Track 1



人形 それは人を模した細工 人の形をしていながら、人ではない存在 無機質な美しさは人を惹きつけ時に道を踏み外させてしまうこともある しかし、同時に人形はどこか恐ろしさに感じる人も多い 昔から人形にはいわくがついてまわる 例えば髪の伸びる日本人形、例えば捨てても持ち主のもとへ戻ってくるフランス人形 真か偽りか それは体験した者にしかわからない こういった話に興味を持つ者は多い 恐怖の体験であるにも関わらず、実際にそんな人形を見てみたいと思ってしまう しかし、それはとても自然な思考 そういった恐怖に近づくことで安全である幸せを感じることができるから 高いビルの屋上から下を見下ろしたく心理と同じ 覗き込んだあとにほっとしたい 全然大したことはなかったと強がりながらも、落なくて良かったと幸せを噛みしめる 要はそういうこと 貴方は今から体験する 危険に近づいてこその喜びを得ようとする とても自然なこと 貴方の目の前に一体の人形がある とてもよくできている人形 まるで生きているかのように見えるくらい精巧に作られた人形 髪は足先まで伸びている とてもとても美しい人形 服はつけておらず裸のまま横たえられている 人間と変わりない しかし、明らかに人間ではないと確信できる特徴がいくつかあり、貴方はそれを人形だと強く思う まず、大きさ 人間の2分の1から3分の1ほど 次に関節 あらゆる関節が球体で作られている その部分を軸にして動かすことができるのだろう 最後に色調 肌は人間ではありえないほどの純白 アルビノのような白で、血管が浮いて見えることもない そしてその目は特に人のそれとは異なる 眼球は黒く、瞳は血のように真っ赤 そんな人形が目の前に横たえられている 人の形をしていながら、特徴の全てが人外のもの 貴方は人形に強く興味を持つ どこか恐ろしさを感じながらも手に取ろうとする それは自然なこと 恐ろしいとわかっているものに近づくのは摂理 人間は恐怖を確認したい欲求を抑えられない ホラー映画で幽霊や怪物の影を見て、そのあとを追いかけるキャラクターを考えてもそう 要は何もなかったと安心したい、その気持ちが止められない 今の貴方のように この人形は気味が悪いが、ただそれだけの人形 そう思いたい だから手に取ってしまう 陶器のような、プラスチックのような、とにかく無機質でスベスベとした手触り そして、予想に反し軽い持ち心地 そして・・・人形と目がある 赤い瞳が真っ直ぐに貴方を見据える 人形は張り付いた笑顔を浮かべ微動だにしない ただ、その瞳の奥に何か気味の悪さを感じて背筋がゾクゾクする まるで貴方になにかを要求しているような気がする それはお願いなどではなく、強制に近い命令のような何か 人形の手が重力に任せ下へ垂れている 関節を軸に両手両足が投げ出されたようにブラブラと力なく揺れている 死体を掴んでいるような不気味さが貴方の心に刻まれ続ける しかし、そんなことよりも貴方はある一点が気になってしょうがない 目が釘付けとなる それは人形の股間、性器 その全身に見合わないとても大きな性器 人間のそれよりも小さいがペニスを挿入することはギリギリ可能だと思わせる大きさ びらびらはなく、クリトリスはやや大きくピンと勃起している 性器全体の特徴は大人の女性ではない そして、その性器からはヌルヌルとした粘着質な汁が溢れ出している その液体に貴方は不気味さよりも込み上がる欲求に気がついてしまう 人外の性器に目が離せない そして、その陰部に触ってみる 弾力的な触り心地 その部分だけ違う素材で出来ているようにぷにぷにとしている 貴方は魅入られたように指を入れてみる にゅるっとおくまで入っていってしまった 中は予想通りの狭さだが、押し広げていく感触とともに吸い込まれていく その内部は生暖かく、膣壁はイボとひだで螺旋を描いているようだ そして、驚くことに指は奥の壁に当たることはなかった 人形の腹のあたりまで指を挿入しているのにも関わらず終わりが見えない 淫猥な形の性器、ペニスを責め立てるような内部 貴方は気が付いてしまう この人形はペニスを挿入し使用するためのものだと オナホールがわりに犯すための道具 もうこのあたりで引き返したほうがいい、もう十分だと思っている 思っているのに貴方のペニスはもうギンギンに勃起し、カウパーが滲んでいる この人外の人形に興奮している きっとこの狭い穴はペニスを締め上げてくる 精液を一番奥に出せたらとてもきもちいいに違いない 貴方はもう止まれない その場に座り込むと反り返ったペニスを露出し、すぐさま人形の性器にあてがう 人形と目を合わさないように背を向けさせたまま背面座位の要領で挿入しようとする ペニスの先端が生暖かさを感じる 引き返すならここが最後、もう戻れない そんな考えが頭を駆け巡る でも、もう遅い 貴方は一気にペニスを挿入した めりめりと押し広げられる性器 そして一番奥まで亀頭が到達した 人形の奥をコツンと亀頭がこずく そんな感触を一度に体感する ペニスを飲み込む膣穴は凶悪なスパイラル構造 そんなものに一気に差し込んだらどうなるか? それを貴方のペニスで味わわされる カリ首が無数のいぼとひだで擦り上げられ膣の奥で亀頭を包まれている ぎゅーーっと生暖かな肉に締め上げられている 挿入の刺激で背筋が反り返る つま先は痙攣したように小刻みに震え続けている 今まで味わったことのない圧倒的で蹂躙するような快楽 人形を犯す快感 貴方はこの快楽をより味わうべく、人形の腹を握り上下にピストンさせる 人形をオナホールがわりにして乱暴に使っている 人形の四肢は無気力に揺れる しかし、貴方は使っているにも関わらず、人形に責められている ペニスは無慈悲な螺旋でこすられ、磨かれ、犯されている 挿入を繰り返すたびにペニスの弱い部分、カリ首が螺旋のだんだんにこりこりとひっかかりまくる それを何度も何度も 容赦なく責め立てられる しかもこの膣圧、無理に挿入しているから当然 膣穴の螺旋はペニスに激しく食らいつき離さない 往復がすごい、往復がすごい 入れるときは、狭苦しい穴をかき分けながら一番奥まで 抜くときは、膣穴ごと一緒に引き釣り出すようにカリ首が穴から出て見えるまで こんなにも深いストロークをしてしまう もしかしたらさせられているのかもしれない 犯しているはずなのに犯されている ひと擦りごとにだらしない声をあげ、よがっている 人形相手にペニスを差し出し、好き勝手にさせている グジュグジュと淫乱な音が響く ペニスが犯されている音 耳すら人形に犯されてしまっている もう手を止められない 発情したように人形に性欲をぶつけ続ける そして、貴方は絶頂へ追い込まれていく 挿入してまだ時間が経っていないのにも関わらず強烈すぎる刺激が射精を強制する 少しゆっくりにしようとするが、手は従ってくれない まるで人形に許されていないかのように だらしない顔をしながらペニスに流し込まれる快楽に勝てない 人形にセックスで負けてしまう そんな屈辱がペニスをより敏感にし、金玉がせり上がってくる そして、限界がすぐそこまでやってきた 人形をオナホールがわりにしているのに、射精させられる 3・2・1 人形の奥に精液を流し込む 0 貴方は人形に精液を吸われている 激しい射精がまだ終わらない ペニスが精液を吐き出そうと収縮を繰り返しひくつく 人形の膣穴はそんなペニスにも慈悲はない 膣穴は激しくペニスにくい込む いぼとひだがペニスを強烈に抱き込んだまま許さない 射精中の敏感なペニスが追い打ちをかけられている 一番弱いタイミングでも容赦なし 精液を根こそぎ奪われるような感覚に全身が痙攣する 亀頭の先端を膣穴の奥に打ち当てながらの射精で頭がとろとろに溶けていく ・・・快楽の渦からやっと解放された 射精が終わった 激しい吐息を漏らしながら射精後の余韻に浸る貴方 その心地よさと同時に人形に精液を絞られてしまった事実が胸をえぐる やはりこの人形は気味が悪い 普通ではない 男を引き込み、搾取するなど絶対に普通ではない ペニスは未だ勃起してるが、やや興奮が引いた貴方はこの人形にもう関わるべきではないと思い、人形からペニスを引き抜こうとした その瞬間 人形の髪がひとりでに動き、貴方の睾丸と腹に巻きつく 玉袋の中の睾丸を的確に縛り上げる 2つの弾がギチギチと締め上げられる 腹もしっかりと拘束し、背中のあたりで結ばれてしまった 人形が意思を持って貴方を縛り上げた 命を持たないはずの人形なのに 貴方は底知れぬ恐怖に支配される 呪いの人形 そんな言葉が頭をよぎり 小さく絶望と恐怖の声が漏れる もう逃げられない 怖くてたまらない それなのに、ペニスは萎えることを許されない 人形の狭い膣穴に締め上げられその硬さを保ち続ける 全身は恐怖で縮み上がっているのにも関わらず、ペニスは恥ずかしげもなく勃起 そんな惨めな貴方をあざ笑うように人形の膣穴が更に引き絞られる 恐怖の声が強制的に情けないアエギ声に塗り替えられる そして人形の本性があらわになる 人形の膣内がうねりだした 正確に言うと回転している ペニスを磨くように左へ一回転、戻るように右一回転 このらせん状の膣穴がもっとも破壊力を増す動き ぐるぐるといぼとひだの密集した螺旋が這い回る ぐるぐる、ぐるぐる 射精直後のペニスを容赦ない刺激が襲いかかる 貴方は涙目になりながら恐怖と快楽に犯される 怖い、ペニスがつらい だらしない声が止まらない 女性が見れば蔑んだ目でみながら失笑するような声 それが止められない 人形に聞かれてしまうと分かっていてもその醜態をさらし続ける ペニスが徹底的に犯されているから 人形の内部で何が行われているのか、もう知りたくない しかし、ペニスを通じて流れ込んでくる快楽が如実に伝えてくる 根元をぐるぐるを執拗に磨かれてる カリ首の溝に寄り添うように沿って螺旋が責め立てる これをぎっちりくわえ込んだ状態で 悲痛すぎる責めの動作が脳に流れ込む 