Track 7

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HDL 初回-7

今のあなたに残っているのはイきたい、という切実な想いだけ 心身共に消耗し尽くして、それ以外は何も残っていない 心の奥底が丸見えになっている、無防備な状態 逃げることも、防ぐことも出来ない、無防備な状態 そんな状態で絶頂を与えられてしまったら心の奥底に奴隷の焼印を直接押されるようなもの ご主人様様の攻めに耐え抜き、最後ご褒美として絶頂を与えて頂く そんな歪んだ成功体験が癖になってしまう 下僕の快感に病みつきになってしまう そうなってしまったら、もう... うふふ (SFX ボンゴ音) 駄目だって分かってもあなたは逃げられない 自分から股間を差し出して、おねだりしてしまう さ、仕上げの調教を始めましょうか? ここで仕上げを済ませたら、その先にはあなたが待ち望んだ最高の、最上の快感があります 何も難しいことはありません あなたはただ自分の全てを差し出せばいいだけ ほら、力を抜いてください 行きますよ? (SFX 雑音) ―― 左 ―― これからあなたが味わうのは激痛レベルの衝撃をもたらす快感 知らなければよかったって、後悔してしまうほどの、日常生活に悪影響を与えてしまうほどの快感 ―― 右 ―― 今までの寸止めとは格が違う、凄まじい規模の快感の予感 急速に落下してしまうような、登っていくような浮遊感に伴った得体の知れない感覚が湧き上がってくる (SFX 衝動音) ―― 左 ―― 快感への期待から生まれる幸福感と身の危険に訴える危機感がせめぎ合い、潰し合う 最後は圧倒的な快感に飲み込まれて、あなたは人の全てから開放される ―― 右 ―― 全身の感覚が今から来る凄まじい快感へと向けて従属していく 股間の奥の奥、一番深いところに同化され、激痛が来る直前のように一瞬の間を置いた後突き刺さる (SFX 衝動音+鞭音連続) ―― 左 ―― 雷を落とされたような衝撃を伴って、爆心地から全身に広がっていく 自生、自尊心、あなたの大事にしていた物を全て吹き飛ばし、焼き尽くしながら意識を、正気を強いスピードで掻き消しながら、全てを征服していく ―― 右 ―― 叫ぼうと、悶絶しようと、少しも和らがない圧倒的な感覚 自らの内側で破滅した感覚から絶対に逃げられない 衝撃感、熱も、蠢動もあなたを原から更地へと(?)変えていく (SFX 衝動音+鞭音連続) ―― 左 ―― 心身の全てに広がった快感は溶けた金属のように高い熱を保ったままあなたの体にまとわり付き、絶頂の余韻を与え続け、ゆっくりと焼き上げていく 一人の男を犬畜生以下の下僕に落とす、堕落、焼印を... ―― 右 ―― 落ちた後は余韻の余波に耐えながらピクピクしてるのが精一杯  全身を快感と幸福感で痺れさせ、残りかすの喘ぎが?