Track 6

Scene 6

good morning. how was it? scorching hot sex. it feels different from a fever. feel good sweat. now then for you present to finish it off. oh, if it was the kanisuki, this would be the zousui (broth) time right? first, i'll carefully lick from the head. hm? you let out a cute sound. i'll trace your tip with my finger, and this, does this feel good? look, then i'll twist the neck with my fingers. and next, where the hole is. does this feel good? your precum is slowly flowing out. a little too stimulating for you i think. so you won't come now, next, stickly. the balls. from the base, back and forth. your ochinchin is tasty. does it feel good to be licked all over? it feels good right? now i'll put it into my mouth. i'll suck on it, okay? and for the finish, i'll do it harder til you come. feels good, right? coming? it's okay, come. come all into my mouth, come. thanks for the meal. it was good wasn't it? your cold got better and we could do enjoyable things again. feel free to drop by any time. eh? during dreams? that is depending if i can be a yume kagura. don't put all your hopes on it, but in the case i get promoted, you'll be the first i will call. it's a promise. come on, yubikiri (pinky promise). yubiki promise, whoever tells a lie will have to drink a pufferfish. promise made! well then, see you again. "Credit goes to VoiceTrans from pastebin for the raw translations, with some edits by me." - Hayate