貴方は人形を引き抜こうと腕を引っ張る しかし、睾丸が拘束され、引っ張るたびに睾丸が持ち上げられる 玉袋がぴんと伸び、もうそれ以上引き抜けないことを示す 貴方は悟る もはや逃げられない 暴力的な快楽で犯され続け、また人形に精液を奪われるしかないと きっとこの人形はそれが目的 最初の射精をしてからの変化 この人形に精液をこれ以上与えてはいけない 射精してはいけない、射精してはいけない なのに、ペニスは射精へと追い上げられていく 吸われてしまう、奪われてしまう そうしたら、もっと恐ろしいことになる ペニスが使い物にならなくなるまで人形に使い潰される 恐怖の声も出せない快楽地獄で狂わされる 肉のミキサーでじっくりとペニスを料理されている 使われていたのは最初から自分だったと自覚する この狭い穴で無機質な人形にいいようにされていた そしてこれからも そう考えて背筋のぞくぞくが止まらない ぞくぞく、ぞくぞく ペニスへの快楽で震えているのか、恐怖で震えているのかもう判別できない 外から見えない膣穴が回転している 柔なか肉の壁もこうして食いしばられていぼとひだでみっちりと押さえ込まれては耐えられない 回転するたびにぐちぐちとこすれまわる 弱いところもお構いなし 貴方に手加減する必要はない だって人形だから 感情もない、無機物 ものに犯されながら二度目の射精が近づく 射精はだめ、射精はダメ これ以上人形に精液を注いではダメ しかし、人形はそんな意思を砕くように機械的な責めを続行する ぎりぎりと締め上げられている睾丸がせり上がる 射精の準備を始めてしまっている もう止まらない 射精感が込み上がる そして、貴方は人形に容赦なく犯され射精する 3・2・1 無慈悲な肉穴の回転で射精させられる 0 人形の奥底で精液が炸裂する 涙がこぼれるほどの快感に脳みそを焼かれながらの射精 しかし、回転は止まらない 射精中でも責めは止まらない この人形は許してくれない 弱点だらけのペニスが蹂躙される 半狂乱の貴方は、人形の両腕を強くつかみ引き上げる 早くペニスを抜かないと壊される 睾丸が引っ張られるのも無視して力任せ しかし、その瞬間膣穴の奥がざらざらとした肉のヤスリと化す そしてその部分が亀頭をヤスリ回す 射精中のペニスに地獄の亀頭責め 人形がペニスを引き抜くなと激怒している このままペニスを壊してやると言わんばかりに弱点中の弱点に集中攻撃をかける 敏感すぎる場所を狙い撃ちにされ貴方は獣のような叫び声 目の前の人形の内部、おそらく胸のあたりで亀頭が残虐に責められている 手を伸ばせば届く距離にも関わらず、人形に食わこまれてやめさせることはできない 人形はこのまま精液を捧げろと、亀頭への暴行を激化させる 貴方は悶絶し、両腕を離してしまう そしてあろうことか人形に懇願してしまう やめてください 亀頭いじめないでください もうしません、許してください 泣きながらの懇願 大の男が人形相手に本気の懇願 完全に人形に負けてしまった ペニスも心も 人形はそれに失笑したように亀頭への攻撃をやめた しかし、精液は全て人形に注ぎ終えてしまった しかも回転も止まらない そんな状態何も関わらず、この不気味な人形に感謝する恥知らずがいる それが貴方 ペニスをレイプされながらの感謝 人形に完全降伏 そして、精液をまた与えたことにより人形に力が宿る 四肢が動き出す 両腕を軽く動かして見せ、まるで久々に動かせる喜びを感じているように 両足を軽く持ち上げ、貴方の内ももをつま先でなぞり出す 貴方はこれからより残酷な未来が待っていることを感じ取る 不幸なことにその予想はあたってしまう 両足は玉袋の裏に回り込み金玉をしっかりとホールドし始めた 抱き込むような動きで締め上げる もちろんペニスを回転責めに処しながら 射精直後のペニスを体内で感じながらのホールド 髪で結われた睾丸が裏から持ち上げられる スベスベとした人形の足の感触を感じ、貴方の性感を押し上げられる そうしてしまったのは貴方 人形相手に精液を捧げた貴方のせい 涙を流してももう遅い そして、その後悔の中また絶頂へと走り出す ペニスが人形の中でヒクつく 萎えることも許されない肉の檻の中で惨めにのたうつ その度に肉が敏感なペニスのあらゆるところに食い込み、劇的な快楽を叩き込まれる 人形も貴方の絶頂の予兆を感じ取ったのか、足が睾丸の裏側から離れていく 離れた足はあろうことか睾丸の下側に押し当てられた 髪に縛られてぱんぱんに晴れ上がった睾丸 それにつま先を立てて コリコリと引っかかれている 甘くこそばゆいような感覚 全身に電気が流れる 背筋に、内ももに、睾丸に、ペニスに 人形に睾丸を弄ばれている しかも足で この屈辱の中で睾丸は一生懸命に精液を作り続ける 人形のための精液を 足指での引っかき、愛撫のような触り方ではなく、機械的に精液を作らせる触り方 効率的に貴方を落とすためだけの愛の無い刺激 人外人形の思うがまま このまままた搾精される 次は一体どうなってしまうのか 考えるのが怖い 恐怖と快楽で脳が拒絶反応を示す それでも、人形を引き離せない もう亀頭いじめはいや 弱すぎる性感帯に乱暴なことはされたくない せっかく、懇願してまでやめてもらったのに人形の機嫌を損ねたくない 貴方は人形に媚びて機嫌を伺うだけの存在にまで落ちた 人形専用の精液タンク 黙って精液を望まれるまま捧げるだけ そうして限界がせり上がってくる 人形に精液を注ぎ込むために もう人形の中は貴方の精液でぐじゅぐじゅになり泡立っている スクリューのような残虐な動きをされているから当たりまえ 弄ぶように精子が人形の膣穴の中で撹拌される もう摩擦で精子はきっとすり潰されている 出したら出しただけ精子が処刑される しかし、人形はもっと欲しいと貪欲に食らいつく 逃げ道はもうない それを深く心に刻みながら3度目の絶頂を受けれる 3・2・1 人形に精液を絞られて惨めに果てる 0 人形に急かされ絶頂した 膣穴の回転が止まる 性液が奥の奥に打ち付けられる 周りの肉はもう動かない 狂気と化した螺旋の肉襞はペニスを包み込むだけ 貴方はヨダレを垂らしながら朦朧とした頭で微かに感じる やっと終わったのだと しかし・・・  精液、たくさん  もっとちょうだい? 人形がしゃべった それに、もっと精液をちょうだいと そして、肉穴が今まで以上の回転速度でペニスをヤスリ回る 貴方は恐怖すら満足に受けめる時間も与えられすさらに激しい快楽地獄に落とされる そして、人形は 人形は不気味に笑っている 壊れたかのようにただ不気味な笑い声をあげ続ける 恐怖しか感じないはずなのに、肉穴のらせんが快楽を押し流す 貴方は予想通りにそれに屈し、獣のような雄叫びを上げ、過剰な快楽に圧殺される 肉穴の回転は今までのそれとは違い、左に3回、右に3回 どんどん責めがえげつなくなっていく 最初はオナホール替わりのただの人形 二度目は髪で睾丸を人質に取られながら 3度目は人形の足で弄ばれながら そして今、生きた人形そのものに犯されている 張り切るように責めを強化する人形 まるで今までのは前戯と言わんばかりの虐待 貴方が哀れな声を上げて全身を痙攣されるたびに人形が喜んでいる もう睾丸の中には精液は残っていない カラカラになるまで人形に搾取された しかし、人形は叱責するように追い立てる つま先での睾丸いじめも再開 性感帯を余さず犯し回る こうすればどうせ精液出すと見透かされている 笑い声が頭に直接流れえ込んでくる 貴方を嘲笑っている残酷な音 無機物に負けてその様を笑われている マゾの快楽を超えた未知の感覚にもう思考回路が支障をきたす 涙が止まらない 子供のように泣きじゃくり、ペニスの辛さを訴える そんなとき、人形の頭がこくんとこちらへ倒れる 逆さまの人形の頭と目が合う 黒い眼球に赤い瞳 それと見つめあう 悪寒が快楽でふやかされた全身を支配する 改めて自分を犯している相手は人外の人形だと理解してしまう こんなものに犯されている 精液を絞られている 涙を流し許しを請い続けている この人形に全てを奪われる 人形の表情は不気味な笑みにゆがんでいる 泣き顔の貴方の見つめ気味悪く嘲笑している 人間にはできない悪意に満ちた笑み そして、一言  泣いてるの?  もっとしてあげるね? その瞬間、亀頭が蹂躙される 肉のヤスリが膣穴の奥の部屋で磨かれ続ける 3回も絶頂して既に降参しきった亀頭を快楽で破壊しようと始動する 人形の笑い声が止まらない 貴方の悲痛な叫びも止まらない それでも人形から目を離せない 目をそらすことが許されていない 貴方は得体もしれない人形の顔を近距離で見ながら、射精を強要されている 亀頭はやめてください ほかなら好きに使っていいですから ごめんなさい オナホールがわりに使ってごめんなさい 許してください 亀頭ぐちゅぐちゅしても精液でませんから そんな情けない言葉が溢れ出す 人形はそんな貴方を笑うだけ 決して手心は加えない その顔をもっと見せろと顔を逆さにしながら観察する そして人形が身の毛もよだつ宣言をする  絶対に許さない  搾精人形を使ったんだよね?  もう覚悟できてるでしょ? 気が狂う気が狂う 搾精人形、それがこの人外の姿をした人形の本性 不気味ながらも淫猥さを感じる作り、膣穴の男をダメにするつくり、逃がさない拘束 貴方は誘蛾灯に誘われるように引き込まれ罠に嵌った 魅了された代償として精液を全てこの人形が飽きるか満足するまで注ぎ込まされる もう一滴も残っていないと自覚しているのに精液を捧げさせられる 貴方はその絶望の中、射精に追い込まれていく  どうせ射精する  知ってるから 人形に子バカにされながら、思い通りに操られる しかし、精液の出ない無意味な射精 意味のないゴミのような射精 それを搾精人形に強制される 一滴も出ないとばれてしまったら絶対に人形を怒る そうなると何をされるのかもうわからない 用なしで使い物にならないペニスだと知られるわけにはいかない もう射精は絶対にできない なのに、亀頭とペニス全体、そして睾丸をいたぶられあっという間にその瞬間が来る 人形はおぞましい笑顔で精液を期待している 射精に至ることもできないはずの凶暴な責めで無理やりいされる 10・9・8・7・6・5・4・3・2・1 精液の出ない射精が貴方を襲う  精液、出して?  