Track 3

Scene 3: Fluctuating Fellatio Effect

Now then, it's about time to finish up. in sasayaki an, there's a bonus fella service, the komachi will record the sounds of you being fella'd for you to bring home. of course, you are the one who gets the fella. even though you came twice, i wonder if you can still do it. let's see, your ochinchin is getting active again. it looks a little tired, but miyabi will service it with her mouth, so get big, okay? come on, lie down. now then, here i go. ... look, it certainly got active again. now, i'll go all out and lick it, okay? ... [6:47] coming? it's okay if you came, okay? come. inside, miyabi's mouth. come lots. i got cummed inside. fufu- tasty. even though it's your third time you came alot. i'm happy. come play with me more, okay? make sure, okay? looks like you're tired. please sleep like this. when it's time, i'll wake you up. no, i won't go anywhere. i'll sleep beside you so don't worry. now then, good night. "Credit goes to VoiceTrans from pastebin for the raw translations, with some edits by me." - Hayate