Works with whispering

When one character is speaking in a low voice into another's ear so the conversation is kept private.

RJ Code Title English Title Circle CV Tags SFW


チョロいクラスメイトに催眠アプリ使って何度も何度も絶頂させまくる【バイノーラル】 Using a hypnosis app to make a hot classmate climax over and over again! 脳汁ドロップ / nojiru drop 星羅あかね big breasts, binaural audio, brown hair, classmate, coercion/compulsion, creampie, exposure, facial, fellatio, fingering, hypnosis, kissing, masturbation, nipple licking, nipple play, oral cumshot, school uniform, short hair, student, toys, whispering No


【あまあま乳首責め♪】ポンコツ天使を騙して乳首責めさせた結果メスガキになったロリ天使に人生を管理されちゃうお話♪ N/A スイーツ乳首 / スイーツ乳首 Sawano Poplar, 沢野ぽぷら angel/demon, blond, creampie, healing, infantilization, loli, long hair, lovey-dovey, nipple play, sexual training, shaming, submissive man, verbal abuse, whispering No


【密着囁き】天職は『孕み娘』~村一番キレイな新妻の添い寝おつとめ報告~【回想NTR】 N/A ふぁんしー探偵団 / Fancy Detective Team Aisaka Narumi, 逢坂成美 binaural audio, broken link, childhood friend, creampie, decadent/immoral, impregnation, lovers, netorare, pure love, whispering No


【キス・耳舐め・フェラ】うたかたの宿 春霖の愛憐【バイノーラル・癒やし】 N/A ウタカタ 小倉結衣 binaural audio, ear licking, fellatio, healing, kimono/japanese clothes, kissing, lovey-dovey, whispering No


【安眠耐久ASMR】~お茶と囁き。ネイルケアとお耳掃除~【音だけメニュー有】 N/A シロクマの嫁 / sirokumanoyome Igasaki Ayaka, 伊ヶ崎綾香 blond, broken link, ear cleaning, healing, whispering, wholesome Yes


【オホ声】ドスケベシスター 煽るし! 攻め好きだし! 密着してくるし! オホオホ下品に腰振ってくるしぃぃぃッ N/A ふわふわ将軍 Aisaka Narumi, 逢坂成美 ahegao, big breasts, creampie, dirty talk, fellatio, handjob, kissing, lovey-dovey, masturbation support, netorare, nipple licking, nipple play, nun, oral cumshot, orgasm control, spanking, submissive man, swallowing, tease, verbal abuse, whispering No


オタクで陰キャな俺の家にクラスのマドンナがやってきて一緒にAV鑑賞 N/A 甘声(あまごえ) / 甘声(あまごえ) Sawano Poplar, 沢野ぽぷら big breasts, classmate, creampie, ear licking, fellatio, fingering, handjob, harem, kissing, nipple play, school, school uniform, student, uniform, whispering, yuri No


おま◯こ触れるセクキャバ嬢とドキドキ中出しセックス〜童貞ちんぽ大好き嬢の密着シコシコ耳舐めえっち〜 N/A M屋 / mya Nishiuri Suika, 西瓜すいか big breasts, creampie, ear licking, fellatio, handjob, impregnation, lovey-dovey, submissive man, successive orgasms, virgin male, whispering No


【オホかの】ウザ可愛い後輩と乱れて交わるオホ声セックス N/A 黒くまさんち。 / 黒くまさんち。 Akino Kaede, 秋野かえで big breasts, creampie, dirty talk, fellatio, fingering, gyaru, handjob, junior and senior students, kissing, kouhai, lovey-dovey, nipple play, paizuri, school, school uniform, student, sumata, verbal abuse, whispering No


人気姉妹ソープ嬢の極上密着ご奉仕プレイ N/A いちのや Ichinose Rito, Sawano Poplar, 一之瀬りと, 沢野ぽぷら bathing, big breasts, creampie, ear licking, fellatio, handjob, lovey-dovey, nipple play, paizuri, sisters, soapland, sumata, verbal abuse, whispering No


「【フォーリーマット音・密着ゆるスロSEX】ぬるぬる人妻性感オイルマッサージ~おっとりドスケベ奥さんの秘密の行為~」【至高の耳舐め】 N/A ristorante Arigatai Watashi, ありがた~い私 big breasts, binaural audio, breathing, creampie, dirty talk, ear licking, fellatio, handjob, housewife, kissing, lotion, nipple licking, nipple play, oil massage, seduction, submissive man, successive orgasms, sumata, whispering No


メス脳痙攣オーガズム~膝がガクガクして止まらない♀化アクメのさざ波~ N/A 空心菜館 / Kuushinsaikan Yuzuki Tsubame, 柚木つばめ anal, big breasts, blindfold, ear licking, feminization, hypnosis, kissing, maid, masturbation support, succubus, uniform, whispering, yuri No


即ハメ◆歯科衛生士~射精しても終わらないお掃除搾精セックス~ N/A べじたぶる / Vegetable 縁側こより binaural audio, black hair, creampie, ear licking, reverse rape, short hair, submissive man, tease, whispering No


【育成】レベルアップ式育成ゲーム「ドS女子を育てるゲーム1」〜虐められたいドMなぼく〜【移動式しこボイス】 N/A 072LABO Mochiri Amu, 餅梨あむ abuse, breathing, broken link, dirty talk, ear licking, footjob, handjob, irrumatio, kissing, masochist, masturbation support, orgasm control, sadistic, submissive man, sumata, tease, whispering No


逆NTR! メスガキにじっくりねちねち姉から奪い取られる音声 N/A B-bishop Hinata Yuka, Ooyama Chiroru, 大山チロル, 陽向葵ゅか binaural audio, ear licking, edging, footjob, legs, loli, lovers, netorare, nipple play, reverse rape, sisters, submissive man, tease, whispering No
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