人形にちょうだい? 0 体中を激しく痙攣させ、ペニスを跳ね回らせる 睾丸は必死に精液を送り出そうとポンプの動きをする しかし、ないものは送り出せない 精液タンクとして失格の烙印を押されてしまう そして、ペニスの先端から何も出せずに射精は終わる 膣穴の責めが中断される 貴方は、糸の切れた人形のように脱力する 目には既に光はない うわ言のように ごめんなさい、ごめんなさい 精液捧げられなくてごめんなさい と繰り返す そんな廃人の顔を人形は見据えて 笑顔のまま一言  許さない あ、あ、あ、と溢れる 恐怖で吐息か声かもわからない音がだだもれになる 人形が狂ったように笑い出す そして、肉穴での責めが始まる このまま続けられれば確実にペニスは壊れてしまう 逃げることもできない状態で小さな人形に徹底的に破壊される 貴方は苦しみながらそれを見つめることしかできない 自分のペニスが潰されるのを見るだけ それしか許されない 使い物にならなくなったペニスが快楽責めの拷問に課せられる 射精のためではなく破壊のための快楽拷問 その果てには、処刑しかない 淫猥な膣穴で脳みそごと終わらせられる 貴方は人形に最後の命乞いをしようと口を開くが・・・  役立たず  もうそれいらないから壊してあげるね?  でも、精液、美味しかったよ?  さよなら 助けて、声が漏れる しかし、人形が怨念のこもったような顔に豹変し、最後にたった一言  許さない 恐怖に近づくのは人間の本質 仕方のないこと ほっとしたい、恐怖などたいしたことなかったと、ただほっとしたい しかし、そうやって終われるとも限らない 貴方は残念な方の結末にたどり着いてしまった 人形相手に欲情なんてするから自業自得 人形に壊されても仕方ない あそこで踏みとどまっていれば良かった しかし、これは貴方が選んだ結末 最良の結果

The Scary Love Doll Never Forgives

Dolls, they are imitations of people. Despite having the shape of a person, it is not a person. Their inanimate beauty is attractive to some people. However, many other people find dolls unnerving. Japanese dolls from long ago that still grow hair, Or a French doll that will return to its owner even when it's thrown away, are just some examples. Whether these stories are true or false is known only to those who have experienced it. Although associated with horrific experiences, those who are interested in such stories think that they would like to see such a doll first-hand. It's a natural way of thinking, as one can feel safe by confronting such terror. It's the same psychology as peering off the edge of a tall building and the feeling of relief one experiences afterwards. Although there is little danger, one is still happy to have not fallen. It's a natural thing to want to experience the pleasure of confronting fear. In front of you there is a doll, A very well made doll. The doll's hair, so elegantly made as to make the doll appear lifelike, streches all the way to its feet. A truly, truly beautiful doll. It has no clothes and lays there naked. It looks very much like a human.. However, some of its features distinguish it from a human, and you deem that it is, infact, a doll. Firstly, its size. It's about half to one-third the size of a person. Next, every joint is made of spheres which appear to be movable upon their axes. Finally, its colour. Skin so white that it couldn't be human. A pale albino white without blood vessels. And its eyes are different from that of a person. The sclera is black, and the pupil is a blood-red. Such a doll is lying in front of you. Although it is shaped like a persona, its features betray it as otherwise. Your interest in the doll is piqued. Despite feeling frightened, you go over to it. It is human nature to go against providence and approach the dangerous or unknown, because humans cannot suppress their desire to confirm their fears. You feel akin to a horror movie character who sees the shadow of a ghost or monster and decides to follow it. You try to reassure yourself that you've nothing to be afraid, but the feeling remains nevertheless. The doll is creepy, but you tell yourself that it is just a doll. And so you pick it up . Like pottery or plastic, the doll's texture is a smooth and silky inorganic material. It also feels unexpectedly light. The doll's bright red eyes stare directly at you. The doll has a stuck smile, and hangs limply in your hands. But you can feel something malicious from behind those pupils which sends a chill down your spine. It's as though it is trying to request something of you, No, not a request, more like a command. The doll's hands droop down and swing limply upon their axes. You feel an eeriness in your heart, as if you are holding a corpse. However, you cannot help but have your attention drawn elsewhere. It is to the doll's crotch that your eyes are drawn. Its genitalia are very large in comparison to the scale of its body, though smaller than that of a person. The small size makes you think that it would be unable to fit a penis. There is no hymen, and the clitoris is enlarged and erect. The genitals seem