口から漏らす 下僕の証、堕落の烙印、喜び、打ち震えながら... もう絶頂は目の前 私がGOって言ったらあなたは絶頂に向かって物凄いスピードで登り詰めていく 待て、待て、待て... GO (SFX ボンゴ音+雑音+カウントダウン) ―― 左 ―― 全身の感覚が危機感を感じている 全身の感覚が幸福感を感じている 急速な落下と、上昇、浮遊感を伴って得体の知れない何かが湧き上がってくる 圧倒的な感覚、圧倒的な快感 吹き飛ばし、焼き尽くし、全てを飲み込み、あなたは開放されて、落ちる (SFX 鞭音連続) 避けられない、耐えられない 内側で炸裂して焼き尽くす 雷、爆心地、熱が、振動が、衝撃が... ―― 右 ―― 近づいて来るのがはっきりと分かる、 激痛レベルの衝撃が凄まじい規模の快感が あなたはもう元の生活には戻れない 今さら後悔してもどうしようもない、手遅れ 全身の感覚が一点に収束していく 奥の奥、あなたの一番弱い所に深々と突き刺さるのはもうすぐ 積み上げてきたプライド、大事な何かが失われたくない! 一瞬の後悔、全てを吹き飛ばす圧倒的な快感... ZERO (どっかーーーーーーーーーーーーーーん) 気持ちいい ただただ、気持ちいい 何もかも、吹き飛ばし 何もかも、焼き尽くす 絶頂の余韻はあなたの心身にまとわり付き、ゆっくりと焼き上げていく 堕落の焼印 恍惚とした快楽 全てが幸福感に満たされて 最高 幸せ この快感があなたの最高の快感 私の調教 苦痛混じりの快感攻めを耐え抜き、最後に絶頂を与えて頂く この体験は絶対に忘れられない 一度でも味わえば、もうやめられない 可愛い中毒者さんの出来上がり あなたは毎日私を求める 求めずにはいられない あなたに押された下僕の印、堕落の焼印が四六時中あなたにジクジクとした疼きを与えるから でも私に会えるのは多くても3日に一度 どれだけ私を欲しくても、それ以上の頻度は会えない うふふ、大丈夫ですよ 寂しくないように私の音を詰め込んだ音声ドラッグを与えてあげますから これなら何回聞いても構いません 好きなだけご賞味ください ですが、出来れば一日一回、多くても二回にして抑えておくべきかと 三回からは、もう知りませんよ? 何が気持ちよさへと変換されているのか、よ~くお考えになった上で使用してくださいね 会えない期間、音声ドラッグ、3日に一度の調教 あなたに付けた焼印は時間が経てば経つほど、薄れていきます だから男らしく我慢を続ければ、実はちゃんと立ち直れるんですよ とっても良心的でしょう? ただし、音声ドラッグを聞いたり、また私の調教を受けたりしたら、もっとも~っと気持ちよくなれる代わりに今よりももっとやめづらくなっちゃう 繰り返せば繰り返すほど、私の存在はあなたにとって大きな物になっていく 私は別に必ず3日に一度来いだなんて命令しません 音声ドラッグだって必ず聞く必要はありません 聞かない方がいいぐらいです 別にこのまま私から離れてくださっても結構です あの快感の誘惑にご自身の力だけで耐えられればの話ですが のめり込み過ぎて破滅しちゃわないよう、気を付けてくださいね 早く一人前の大人の男に立ち直れるよう、私も応援してます あぁ、ただし音声ドラッグはちゃんと携帯音楽プレーヤーなどに入れて、持ち歩いてくださいね 手軽に聞ける状態を保つことに大事な意味がありますから さぁ、もう自由に動いていいですよ と言っても、激しく精気を搾り取られた後でまともに動けるわけないですけどね 一晩寝ればちゃんと回復しますが、それまではか弱いお嬢様みたいにフラフラしていってください その弱体化した心身はあなたが私に精気を搾り取られた証拠 私に心の底まで支配された、調教済みの恥ずかしいマゾである証明 それじゃ、また次に合う時まで、いい子にしているんですよ? 私の可愛い下僕さん

