Track 7

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いらっしゃい ここが私の部屋よ そして貴方がこれからいる場所 貴方はもう私のものなのだから、私の部屋に置いておくわ それが自然でしょう? ・・・ねぇ、服を脱いでそこに跪きなさい 久しぶりに貴方をかわいがりたいの 嫌かしら? ふふふ、嫌じゃないのね 脱いだ服はそのままでいいわ 今日だけ、いつもと違うかわいがり方をしてあげる 勿論、明日からはまた足を舐めさせたりペニスを手で弄んだりするわ 今まで通り、泣くまでいじめて笑ってあげる そして、頭をなでて褒めてあげる それをずっと いいかしら? そう 分かったわ 今日は貴方が私の物になった記念日 だから、私からプレゼント 私が優しくセックスしてあげる ふふふ、嬉しいのね なら、私のここ、ペニスを挿入できるように舐めなさい はい、どうぞ ん、そうよ 最初はヴァギナを優しく舐めるの 上手よ ご主人様をもっと感じさせなさい ふふ、ペニスが大きくなってきているわ 跪いてこんなところを舐めさせられているのに貴方も興奮しているのね 本当に変態 でも、そういうところもかわいいわ ほら、私のヴァギナの味はどうかしら そう とても美味しいの? 嬉しいわ ほら、ヴァギナから透明な汁が出てきたでしょう? それも綺麗に舐めとりなさい そうよ もっと卑猥な音を立てるの 部屋中に響くくらいに あは、私もお汁が止められないみたい 頑張っている貴方がかわいいからよ ん、だいぶほぐれてきたわ もっと強くして大丈夫 ふふふ、夢中で舐めしゃぶっているわね そんなにこの穴が気に入ったのかしら? ならもっとお汁出してあげないといけないわね ん ほら、舐めやすようにヴァギナをぬちゃあって左右に開いてあげる ふふふ、どう? ピンク色のお肉が見えるでしょう? 今日はここにペニスを挿入するのよ このお肉にペニスをしごかれて気持ちよく射精するの だから、しっかりとご奉仕しておかないとダメよ んん そうよ 舌を奥にねじ込むようにしてすすりなさい 酸っぱくて頭がとろける味が楽しめるから んん、ご奉仕上手よ 透明な液体をすするたびにペニスがぴくぴく動いて もう完全な勃起状態ね それに貴方まで透明なお汁出しているの? 触ってもいないのに ふふ、貴方の方はもう準備完了のようね ん、もういいわ 十分濡れて貴方を迎え入れる準備ができたわ ほら、そこのベッドで仰向けに寝転がりなさい 私が馬乗りになって犯してあげる ふふふふ、まるで初夜の女の子みたいな恰好ね 内またで目をうるませて すぐに美味しく頂いてあげるからね ペニスを手で支えてヴァギナに導いて ふふふふふ、後はこの腰を下ろすだけ そうすれば私のヴァギナが貴方のペニスを食べてしまうの ぐぷぅってお汁を恥ずかしく鳴らせながら 準備はいい? いくわね んんん はぁ ほら、根元まで咥えこんでいるのが見えるかしら? 私たちセックスしているのよ あははは、穴の中、気持ち良すぎて変になりそう? 生の肉ひだがペニスをねぶっているのだから当然よ このまま私が上下に腰を振ってあげるから貴方はそのままでいいのよ 私も気持ち良くしてもらうから ほら、ピストン開始 (ここから感じながらセリフを言う ところどころ軽い喘ぎ声を入れる 喘ぎ声はセリフの途中でもよい あまり激しくなく) ふふふふふ、肉壁がペニスを擦ってるわよ 何度も何度も 腰を落とて上げて、落として上げて ああ、貴方のペニスの形、中で感じ取れるわ 貴方もひだやイボの感触を感じ取りなさい 穴の中身、全部でかわいがっているのよ それと腰を下ろす時の私のお尻の感触も感じてちょうだい 肉厚なお尻で打ち付けると柔らかさが伝ってセックスしているって実感できるでしょう? うふふふ、ふやけ切った顔ね とろとろの快楽で溶けてしまった? いいわよ 今日だけは優しい快楽に沈んでも それに私も貴方のペニスが肉を掻き分けて奥まで届くから、ヴァギナの奥がじんじんしてきて もっと、もっと楽しみましょう ほら、穴をきつく締めつけてあげる 股間の筋肉を引き絞っているの 鍛えていないとできない芸当よ? 肉の壁が狭くなってきつくなったでしょう? これでひだやイボの刺激が強くなるの あは、喘ぎ声が切なくなった きっと私の声もそうなっているのね こうやって締め付けるとペニスの刺激がすごくなって ああ、ダメ 私まで感じるようになって ねぇ?もう射精来るの? ペニスがひくつきだして、声も切迫してきているわ そうなんでしょう? いきそうなのよね? 私も 私もなの だから、一緒に気持ち良くなろう? 一緒に飛んでしまいましょう? いい? ラストスパートかけるわ ほら ああ、いやらしい音立てて優しく犯しているの きつきつの穴で食いしばりながら腰めちゃくちゃに打ちつけまくってるの こんなの耐えられないわ 貴方もそうよね ああ、ペニスびくびくって もうちょっと待ってちょうだい 私ももうすぐ・・・ (数秒あえぐ) 最後に思いっきり腰を沈めるわ だから一番奥に注ぎ込んでいいわよ? ううん、注ぎ込んでちょうだい ああ、もう限界 んん!(打ち付ける) んんんんんんんんんんんんんんん(絶頂) あ、んん、はぁはぁ (ここまで) (ここから吐息を交えながら) 私も果てて・・・ ん、中で射精しているのが分かるわ どくどくって 温かいわとても 2人で溶けあっているみたいね (ここまで) 明日からはいじめたりはずかしめたり、いっぱいしてあげるわ でもね 一生懸命尽くしてくれたら またセックスしてあげてもいいわよ? 貴方を捕まえて本当によかった 貴方も私に捕まえられて幸せ、よね? そう ありがとう