slightly different from those of adult humans. Also, a slightly sticky fluid is seeping out of the vagina. Despite the eeriness of the liquid, you feel yourself becoming slightly aroused, so much so that you cannot take your eyes away from the doll's genitals. You touch the doll's genitals, and notice it it has a bouncy elastic feel. It seems to be made of a different material only used for that part of the doll. Fascinated, you try to put your finger in. Your finger slides right in. As expected, the inside is tight, but the doll's vagina seems to spread around your finger and tries to suck it in deeper. Its warm inside, and the vaginal walls seem to form a spiral of bumps and folds. Much to your surprise your finger doesn't hit the posterior wall of the vagina. You push your fingers deeper into the doll's belly but still don't hit the end. The inside of the doll's pussy feels great, and you feel the urge to insert your penis into it. You realize that the purpose of this doll must be to insert your penis and to use it like an onahole. It would probably be best to leave and go home at this point, but your penis is already erect. The doll arouses you to no end. Its tight pussy must feel great wrapped tightly around your penis. It must feel great to release your semen deep inside it. You can't stop yourself anymore. You sit down on the spot and take out your penis, and immediately press it against the entrance of the doll's vagina. You position the doll on your penis, with its back to you to avoid having to look into the doll's eyes. The tip of your penis feels warm. 'This is your last chance to turn back and never return' you think to yourself, but it's already too late. You insert your penis, the doll's genitals spreading as you push yourself further in. Pushing deep into the doll, the doll's insides tightly envelop the head of your penis, and you noticeably feel the doll's intense spiraling pussy as it swallows your penis. What will happen if you insert it all in one push? The doll's pussy completely devours your penis, the head of your penis being enveloped deep within the doll and being embraced by its by countless bumps and folds. The compact pussy tightens around your penis. The stimulation of the insertion causes your back to become tense, your toes trembling and curling as though they were cramping. The pleasure is overwhelming and unlike anything you've ever felt before. Wanting to experience more pleasure, you grab the doll by its belly and piston it up and down on your penis. Roughly and wildly, you use the doll like an onahole. The doll's limbs swing lethargically despite the fact that you are using the doll so violently. The ruthless spiral rubbing your penis all over. With each thrust the head of your penis slips deeper and deeper into the spiraling meat and is unending massaged again and again by the doll's spiraling walls.. Moreover, since you had to forcefully insert your penis due to the pussy's tightness, the vagina remains extremely tight and closely embraces your penis and doesn't let go. It feels amazing going in and out, it feels amazing going in and out, pushing in deeply with each thrust until you hit the back, the bumps and folds of the intense spiral gripping tightly to your penis when you pull back to the entrance. You thrust deeply into the doll. It feels like this doll was created for the purpose of being violated. With every thrust the doll's pussy lets out sloppy noises. The sloppy, sexual sounds of your penis thrusting deep into the doll echo through the room, and your ears fill with the fucking. You can no longer stop your hands. You continue pounding the doll as though you're in heat, and you are driven to ecstasy. You have only been violating the doll a short while, but the pleasure is too intense and you feel yourself already about to reach orgasm. You try to slow down but your hands won't obey. It's as though the doll won't allow you to slow down. Your face looks slutty as you are unable to overcome the intense pleasure flowing into your penis. You're about to succumb to the pleasure of violating a doll. The humiliation makes your penis feel even better, and you can feel your semen start to rise up from your testicles. You're about to reach your limit. Using the doll as an onnahole you're about to ejaculate. 