HDL 1st Day -7-

All that is left of you now is an earnest wish: To come. Your mind and body are completely exhausted, there's nothing left anymore. Your heart is completely laid bare and defenseless. Utterly defenseless, you can neither flee or fight. If I were to let you climax in this state, it would directly burn the stigma of a slave into your deepest heart. You have endured mistresses' harshest teasing, and so you shall reward you with a climax. This experience of corrupted success will make you addicted. Addicted to pleasure as a manservant. If that happens, then you're already...  Ufufu. (SFX bongo sound) You know it's useless already, but there is no escape. Beg and stick out your crotch. Now, shall we give this training the finishing touches? At the end of this training lies the absolute best pleasure you have so eagerly been waiting for. You don't have to do anything difficult. You only have to present your whole being. Come on, please relax. Let's go. (SFX noise) -- (Left) -- What you will feel now is a ballistic pain-level, followed by pleasure. Pleasure that will influence your daily life so badly, you'll wish you had never felt it. -- (Right) -- The following denials will be different, like presentment of pleasure on a terrific scale. Like a quickly falling and rising wave, accompanied by an unfamiliar sensation boiling up. (SFX impulse sound) -- (Left) -- The happiness of born from expecting pleasure and the impending danger to your body will crash together. In the end you will be overwashed by overwhelming pleasure, liberating your whole human being. -- (Right) -- Your body senses and depends on the terrific pleasure coming your way. Assimilating your deepest crotch, pierces and sticks to you just like the moment before severe pain. (SFX impulsive sound + continuous whip) -- (Left) -- Like a thunderbolt crashing down, spreading into your body from the hypocenter. Blowing away all your important assets like self-respect, burning your awareness to nothing, erasing your sanity at rapid speed, and subjugating your everything. -- (Right) -- An overwhelming, unappeasable sensation to make you scream and faint. You can't escape this sensation of inner self-destruct. ??Shock and heat will empty out your squirming self and change it. (SFX impulsive sound + continuous whip) -- (Left) -- The pleasure spread through your whole body coils all over with heat like molten metal, giving you lingering echoes of climax, and grilling you. You are falling from man to a beastly manservant, degrading, burned with a mark... -- (Right) -- After falling, you hold and twitch on with all your might to the lingering waves.  As your body gets numb from the pleasure and euphoria, all that's left it wheezing? Leaking from your mouth. The proof of a manservant, the stigma of degradation, blissfully shivering with every strike... Climax is right in front of you. When I say GO, you run at staggering speed towards the top. Wait, wait, wait ... GO! (SFX Bongo + noise + countdown) -- (Left) -- Your body feels the danger. Your body feels the happiness. Something unfamiliar boiling up with rapid waves up and down. And overwhelming sensation, overwhelming pleasure. Blowing off, burning up, eating up, liberating, falling. (SFX whip sound continuous) Inevitable, unbearable. Exploding inside and burning to nothing. Thunder, ground zero, heat, vibration, shock... -- (Right) -- As you approach it, you clearly understand. The ballistic pain level is pleasure on a terrific scope. You can't live a normal life anymore. But now it is too late for regrets. Your bodily sensations all converge on one spot. It's already piercing in your deepest, weakest spot. In your wasted pride, there's something important you don't want to lose! One momentary regret, completely blown away by overpowering pleasure... ZERO (BAAAAAaaaaannngggg!) Pleasure. Nothing but pleasure... Everything's blown away. Everything burned up. The lingering climax is coveting you and slowly burning you up. The stigma of corruption. Ecstatic pleasure. Fulfilled with happiness. Supreme happiness. This is the best pleasure in your life. My training. You have endured my assaults of pain and pleasure, and were greanted an orgasm in the end. An unforgettable experience. If you've had your first taste, you can never stop. My adorable junkie is now ready. You will seek me out every day. You can't live without me anymore. This mark, the stigma burned into you, will ooze and throb every day, around the clock. However, at most, I can only see you every three days. No matter how much you want to see me, we can't do it more often. Ufufu, don't worry. I'm leaving you with sound drug, jam-packed with sounds and noises, so you don't get lonely. You can listen to it as often as you want. Please appreciate it to your gusto. But if possible, try to limit it to once or twice a day only, okay? After three times... you know what. When you have something that gives youa pleasant change, please consider carefully on how to use it. Okay? While you can't see me, train yourself with the sound drug once every three days. The stigma burned into you will weaken over time. ??That means your manliness will properly recover the more you work on it. You are very honest, aren't you? However, when you listen to the sound drug and accept my training again, it's going to feel even much much better than now. The more you repeat it, the bigger my presence will become. I'm not exactly ordering you to come back every three days. And there is no need to listen to the hypno drug either. It's even better if you don't. It's perfect if you stay away from me just like this. I am talking about how you can't resist the power of temptation itself from this pleasure. Please be careful not to ruin yourself as you fall into its vortex. I'm also helping you to quickly come back to your feet as an upstanding adult man. Oh, but please do try to carry my sound drug around with you, like in your cellphone of music player. Because being able to listen to it whenever you can has an important meaning. Well, you can freely move now. That said, maybe you can't even move after your spirit was so violently squeezed from you. You'll properly recover after one night's sleep. Until then, you'll look like a frail young lady, dizzy on her feet. That is the evidence that I've exploited the spiritual energy from your weakened mind and body. The proof that I've dominated your deepest heart, and finished your training to be a shameful masochist. Now then, until next time. Be a good boy, my adorable little manservant. 

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