Works with binaural audio

Relating to sound recorded using two microphones and usually transmitted separately to the two ears of the listener.

RJ Code Title English Title Circle CV Tags SFW


幼なじみは君のお耳を癒したい N/A 七色ひろいん / nanairo heroine Otokura Yui, 乙倉ゅい binaural audio, brown hair, childhood friend, ear cleaning, healing, heartwarming, long hair, lovey-dovey, school uniform, student, whispering Yes


魔法少女をレイプして奴隷少女にするまで N/A 脳とりがー Suzuka Minase, 涼花みなせ anal, binaural audio, creampie, decadent/immoral, ear licking, fellatio, handjob, kissing, magical girl, oral cumshot, slave, successive orgasms, swallowing No


放課後添い寝クラブ~ダブルJKかずはと和歌のおっぱい枕でシコシコお休み~ N/A 青春×フェティシズム Akino Kaede, Mitaka Rin, みたかりん, 秋野かえで big breasts, binaural audio, blond, consensual sex, school, school uniform, student, successive orgasms, virgin female, whispering No


【バイノーラル寝取らせ報告】彼女は僕のために"オタクくん"とセックスする N/A あきは電鉄 Fujimura Rio, 藤村莉央 big breasts, binaural audio, black hair, dirty talk, foreign object, lovers, netorare No


「ダメイドに教育を」 N/A 毛ガニデパート Sawano Poplar, 沢野ぽぷら anal, big breasts, binaural audio, comedy, fellatio, fingering, maid, masturbation, uniform, virgin female No


【B-bishop200作品記念】メスガキクエスト 大ボリュームRPG式敗北音声 [B-bishop 200th Anniversary Work] Mesugaki Quest - Huge RPG-Type Defeat Voice B-bishop Akiyama Haruru, Hinata Yuka, Sawano Poplar, Yamada Gemiko, 山田じぇみ子, 沢野ぽぷら, 秋山はるる, 陽向葵ゅか abuse, binaural audio, blond, breathing, coercion/compulsion, countdown, dirty talk, double earlicking, ear blowing, ear licking, edging, fantasy, laughter, masturbation show, masturbation support, oho voice, orgasm control, seduction, short hair, smell, submissive man, tease, verbal abuse, whispering No


オナ禁してる彼女がくれた耳かきボイスレター【バイノーラル】 N/A めれれれれ! 都みみち binaural audio, ear cleaning, masturbation, netorare, short hair No


訳あり!メンヘラJKと共依存でセックス沼 N/A あくあぽけっと / あくあぽけっと Akino Kaede, 秋野かえで big breasts, binaural audio, creampie, dirty talk, ear licking, fellatio, fingering, glans teasing, handjob, kissing, masturbation, nipple licking, oral cumshot, paizuri, school uniform, seduction, sexual training, student, swallowing No


【レズのチン負け】百合カップルにチンポ乱入~男性嫌い(笑)メイドとヘタレお嬢様の場合~ How mean! Those bitches need to be fucked. バイコーンの森 / ForestofBicorn Kohanai Kokko, Kulumu Flan, 小花衣こっこ, 来夢ふらん binaural audio, harem, lovey-dovey, maid, netori, nipple licking, oho voice, student, yuri No


乳首しか触らせてあげません♪ 意地悪な後輩の見つかってはいけない脱獄射精ゲーム N/A CKD's Ooyama Chiroru, 大山チロル binaural audio, chastity belt, countdown, dirty talk, ear licking, edging, junior and senior students, kouhai, laughter, loli, masochist, masturbation, masturbation support, nipple play, smell, submissive man, tease, verbal abuse No


ダウナーにゃんこの恩返し ~どスケベボディをオホ声調教~ N/A 永井監督 / Nagai Kantoku Hinata Yuka, 陽向葵ゅか animal ears, binaural audio, cat girl, ear licking, lovey-dovey, nekomimi, oho voice, sexual training, whispering No


【バイノーラル】ヤれるアイドル~課金しまくってクールな推しとファンサエッチ~ CV:高梨はなみ N/A 響庵 Takanashi Hanami, 高梨はなみ binaural audio, creampie, ear licking, fellatio, handjob, idol, kissing, paizuri, whispering No


【舐め音たっぷり】あだると放送局~綾姉のソープ1日体験入店イベント&追加のペロペロご奉仕編~【4時間11分重複無し】 N/A シロクマの嫁 / sirokumanoyome Igasaki Ayaka, 伊ヶ崎綾香 big breasts, binaural audio, creampie, double earlicking, ear blowing, ear licking, edging, fellatio, glans teasing, handjob, kissing, lotion, lovey-dovey, masturbation, masturbation support, nipple licking, nipple play, oil massage, oral cumshot, paizuri, soapland, submissive man, sumata, swallowing, tease, toys, whispering No


お耳癒やしエステサロンへようこそ〜あなたを絶対安眠させちゃうぐっすり耳かき〜 N/A いちのや Ichinose Rito, 一之瀬りと binaural audio, ear cleaning, healing, heartwarming, maid, massage, moe, uniform, whispering Yes


世話好きJK舞花ちゃん キワキワ水着で甘夏えっち♪お泊り海旅館でいちゃらぶ糖度120%な甘くて爽やかスイートサマーバケーション♪~ N/A エモイ堂 Nishiuri Suika, 西瓜すいか big breasts, binaural audio, creampie, ear cleaning, fellatio, handjob, kissing, lovey-dovey, student, whispering No
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