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Works with ぷちゃ

RJ Code Title English Title Circle CV Tags SFW


監禁ちゃんのバイノーラルキス~私に監禁されてくださいっ!~ N/A おかしのみみおか Pucha, ぷちゃ captivity, dirty talk, masturbation, tease, yandere No


ゆるふわお嬢様に引かれて露出おさんぽオナニー ~恋人マゾペット化計画~ Going Walkies and Masturbating Outdoors with an Easy-Gently Ojou-sama ~The Sweetheart Maso-Pet Project~ 暗黒あずまや Pucha, ぷちゃ bondage, brunette hair, chain/collar/restraint, chastity belt, fetish, insect noises, lovey-dovey, martymachlia, masturbation, outdoor, petplay, submissive man, upper-class girl No


双子兄妹のイケナイアソビ N/A 夢幻制作 ぷちゃ, 餅月くるみ consensual sex, first experience, incest, loli, shota, twins No


双子兄妹のイケナイアソビ 完全版 N/A 夢幻制作 Pucha, ぷちゃ consensual sex, first experience, incest, loli, shota, twins No


女性声優が!あたなのチ○ポコを!?ドピュドピュさせたい!! N/A 羽丘永遠堂 Pucha, ぷちゃ bukkake, dirty talk, fetish, naughty No


性欲管理委員会 来栖 このみ 編 The Sex Committee - Konomi Kurusu Edition Black Shadow Pucha, ぷちゃ dirty talk, fellatio, loli, masturbation, school No


悪堕ち魔法少女の寝取られマゾ化調教! Corrupted Magical Girl's NTR Maso-making Training! 暗黒あずまや Pucha, ぷちゃ corruption, decadent/immoral, magical girl, masochist, masturbation, netorare, outdated, sexual training, submissive man, verbal abuse No


年上彼女とあまあま責められプレイ N/A 夢宮 Pucha, ぷちゃ chain/collar/restraint, lotion, lovey-dovey, molestation, older woman No


双子兄妹のゆるっと日常 N/A 夢幻制作 Pucha, ぷちゃ daily life, heartwarming, loli, shota, twins Yes


短小イジメ ~そんな粗末なの、良くぶら下げていられるね~ Small Penis Bullying ~I can't believe you can live with such a...~ 風花雪月 / Beautiful Nature Pucha, ぷちゃ abuse, coquettish, seduction, tease No


はんなり、寝取られ報告オナニーボイス Elegant NTR-Report Masturbation Voice 暗黒あずまや Pucha, ぷちゃ brunette hair, fetish, long hair, netorare, sexual training No


早漏イジメ ~そんなんじゃ女の子は満足出来ないよ~ Premature Ejaculation Bully ~You won't be able to satisfy a girl like that~ 風花雪月 / Beautiful Nature Pucha, ぷちゃ abuse, masturbation, masturbation support, outdoor, successive orgasms, tease, verbal abuse No


ショタの僕が友達のお母さんに誘惑された話 I was tempted by my friend's mommy Small peach juice Pucha, ぷちゃ dirty talk, housewife, mother, shota, virgin male No


童貞イジメ ~ねえ、今まで童貞で恥ずかしく無いの?~ Cherry Boy Bully ~ Hey, aren't you like so ashamed?~ 風花雪月 / Beautiful Nature Pucha, ぷちゃ abuse, masturbation support, reverse rape, submissive man, tease, uniform, virgin male No
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