you. I'll slap your ass every time you piston. And the kickback will make you fuck deep inside the wart-zone. Pak, guchu, pak, guchu, getting raped in front and back. Ahah, it's the best. I can train you as I torture you. I'm teasing you with slappy rhythms until your dick goes crazy. You can't stop crying. Cause I say so. Ahah, here we go. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah! That's it. Slapping, fucking it deep, taking it out and fucking it deep again. Did you notice I'm treaitng you like a toy? Ahah, now you go all "no no". You'll beg for forgiveness anytime soon. Alright. I'm listening. "Please forgive me, this is too tough on my dick"? Oho. Then I have no choice but to slap you even harder. Here This is tough on your dick, you say. But your ass still has some way to go. I'll do it so strong until it's red and swollen. Ahahah, now you can't say anything more than "Please" Are you about to go nuts? But I won't stop even when you go insane. I'd say this is pretty weak torture. So I'll push and push until you go down. To torture a man, you have to aim for the dick. A dick always goes crazy when you do this. Ah, now I can hear some sweet moans. Are you gonna cum again? But when you do, it's definitely going to get severe. You hear? Ahah, I said you'll hate this, but you don't stop moving. It's nice to play with toys like a toy. There, pump your filthy cum deep inside the hole again. The last slap is going to be so hard, you'll almost want to pierce the hole. Here, the final-clincher. Yes! Ahah, sinking inside the warts as you cum. What a pungent spectacle. You cum has once again become prey of the torture onahole. This should completely suck out your balls. Even now, you understand that you're sacrificing your cum to the deep insides. Ahahah, so interesting. Hm? Am I satisfied now? But it's just getting fun! It would be a waste to stop here. Honestly, I really want to go for many hours until you end up as a cripple, but... I promised I wouldn't break you. So, this is the last one. But don't be rest assured. The last one is high speed onahole piston with fixated hip. The torture I told you about just before. The speed is going to be so much faster than before, like shlpshlpshlpshlp. The folds are giving your complete dick a good polish, as the warts attack your glans. Don't let your guard down, because the folds are going to be very strong as well. Now, let's restrict your body at once. I've got your legs, and firmly hold down your waist with my left hand. Ahah, you can't move like this. And with my other hand, of course, the onahole... Hm, what? "Help"? No. I wanna enjoy teasing this dick. Ahh, you're crying. Looks like your tears don't stop. You poor thing. But now we begin. Yes, starting restraint piston. Ahahah, you're gasping and sprinkling tears. This is amazing. Going up and down as hard as I can. When you hear this sound, you know how fast I'm moving it, right? Such a nasty sound. I'm a solider, so I'm pretty confident in my strength. This is how I fuck your dick with full power. Yes, brute force. Ahahah, isn't it bliss to be stroked off with a girl embracing you. Yeah, even though this is more like rape. Or both? It doesn't change the fact that you'll cum. Ah, don't try to escape, it's useless. I've got you in a tight lock, you can't slip away. Instead, concentrate harder on your dick. Feel how every single fold rubs you. Yeah, every time it goes in and out, every single fold turns upside down, tightly rubbing you. From the glans to the corona, from the frenulum to the shaft, every part is getting teased. Over and over again with every piston. Shluuurrr, zzrrrrt, over and over. The brutal hospitality of a meat wall. Ahah, focusing on it made it even more severe. But it's completely visible. See how I'm teasing you here. You see how the warty bumps are hitting your glans? With the deepest deepest piston, the bumpy room welcomes your glans inside. Even though this part is really dangerous, right? Cause this is the place that makes your dick crazy. Aha, every piston is burning up your glans. With such incredible pleasure, not just your dick, but your brain also goes crazy. I can proove it. You can no longer speak human words, right? Moaning, groaning, screaming. Just appropriate for an inhuman creature. Come on, come on. Your dick is trembling. You'll ocme when I rape you with this high speed piston, right? Alright. Pump your brazen white sauce into this rape-tool. Ahah, this feels great. It's the best. Bullying a pervy guy and making him yield with orgasm is truly the best thing in the world. Come on, last one. Cum as I rape you. You pervert. Ahah, here it comes. This is the third time already. I'm observing every millisecond of it. Ah, but this time it's not that much. It's just oozing and dribbling out from your pee hole. Such a pathetic orgasm. Aren't you embarrassed? With this ejaculation? Hey, are you listening? Ah, your eyes have gone all blank. This really was your limit. Well, to play longer with you, you need more training. Ahahah, now that felt really good. You're not so shabby for a sex object. You'll do nicely if I need to distract myself again. Hm? What did you say? "I did so well, so please pet my head?" How dopey are you? Do you know what you're even saying? Why're you feeling so spoiled? Heh, you said it again? Well then, I oughta give you this instead. Here! Yes, this is my hand-slap marking to your cheek. Ahahahahaha Right, see ya later.

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