The graceful soldier's reward

Please come in. This is my room. And this is where you'll live from now on. Because you belong to me, it's only proper to let you inside my room. That's only natural, right? ...hey, take off your clothes and kneel down to me. I want to love you after such a long time. Don't you want to? Fufufu, oh yes, you want to. Just put your clothes over there. Just for today, we'll do something a little bit different. Of course, after tomorrow I'll make you lick my feet again and use my toes to play with your dick. As usual, I'll bully and laugh at you until you cry. And then I'll pet your head and praise you. Forever. Is that alright? I see. Good. Today's the memorial day when you became mine. So, I have a present for you. I'll have gentle sex with you. Fufufu, are you happy? In that case, lick me here, so your dick can go inside. Yes, go ahead. Nh, that's good. Start out with gentle licks to my vagina. You're good. Feel up your mistress even more. Fufu, your dick is growing. Kneeling there and licking me is turning you on, right? You're a real pervert. But that's also what's so cute about you. Here, how does my vagina taste like? I see. Incredibly tasty. That makes me glad. Look, there's a clear fluid coming out. Make sure to lick it all clean. That's good. Make even louder obscene sounds. Enough so the whole room can hear it. Ahah, looks like my juices can't stop flowing. You look so cute when you're doing your best. Nh, it's loosened up quite well already. You can do it harder now. Fufufu, you're licking me up like in trance. Do you like my hole that much? Then it won't do to give you even more juices. Nnh. Here, I'll hold my vagina open so you can lick it more easily. Fufufu, how is that? Can you see my pink flesh? Today I'll let your penis inside here. This flesh will fuck your penis and have a nice orgasm. That's why you have to properly service it. Nnh. That's good. Put your tongue deep inside and slurp on it. Enjoy the sour, head-melting taste. Nnh, you're such a good slave. Every time you slurp the clear juices, your penis jerks. You're fully erect already. Now you're spilling clear drips as well. We haven't even touched it yet. Fufu, looks like you're fully ready now. Nh, that should do it. It's wet enough to welcome you inside now. There, go to the bed and lie down facing upwards. I'm gonna rape you cowgirl style. Fufufu, you look like a woman on the first wedding night. Your eyes are all welling up. In a moment, I'll let you have something really tasty. Let me guide your dick inside my vagina. Fufufu, and now all I have to do is sit down. Then, my vagina can swallow your dick. All while you can hear the shameful juicy sounds. Ready? Then let's go. Nnnnh. Haah. Here, can you see how it's all down to the base? We are having sex. Ahahah, does my hole inside feel weirdly good? Of course, because those are folds of living flesh nibbling on your dick. You can just stay like this as I swing my hips up and down. This also makes me feel good. Here, let's start pistoning. (Feels it from here on, sometimes light moaning, but not too hard) Fufufu, my meat walls are scrubbing your dick. Again and again. My hip raises up and drops down. Ahh, I can feel the shape of your dick inside. Please also feel the folds and pleads inside. My inner hole is fully making love to you. And when I sit down, make sure to feel the touch of my ass. As my soft and plump ass rams down on you, you can feel the true meaning of sex. Ufufu, your face is getting really soggy. Are you melting with pleasure? Very well then. Just for today, you can drown in tender pleasure. Because when your dick reaches my deepest part, it makes my vagina tingle. Let's enjoy it, more and more. Here, let me squeeze down my hole. Constricting my waist muscles. This is only possible with much training. My narrow neat holes feel nice and tight, right? With that, the pleads and folds can rub you even stronger. Ahah, your moans are going painful. And surely, my voice is doing the same. When I squeeze down like this, your dick feels incredible stimulus. Ahh, oh no. I'm starting to feel it too. Heyy? Are you gonna cum already? Your dick is jumping and your voice is tensing up. Isn't that right? You gonna cum? Me too. I'm also... So let's feel good together. Let's finish it up together. Alright? Here's the last spurt. Here. Ahh, such lewd noises as I'm gently raping you. My crazy tight hole swallows you up while my hip is messily hitting you. This is unbearable. Same to you, right? Ahh, your dick is twitching. Please just wait a second. I'm almost there... (Moaning a few seconds) Finally, sink deep inside me. Then you can pump it into my deepest place. Yeah, pump me full. Ahh, no more! NNH! (Knocking down) NnnnhHHHHH!! (climax) Ah, nhh, hah hah (Until here) (Here with mixed panting) I also came... Nh, I can feel you cum inside me. It's gushing. And so warm. It looks like we're melting together. (Until here) Tomorrow, I'll make sure to bully and humiliate you again. But, y'know... If you serve me with your life... I'll let you have sex with me again. I'm really glad that I caught you. You're also happy that I caught you, right? Really? Thank you.

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