3...2...1 Your semen pours into the doll. 0 As your semen is sucked into the doll, the intense ejaculation doesn't stop. Your penis repeatedly spasms, spitting out more and more semen. The doll's pussy also doesn't let up, and intensely envelops your penis, the bumps and folds vigorously milking your penis. Your sensitive penis finally finishes ejaculating. You feel really weak, and to add insult to injury, your whole body is cramping and you feel as though your semen has been taken from you. Your penis' head feels sticky from hitting the posterior wall while ejaculating and you're finally free from the intense vortex of pleasure. Your ejaculation is finally over. You let out a long sigh and immerse yourself in the afterglow of your ejaculation. You feel uneasy that the pleasure you just felt came from ejaculating inside the doll. After all, this doll is creepy. For a doll to draw in and exploit an man is absolutely abnormal. Although your penis is still erect, you don't want anything to do with this doll anymore. You attempt to pull your penis out of the doll, and at that moment the doll's hair begins to move by itself, winding around your testicles and quickly tightening around them. The hair tightens up and down and around your globes. The hair also wraps itself tightly around your belly and around your back. The doll has bound you with its will even though the doll should not be alive. You are dominated by an unfamiliar fear, 'A cursed doll' Such words begin to cross your mind. Your voice, small from despair and fear, begins to leak out. You can't run away. The fear won't stop. And yet the doll won't allow your penis to droop. The doll's pussy tightens around your penis in order to preserve your erection. Despite the fact that your whole body is writhing with fear, your penis remains shamefully erect. As if amused by your pitiful voice, the doll's pussy tightens even more, causing your fearful voice to expel itself again. And so the true nature of the doll is revealed. The inside of the doll's vagina begins to twist. To be more exact, it begins to spin. One spin to the left to rub your penis, one spin to the right to reset. The spiraling pussy spins faster and faster, increasing its destructive power. Round and round, a dense spiral of bumps and folds. Round and round. The merciless stimulation attacks your penis right after your ejaculation. You start to cry tears of both fear and pleasure. You're afraid, your penis is in agony, and your slutty voice won't stop. A voice which would cause women to look at you with a scornful gaze, It won't stop. The doll seems to be amused and keeps exposing your shameful voice. Your penis is being violently raped. You've no idea what is going on inside the doll, but the intense pleasure flowing through your penis is clearly understood. Your penis being relentlessly rubbed round and round, the grooves of the doll's pussy tightly gripping and attacking your penis, the torture flows through your brain. You grab the doll's arms and try to pull it off your penis, but your testicles are enveloped by the doll's hair and are pulled tightly every time you try to lift the doll. Your sack stretches tightly until it can't be pulled anymore. And you begin to realize, that you can't escape. You will continue to be violently raped, and the doll will take more and more of your semen. Your intentions for the doll have surely changed since your first ejaculation. "Don't give any more semen to this doll Don't ejaculate, don't ejaculate". But your penis is being quickly driven to ejaculation. And it'll be slurped up and stolen. But it gets even more horrible. Your penis will be used by the doll until it becomes useless. You are unable to even use your fearful voice, going crazy in this hellish pleasure. Your penis is being slowly cooked in her meat mixer, and you realize that you were being used from the very beginning. The doll's tight, unnatural pussy feels good, thinking this, the pleasurable tingles down your spine don't stop. Shivering, shivering, whether