Works with edging

An orgasm control sexual technique that may be practiced either alone or with a partner and involves the maintenance of a high level of sexual arousal for an extended period of time without reaching climax

RJ Code Title English Title Circle CV Tags SFW


【亀頭攻め】地雷系メンヘラJKのおしおき亀頭攻め逆レイプ N/A ゆうとぴゅあ Hazuki Yuu, 葉月ゆう binaural audio, chain/collar/restraint, ear licking, edging, fellatio, glans teasing, handjob, kissing, paizuri, reverse rape, school uniform, seduction, stockings, student, submissive man, tease, torture, twin tail, verbal abuse, whispering, yandere No


【2時間超ボリューム】お兄大好き無表情なロリ妹によるちょっぴりサイコなメスイキチャレンジ!【逆転分からせ】 N/A 空心菜館 / Kuushinsaikan Yamada Gemiko, 山田じぇみ子 dry orgasm, ear licking, edging, feminization, handjob, imouto, loli, masochist, sexual training, tease, torture, whispering No


乳首でクールダウンする高強度インターバルトレーニング〜射精管理でオトコを鍛える美人トレーナーが在籍する会員制パーソナルジム〜 N/A 被支配中毒 Ooyama Chiroru, 大山チロル ear licking, edging, handjob, masochist, masturbation support, nipple play, oneesan, orgasm control, queen/princess, sexual training, sports, stockings, submissive man, teacher, verbal abuse No


【脳波チューニング】イッてる感じが∞に続く『半覚醒』スイートオーガズム~間断なく訪れる切ない快感の波~【安眠・自律神経】 N/A シロイルカ Yuzuki Tsubame, 柚木つばめ big breasts, brainwashing, coercion/compulsion, creampie, dirty talk, double earlicking, ear licking, edging, fantasy, fellatio, group sex, handjob, kissing, lovey-dovey, occult, sexual training, submissive man, tease, whispering No


あなたの射精お祈りします~ドスケべ巫女のオナサポ祈祷~【KU100】 N/A 脳汁ドロップ / nojiru drop Akino Kaede, 秋野かえで brunette hair, creampie, ear licking, edging, fellatio, impregnation, kissing, masturbation support, shrine maiden, verbal abuse No


おくちあそび~意地悪ギャルのフェラ用おもちゃ~【耳舐め/フェラチオ/KU100バイノーラル】 N/A ほんかどり/HonkaDori / HonkaDori Akiyama Haruru, 秋山はるる binaural audio, blond, breathing, coercion/compulsion, ear licking, edging, fellatio, glans teasing, gyaru, handjob, laughter, oral cumshot, reverse rape, school, school uniform, spit, student, submissive man, successive orgasms, swallowing, verbal abuse No


犯罪予備軍の根暗でスケベなお姉さんに乳首を狙われたボク N/A B-bishop Sawano Poplar, 沢野ぽぷら ear licking, edging, fellatio, handjob, nipple licking, nipple play, older girl, oneesan, paizuri, submissive man, tease No


【寸止め3時間超】意地悪な双子の終わらないオーバーキル射精我慢地獄【KU100】 [Over 3 hours edging] Mean twins' never-ending overkill ejaculation endurance hell M'sファクトリー / M's factory Uzuki Lilim, 兎月りりむ。 age difference, anal, ball licking, binaural audio, blond, chain/collar/restraint, countdown, dirty talk, double earlicking, ear blowing, ear licking, edging, fellatio, kissing, licking, loli, maniac, masochist, masturbation, masturbation support, nipple licking, nipple play, orgasm control, reverse rape, seduction, sisters, smegma, smell, submissive man, swallowing, tease, torture, twins, verbal abuse, virgin male, whispering No


【簡体中文版】ダウナーでいじわるなメイドエルフによる無慈悲な命乞いオナニーサポート N/A みんなで翻訳 / Translators Unite Aisaka Narumi, みもりあいの, 逢坂成美 ear licking, edging, elf/fairy, masturbation No


双子巫女の洗礼 強制マゾ化儀式 ~絶対女性上位の村は存在したッ!?部外者立ち入り禁止の儀式に潜入したらドS爆乳双子巫女の射精管理&搾精調教で雑用奴隷にされた話~ N/A オスマグロ Mochiri Amu, Yamada Gemiko, 山田じぇみ子, 餅梨あむ ball busting, big breasts, coercion/compulsion, double handjob, edging, facesitting, handjob, masochist, nipple play, orgasm control, sadistic, sexual training, shaming, shrine maiden, sisters, slave, submissive man, twins, whispering No


ナマイキJKに弱みを握られて乳首でエッチな先生ごっこさせられる話 N/A シュガーサイド / Sugar Side Satou Shio, 砂糖しお edging, handjob, masturbation, nipple play, school, school uniform, shaming, student, submissive man, uniform, verbal abuse No


【地獄の寸止め100回オナサポ♪】超意地悪えっちなメイド専門店 マゾを壊すえっぐい射精寸止め100回コースで泣き叫べ~、ご主人様~♪【KU100】 N/A おーだーめいど Kotone Aruha, 琴音有波 big breasts, countdown, ear licking, edging, maid, masochist, masturbation, masturbation support, submissive man, tease, torture, uniform No


【英語版】射精させてくれない?! 自動手淫人形の耳舐めと淫語と手コキと寸止め - 痴女ドール フレデリカ -【超高音質バイノーラル】 [ENG Sub] No Ejaculation Permitted?! Auto Masturbation Doll's Edging Handjob [Super HQ Binaural] みんなで翻訳 / Translators Unite N/A dirty talk, ear licking, edging, handjob No


私の奴隷になりなさい〜ヤンデレお姉様がボクの檻を開くまで〜 N/A 被支配中毒 Kanoko, かの仔 brainwashing, captivity, chain/collar/restraint, coercion/compulsion, ear licking, edging, fellatio, handjob, kissing, masochist, masturbation, nipple play, oneesan, orgasm control, sadistic, sexual training, shaming, slave, tease, verbal abuse, whispering, yandere No


舌射待ちドスケベゲップ射精禁止オナサポ~ドS三姉妹のザーメンドロドロ熟成コース~【ゲップ回数300オーバー・腋責め・寸止め・罵倒・耳舐め】 N/A しこたま応援団 / shikotamaouendan Akino Kaede, 御子柴泉, 秋野かえで, 篠守ゆきこ abuse, ball busting, binaural audio, bukkake, burping, countdown, dirty talk, ear licking, edging, gyaru, masochist, masturbation, masturbation support, oneesan, orgasm control, pervert, sadistic, sisters, smell, student, submissive man, swallowing, verbal abuse, whispering No
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