HVDB will be down for maintenance starting March, 29th at 0:00 UTC. The expected downtime should be no greater than 24 hours. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Works with countdown

Numbers that are counted backwards in fixed units from an arbitrary starting number to mark the time remaining before an event occurs.

RJ Code Title English Title Circle CV Tags SFW


Parasite ~寄生概念~ Parasite "Parasitic concept" キャンドルマン / Candle man Masaki Phan, 誠樹ふぁん countdown, hypnosis, submissive man, whispering No


カウント・ダウン N/A 催眠日記 / saiminnikki Bubaigawara Shiho, 分倍河原シホ countdown, girl, hypnosis, virgin female No
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