Works whose setting or recommendation for the listener is to sit down. Description or HTTP 500.
Number of works: 18
This pool is for works mainly centered at fellatio and swallowing. Anyone interested can add to the list.
Number of works: 16
When you have many loads in you or simply can't be satisfied with one big unload. Prepare to be wrung dry (not really different from getting raped). Pool contains works where you are extracted multiple times in one track / or multiple tracks but not too far from each other timeline-wise (i.e. same night/day). Doesn't include dry orgasm hypnosis works. Pool is public for gathering.
Number of works: 29
Includes: Any voice works where the voice actress(es) or a machine says "shiko-shiko" or anything similar -repeatedly- to control listener's speed; "ノルマ式" - quota counting works also count as a rhythm voice work like , . | Does not include: Works with -only- speed control countdown or prostate control countdown; works where the actress only says "shiko-shiko" a few times while doing speed control countdown. | Pool is public for gathering.
Number of works: 53
Situations revolving around being fooled into sexual actions. Being innocent, blindfolded, etc.
Number of works: 2
Pool focused on works with gentle and soft talking voice, lullaby, storytelling, massage, or even hypnosis specifically for sleep. Works in this pool aren't usually heavy on the background story and don't contain NSFW tracks at all.
Number of works: 19
At least a 7/10 Netorare, netori or regular cheating. Regardless of whether spouse/significant other is alive or dead.
Number of works: 6
Works which links have been removed or the accounts holding them are suspended.
Number of works: 3
something you gotta take a break from beating your meat
Number of works: 10
Works where the character confesses their love for you/the main character. (not to be confused with the religious definition for confession)
Number of works: 10
Works where you are told how fast you must stroke. Contains works with persistent/background shikoshiko voice, non-persistent ones and count-based speed.
Number of works: 68
Works with a heavy emphasis on repeated sundome countdowns. Some may be included in works with a different main theme. (Chastity Fancier works for instance.)
Number of works: 41
Earlicking that just puts you into a trance. *slight bias towards mature/onee-san voice range
Number of works: 62