you're trembling from the pleasure or from fear, It doesn't make a difference. Unseeable from outside, the doll's pussy continues to rotate, the walls of soft meat with their bumps and folds clenching tightly around your penis. You can't stand the pressure. Every time it rotates it rubs around and around. Regardless of the fact that it's hitting all your sensitive areas, the doll doesn't hold back, because it is a doll, it has no emotion, it's inorganic matter. As your penis is being raped your second ejaculation begins. "Don't ejaculate, don't ejaculate" "Don't pour any more semen into the doll" But as if to go against your intentions the doll continues its mechanical torture. At the last moment the doll tightens its grip on your testicles and you feel your semen rising up. You're about to ejaculate. You can't stop it. You can feel your semen rising. You're being mercilessly raped by the doll and are about to ejaculate. 3...2...1 The ruthless spinning of the doll's meaty hole causes you to ejaculate. 0 Your semen explodes into the doll. You cry while ejaculating and your brain burns with intense pleasure. But the doll's rotating does not stop. Even during ejaculation the torture doesn't stop. The doll won't stop. All the weak points of your penis are being violated. You frantically grab both of the doll's arms and strongly pull. If you don't pull it off then your penis will surely break. You pull with all your might ignoring the fact that your testicles are being tightly pulled, but at that moment the back of the vagina turns rough like sandpaper, and begins to rotate around your glans. Hellishly attacking your glans mid-ejaculation, you are distraught that you can't get your penis out of the doll. If it continues to hit your weak spots it's going to destroy your penis. The doll is focusing on all your most sensitive spots, making you moan like an animal. In front of your eyes, in the doll's chest, your penis is being cruelly attacked. Despite being able to reach and grab the doll, you are powerless to stop the doll from consuming your penis. Wanting more semen, the doll intensifies its assault on your glans. You are in agony. You release the doll's arms, and you appeal to the doll. "Please stop", "Please stop torturing my glans", "Don't do it anymore. Please forgive me", You beg the doll while crying. You're a grown man seriously begging a doll. The doll has completely defeated both your penis and your heart. As if mocking you the doll stops attacking your glans, but you still finish ejaculating deep into the doll. And yet the doll's pussy does not cease to rotate. Irrespective, you shamefully feel thankful towards this creepy doll, and you completely surrender to the doll, to this doll that is consuming your semen in order to increase its strength. Its limbs start to move. It moves both its arms slowly, seemingly enjoying the feeling of being able to move again after so long. It lifts its feet lightly and traces your inner thigh with its toes. You get the feeling that something even worse is to come, and unfortunately, that prediction immediately becomes reality. Both of the doll's feet wrap tightly around your sack and begin to tightly grip your testicles. The doll's embrace tightens with every movement, all the while the doll's pussy tightly gripping your penis, holding your penis tightly inside its body after your ejaculation. Your testicles, tightly tied with hair, are lifted from behind. Feeling the doll's feet kick your testicles, your pleasure increases, It's all your fault for giving the doll your semen. Even if you cry, it's already too late. And with that regret in your heart you'll ejaculate again. Your penis again pricks up again inside the doll. The doll won't allow your penis to droop inside her meaty prison. Every time the doll's spiraling pussy tightens around your penis you are thrown into deeper pleasure. As though it knows that you are getting close to ejaculating the doll moves its feet underneath your testicles and pushes them upwards. The hair around your testicles tightens as if to squeeze everything out, and the doll's toes begin to poke and scratch your testicles. An electric feeling flows through your body, from your spine, through your legs, to your testicles, to your penis, whilst the doll uses its feet to play with your testicles. Even in this humiliation your testicles work hard to keep producing semen for the doll. It uses its feet not to caress your testicles, but instead to scratch and squeeze them to make them ejaculate more semen. A loveless stimulation to make you ejaculate quickly. Even from the outside the doll is determined to squeeze every drop out of you. 