Works with train

A connected series of vehicles for rail transport that move along a track to transport cargo or passengers from one place to another place. There are a variety of different trains such as the bullet train (新幹線, shinkansen), steam locomotives, trams, and inter-city rail trains.

RJ Code Title English Title Circle CV Tags SFW


まさかの逆転痴漢~JKが痴漢逮捕で小遣い稼ぎ~ N/A STUDIOぺるくらっぺ Koiki, 小粋 broken link, chain/collar/restraint, creampie, molestation, rape, sailor uniform, train No


おそわれ少女 N/A 電脳詐欺 Akatsuki Kotone, 紅月ことね coercion/compulsion, creampie, rape, train, women's viewpoint No


年上処女お姉さん満員電車キス N/A blue fountain Amachi Haru, 天知遥 lovey-dovey, older woman, oneesan, train, virgin female No


男を弄ぶ逆痴漢 N/A Aボイス / A-Voice Minase Yuna, 水瀬由菜 handjob, reverse rape, submissive man, tease, train No


男を弄ぶ逆痴漢 ―派遣・菜摘の憂さ晴らし― N/A Aボイス / A-Voice Minase Yuna, 水瀬由菜 creampie, fellatio, handjob, reverse rape, submissive man, train No


男を弄ぶ逆痴漢 まとめ版 N/A Aボイス / A-Voice Minase Yuna, 水瀬由菜 anthology, handjob, reverse rape, submissive man, train No


男を弄ぶ逆痴漢3 N/A Aボイス / A-Voice Minase Yuna, 水瀬由菜 handjob, reverse rape, submissive man, tease, train No


恋人はマゾ男くん~ドキドキ旅行~ N/A 丑三つ営業 音姫堂 / Ushimitsueigyou Otohimedou N/A broken link, fellatio, footjob, handjob, lovers, paizuri, train No


バイノーラルドラマ 美里、電車でイこう! N/A Sweet Little KISS Kitami Rikka, 北見六花 ashamed, binaural audio, glasses, molestation, shyness, train No


通勤電車でテレパシーで責められる話 ~OL編~ N/A tendel Satsuki Yuuri, 佐月ユーリ decadent/immoral, dirty talk, fellatio, glasses, handjob, kissing, masturbation, office, train No


ささやき痴女電車 ~東上り線の丁寧語お嬢さま~ N/A ピンクリボルバー / PINK REVOLVER Mizukami Kaede, 水神楓 binaural audio, broken link, dirty talk, ejaculation sound, handjob, molestation, prostate massage, submissive man, successive orgasms, train, upper-class girl, whispering No


ヤンデレ詰め込みパック N/A 小夏の台詞置き場 小鳥遊小夏 blond, chain/collar/restraint, coercion/compulsion, imouto, netori, oneesan, removed work, sister-in-law, train, yandere No


もしも長身の妹に無理やり結婚を迫られたら N/A tallgirls ~長身少女~ / tallgirls Ukimo Kurage, 浮藻くらげ creampie, fellatio, giantess, handjob, imouto, kissing, reverse rape, train, verbal abuse No


妹とのんびり安眠電車 〜すいてるから耳かきまでしちゃった!〜 N/A 春風セーター N/A binaural audio, ear cleaning, imouto, train No


A SLAVE IN CAGE ~ある日JKに痴漢され焦らされ搾精される僕~ N/A ぶたぶたべたべ Akino Kaede, 秋野かえで binaural audio, broken link, dirty talk, handjob, masturbation, molestation, school uniform, student, tease, train, uniform, verbal abuse, whispering No
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