Track 5

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HDL 初回-5

(SFX ボンゴ音) 耳から流し込まれて、体に染み渡る 冷たく甘い液体は骨まで達して、体中の大事なところをとろかしていく (SFX 雑音) キラキラと音が輝いてるのが分かりますか? 毒々しい輝きが体の中に流れ込む (SFX 振動音) 体中の骨がとろけていく 骨抜きにされちゃう 甘い感覚が耳からとろとろとろとろ流し込まれる 骨を???ようないやらしい感覚 私が合図したら、あなたは全力で絶頂に向かって走り出す 待て... 待て... 待て... GO! (カウントダウンしながら) ―― 左 ―― もうあなたはすっかり腑抜けにされちゃった 快感に蝕まれた自分じゃ何も出来ない腑抜け男 あなたみたいな情けない男は地を這ってるのはお似合いです とろけ切った顔をして、恥ずかしいと思えないんですか? うふふ、思ってももうどうにもならないですよ 男らしく立ち上がるなんてあなたにはもう一生出来ない 私の視線の下からあなたはもう逃れられない ―― 右 ―― うっふふ そうそう、そうですよ 音に釣り上げられて、登り詰めるの最高でしょう? ほら、ほら もっともっとのめり込んでください キラキラと輝く、毒の迷路 その割れ目に自ら深く沈み込んでいくんです どうせ戻れないなら気持ちいい方がいいでしょう? もっともっと壊れたいんでしょう? うっっふふ そら、イけイけイけ 変態マゾ はい、お預け 間抜けな顔 女にいじめられる快感に骨抜きにされちゃった 情けない顔 このまま私に攻められ続けたら、どうなっちゃうんでしょうね 気持ちいいけど、確かに気持ちいいけど、明らかに異様な快楽 まるで危ないドラッグでも体に流し込まれたような異常な感覚 怖いですか? もう止めたいですか? 終わりにしたいですか? (SFX 雑音) でもこうされたら何も出来なくなっちゃいますね? 体の中の次は体の表面をとろけさせていきましょうね 汗も涙も我慢汁もダラダラ垂れ流して、ぬれぬれ 体の内側からぬるぬるぬめぬめ滲み出した液体 それって本当に出していい液体何でしょうかね~? 何か大事なものは溶け出してるんじゃないですか? (SFX ボンゴ音+振動音) ―― 左 ―― うっふ 不安ですか? でも止められませんね こうしてる間にもとろとろとろとろ流れ出していく (カウントダウンしながら) 腕も足も先までぬるぬるが伝わってくる 骨の硬さも、皮膚の協会も、だんだんと崩れてきて、一体どこまでは自分なのか分からなくなってくる どこまであなたなのか分かりますか? 気持ちいいのが怖くなるなんて、思えもしなかった 怖いのが気持ちよくなるなんて、思えもしなかった ぐにゃぐにゃ、とろとろ まるで浅い粘液の水溜りに浸かってるみたい もうどこまでが自分なのか分からない ―― 右 ―― 股間 脇 首筋 明らかに異常なくらいぬるぬる まるで体が溶けてきてるみたい 浅い呼吸と共に不安と恐怖が迫り上がってきて、あなたをどんどんぐちゃぐちゃにしていく 怪しい快感をねっとりとあなとに絡み付き、指先からゆっくりと取り込んでいく 心は不安と恐怖に飲み込まれて、パニック状態 なのに体は快感に飲み込まれて、トリック状態 自分がここまで追い詰められても感じてしまうなんて、思えもしなかった 液体全体が小刻みにしまくり(?)してゆっくりと、着実に追い詰められて ストップ あっはは、危ないところでしたね? あのままイッたら、どうなっちゃたのか分かりませんよ? うっふふ 折角助けてあげたのに何かご不満でしたか? もう泥沼、すっかりハマっちゃいましたね 流石にここまで来ると、結構消耗しちゃってるみたいですね でも安心してください あなたはまだまだ元気にビクンビクン跳ね回れます そうなるように鞭を入れてあげますから 快感でふにゃんふにゃになっちゃてる所に... (SFX 鞭音) こも音を何度も貰うのは仲々応えますよ? さ、悶てください (SFX 鞭音連続) あっはは、そ~れ とっても惨め、見ててぞくぞくしちゃいます 仲々いい反応ですよ あっはは 大分元気になってきましたね ほら、ご主人様の鞭への感謝の言葉は? ありがとう、でしょう? うっっふふ よろしい じゃあそろそろまた恥ずかしいエクササイズ、やりましょうか? もうやりたくないですか? もう降参しちゃうんですか? あっはは、情けない男 でも残念 まだまだあなたはいじめられ続けちゃうんです そしてもっともっと感じる体へと人間が感じるべきでない快感を浅ましく求める体へと改装されてしまう 今からするエクササイズ、絶頂の練習 これだけでも、普段のあなたの射精と同じぐらいに気持ちいい 本当なら何度も何度も射精してるぐらいに気持ちいいのに、一度たりとも決して満足出来ない じゃ、そのすっと先にある快感って一体どれだけ... 駄犬を厳しく躾けるように、前からきつく引っ張って、 駄々っ子に優しく言い聞かせるように後ろからそっと押して、底の見えない崖のうちへと連れて行ってあげますね? (SFX 雑音) これは最後の一歩を踏み出すためのトレーニング 本当に欲しい物は与えられない虚しい慰め (SFX 振動音) (SFX 雑音) それでもあなたはやってしまう もう自分じゃ止められないから (SFX 振動音) (SFX 雑音) 繰り返す度に、射精レベルの強烈な快感が走る でも、決して満足出来ない (SFX 振動音) (SFX 雑音) そうなるように躾けられたから 健気に、充実に、命令に従う、悶絶する (SFX 振動音) (SFX 雑音) あなたはこの音の虜 あなたは私の虜 (SFX 振動音) (SFX 雑音) 決して逃げられません (SFX 振動音) では、また寸止め地獄へと戻りましょうか? どうせイけないって分かっていようとあなたは期待を抱かずにはいられない もしかしたら途中で私の機嫌が変わって、動力すればもしかしたら あっはは 諦めさせてなんてあげませんよ 自分のおバカさに悲しくなっちゃいますね 私がどう言う性格なのか嫌というほど思い知ったはずなのに