'What will happen next?' 'What's going to happen?'. Your thoughts are full of fear. Your brain is flooded with fear and pleasure. But you can't get away from the doll. At least it's no longer rubbing your glans. You don't want such a sensitive zone being tortured so violently. Regardless, you don't want to hurt the doll's mood after it seemingly accepted your petition. For now you'll try to keep the doll in a good mood, as the personal semen-tank of the doll, you'll silently give it all the sperm as it desires. You can feel yourself reaching your limit again. You prepare to ejaculate inside the doll again. The inside of the doll is already filling up and frothing with your semen. Moving in a cruel corkscrew motion, the doll plays with your semen inside its pussy. Moving in such a motion will surely grind all the sperm together, the doll's pussy is now your sperm's place of execution. The doll greedily hungers for more of your semen. You can't escape it. With torment ingrained in your heart you approach your third climax. 3...2...1... Miserably pump more and more semen into the doll until there's nothing left. 0 As you ejaculate in the doll, the doll's pussy stops rotating. And with semen splashing the insides of the doll, the meat vortex surrounding your penis stops moving. The doll's tightly spiraling pussy now just envelops your penis. Feeling lightheaded you slouch your head and think, 'It's finally over'. But then... "Semen... Lots... More please?" The doll spoke, even saying that it wants more semen. Then, even faster than before, the doll's pussy continues to rotate around your penis. In no time at all your fear returns even more intensely. Thrown into a hellish pleasure. And the doll, the doll laughs eerily, as though it were broken it just continues to eerily laugh. Although you should feel fear the doll's spiraling pussy pulses pleasure through you. As expected you succumb to the excessive pleasure as it crushes your penis. The doll's pussy begins to rotate differently than before. It rotates 3 times to the left, 3 times to the right. Rapidly, the dolls attacks are becoming more and more extreme. The first time, the doll was simply an onahole. The second time, your semen was harvested while the doll's hair tightly squeezed your testicles. The third time whilst the doll played with you using its feet. And now you're being relentlessly raped by the living doll, and the doll further intensifies the torture, as though the prior abuse had been simple foreplay. The doll seems delighted each time your body convulses and twitches, and your pitiful voice escapes your mouth. You don't have any semen left in your testicles. The doll has squeezed you until you're completely empty. But the doll keeps on going. It continues to use its toes to play with your testicles. It is raping all of your erogenous areas, to draw yet more semen out of you. The doll's laughter flows directly into your head. It's laughing cruelly at and ridiculing you. The inorganic doll laughs at your pitiful state. In the unending, confusing cycle of masochistic pleasure, your tears won't stop. You cry like a child, crying about how much your penis hurts. Suddenly, the doll's head falls backwards. Your eyes meeting those of the doll's upside-down head, blood-red pupils on a black sclera stare back at you. A chill runs through your whole body. Once again you comprehend that this inhuman doll... that this thing is raping you, squeezing out your semen. You continue to cry and beg for forgiveness. This doll has taken everything away from you. The doll's face warps into a ghastly, eerie grin. Creepily sneering and staring at your tear-stained face. And with an inhuman