Track 2

Scene 2

what, you didn't lock the door? well then, are you still alive? how are you feeling? ah, you're really sleeping. oh? no, i was working so i couldn't come but. ah.. come on. but Shiro was going "go go" and making so much noise. well, it's not like i wasn't worried. and it's not like i don't go visiting. ah here, it's from kohaku. porridge and pudding. she was preparing it in the shop kitchen. there's nothing from me? there is... here, the ally of cold sufferers, pocari sweat! kohaku's has more love in it? a-hahahaha. ahh, i'm going home. well, take care of yourself. what is it? there's no caring feeling from my pocari sweat. feed it to you? ahh, it can't be helped right. here, move closer. you're sweaty. your body is warm. there, can you hold it yourself? slowly, okay? is it tasty? isn't that right? isn't that right? it's because it's botan-san's, full of love, pocari sweat. when having a cold. even with my little sisters it's always this. when i say my little sister i mean tsukito. and with sisters, i mean futaba as well. we were brought up at the same place. have i mentioned it before? i haven't caught a cold since i was born, i guess. what? fools can't catch colds? ahaha. i'm really going home. not like you'll get better faster if i'm around. ah? angry? of course i am, eh? are you alright? come on, lie down. is it really alright if i left? you'll pass it to me? eh? you're worried about me. it's alright. in any case i'm a fool right? want to eat the porridge kohaku made? hm? no appetite? ne, since when haven't you been eating? day before yesterday's night? then you won't get better like this. even if you don't eat the porridge, how about this, the pudding? i'll feed it to you, so wait a bit. like this.. you won't eat unless fed. well, i won't call you a little kid. you can't move? understood understood, just lie there. open your mouth. yes, eh? it's cold and sweet? tasty? like botan-san? eh. don't say unnecessary things. here, one more mouthful. as expected of kohaku. she knows what the patient needs to eat. here, one more. don't rush. slowly enjoy it. just like that hiccup one. eh? feed you mouth-to-mouth? i'll definitely catch a cold. you're so sweaty. it feels bad right? you can't take a bath right? please wait a while. thanks for waiting, i brought a damp towel so lie there. there, it feels good right? ears.. the back of the ears.. the other side.. neck.. your body hurts? when you're having a fever it'll hurt here and there. the back.. now for your body. i'll take off the futon. t-shirt and undies. when you're having a cold at least wear pajamas. well, i do the same when i sleep as well. i'll lift up your shirt. cold? i'll be done soon so endure it a little longer. and for your back. i'll go back. and then, here. doesn't it feel bad inside your undies? eh? it's dirty so it's okay? it's alright, it's next so let's go. oh? as expected, you aren't feeling too good, it's limp. now then, from the balls. next it's here, from the base, okay? eh? the smell? don't worry about it. and i'm using a towel so it might be a little rough, so hang in there. all clean. move you hips here. there, there. okay. i'll put the futon over you. how was it? feeling refreshed? a little tired? well then, go to sleep? when you're having a cold, sleep is most important. close your eyes. a lullaby? it's alright. please sleep while you listen to it. what should i sing? ice cream, ice cream, sweet and cold. ice cream. one mouthful after another, til it's finished, your fever will cool down, you'll forget all about it, let's eat lots of it, ice cream. ice cream, ice cream, sweet and cold. ice cream. one more mouthful, til it's finished, you will smile, all your pains will go away, let's eat it together, ice cream. "Credit goes to VoiceTrans from pastebin for the raw translations, with some edits by me." - Hayate