Works with male voice

RJ Code Title English Title Circle CV Tags SFW


一途なカレにひたすら告白されるCD バイト先のゆるふわ系パティシエお兄さん編(CV:染谷俊之) Love Messages from Your Devoted BF - Easygoing Pastry Chef (CV: Toshiyuki Someya) KZentertainment / KZentertainment N/A daily life, for women, lovers, male voice, pure love No


リア充の俺が、陰キャラの下僕になった話する?(CV:伊東健人、仲村宗悟) I, living life to the max, am a slave of a nerdy guy (CVs: Kento Itou / Shuugo Nakamura) KZentertainment / KZentertainment N/A abnormal, boys love, male voice, pure love, wholesome No


First Step!2~白坂麻雪編~(CV:刃琉) First Step! 2 ~Mayuki Shirasaka~ (CV: Ryuu Yaiba) KZentertainment / KZentertainment N/A childhood friend, daily life, for women, male voice, shota No


Funny Nightmare(CV:二枚貝ほっき) Funny Nightmare (CV: Hokki Nimaigai) KZentertainment / KZentertainment N/A fantasy, for women, male voice, school, uniform No


保健室の逆教育的指導~センセイは俺のもの~ Reverse Educational Guidance at Sick Bay ~Teacher, you are mine~ Dusk N/A, 三楽章, 三重奏 age difference, for women, male voice, rape, school No


イケメン若社長に監禁され 犯されちゃう... The Sexy President ~Confinement Sex~ 森あっくん Project N/A captivity, coercion/compulsion, for women, impregnation, male voice, tease, toys No


スイートルーム 一日目 Suite Room Day 1 乙SUN倶楽部 / Otusun Club N/A coercion/compulsion, dirty talk, drm, for women, love triangle, male voice No


初めてのペット3 Hajimete no Pet 3 えいしょう堂 / Eisyodo M&M abnormal, bondage, boys love, for women, foreign object, glasses, group sex, male voice, shota, successive orgasms, toys No


清水ちゃんねる 第三回配信 Shimizu Channel - The Third Live Streaming ちぢれクリップ / Frizzclip N/A abnormal, dirty talk, for women, handjob, male voice, masturbation, naughty No


『雨宿りは耳かき屋さんでいかがですか?』*耳かき* N/A *えあてぃれん* N/A binaural audio, ear cleaning, for women, heartwarming, kimono/japanese clothes, male voice No


溺愛王子と咲かされ花姫 The Prince of Deep Love and the Flower Princess あかひつじ亭 / redsheep pavilion Kurobee, 黒兵衛 fantasy, for women, lovey-dovey, male voice, pure love No


快楽に弱いいとこのお兄さんと交わした約束 N/A IAMOK2 / IAMOK2 Hanakanzashi Iroha, 花簪囲ろ葉 age difference, fellatio, for women, male voice, oral cumshot No


高嶺の花に愛されすぎて(CV:一夜愛) Loved by the Lofty Flower Too Much (CV: OneNightLove) KZentertainment / KZentertainment 一夜愛 abnormal, childhood friend, daily life, for women, male voice, office No


イケメン執事のエッチな勉強 Handsome Butler's Lewd Lessons persona / persona N/A armpit, butler, cunnilingus, dirty talk, ear licking, for women, kissing, male voice, nipple play No


清水ちゃんねる 第二回配信 Shimizu Channel The Second Live Streaming ちぢれクリップ / Frizzclip N/A bitch, dirty talk, for women, handjob, male voice, masturbation No
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