smile filled with malice, it briefly utters, "Are you crying? Give more?" At that moment your glans is once again enveloped. The rough meat at the back of the pussy continues to grind on your glans. After 3 ejaculations your glans has already surrendered to the pleasure despite the intense agony. The doll doesn't stop laughing, and your sorrowful cries don't stop. But despite this you can't take your eyes off the doll. The doll won't allow you to avert your gaze. You are being forced to ejaculate while staring closely at the doll's face. "Please stop rubbing my glans". "Use anything else as you will". "I'm sorry". "I'm sorry for using you as an onahole". "Please forgive me". "There's no semen in the glans". Such pitiful words escape your mouth. But the doll just continues to laugh, with no concern for you. With its upside down head it continues to stare at your pitiful face, and hair-raisingly utters, "Absolutely no forgiveness. You used an extraction doll, right? You were prepared for this, right?" You're going crazy, you're going crazy. A doll made to extract semen, that's the true nature of this doll. An eerie doll that makes the man in its pussy unable to escape, and like a moth to a lamp you were drawn into its trap, to pump semen into this doll until it is sated. Even though you have no sperm left you are being forced to give the doll more. Within that despair you are driven to ejaculation. "About to ejaculate... Can feel it" Treating you like a stupid child, the doll uses you as it wants. But you have no more semen to give it. Your orgasms are just becoming worthless garbage. Even so the doll continues to squeeze you as if trying to coerce more semen out. The doll will be angry if you don't give it more semen. You don't know what will happen in that case. The doll has no further use for a penis that can no longer ejaculate semen, but you just can't ejaculate anymore. Nevertheless, you feel your orgasm approaching through your testicles and penis. And with a repulsive smile the doll awaits your semen. Despite the violent rape, you're being driven to orgasm again. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... The orgasm strikes you but you are unable to release any semen. "Semen, empty? Give more please?" 0 Your body and penis convulse violently, your testicles desperately try to pump out semen. But there is none left to pump, so you cannot. You've become just an empty semen tank, and so nothing is released from your penis. The doll's pussy stops rotating around your penis. You are weak and look like a broken doll. Your eyes are dull and lifeless. You say, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I've given you all my semen". You repeat over and over. The doll looks at your defeated face, grinning, and says "Not allowed". "Ah... ah... ah..." you mumble. Fearful gasps leak from your mouth. And the doll madly laughs. The doll's pussy resumes its torturous grind. If this goes on your penis is definitely going to break. Unable to escape from this small doll, you are being thoroughly destroyed. All you can do is stare at the doll, and watch it as your penis is destroyed. It won't allow you to look away. Your useless penis, incapable of ejaculation, is being pleasurably tortured. Tortured not with the intention of causing ejaculation, but in order to destroy it. In the end, there is only death. You open your mouth to make one last appeal to the doll, but... "Useless If I can't use it anymore should I destroy it? But... semen... was delicious? Goodbye" "Help me..." your voice quietly leaks out. But the doll, with a begrudging face, utters one final word, "Unforgivable". It's human nature to approach one's fears. It cannot be helped. You wanted to feel relieved, just feel relieved that there was nothing to be afraid of. However, the outcome isn't always one of relief. The ending you have reached is a sorrowful one. Your interest in the doll, it was unavoidable that it would be what would break you. It would have been better to stay away. But this is the ending you chose, the ideal ending. Notes: Attempted to break the doll's lines so as to read as spoken translated using script uploaded by schmirdn
