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あら、ボク?今日もオナニーするの? でもそんなに毎日毎日オナニーばっかりしてていいのかなぁ? んふふ、しょうがなんだよね? 一人でシコシコして白いお汁をおもらしするの気持ちいいんだもんね? ひたすら性欲に任せたシコシコで一気に出しちゃったりしてるんじゃない? そういうところ、かわいいと思うわよ? でもそれじゃあ女の子とエッチなことしたらすぐに射精しちゃう 女の子前で恥かいちゃうわね? 女の子のエッチな穴におちんちん入れて、少し腰を打ち付けたらもうぴゅっぴゅ 女の子、きっとキョトンとした顔でボクの顔をのぞき込むわ 『え?もしかして、もう出しちゃったの?』って 本当かどうか知りたい女の子はボクの顔を執拗に見つめるの 悪意はなくても、その視線が恥ずかしさで真っ赤になったボクの顔に集中しちゃうわね 女の子は、まったく気持ちよくなれずにセックスはおしまい そんなことになりたくないわよね? んふふ、そうよね? 男の子だもんね? んーー? 何かなー? そんなことないって? へぇ、そうなの? じゃあ、私と勝負しましょ? 私とエッチな勝負 私の言うとおりにオナニーして、最後まで耐えきったらボクの勝ち 途中でおもらししちゃったら、私の勝ち 分かりやすいでしょ? でも、、私が勝つってことは、んふふふ 早漏さんってことだけど、いいの? 早漏さんってカッコ悪いわよ? んふふ、やる気満々みたいね? でも、んふふ、ボクのその顔、とっても期待しちゃってるの丸わかり いやらしい顔 えっちなことしてもらえるってわかった瞬間からずっとそのだらしない表情 私、ずっと見てたわよ? あーあ、恥ずかしい 大人のお姉さんに観察されちゃったわね? んふふ、こうやってからかわれるのも大好きなんだ? んーー?違うって? じゃあ、素直になるまでたっぷり意地悪してあげるわ 早速、詳しいルールを説明してあげるわね とっても簡単よ? ボクは私の声に従ってオナニーをするの シコシコって でもね、ボクの好きなようになんてさせてあげないわ 私の課すノルマに従ってもらうわ 私が数字を数えるから、その数字に合わせておちんちんをしごくの 例えば、ノルマが10回だったら、私の声に合わせて 1、2、3って三回おちんちんをシコシコするの 手を往復させて1回 それと、カウントをしていない間はおちんちんの根元をぎゅって握って待っていなさい いいわね? んふふふ、どこまで我慢できるか、楽しみ もし、だけど、耐えられたら最後にちゃんと気持ちいい射精させてあげるかね まぁ、耐えられた、だけど たっぷり厳しいノルマで勝たせないから 優しくなんてしてあげないから、安心していいわよ?(意地悪く囁く)


Oh my, Boku? Are you going to masturbate again today? Say, is that okay, just masturbating like this day after day? Nfufu, you can't help it, can you? Cause fapping by yourself and leaking your white juices feels good. Just fapping while leaving everything to your desire, to come in one stroke. I do think that's quite cute. But, that means when you have sex with a girl, you will come right away. You don't want to embarrass yourself in front of a girl, right? Putting your dick in a girl's lewd hole, moving your hips a bit and spewing it out... Surely, the girl will give you a "dude, wtf? face. "Eh? Don't tell me you just came?" She'll say To make really sure, the girl will relentlessly stare at your face. Even if there's no ill will, her eyes will focus on your shameful, bright red face. And with that, sex is over, and the girl didn't get to feel good at all. You don't want that to happen, right? Fufufu, I don't think so. Cause you're a boy. Hmmm. Say whaat? That won't happen, you say? Hee, that so? Well, how about a little fight then? A lewd game against me. You have to masturbate as I tell you, and if you can withstand until the end, you win. But if you leak on the way, I win. That's easy to understand, right? But, if I win, ufufu... Then you're just a fast-shooter, you hear? A fast-shooter is really uncool. Nfufu, you seem really eager for a challenge. But, nfufu, I can clearly see the anticipation in your face. Such a lewd face. From the second you realized that we'll do something naughty, your face kept that sloppy expression. Because I've been watching you. Oh noo, so embarrassing. You're being observed by a grown up onee-san. Nfufu, you like being bullied like this, right? Hmmmm? You don't? Well, then I'll be mean to you until you start being honest. I'll explain the rules in detail now. They're really easy. You're going to fap to my voice. Shikoshiko, that is. But, I won't let you do it however you like. You have to fulfill my quota. I'm going to count a few numbers, and you will fap according to those numbers. For example, when my quota is 10, you'll follow my voice... 1, 2, 3... and stroke your dick three times. Moving your hands up and down once is 1 time. Also, when I do not count, you'll firmly squeeze your dick on the shaft. Got it? Nfufu, I'm looking forward to how long you can endure. However, if you can endure it until the end, I will let you have a really nice orgasm. Well, IF you can endure it that is. Because I won't let you win against my strict quota. And be rest assured, I won't go easy on you. (Mean whisper)

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