HDL 1st Day -5-

(SFX bongo sound) It flows in from your ear and fills your body. Like a cold, sweet liquid reaching your bones, melting the important place in your body. (SFX noise) You know how sparkly the sound glitters? It flows into your body with a poisonous glow. (SFX vibration sound) Melting your skeleton. Watering you down. A sweet sensation is gloop-gloop filling in your ears. A bone-melting, lewd sensation. When I give you the signal, you start running with all strength towards climax. Wait for it...  wait...  wait... GO! (While counting down) -- (Left) -- Now you're a completely fool already. An utter foolish man who can't do anything but get eaten up by pleasure. A pathetic man like you would do well to just crawl on the ground. Don't you think that molten face of yours looks shameful? Ufufu, even so, it's not like you can do anything about it. For your whole life, your manliness is ruined. You can't escape my glance anymore. -- (Right) -- Ufufu Yes, yes, that's the way. Isn't it the best to be reeled in by the sound and climb to the top? Here, here. Please get completely addicted. A shining, sparkling maze of poison. You're naturally sinking deep into the chasm. You're not going back anyway, feeling good is much better, right? Get broken, more and more. Uufufufu. Yes, come come come. You pervert masochist. Okay, stop. That foolish face. The pleasure of female bullying got you completely boned. Such a pathetic face. What's going to happen when I keep this up? It feels good, it certainly feels good, but it's obviously a bizarre pleasure. An abnormal sensation, is if your body was being pumped full of dangerous drugs. Are you scared? Do you want to stop? Do you wannna end this? (SFX noise) But there's nothing you can do when I do this. After your insides, let's melt the outside of your body next. Oozing in sweat and tears and percum, sloppy wet. Liquids oozing out from your completely soaked body. But is this really the liquid you should sweat out? Isn't there something much more important that should come out? (SFX bongo sound + vibration sound) -- (Left) -- Ufu. Are you scared? But we're not stopping. Doing this, even more is going to melt and flow out. (While countdown) Your arms and limbs are getting slimy to the tips. Your solid bones and firm skin, are gradually collapsing, you don't know what the hell is happening to you. You don't know how far you can take this. You don't know if this good feeling is scary. You don't know if being scared feels good. Everything's flubby and molten. As if you're soaking in a shallow puddle of phlegm. You don't know anything from nothing anymore. -- (Right) -- Your crotch, sides, neck... are obviously, abnormally getting slimy. As if your whole body is melting down. Your shallow breathing, anxiety and fear is rising, as you're gradually getting pulpy. A shady pleasure is entwining you, taking you in by its fingertips. Your heart is swalloed up by fear and unease, panicking. And yet your body is eaten up by pleasure, like a trick. You never thought you'd ever feel being chased so far. With every drop of fluid in your body, you're steadily being chased in a corner. Stop. Ahahah, now that was a close one. If you had come now, who knows what would've happened?  Ufufu. Here I went and saved your ass, but somehow you're unhappy about it? Are you already addicted to the swamp? As expected, looks like coming here made you wonderfully exhausted. But be rest assured. You're still very energetically jumping about. In that case, I'll give you the whip. In such a flappy state of pleasure... (SFX whip) You'll respond quite well to this sound, right? Now, suffer. (SFX several whip sounds) Ahahahah, take this! Seeing your pathetic face makes me shiver! You're responding really nicely, ahahah And you're full of energy again Come on, how do you express your gratitude to mistresse's whip? "Thank you", isn't it? Uuufufu. So nice. So, shall we do some shameful exercise again? You don't want to anymore? You wanna give up already Ahahah, you pathetic guy. But I'm afraid... That I still have to bully you some more. The more you feel it, the more I can remold your body into a wretched being that wants pleasure no human being should ask for. For that, we'll now do some climax exercises. Those alone will feel as good as a normal ejaculation for you. When it really feels as good as cumming over and over again, then you'll never be satisfied with only one shot. So, how far could this pleasure possibly go...? I'll yank the leash even harder than before, to give this mongrel some severe discipline. Like gently warning a spoiled child by pushing them from behind, I'll lead you into down a cliff without a bottom. (SFX noise) This training is the last step. The thing you really want is but vacant comfort that can't be given. (SFX vibration sound) (SFX noise) And yet, you're still trying. You can't even stop yourself anymore. (SFX vibration sound) (SFX noise) With every time, the orgasm level reaches even stronger pleasure. But it never is enough. (SFX vibration sound) (SFX noise) Because I've trained you to. To gallantly and fulfillingly heed my orders, and fall in agony. (SFX vibration sound) (SFX noise) You're a prisoner to this sound. You are my prisoner. (SFX vibration sound) (SFX noise) I will never let you go. (SFX vibration sound) Now, shall we return again to the denial hell? Even though you know that you can't cum, you can't help but embrace your anticipation. Perhaps my mood could change on the way. Would that give you some motivation? Ahahah. I won't let you give up. Your foolishness is making me sad. Even though you should've come to hate personality of mine.

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