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Scene 1

botan: hai hai, i've brought the cook along. oh, this is kohaku. kohaku: good evening. yoroshiku onegaishimasu ne- botan: i'll let myself in as well. hmm, for someone who lives alone, it's relatively tidy. perhaps, you rushed to clean it up? hmm, crab-chan, where are you? where are you? ohh, a crab. a crab! the crab is here. or rather, i came to the crab. look, kohaku! this crab is hu-ge! kohaku: botan-san, you're a little too ecstatic. botan: ba-ka. being ecstatic at times like this brings happiness to the host. isn't that right? you're happy aren't you? come on, look. this taraba (red king crab) has already ?????????????. kohaku, this taraba will be for the kanisuki (crab nabe/hotpot)? and as for the kegani (horsehair crab)... oh, this this, a gift from me. with crabs, it's got to be ponshu(*) right? i even brought a toasting net. with this, let's have some koura-zake(*)! ne-? *[nip]pon-shu: japanese liquor: sake. *:koura-zake: caraspace sake: sake that is heated in the shell of a grilled crab. kohaku: i brought vegetables with me. i'll have to borrow your kitchen for a while to prepare for the kanisuki. botan: and for the kanisuki finale, ????????????. while kohaku is preparing, let's hit it first? eh, it's okay, it's okay. kohaku is a pro, so she'll be back soon. kohaku, i'll leave it to you. kohaku: yes, i'll be back in a moment. botan: see i told you [kohaku giggles] well, let's get to it first. i made some snacks to go with the drinks as well. on the nameko-oroshi (grated nameko mushrooms), a little wasabi, and then this.. jyan- i was hiding the packaging. nope, i bought this at kotoko. ah no, if you eat this all the time you'll get gout. don't fret don't fret, come on. let's go ahead. kohaku: sorry to have kept you waiting. botan: ohh, it's here, it's here. no eating until kohaku is back, or so it is. see, it's here. kegani, let's go. yes yes, sit here. come on, hurry up. kohaku: yes, after we're done with the kegani, i'll bring the hotpot. botan: yes, yes. hold this. o-to-to. yes. and once again, let's toast. kanpa-i kohaku, kohaku, with the scissors could you deal with the crab. kohaku: yes, yes. please hold this crab spoon and wait, okay? here, customer-sama as well. botan: ba-ka. the uninvited guest for today is us. which of us is the 'customer-san'? kohaku: i'm sure it is, isn't it. botan: prepare the crab so it's easier to eat, okay. kohaku: yes, yes, understood. botan: ah? nothing. me? of course, that's the reason i brought kohaku along. oh, wait wait. i didn't do anything yet? didn't i make that snack to go with the drinks? i even brought the toasting net so we can have kourazake, ne? yes, let's drink til dawn. ha, let's have the kourazake. kourazake, kohaku, how do we do this? kohaku: wait a while, you've got to......*fade out* ***INTERMISSION*** botan: that's a nice feeling. the crab was tasty, the sake was tasty. kohaku: are you alright, botan-san? botan: i'm alrig, alrig- *hic-cup* *hic-cup* eh? kohaku: i'll go get some water, okay? botan: please do. it's been a while *hic-cup* since i've had a *hic-cup* that's so uncool. eh? cute? what are you saying *hic-cup* there's no way this can be *hic-cup* cute kohaku: here botan-san, some water, drink it in one go. botan: well then.. kohaku: how is it, has it stopped? botan: yeah, i think it's alright now. kohaku: then let's resume drinking. botan: ouh! hm, kanpa- *hic-cup* kohaku: ahhh, it didn't stop.. botan: sh-- depressing! kohaku: it'll go away eventually. botan: no! stop now! i want it to stop now! i'm like some drunk oyaji. don't wanna! kohaku: a little kid? botan: kohaaaakuuuu *hic-cup* please do somethingggg *hic-cup* *whine* kohaku: something you say... that's it. there's one way. botan: what what what, i'll do anything *hic-cup* kohaku: yes, let's see. i heard that, if you drink water mouth-to-mouth with someone it'll stop. botan: eh? *hic-cup* mouth-to-mouth? ah, no.. kohaku: customer-sama, could you please? because, from just now botan-san was referring to herself as a-ta-shi (*), and when she's with other customers she goes wa-ta-shi, right? so that means this customer-sama is closer isn't that right? *atashi/watashi: I/myself: watashi (gender neutral), atashi (feminine) botan: i'm.. no, not really that.. kohaku: in any case, customer-sama, could you please. botan: don't you fufufu me! kohaku: well, botan-san did say she would do anything. i'll go get the water alright? botan: kohaku, you! eh, uh, is that alright with you? mouth-to-mouth.. if it's not okay then.. eh? you will? what's with that enthusiasm.. no, i mean, in front of people.. kohaku: here's the water. botan: kohaku, you, look over there! kohaku: yes yes. botan: don't look over here! ..well then, pl- please.. ~* kohaku: how was it, done yet? botan: ah, you were looking? kohaku: sorry, just a little peek, a little peek. customer-sama, was botan's lips soft? botan: ba-ka! ah, that.. it was so-so-so-ft? that's good. ah, what am i saying. eh? it's like a dream? too bad, but this isn't a dream. ah, no no no, not that i mean it's too bad or anything of the sort. kohaku: arara, botan-san is like a maiden, cute. botan: noisy! ba-ka! hurry and finish preparing the crab zousui (broth). kohaku: ye-s botan: eh, it stopped? looks like it's alright. kohaku: i'll make some tasty crab zousui so botan-san, as thanks to customer-sama for curing your hiccups you should feed him mouth-to-mouth. botan: are you stupid or something? ah, no, it's not like i don't.. ah, that's it, i'll blow it cool and feed you? as thanks for the hiccups. kohaku: ah, cute. botan: kohaku, don't laugh at me again. it's because you took so long this happened. *nag* *nag* *nag* "Credit goes to VoiceTrans from pastebin for the raw translations, with some edits by me." - Hayate

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