Lewd hypnosis works that may require some experience or fall more on the fetish and M-oriented side.
Number of works: 20
This is a list of important voice works that highly deserve to be translated, but are still missing Japanese transcripts. Manual transcripts for these works would be very welcome. Auto-transcribed works using voice recognition are also accepted. For WIP scripts, please check the "Script editors wanted!" Pool.
Number of works: 11
This pool contains voice works with outstanding ear licking tracks. Since I can't listen to all the works, some works will be missing. If you have a suggestion, I'm open for suggestion in discord dm.
Number of works: 16
Lewd hypnosis works recommended for beginners. May contain M-oriented contents, but are generally gentle works.
Number of works: 28
Voice works that Hayate has acknowledged as having an acceptable level of quality put into it.
Number of works: 30
Contains a list of voice works that have cute, usually innocent younger sister characters.
Number of works: 4
Contains a list of voice works that have the mature onee-san character archetype.
Number of works: 6
Contains a list of voice works that can be used for sleep aid or general relaxation purposes. It will be mostly SFW, but in some cases may contain NSFW voice works that can still be used after removing the lewd tracks.
Number of works: 53
Stories told from the perspective of girls, either innocent or with normal sexual interest, who become gradually corrupted by unimaginable pleasure and masochism via means of magic, drugs, toys, machines, etc... Alternative pool title: "Be careful what you wish for"
Number of works: 8